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Name :Nadia Karim

Class :EED280
Instructor: Rebecca Tankersley
Date :4/1/2016

Midterm -Assessment Tool Reviews

Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)

This is a screening tool.

This tool is used with children of 3-60 months of age.

Administration of the Tool:

A paper-and-pencil survey completed by parents take just 1015 minutes for parents to
complete and 23 minutes for professionals to score. Capture parents in-depth
knowledge. Highlight a childs strengths as well as concerns teach parents about child
development and their own childs skills. Highlight results that fall in a monitoring

zone, to make it easier to keep track of children at risk. can be completed at home, in a
waiting room, during a home visit, or as part of an in-person or phone interview.
Available in English, Spanish, French, and Korean.

Content Areas:
The areas addressed in this assessment are Communication, gross motor, fine motor,
problem solving, and personal-social.
Self-regulation: childs ability or willingness to calm or settle down, or adjust
physiological or environmental conditions/stimulation
Compliance: childs ability or willingness to conform to the direction of others
and follow rules

Communication: childs ability or willingness to respond to or initiate verbal or

nonverbal signals to indicate feelings, affective, or internal states

Adaptive functioning: childs success or ability to cope with physiological needs

(e.g., sleeping, eating, elimination, safety)

Autonomy: childs ability or willingness to self-initiate or respond without

(i.e., moving to independence)

Affect: childs ability or willingness to demonstrate his or her own feelings and
empathy for others

Interaction with people: childs ability or willingness to respond to or initiate

social responses to parents, other adults, and peers.

Description of Purpose:
This result of tools is identifies infants and young children whose social and emotional
development requires further evaluation to determine if referral for intervention services
is necessary. Each screens for self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive
behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. The ASQ does not diagnose
serious social or emotional disorders; rather it should be seen as first step aid in
identifying young children who may benefit from more in-depth evaluation and/or
preventive interventions designed to improve their social competence, emotional
competence, or both. Parents can use the results of the ASQ:SE to help talk with
pediatricians, teachers or other professionals if they have concerns about their child's
social emotional development.

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test

This is diagnostic tool
Ages :
This tool is used Ages 2 years 6 months through 90 years and older

Administration of the Tool:

The administration is untimed but takes an average of 10 to 15 minutes o administer the

PPVT, the examiner presents a series of pages that contains four black-andwhite pictures. Each picture is numbered. Then, the examiner says a word and
the examinee will identify the number of the picture that best corresponds to the
word. If the examinee has speech problems, he or she may point to the picture.
Prior to 2000, the child viewed the images on the PPVT easel. Starting in 2000 the
interviewer read from a laminated PPVT word list while the child matched the word by
selecting one of four on-screen images designed to reproduce the pictures from the
original PPVT easel. Five training items are administered at the beginning of the PPVT
assessment in order to familiarize children with the task. The first item, or starting
point, is determined based on the childs PPVT age. Starting at an age-specific level of
difficulty is intended to reduce the number of items that are too easy or too difficult, in
order to minimize boredom or frustration. Testing begins with the starting point and
proceeds forward until the child makes an incorrect response. If the child has made 8 or
more correct responses before the first error, a "basal" is established. The basal is
defined as the last item in the highest series of 8 consecutive correct answers. Once the
basal is established, testing proceeds forwards, until the child makes six errors in eight
consecutive items. If, however, the child gives an incorrect response before 8
consecutive correct answers have been made, testing proceeds backwards, beginning at
the item just before the starting point, until 8 consecutive correct responses have been
made. If a child does not make eight consecutive responses even after administering all of
the items, he or she is given a basal of one. If a child has more than one series of 8
consecutive correct answers, the highest basal is used to compute the raw score. A
"ceiling" is established when a child incorrectly identifies six of eight consecutive

items. The ceiling is defined as the last item in the lowest series of eight consecutive
items with six incorrect responses. If more than one ceiling is identified, the lowest
ceiling is used to compute the raw score. The assessment is complete once both a basal
and a ceiling have been established. The ceiling is set to 175 if the child never makes six
errors in eight consecutive items.

Content Areas:
The areas addressed in this assessment measures understanding of the spoken word in
standard American English and thus assesses vocabulary acquisition.

If utilized on a school-age child, the PPVT can estimate the childs

scholastic aptitude. The test can reveal high or low verbal abilities,
identifying possible learning disabilities.

The PPVT may also be used to identify language disorders of children.

For children who are emotionally withdrawn, suffering from mental

retardation, or having speech or reading problems, the PPVT can be
utilized to assess their verbal intelligence.

The PPVT is also useful as a verbal ability test for people who have
physical disabilities yet still retain functional visual and auditory

Description of Purpose:

The result of The PPVT scale measures understanding of the spoken word in standard
American English and thus assesses vocabulary acquisition. It has the following
Measures response to vocabulary instruction designing instructional interventions. Helps
to establish rapport and reduce tension related to the testing environment .Contributes to
assessment of preschool-age children .Screens for verbal development .Helps in the
detection of language impairments across the age range .Aids in measuring language
development among nonreaders and people with written-language difficulties .Measures
linguistic potential .Can be used with individuals who have autism/withdrawal or who
display symptoms of psychosis. Affords individuals who perform poorly on group tests to
demonstrate their ability when administered the test individually

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