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Design for Learning

Instructor: Hailey Pierson

Lesson Title:M&M Math
Curriculum Area: Math

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 1st/ Roby

Date: 4-12-16
Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Standards Connection:
Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions
about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less
are in one category than in another. [1-MD4]
Learning Objective(s):
When given an exit slip, the students will be able to interpret the data and answer three questions
about their data.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Okay friends! Today we are going to be learning about how to use a data! You are going to
complete an exit slip at the end of our lesson that answers three questions based on the
information that you collected today! This objective will be discussed prior to the lesson.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
The students will be given an exit slip to complete individually. They will be asked to use the
data that the collected, the graph that they made, and interpret the data in order to answer these
three questions correctly. They will need to complete the exit slip with answering at least two of
the three questions correctly.
Good morning, sweet friends! I am going to read you a special book today. Before we begin, who
can remind me of Ms. Piersons good classroom rules that weve been practicing all week?
Please give me a thumb to chest before sharing. Thank you! (Teacher gives wait time and listens
to responses) Very good. We are kind and respectful to our neighbors and to our teacher. We wait
for our turns to speak and we raise our hands to speak. Good. Most importantly, we treat others
like we want to be treated! I know that you are going to do such a wonderful job in keeping these
good rules in mind during our time together. Eyes on me. Thank you! Now I am going to be
calling you by tables to the carpet to listen to this special book. I am looking for the tables that
are the quiet and following the rules. Table 3, thank you for being so quiet and respectful fo the
rules. You may come to the carpet. Table 1, awesome job! you may come to the carpet. Table 4.
The rest of you! I want everyone to be quiet and continue to be good rule followers like you all
have been doing already! You all are all doing such a great job! Teacher will read book, The M
& M;s Brand Counting Book by Barbara Babieri McGrath aloud to the class. How did you all
like this book? Did you enjoy it? I did too! Who can raise their hands and tell me how the

M&Ms were used in this book? That is right they were used for counting. What is another way
they were used? They were used for adding! That is right! We can add M&Ms. What is another
way that they used the M&Ms used. Yes they were used to make shapes and to sort. Good work
boys and girls! We are going to be using what you all just pointed out to me today and learning
more about different ways to organize information. Teacher transitions into teaching.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
Okay boys and girls! Today we are going to be learning about data! Before we continue our
discussion I will call you by tables to come to the carpet. I am looking for the table that is sitting
quietly and has all their supplies cleared off. Row A awesome job! I like the way your table is
cleared off and you are sitting quietly! You may come to the carpet. Row B, you may come. I like
how you are being quiet and respectful. The rest of you all may come down to the carpet. I want
everyone to remember the classroom rules and be respectful of one another throughout today! I
have something really fun planned for later if you all are the good star students like I know you
are. I think you will really enjoy learning about this today. Teacher will display powerpoint.
What does graphing mean? Good job! Lets go over some of the vocabulary from this lesson.
Okay, does anyone know what the word data means? That is right! It means a collection of
information. Raise your hand if you like chocolate? Students will raise their hand. Okay now lets
count together how many people raised their hand for liking to eat chocolate. There are ten
people who raised their hands saying that they liked chocolate. We just collected data. We
collected information from our classmates on whether or not they like chocolate. Now I am going
to write this data on the board so we will have it to look back at. There are ten people who like
chocolate. We just collected data. Can you think of another example of data being collected?
Your teacher, Mrs. Roby collects data every day. Did you know that? That data she collects is
your grades! She keeps attendance of who was at school and who was absent. Data tells you
about something. You know what? I see you all collecting data every morning and I do not even
think you know that you are collecting data. Do you know what you all do every morning that is
your way of collecting data? You all collect data about the weather in your morning work! In the
morning, you all collect data based on the weather. You all are collecting data and you did not
even realize it. Turn and talk to one of your neighbors and talk about how graphing is helpful?
Teacher will listens to the responses. Okay switch and talk to your other partner. Okay boys and
girls quiet. Who would like to share what you and your partner talked about? Those are great
responses. Teacher will play BrainPop Junior video. What is a tally boys and girls? It is a mark
that represents one. Lets look at the chart and count to 10 with tallies! A tally chart is a way to
keep track of what you are counting! Lets practice tally counting! I have a fun video to watch!
Teacher will play Youtube train video. Lets be quiet and watch our video! Lets practice
together! I am going to make a chart on the elmo! Teacher will call students using equity sticks
to pick random students to come up to the board to make tallies of the circles by color. I will read
a name if I call your name I want you to come up and count the circles. Then make a tally on our
chart from up here. Lets count and tally the red! The green. The yellow. The orange. The blue.
Great work! Now we are going to talk about another type of graph. A pictograph. What does the

word pictograph look like? A picture. This is a graph that is uses pictures to represent data.
Class what is data? That is right data is information. What is data? That is right it is
information. Great Job! Lets take a look at a pictograph. This is a graph about fruits! Each
picture of fruit represents one. Who can come up and tell me how many apples there are?
Bananas? Grapes? Orange? How many more bananas are there than grapes? Which one has the
most? Great work! Now lets look at another type of graph, a bar graph! A bar graph uses bars
of color to show data! How many people like chocolate cake? Lets look at the bottom of the
chart represent? Yes it represents the type of cake. What does the horizontal represent? Yes the
number of people! Great job! Do you like cake? I really like cake too! A circle graph is another
type of graph! What do the different colors represent? Lets look at this color graph! What type
of graph is this? It is a bar graph! Great! how many red? How many more red than green? What
are the steps to finding this out? That is right you subtract nine minus 5. So 4 more red than
green! Great work! I believe you all are getting the hang of this! Dont forget!! We use graphs to
help us record and compare data! What is data again? Yes that is right information. Lets
practice together! Today, I have a very special mission for you all. Ms. Pierson needs help in
trying to figure out what color M&Ms are in each baggie. Will you help me? I need to know the
exact number. Now today, I have a very special activity that we will be doing together that
involves collecting data! Now, I need you to all be on your best behavior for this next part of the
lesson. This is something really fun but if we can not handle it we will just not get to do it. Okay
so like we have discussed we are learning about data and how to use that data. I have placed on
each of your desks a bag of M&Ms. I want you to quietly go back to your seat and wait for my
instructions. You will be able to eat the M&Ms at the end of our activity but before then you may
not eat them. Do not open the bag until I tell you to! I am going to walk around and hand you
this worksheet. It has 6 circles and it is called the M&M Sorting Sheet. While I am passing
this out I want you all to tell me the six different colors of M&Ms. Yes that is right they are blue,
orange, yellow, brown, green, and red. Do you see on the sheet that I am handing you out right
now it has the six circles with the different colors of M&Ms on it. I want you to open your bag of
M&Ms. I want you to sort your M&Ms and put the blue ones in the circle on the worksheet
that says blue. I want you to do this for the other five colors. Everyone will have different results.
The teacher will walk around and monitor the class. Okay boys and girls! Did you sort out all
your M&Ms. Great work! Now I want you to move the M&Ms to the side and write in the circle
above where it says the color the number that you had in each category. So if Ms. Pierson had
six blue M&Ms I would write the number 6 above the word blue. I want you to go ahead and do
that for all of them. When you are done with that I want you to give me a silent thumbs up and
close your mouth so I know that you are ready to move on to the next part. Teacher will wait until
the silent thumbs are all around the classroom. Great job boys and girls! What did we just do?
Yes we looked at the different color M&Ms and collected data! We sorted the M&Ms by color.
Now I want you to take the other M&M sorting sheet that does not have the M&Ms on it and I
want you in the circles to tally how many you have. This is good show the number of color
M&ms. I want you to keep that data because the next thing we are going to do is to organize our
data. Are you all organized at school? Yes! Well together we are going to organize our data that
we collected. Does anyone have a suggestion of how we can organize this data? That is right a
graph! What is a graph? Do you know what a graph is? That is right! It is a way to organize the

data that is collected. Now I want you to look at the worksheet that I am passing out now.
Teacher will hand out worksheet and also project it on the board. Okay I want us to look at this
before I let you go ahead and do it yourself. Do you see that at the bottom of the graph there are
words at the bottom. What are these words? That is right! They are the colors. The colors of your
M&Ms. Listen carefully. You are going to line up your M&Ms by color. One M&M in each
square. So Ms. Pierson has a green M&M she will put it above the word green. She will do this
with all of her M&Ms. After you are done, give me a silent thumbs up and I will come by and
check your graphs. Teacher will go around and check graphs. Boys and girls, why do you think
that it is important to do this with our information, our M&M? It is important to keep our
information organized. This is a very easy way to at one look be able to see what color M&M
has the most and the least. Turn and talk to your neighbor I will give you 10 seconds to tell your
elbow partner what M&M color you have the most of. Look at your graph. Thats right! That was
easy because we organized it. What if I said turn and talk and tell your neighbor how many
M&Ms are in this bag. What color do you have the most of ? It would be hard because you do
not have the information recorded and ready. Now I want you to now move your M&Ms and for
each square that you had filled with a M&M to color it in with pencil or marker. So, if I had
three green M&Ms I would color in 3 squares above the word green. I will continue to do this
with all the other colors. I will only color in how many I had, not any more or any less. Because,
remember Ms. Pierson needs to know exactly how many of each colors are in each of your
individual bags. Now, when you are done I want you to give me a silent thumbs up. Teacher will
walk around and monitor the class. Great job boys and girls I want you to listen quietly to my
instructions. I want you to put your M&Ms back in their baggie and zip them up. I want you to
bring your graphic organizer with you to the carpet. Your M&M bag needs to stay on your desks.
If you follow these instructions after we meet for a little bit on the carpet, you will be able to go
back to your seat and eat your M&Ms. This will only be if you can follow these rules. I need
everyone to leave their M&Ms on their desks and move to the floor with your graphs. Great job
boys and girls! I want to see all your graphs. Hold them up so Ms. Pierson can see them. Lets
look at student A graph. Now boys and girls lets look at this chart. What color M&Ms did
student A have the most of in their bag? That is right? How did you know that? Student A how
did you collect your data of the color M&Ms? That is right! That is a good process of steps of
how to collect data. Why were you collecting this data? That is right you were collecting it in
order to help Ms. Pierson figure out the different colors in each bag. Great work. Now lets look
at student B graph. Now boys and girls lets look at this chart. What color M&Ms did student B
have the most of in their bag? That is right? How did you know that? Student B how did you
collect your data of the color M&Ms? That is right! That is a good process of steps of how to
collect data. Why were you collecting this data? That is right you were collecting it in order to
help Ms. Pierson figure out the different colors in each bag. How is student A and student B data
different? Yes their graphs are different because they had a different data to report back. Great
work today boys and girls! You all learned so much about how to organize your data. You
organized it by sorting it by colors. Than you represented your data of the color of M&Ms in
your bag with the graphs. Then you interpreted your graphs when you looked at your graph and
were able to tell your table which color you had the most of and which color you had the least of.
Great job boys and girls! Did you have fun? Did you learn and understand how to measure data

and create/ read a graph! You all did such an amazing job you may go back to your seats and eat
your M&Ms. I am so proud of the way you were focused and came ready to learn today! Now its
time to practice some more! Transitions to Opportunity for Practice...
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Okay friends. We are going to practice what we learned today. I want you to get with your elbow
partner. You all are going to be working on the Farmers Market worksheet together. You are
going to be completing the chart and answering the questions at the bottom of the sheet together
with your partner. The beginning asked you to count the fruit on the top of the page. It asks you
to make a tally mark or a line representing the number of that kind of vegetable. So if for
example there were three carrots, you would draw three sticks, lines, or tally marks. Then next to
it you would write the number 3. Thumbs up if you understand. After that you will complete the
questions at the bottom of the sheet. When you are down you and your partner will turn that in to
the basket on the desk. Okay boys and girls! Lets remember to be respectful and responsible
learners. Lets get to work! Teacher will hand out worksheet and monitor the classroom.
III. Assessment
Okay boys and girls! I am very confident that you will do great! I will pass out the worksheet. It
is something that we have all done one similar and you have done one similar with your partner.
Take your time and do your very best! Teacher will hand out worksheet. Turn your worksheet in
on the table. When you are done and sit quietly and read.
IV. Closure:
Okay friends! Great job today! We learned a lot about data and graphs. I want you to be looking
throughout your day about how you collect data and how you already have been collecting data
without even knowing it. Great work today! I am very proud of you!
Materials and Resources:
- Expo
- White board
- pencils
- markers
- crayons
- powerpoint
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Higher Level Learners: The higher level learners will be given graphing games on the Smart
table. These games will challenge the students and have a great way of incorporating technology.

Low Level Learners: The students will work with the vocabulary from this lesson along with the
skills of counting and adding. They will work individually with the teacher and then be given the
opportunity to work with a partner. The teacher will review the skills of adding, subtracting, and
the different vocabulary that goes along with it.
Plans for Individual Learners: All students will be grouped for activities and catered instruction
based on flexible grouping. The students will work in tiered groups of on- level learners, highlevel learners, and low-level learners or those who may need re- teaching. The teacher plans to
accommodate for students with various backgrounds by incorporating additional learning
resources in Spanish, for example, on the class webpage, and other resources for a variety of
cultures and languages may be added to the webpage in the future if necessary. Teacher will give
EL students the key vocabulary on picture cards prior to the lesson. Teacher will include visual
prompts on the organizers and assign student mentors to the EL students to help locate
appropriate information to place on the organizers together. English and native languages may be
included on organizers for EL students. EL students will be given the opportunity to draw
pictures of the materials on the organizers rather than writing the concepts and relationships. EL
students may illustrate concepts or describe them orally aloud during discussion in the
whiteboard activity.
Data Analysis:


Samford University
Design for Learning

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