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Nada Rashed Alrowahi.

Grade 2

CCSS Math Strand:

number )

Unit ( the

CCSS Standards:
The name of the lesson ( order the number)
Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):
Teach students how o order the number from big to small, and from small to big.
Make students able to write the number from big to small, and from small to big.
teacher books

Not use any thing from it.

student book(s)

Page 55, questions 1 and 4.

worksheets/ papers

One, that has example for the question.

teacher materials

Cards, papers, fruit as simple.

student materials/

Cards, papers, fruit as simple.





Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):


glossary definition
To make something organize in
specific way.


Students Prior Knowledge:

I think that students knew the big numbers and the smallest numbers. So the order
will be easy for them.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
One students has slow understanding.
I will explain the lesson for him again, until he will understand.

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and use of math language
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):


I will have three activities for the steps:


First: they will have one big cube, which will has numbers. One students
will come and through it three times and see the numbers. First will be the
hundreds, second the tens, third the ones. Then he will write the number
on the board and he will read it.
Second: each group will discuss and choose one student, I will ask him to
read the number that has ones, tens, and hundreds on the card. Then he
will wear it.
Third: they will have several numbers on the floor. One students from each
group will come and choose two numbers. Then he must to put it on he
board. And tell the students which one is big number.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

I will explain the lesson for the students by using projector.

I will give each group different kind of fruit. Each fruit will has number.
Each group must to order the number from big to small, or from small to
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):
I will ask students to answer questions from students book. Then I will ask
each group to take the card from the corner and answer the question.

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