Team Osan Courtesy Patrol SOPs

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DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 51ST FIGHTER WING (PACAF) UNIT 2087 APO AP 96278-2067 5 February 2016 MEMORANDUM FOR OSAN AIR BASE PERSONNEL FROM: $1 FW/CC. SUBJECT: Team Osan Courtesy Patrol 1, MISSION: To provide assistance, command presence, leadership, and guidance to Team Osan personnel during off-duty hours. 2. PURPOSE: ‘a, Safeguard members of Osan Air Base and identify health and welfare issues. ', Maintain good order and discipline by enforcing compliance with Air Force and Osan Air Base giidance, policies, and procedures. 3. PATROL COMPOSITION, ZONES, ANDLEADS: a, Composition of Patrol Members: (On designated non-duty days, each $1 FW unit or Team Osan Mission Partner unit will provide one Senior ‘Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) or one Company Grade Officer (CGO) which will make up four (4) two-person teams. This will be done on a rotational basis. Each member of the Team Osan Courtesy Patrol will meet for their shift at the Mustang Center (Building 1313) at 2245 on the evening of the last duty day prior to an assigned weekend shift or the evening before a designated non-duty day. »b Assigned Team Zones and Sectors: Team Osan Town Patrol is comprised of three assigned team zones, 10 include: (1) Zone A, or the Mustang Zone; (2) Zone B, or the Mustang Zone (Zone A), Songtan Entertainment District (SED), and Main Gate; and G)Zone C, oF the Challenger Zone. The Challenger Zone is divided into Sector 1 and Sector 2 and will be patrolled by two different teams. Shift Lead: ‘The highest ranking member on shift of the eight assigned personnel will be designated as the Shift Lead. ‘Shift Leads will pick up continuity binders and master key(s) from the 51 FW/CCCE in Building 1097 no later than 1500 on the last duty day prior to that Shift Lead’s assigned shift. Continuity binders and master key(s) will be retumed to the 51 FW/CCCE in Building 1097 no later than 1500 on the first duty day of the following the assigned shift 4. Team Lead: ‘The highest ranking member of each two-person team will be designated as the Team Lead. Each team will patrol their assigned team zones and sectors as indicated on the attached maps and as directed by the Shift Lead. ‘The team responsible for Zone B (the Mustang Zone [Zone AJ, SED, and Main Gate) will perform a Courtesy Patrol in the SED after contacting Town Patrol for an introductory briefing. Town Patrol can be reached at 010-6321- 3645. After the briefing, the Zone B Team will come through the main gate to observe main gate operations from {0030 -0100. The Zone B Team will then rejoin with the Zone A (only the Mustang Zone) Team. . 4, RESPONSIBILITES: Team Osan Courtesy Patrol is required every designated non-duty day between the hours of 2300 - 0200 unless otherwise directed. jards of Conduct: a. Patrol Sta (1) Uniform: ABUs. 2), Aleohol: The consumption of alcobol is not authorized while jing Team Osan Courtesy Patrol aa utes. ) Safety: Patrol members are not authorized to perform patrol duties alone under any circumstances. b. Patrol Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for On-Base Patrol Duties (1) Each patrol member is responsible for reading and complying with the information contained in this ‘memorandum and the continuity binder provided to them by each Shift Lead. (2) Each patrol member is required to sign the dormitory visitation log when visiting a dammitory. Patrol ‘members are not authorized to conduct patrol duties on the 4thfloor of Building 718. Patrol members are required to patrol only their assigned zones and sectors.. Patrol members shall clearly identify their postion as a member of the Team Osan Courtesy Patrol and their respective rank as an officer or SNCO before taking eny action ‘with respect to a violation of standards. Patrol members are to observe the conduct and actions of United States Forces Korea (USFK) active duty personnel within their assigned zone or sector. If patrol members observe utdentitied individuals lacking the abit to perform within the confines of adequate decision-making functions or failing to maintain a professional demeanor, do not engage in loud verbal altercations with the personnel confronted. Rather, ask for their military Common Access Card; escort members to their respective permanent or temporary living quarters; ensure their safety and wellbeing are confirmed prior to leaving the individual alone; and contact the member's First Sergeant. (3) Exercise caution in attempting to verbally defuse volatile situations. Do not make physical contact or place your hands or any body part on any person unless required to do so in self-defense or to prevent serious bodily {njury or significant property damage. Immediately contact 51 Security Forces Squadron (SFS) or the respective First Sergeant of active duty members for further assistance if efforts to verbally defuse volatile situations are ‘msuecessful. (4) In the event the confronted individual(s) involved do not cease and desist, request that the individual(s) provide & CAC card, or an alternative form of identification if an individual does not have their CAC card on his or ‘her, immediate person, as well as any applicable unit and service designators. In the event an individual refuses to provide an identification card or provide unit and service designators, patrol members shall advise them that they are required to report the individual's behavior to identified First Sergeants or to 51 SFS in the event the member refuses to provide identification and unit and service designators. If situation cannot be resolved from patrol intervention or $1 SFS support is otherwise required, patrol members are to immediately contact 51 050S- 784-2350/5515 and identify their position as a Courtesy Petrol Member and any necessary details of thesituation. ‘Thea, 51 SFS will assist and assume control of the situation as needed. (5) Each Team Lead will provide a “Tour of Duty” Report to the 51 FW/CCC Email Account at SLEW.CCC@us mil, 51 FW/CCCE Email Account at, and the Team Osan First Sergeant Council President as identified on the First Sergeant Roster no later than 1500 the first duty day following the DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS 51ST FIGHTER WING (PACAF) UNIT 2067 ‘APO AP 96278-2087 assigned shif. Names are not required in the “Tour of Duty” Report. Patrol Team Leads are to provide the name of ‘member(s) and situation(s) to the respective First Sergeant(s). €. Patrol Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) for Off-Base Patrol Duties Patrol SOPs for off-base patrol duties in Zone B are substantially similar to on-base patrol duties in Zones A and C, with a few key differences to include: (1) Patrol members of the Zone B Team shall not ask for the identification cards of any person, under any circumstance, while performing off-base patrol duties. Rather, Courtesy Patrol members shall call Town Patrol (51 ‘SFS) to request assistance in determining the status of the impacted individual. In the event the impacted individual ‘voluntarily provides their name and military affiliation, Courtesy Patrol members may then escort cooperative and ‘non-combative military members onto base or effectiste their transfer to their of-base permanent or temporary living quarters, when and if required. In the event an impacted individual is combative, non-cooperative, or is believed to have committed, or is in the commission of a criminal offense, patrol members shall immediately contact ‘Town Patrol. In the event patrol members are uncertain of whether to report possible misconduct, patro{ members shall err on the side of caution and report the incident to Town Patrol for further assistance. @ ATTACHMENTS: 1, Challenger Sector Map 2. Mustang Sector Map 3. Monthly Osan Night Patrol Fair Share ANDREW P. HANSEN, Colonel, USAF Commander

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