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Mattole Unified School District

Mattole Valley Charter School

Campus House
1539 F Street
Arcata, CA. 95521
Phone# (707) 822-5661
Fax# (707) 822-5651

October 27, 2015

Dear Campus House Parents,
Last week, there was an incident after school where a student was scared by a man as they were leaving our house.
We are doing everything we can to investigate this situation. Our number one concern is the safety and well-being of your children
who attend our school. We are working with law enforcement to bump up their patrols of our area of town, especially during high
traffic hours, like the end of the school day. There will be a stronger teacher presence around the building before and after school, to
look after the students arriving and leaving. We will be speaking with your children and reminding them that since we have moved
from the HSU campus to this new house, we are in a more highly populated area. We will be reminding them about stranger danger
and giving them some advice about how to handle an uncomfortable situation.
We want to remind you that although most classes end at three, there are usually teachers in the building for at least an extra hour. If
your child ever leaves school and runs into trouble, we encourage them to come back to the school, or contact one of us. Each of your
children has our cell phone numbers and they can always call, or text, us as well.
Additionally, if your child walks to the bus stop alone after school, they might want to consider buddying up with another student. If
that isnt a possibility, we can set up a plan for your child to text a teacher to let us know they have arrived safely.
If your child comes home and alerts you to a situation that has occurred as they are coming to- or leaving from- school, please do not
hesitate to let us know, so we can take action. We encourage you to speak to your child about how to react in a difficult situation, and
we will continue to do the same. Together, we can help keep the students safe, and maintain our Campus House as a positive learning
Mary Havens and Lance Blodgett

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