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Cristen Simone

Day 1 of 1

Grade: 4
Subject: Science

Date: May 2, 2016

Time: 50-60 minutes

Cognitive Level(s) of Lesson: Analysis

Students will be able to:
Learning: demonstrate an understanding of force and motion as well as, different terms
such as force, gravity, friction, and speed
Behavior: by playing a fun and interactive jeopardy game
Condition: after watching a video and having a class discussion on forces and motion

NJCCCS Addressed:
Demonstrate that motion is a change in position over a period of time.
Identify the force that starts something moving or changes its speed or direction of motion.

Instructional Strategies
Opening: Good morning boys and girls! Today we are going to be learning about force and
motion and elements that contribute to them. First we will be reviewing some new vocabulary
terms that we will be hearing. Next, we will watch a video that will help to teach us the basics of
what we will be learning. During the video we will stop to reflect and have a class discussion.
After, we will go break off into teams and play a jeopardy game. Lets begin! (Anticipatory


1. The students are asked to remain in their seats but they might have to rearrange
themselves so they are able to see the Smart board clearly. (Classroom Organization)
2. The teacher will hand out a typed list of new vocabulary terms along with their
definitions so students can reference to it during the lesson when needed. The same
terms will be displayed on the Smart board through the document camera.
3. The teacher will state that they will be learning about force and motion but she wants to
review their new vocabulary terms that she had just handed out. (Input)
4. The teacher will ask students if they can tell her in their own words what they think force
and motion is. Anticipated Responses: Motion is how you move force is what pulls
an object (Assessment of Background Knowledge)
5. The teacher will continue to go over the vocabulary that is written down and displayed on
the Smart board. She will tell students to start thinking about how we see these
definitions in everyday life. (Input)
6. After the students have a good understanding of the vocabulary a video will be shown on
force and motion. The teacher will pause the video to ask questions to check for
understanding. She will ask What is a force Where do we see motion and what types
of forces can be used? Anticipated Responses: a change in motion motion is
everywhere gravity and friction can be forces (Checking for Understanding)
7. The teacher will continue the video and will pause to discuss each law of motion through
a slide share presentation. She will ask students how many motions there are.
Anticipated Responses: 3 1 2
8. The teacher will continue the video but will pause it to go over terms such as inertia.
Anticipated Response: an objects tendency to resist any change in its motion
(Checking for Understanding)
9. The teacher will ask students the difference between gravity and friction and if they can
think of any everyday objects that they can connect to with those terms. Anticipated
Responses: friction slows an object down gravity weighs an object downa Ferris
wheel (Checking for Understanding)
10. Once the video ends the teacher will instruct students to remain in their seats until she
instructs them to do.

Guided Practice:
11. The teacher tells students that now that they have a good understanding of force and
motion they will be doing a jeopardy game. She will allow students to study the
vocabulary that she handed out in the beginning of class for a few minutes. After she
allowed them enough time to refresh their memory of the definitions, she will place
students in their groups. She will make sure they are seated in view of the Smart board.
12. The teacher will split students into about four teams. The lower level students will be
placed with higher level students.
13. The teacher will go over how to play jeopardy. She will explain that she will go around
group by group. Eventually, every person from each group will have a chance to have
gone. She explains that if it is one groups turn and they give up on the question, then

another group will have a turn to take their question and to answer it. She also suggests
paying attention to how many points they are choosing. If another team has more points,
they should try choosing a question with more points. (Modeling)(Input)
14. The teacher will display the jeopardy game on the Smart board. She created this
jeopardy game based on the material they have gone over or have seen in the video.
15. The teacher will go around to every group. The student will be allowed to come up to the
Smart board to choose their category and number of points. They can choose the answer
when they are ready or they can give their question to another team if they are unsure.
16. If the students miss a question or get it wrong, the teacher will stop and discuss why and
will review the material. (Input)
17. Once everyone has gone, the teacher will tell students that they did a great job with
todays lesson and they could go back to their original seats.
18. The teacher will ask the students to think back to the beginning of the lesson and will ask
students to name one thing they learned about force and motion. Anticipated Responses:
There are many forces that act upon an object Gravity and friction are forces
(Summary of Major Points)
19. The teacher emphasizes that motion and forces are everywhere. (Tying Coherent Parts
to a Whole)
20. The teacher will let students know they will be working more with forces and motion.
Eventually, students will be tested on forces and motion and the vocabulary they have
learned. (Preview of Future Lesson)

Formative: The teacher will call on students during this lesson to check for understanding. It is
present in Steps 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Individual Measurability: The teacher will monitor the jeopardy game and how the students are
answering the questions. The knowledge they use and contribute to the group is also a part of
Summative: Step 20. Students will be given a test on this once they finish their chapter.

Varying Content: The lesson is presented by auditory and visual means because of the video
and game.
Varying Process: The teacher will teach them about forces and motion by showing a video and
having a class discussion. After, they will participate in a fun jeopardy game.

Varying Product: The teacher will have the lower level students work with higher level
students. If they are struggling, she will pull them aside and review the material.
Technology: The Smart board is used to play the video, show the slide share, and to play the
game. The document camera is used to show vocabulary terms.

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