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Nikola Tesla: The Genius Who Lit the World $24.95 North America / $32.95 Fore'gn DvD, 60 min., 2003, Documentary about the lie of Tesla, & Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point vo: $29.95 North America $37.95 Ferelgn YD oF VHS, 110 min, 1997, vis: $21.95 North America 527.95 Foreign Documentary featuring devices, processes and theo fies of new energy. The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity pv: $29.95 North America $37.95 Foreign DVD or VHS, 170 min, 2000 Lecture by Dr. Peter Lindemann, vas: $16.95 North America 528.95 Foreign Clash of the Ger ses: Inventing the Impossible EME, 521.95 Nort Amerie / $29.95 Foreign Fees V0, 60 min, 2004 Revelease) Ee ‘ants Rings Doug Kenjon examines new energy technologies that holt promise forte future, fue ing cot son, ant grey wes power te Breaking Symmetry $519.95 North America / $26 95 Foreign DVD, 93 min, 1999) Dramatic film by Kelth Johnson, set agains the back: drop of science and politics at 3 prominent northeast fern institute of technology. Cold Fusion: Fire from Water ovo: vis: 519.95 North Americe $10.00 North America 527.95 Foreign 515.00 Foreign VD oF VHS, 68 min,, 1999 § Documentary featuring coldfusion scientists from around ‘he word, narated by james Doatan (rom "Str Trek’), New Energy Foundation 2.0. Box 2816 — Concord, NH 03302-2816 Phone: 603-485-4700 Online: Prices include shipping/handling. IG igpe ENERGY The Magazine of New Energy Science and Technology “Andrea Rossi's Black Box” Featured in Popular Science p. 16 Andtea Ross with the E-Cat ‘Gsteve Featherstone, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUE 106 — NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 ARTICLES 8 Cavitating Electrolyzers and the Zero-Point Energy Moray B. King 16 Popular Science Covers Cold Fusion Christy £. Frazter 18 Scientific and Commercial Overview of ICCF7 David. Nagel ‘Compilation of Reports of Excess Powers and Energies by Rick Cantwell 34 Oleonomics ohn Helminski 42 Beta Emission Amold G. Gulko DEPARTMENTS 4 Letters to the Editor 6 Breaking Through Editorial — The False Promise of Economic Growth Bill Zebuhr 54 Science & Technology Used Book Marketplace 35. Professional Service Directory 36 Infinite Energy Order Form ‘Conc Dato by Barbara Detosso 2 INFINITE ENERGY + ISSUE 106 * NOVEMBERIDECEMBER 2012 A Binoy Magi of te New Ene Fandton INFINITE ENERGY Volume 18, Issue 106 November/December 2012 TECHNICAL EDITORS Dr. Peter Graneau William 4. Zebuhr MANAGING EDITOR Christy L Frazier ‘SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD. Dr Robert: Bess, Pah, Nev, USA Dr dot OF. Bock. Toms ABM University, USA et) Dr Deons Cavene Cause New Mexico, USA Mat Forel, Nowa, Canada 1; Petr Gok ie. cflooape & Moacl Teh. Porn et ‘Xing Zhong Li Terghaa Unverty: Sigg Shno ‘Dr Thome Phe, Utara, lins, USA Michael sera, Aachasie, Now Harper USA 1c Hary Fd, Unvrey of Torte, Cana eM Sinvassn, Bhabha Alone Prsenth Ct ot) Dave Zebu Merinack New anp=ire, USA ——————— Founding Editor: Eugene F Mallove (1947-2004) ———— Infinite Bnegy magazine (ISSN 2081-5372) is published sx times per year by the non-profit New Energy Foundation 20. Box 2816, Concord, NIT03302.2816, Subscription price | $2995 US, Canada, and Mexico, $49.95 other foreign Postmaster: Send address changes t6 bite Ener, LO. Box | 2816, Concord, NH 03302-2816. Infinite Energy magazine presents scence and technology, seneraly in the fed of new energy It proviges 3 forum for Aebate and discussion of frontier science. Infinite Energy Is ‘pen to al tionally stated points of view. The material pre | sented here reflects the views of the authors, not necessarily those of Inte Energy. lite Ena assumes no tespons Dilly for individuals who reprodace potentially hacardous experiments contained In its pages, Infinite Energy does not independent verity the content ‘itation, validity, o paternity of anytning published herein by ouside authors. Further, Iyite Energy makes no wep sentation as to any of the content ofthe articles published. ‘The content of the works published in Infinite Ener ace solely the responsibility ofthe ations. Infinite ‘ers? sol vowe‘roemuscriptsdalng wit ‘Exper as old fasion (LENR) and eee tal db, contrary a tro! opis om ence ‘aud teiology strait arc an convention al energy @ alemtine overs and book eviews, Cortct Chrty Pray, Manage ier enercom), ‘New Ener Foundation, BO, Rox 2816 + Concote, NH 02302-2816 Phone: 605-185-4700 » Fax: 603-485-4710 http Printed inthe United Sates Copytighe ©2012 ‘New Energy Foundation, In.» Allright reserved Invention Patents. | aS5se5 SS5SSSSSS5m EOURPAL°LEG =f Intellectual Property Attorney + Lost Causes we tackle immediately, Impossible Inventions take a litle longer, ‘+ FREE IP Kit & GIFT a Home Orc! Maha 7 Woonsocket Avenue « Shatin CT 06484 Oice (202) 904-9590 «Reid (203) 92427» Fax (209) ou Ea: Pal @0uPa cam «hp OrPl com SSSSSSS5555 BESSsssses) Bes So dgeecSoeSem Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature: Tesia’s Science of Energy Felted by Thoms Val Essays by experts in Tesis technology, selected Tesla | patents, and more, 519.95 North America 529.95 Foreign New Energy Fou 0. box 2618 "Se TF phone: 603-485-4700 — NH 03302-2816 z einem lass kd Imagen chgh et Soa eth od i ‘ye Siar Sosy fy Reteoren Goa NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 + ISSUE 106 © INFINITEENERGY 3 The CO, Method Improved I would ike to comment on the important theoretical letter “The CO; Method” by Kalev Jaik in JE #100. He makes a seri- us practical mistake when he wants to condense CO; gas of 32°C at a pressure of 0.5 at. For that purpose a pressure of more than 75 at. is needed, The waste work of condensation is equal to the heat of evaporation at the bottom and the work delivered at that process (Atkins-cycle), When Jatk wants an evaporation pres- sure of 1 at,, he has to choose a medium like CCIyF (freon- 11 or trichlorofluoromethane) at 25°C, The produced net work by sinking the liquid is even larger than with C because CCI}F is much heavier. Ido not agree with Jaik that it is not important to achieve practical results—for instance, by Umiting the height to 500 ‘meters. Just like in the case of cold fusion, the scientific com munity will not accept any proof but the economic-techni- cal use of real alternative energy like Tesla accomplished. John Ruitenberg Rotterdam, The Netherlands Aaw Proposal for Light Containment of Antimatter A “Holy Grall” in science has been reliable, practical con- taiament of antimatter, because of the 100% transmutation of antimatter fue! to pure energy, and because of the 100% transmutation of a matching amount of normal mass into pure energy. That's 200% mass-to-energy conversion of fuel compared to less than 1% from H-fusion, without the huge activation energy of fusion. In 2011 it was widely ceported that the ALPHA experiment at CERN’s anti-proton decelera- {or contained anti-hydrogen for atleast 1000 seconds, using liquid helium cryogenics to slow down a drift of antimatter into container walls. However, theie container cannot be moved and shipped with antimatter cargo, the helium cryo- ‘genic technology is very expensive and the time of contain: ment is still very short Klaers et al. report in Nature (“Observation of a Bose- Einstein Condensate of Photons,” Vol. 468, pp. 545-548, November 2010): “Cavity mizzors provide both confining potential and non-vanishing effective photon mass, making Join Us Online You YouTebe bttp/wurw I a] Facebook btwn facebook com/pat Foundation/ 3500501426347 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR the system equivalent to a two-dimensional gas of trapped, massive bosons.” Young etal. in Optics Leters (Vol. 12, No. 2 February 1987) disclose total reflection of X-rays at gra incidence and focusing by an ellipsoid reflector. It is proposed, therefore, that continuously reflected and, thereby, localized high-frequency light, such as X-rays and far ultra-violet light, should become able to contain anti- ‘matter, since the above references demonstrate that it can trap and manipulate ordinary matter. Constraining light from free propagation and localizing it causes it to begin to exhibit mass-like properties, because mass is itself a localized wavepacket of light. So, T propose that we make a giant, crude wave-package of light. Kray and far UV light exhibit an index of refraction fess than one and, therefore, total reflection at grazing incidence, without reflective energy losses. A hollow ellipsoid shape S. football is sug- gested, and a suitable reflector material should be stable and of high optical density, such as uranium oxide (UO,). A fre quency should be chosen to have an index of refraction as small a fraction of one as possible for a chosen material (for X-ray frequencies), and the inside reflective surface must be very smooth and highly polished. X-ray light would only reflect at grazing incidence, so that only a thin shell of high- density light would accumulate on the inside surface of the container. This would allow less reliance on cryogenics and ‘may allow use of liquid nitrogen rather than liquid helium technology, which makes it moze affordable, Such a con- tainer could be moved and shipped, which would make it Practical. Reliable, safe and practical containment of anti- matter would immediately make it possible to design and build clean, green matter-antimatter reactors and propulsion systems, because uncontrolled meltdowns could never hap pen, and because there would be no radioactive waste. Sandberg et al. reported in Proceedings (Vol. 705, pp. 796-799, August 29) that UO, is more reflective than all known reflectors from $ nm to 9 nm. So, depleted uranlum-238 coated with its oxide is recom- mended to surround such a reactor chamber to reflect con- tainment X-ray light, to absorb annihilation gamma rays and to transfer heat to secondary heat exchangers. This will, forever, change our reality by providing unlimited, low-cost energy that can never run dry, and powerful new propulsion, systems, Daniel N. Russell Willow, Alaska a Accolades for Transmutation Device Last week I was awarded three prizes for my invention of a ansmutation reactor. They are: The Grand Prize of the International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) 4 INFINITE ENERGY + ISSUE 106 + NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 Z SECRET ‘The Gold Prize of the Zagreb International Exhibition of Innovations (ARCA); The “Most Populac” invention, voted by the community of inventors participating at the ARCA exhibition in Zagreb, Croatia. The process was not smooth, and that is the “newsworthy” part. For my “nanodust fusion reactor” to participate at the exhibition, I was given the condition that | had to submit test samples before and after a plasma treatment. (The test took place in a brand new, uncontaminated quartz res- ‘onator,) The transmutation of different elements of charcoal mainly into iron, but some Al, Ti, Ca, ete, is just the same as the results of Tadahiko Mizuno, George Miley, etc. The jury of ARCA watched a 15 minute long demonstra, tion, when charcoal was transmuted, During the test a char- acteristic yellow color is visible inside the reactor, identified as sodium on our simple spectrophotometer. ‘The head of the jury happened to be a local Croatian pr fessor of nuclear physics specializing partly in thermont clear reactors. He turned pale when the charcoal became fer- romagnetic after the test—due to the presence of iron oxide, He stated that nuclear transmutation could not take place in the comer of an exhibition hall lerators oF fis sion reactors. He claimed that my hand contaminated the sample with lots of sodium and hence the yellow plasma color. (I have touched the quartz resonator sphere only from the outside.) He claimed that the iron diffused into the sam- ple from the hot electromagnetic cavity resonator, It is hot indeed, but not more than 150°C at the end of the 2-3 minute test, not even red hot. Further, he claimed that phos- phor might have fallen from the ceiling Indeed, it was more a clash of cultures than an exchange of facts, I admit that the demonstration was not a "water- tight” impeccable test, as there was no DX machine or time- oF-flight mass spectrometer on the spot. But I wanted to demonstrate nothing else than that transmutation is possi- ble (perhaps at an economical scale} with carefully designed embedded electromagnetic, ion acoustic and surface plas- mon resonances. ‘The jury Kept on deliberating about my case (transmuta tion) for the whole day, but the Croatian professor strictly denied even the possibility of an LENR transmutation. But a separate jury of the IFIA decided that the Gra Prize coutd be awarded to the invention—based on the mer- its of the chemical tests of an accredited Hungarian lab. This persuaded the undecided members of the jury to split the six golden awards to two halves. The locals can award three inventions as they like, but the foreign members of the jury, headed by a Polish oll mining researcher, awarded one gold- en price to the transmutation device, because they believed their own eye. However, for most of them it was a sort of ‘cultural shock,” as none of the members had heard of LENR. The prize and plaque for local inventors was also awarded to the transmutation machine on an emotional basis—they just wanted to encourage us, the LENR community in gen- eral, whom I happened to represent there. This was the first public introduction of the device. I won- der if the following exhibitions will be as stormy as this was, George Egely Budakesei, Hungary Contributions to the New Energy Foundation (Received September - October 2012) ‘The New Energy Foundation (NEP), 2 $01()3) charitable corpo ration, gratefully acknowledges the following generous contrbu- tions toward its work of (1) publishing a broad spectrim of new energy sclence and technology via Infinite Energy, its website and ‘other media, and (2) awarding grants for meritorious new energy research projects: | Rodney Conrad, Jr. Richard Jesch » Fomry Krowne # Hugh MoCotchen * Michae! Meinick « Daniel D. Moore J James Newburn Since 2003, NEF has awarded over $85 than 30 researchers or organizations NEF (URS EIN#42-1551677) is In nocd of seater financial sup port for its tworfront program. We thank you for your support. (000 in grants to more NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012 + ISSUE 106 © INFINITEENERGY 5 hive tiscussed economic growth previously, but it is one of the most basic and important issues of our time and the whole Issue of growth is a result of technical progress. Energy is the most important single driver of that progress and events continue to show that growth itself is not guar- anteed or understooz ‘There is a continued world effort to stimulate economic growth. This is neither desirable for its own sake for envi- ronmental reasons nor a realistic goal for an advanced soci- ety, The concept of growth should be replaced with the con. cept of advancement, which would be 2 measure of the con- tuol society has over its environment and its ability to satis fy the needs and wants of people efficiently and healthfully It is a measure of overall technical and social sophistication, not simply the ability to rapidly convert raw material into objects which do not even have to be useful. Higher advancement implies the ability to do more with less and may even imply that the real quantity of goods desired by the society is reduced as a consequence of the deep under- standing that these goods are not the answer to a satisfying and joyful life. Material wealth has no positive correlation to wisdom. Scientists and engineers are working hard to convert new discoveries on the fringes of knowledge to products that will be significant improvements over the present technology Part of the improvement is to do more with less. The envi- sioned products are smaller, lighter, more efficient and over- all lower in cost than the status quo. The net result will be a reduction in economic growth, In the last century we have made great advancements in the electronic arts that have contributed to major improve: ‘ments in controls, communication, information and enter tainment. The next phase of advancement will be in materi- als and the general field of mechanical engineering and will give us the ability to facilitate conservation of energy and material, the generation of energy, recycling of water, elimi- nation of landfills, better housing and buildings, better appliances and many other things that will improve the quality of life far more than the advancements in electron- lcs, The electronic advances increased the quality of life and ‘will be a major part of the next wave of innovation, but they did not improve many basic needs and desires, The next advances will have a much bigger impact on society, espe- cially regarding its ability to live sustainably, But these advances will not promote economic growth; they will The False Promise of Economic Growth Bill Zebuhr reduce it because each advancement will do more with less Less material, less energy, less labor—so to satisfy a given want or need from society, less economic activity will be required. People may want more, but in advanced societies these wants are optional and will also be satisfied more eff ciently than in the past. Manufacturing will be revolutionized. The concepts of rapid prototyping and 3D printing have been improving for decades and now are beginning to be applied to manufac ‘turing. Smail robotic fabricators are now available, even to individuals, that can make complex parts from plastics and ‘metals. These are very limited in quality, precision and speed but are rapidiy advancing. A small Industry has started where individuals design items and custom manufacture them for direct sale. The basic concept is to build parts only by addition of material, not to machine them, which is effectively constructing by subtraction of material. This has the potential of high efficiency and low cost. Entertainment will become more of a mental adventure as society advances. Electronic games are one phase of it but later even: most or all of the physical hardware will be elim: inated in some entertainment that Js strictly in the mind. Better knowledge of how the mind works will enable essen: tially free entertainment just by being In the proper mental state A falrly direct extrapolation of new discoveries and tech- nologies can result in: personal transportation devices that could be put in a backpack and unfolded to travel at high: way speeds without needing a driver; efficient recycling of water that would reduce net water consumption by 90%; home heaters that are small, low in cost and require little or no fuel as we know it; buildings that can be quickly con- tucted and require almost no maintenance; high speed transportation that Is not stressful; and every labor saving device that anyone desires, as well as luxury and art items to suit any whim, ‘These will all start as an idea in the mind of an individual and be developed with more or less difficulty depending on the limitations and obstructions imposed where the work is being done. They will get done no matter what politicians are in power or disagreements in belief. It will take far longer because of these obstacles but reason, perseverance and Innovation will prevail. Economic activity Is not a measure of the quality of life, Disasters of all sorts, including war, increase economic activ 6 INFINITE ENERGY » ISSUE 106 + NOVEMBERIDECEMBER 2012 ity but decrease the quality of life. Some misguided people think that promoting employment in this way has some benefit, but to pay for that work other unseen activity and employment is prevented. In natural disasters this isa fact of life but wars, which are the biggest destroyers of society, mis- rect huge economic activity and prevent great progress that is not recognized and unknown but would surely be ‘more beneficial than making things and destroying not only the things made but things that have taken decades or cen- tutes to build The major concems with low economic activity involve hhow to keep people gainfully employed so that they can sup- port themselves and not become a burden on the rest of soci ety. A major change in the organization of society will be needed to deal with the flood of people that will not be needed to provide the goods and services in the future Reasonably full employment is very important in advancing Society for the well known reasons of constructive contribu: tion and avoiding conflict between the haves and have-nots, Conflict and revolution will be real if these problems are not recognized and anticipated. This is not a problem that can. be solved in a few years; it may take decades. It will take 2 change in the organization and controls in society, which show no sign of appearing. No government in the wotld today is organized to deal with this problem. Governments are well protected against such conflict since they have the monopoly of force and set up financial protections that are not available to the private sector. They do not know how to deal with the problem and in most cases don't care. The pri- vate sector will have to deat with this. The value of physical labor will plummet, so more can be employed than would otherwise be the case. Some jobs will become part-time to enable more participation. The cost of living in real terms will decline, so working fewer hours will be acceptable and often welcomed as a benefit of the machine age. There may be a choice made by employers to hire low skilled labor instead of using machines in some ‘cases where the economic price is reasonable as a gesture of goodwill to help keep the peace. Many companies are becoming more environmentally and socially conscious and ‘would work to implement such policies if not impeded by regulations and false perceptions. This could be significant if people accepted the fact of lower real wages and worked with those that were trying to increase employment. In spite of a lot of adjustments in the economy, many will still be unem- ployed and unemployable in that they have no useful skills at @ price that can sustain them. If the aumber of such peo- ple is not too large, society will be able to handle it but there will be high income inequality which could be destabilizing. Maybe some of these people who are nat employed in making future products can be employed in an old fash: toned way as real people on the ather end of a phone call to a service provider. The person that fixes the problem often is skilled, hard working and polite but the first impression when reporting a problem is that itis inefficient and often agonizing 50 that would be a serious improvement in the general quality of life. That is just one example of how the electronic advancements have not translated into a real improvement in everyday life, Often the technology is slm- ply misapplied and some of the devices themselves require so much attention and knowledge that is generally arbitrary and useless in any other part of life that it seriously detracts, from what intelligent people do that is most valuable—and that is think, Service jobs that fill in the large and frustrating gaps in information technology will employ some people but there is only so much service that can be provided and. the pay to provide it will be low. There will, however, be a ‘need for skilled employment to help manage the increasing- ly complex web of communication and information tech- nologies to provide the maximum knowledge to people who can make good use of it, ‘The wide gap between upper level and lower level incomes has always existed, but the lower income people benefit greatly from the general level of technology. Even oor people today often have luxuries such as modern appli ances, reliable cars, television, computers, cell phones, med ical technology and air conditioning that not long ago were only affordable by the relatively rich and before that avail- able to no one. All of these things wili become lower in real cost and more affordable in the future, which will compen- sate for the expected lower pay for unskilled people. This could result in what appears to be a monetary deflation, but due to the great increase in the money supply actual prices and labor rates may go up, ‘Advancement in the future will be driven by entertain- ment, adventure, art and in general activities that search for answers to the big questions that intelligent people have always had but never have answered, Most of these activities do not require or result in economic growth but part of the adventure, entertainment and search will result in inter- Planetary travel and that will require significant new growth. That will happen but at a much slower pace than we thought 40 years ago when we were visiting the moon. If we get through this current period of development and are able to accumulate enough capital to venture into space ‘in a serious and sustained way, there will be more work to do bbut it will be skilled work. The economy will grow again as well as advance rapidly in knowledge and capability. The world economy is going through rough times that will con- tinue for quite awhile. If there is too much strife and things become too unpleasant, the rich and able could decide to leave earth and let the rest fight it out, In theory that could happen; there are trillions of dollars in corporate treasuries that they don’t know what to do with. If they cooperated on. 4 serious space venture the capability and money is there to do it for the benefit of a few. This would not be good for life on earth. Understanding, reason, goodwill and cooperation can avoid this kind of outcome or much worse ones. QQ. SPECIAL OFFER ON CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS For a limited time, get 40% off t Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen/Deuterlum Loaded Metals | Eaited by Jed Rothwell and Peter Mobberley 2008, Hardcover, 362 pages 524.00 North America / $32.00 Foreign New Energy Foundation © PO, Box 26 «Concord, Nis 033022816 NOVEMBERIDECEMBER 2012 * ISSUE 106 + INFINITE ENERGY 7 Cavitating Electrolyzers and the Zero-Point Energy Moray B. King* Abstract — The gas emitted from popular water electrolyzer projects manifests unusual energetic anomalies, which include vaporizing tungsten when used in a welding torch and running internal combustion engines on sraai! quantities of the gos. Some claim to run generators in closed loop fashion solely an the gas from the electrolyzer, which is powered solely from the generator. Most investigators believe the energy is from burning hydrogen. & hypothesis is proposed that the dominant energy is not coming from hydrogen, but rather itis coming fram charged water gas clusters, which activate and coher. ently trap zero-point energy. Cavitating the water in the electrolyzers gppears to maximize gas and energy production. Introduction Water electrolyzer projects are popular with inventors and hobbyists worldwide, There are thousands of videos posted on YouTube under the search “water fuel." Nearly everyone believes their electrolyzers produce a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas known by various names such as HHO, hydroxy, oxyhydrogen and Brown’s gas. Yull Brown! is famous for investigating the welding applications of the gas and discovered intriguing energetic anomalies? The gas exhibits a cool flame, ~130°C, yet it can vaporize tungsten, a feat beyond today’s commercial welding torches.’ The aca- demic community has yet to explore or explain this anom. aly. Burning hydrogen cannot account for it. Perhaps the most popular application of water electrolyz. er Is to boost an automobile’s gasoline mileage.%* An ener- ‘gy anomaly manifests here as well for the boosters typically produce only a few (8-20) liters of uncompressed gas pet minute. Yet many claim significant increase in miles per gal- Jon (20 - $096). Burning hydrogen cannot account for it. Even more surprisingly some investigators have claimed to run gasoline generators on 5 to 6 liters per minute of the uncompressed gas, and the generator’ electrical output was stable on the order of a kilowatt.6® Such claims appear remarkable, considering the low efficiency of typical internal combustion engines (-20%). Burning hydrogen certainly cannot account for this. ‘This paper will explore the hypothesis that the dominant energy coming from the water electrolyzeis is not from hydrogen, but rather itis from another source which might be far more energetic: charged water gas clusters, wich acti vate and coherently harvest zero-point energy (ZPE). Others have proposed a coherent water zero-point energy interac- tion, LY, Prevenslik? introduced a model where a collapsing nano bubbie coherently activates a standing wave from the ZPE whose continuously increasing resonant frequency acts like an ultraviolet to X-ray laser which coincides with the dissociation frequency of the water’s hydrogen-oxygen bond to yield charge separation, He applied the model to explain steam electricity, waterfall ionization, sonoluminescence and thundercloud charge separation. If Prevenslik is coreect, it implies the zero-point energy significantly contributes t0 lightning formation. Appendix A summarizes the authors hypothesis!©.11 on how the zero-point energy might co ently participate in self-organized collectives involving ion- ized matter or plasma To further support the ZPE hypothesis, another phenom- enon that exhibits energetic anomalies similat to Brown's gas is discussed In Appendix B: plasma charge clusters. Plasma charge clusters are a form of microscopic ball light ning that have been experimentally observed and extensive- ly studied by Ken Shoulders.12 He named them “electram validum” (EV) meaning “strong charge,” and later renamed them “exotic vacuum objects” (EVO) when he became con- vinced that they coherently coupled to the ZPE to account for the excessive energy they manifested.:3 Recent studies by Mark LeCiair"4 show a similar phenom- cena arising in water cavitation. When a cavitation bubble collapses near a surface or irregularity, it deforms into a torus, and the entire energy of the collapsing bubble goes into forming a reentrant jet at a nanometer scale. LeClair discovered that the extreme pressure within the reentrant jet causes the formation of novel solid state of water, a macto- onic water crystal. The tip of the water crystal exhibits a plasma bow shock wave, which manifests similarities to Shoulders’ EVO. This might account for the extreme pitting and corrosive damage on propellers caused by cavitation. Both LeClair and Shoulders observed highly energetic anom- alies ike pitting craters and carving trenches in high melting point ceramics (e.., aluminum oxide). Shoulders suggests that the energy of the EVO Is stored coherently, and its inter- action with the ceramic or metal directly disrupts the elec- ton atomic bonds. The bond disruption is not due to heat The EVO anomalies are similar to those exhibited by the Brown's gas welding torch, Brown's Gas Anomalies Brown's gas exhibits energetic anomalies that have not yet been addressed by the sciemtfic community. The most fre quently observed anomaly occurs in welding applications. Here the burning gas exhibits a cool flame measured to be about 130°C, cool enough to quickly pass one's hand through it.The flame does not boil water by direct contact, yet when it interacts with meta, it readily melts it. It has been shown to even sublimate (and oxidize) tungsten ‘Commercial welding torches cannot vaporize tungsten. 8 INFINITE ENERGY » ISSUE 106 + NOVEMBERIDECEMBER 2012 Recent university studies by Chris Eckman'® confirmed the low temperature of the Brown’ gas lame as well a its ability to sublimate and oxidize tungsten. A mass spectrom. eter was used to determine the constituents of the gas, and he discovered the gas contains litte hydrogen of either ™mono-atomic or diatomic form. Instead he found the gas to be predominantly clusters of water in a gaseous form that contained excess electrons. This observation matches the li erature that discusses an observed form of water clusters known as “hydrated electrons,"!6 where experiments have determined that the excess electrons are trapped in the inte tor of the cluster. Eckman suggests that at the heart of the cluster there exists a Linear isomer of the water molecule where the excess electrons are held in the d orbitals of the ‘oxygen atom. Here the cluster might be a forin of Rydberg matter where neatby molecules in the cluster shares the high-energy band electrons. Eckman’s hypothesis was inspired by a preliminary X-ray diffraction image showing a linear water molecule shape, but further studies must be completed to confirm it, The Rydberg matter hypothesis offers a coherent storage mechanism to hold excess energy ina gaseous charge water cluster Eckman’s hypothesis gets further support from LeClai's ‘model! of the macro-ionic water crystal formed in the co! lapsing cavitation bubble’s reentrant jet. The water crystal has a long axis of paralel strands of covalently bonded HOHOHO. The crystal has hexagonal symmetry around the circumference. The parallel strands are staggered such that hhydrogen bonds couple them. The covalent bonds down the axis effectively manifest Eckman's linear isomer, LeClair has observed loops of the crystal evidenced by microscopic pho- tographs of their imprints. Large water crystal loops are lunstable and short lived, but LeClair suggests that sub ‘micron loops might be stable, and these could manifest as a heavierthan-air gas via Brownian motion, LeClair’s sub- rlcron water crystal ioop might be the structure of the pro- posed charged water gas cluster. If so, 1t would imply that