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Electromagnetic absorbers obtained by use of textile pyramidal structures functionalizated with

carbon nanoparticles
The project proposes a new concept of composite fabrics to be used for manufacturing
electromagnetic absorbers with superior absorbtion rate compared with the current

Description of Projectidea
The composite absorber will be made as a pyrami dal textile structure whose
functionalization with carbon nanoparticles will be achieved by use of dielectrophoresi s.
The pyramidal absorber will be knitted with conductive composite fibres. Therefore, the
proposed functionalization technique consist in the repl acement of one of the active
electrodes with the absorber subject to functionalization.
The new structure of composite fabric can de achieved in a single technological process,
which ensures low manufacturing costs (integral knitting), low specifi c weight and high
malleability (functionalized composite yarns/fi bres) and a high absorbtion rate.

Consortium of partners, already involved

1. The Techni cal University Gheorghe Asachi of Iasi, Romania
Thin film deposition by sputtering
Dielectrophoresis appli cations
Material s characterisation (dielectri c spectroscopy, X-ray tomography, electromagneti c
absorbtion / reflection)
Non wearable textiles
2. Art Ltd SRL (SME)
3D knitting, integral knitting, spatial knitting technology

Partners sought to complete the consortium

Uni versity / Research / SME
(the partnership should compl y with speci fic national requirements for this call)
Required competencies:
Development of high absorbtion rate nanoparticles
Electromagnetic field simulation
Behavi oural characterisation of the absorber

M-ERA.NET 2 - 2014:
New Surfaces and Coatings
M-ERA.NET 3 - 2014:
Composite Technology

Prof. Codrin Donciu
The "Gheorghe Asachi " Technical Uni versity of Iasi
Mangeron, 23
700050 Iasi
Email: cdonci
Organisation: Higher Education

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