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sont: accoweoerzon 5/3 Systen Desige aa Developaec? Committee Sepsesber 976 EESSTFICATION ‘ct que EugcTmicrTy coment CRIES ENGINEERS! CONFERENCE LUATTS Fou manonres i TE QNITED_giNcDoM ELECTRICITY SUPPLY s¥STEN 2 ERENCES ao a STATIONS oe eevee Be GENERAL S SUGELLOMTS eee 5.1 Taree-phase Bquipments 5.2 Stagle-phase Equipomncs 5.3 Direct Current os 6 sce 2umaTs ae 6.1 Tareerphase Loads. 6.2 Single-phase Loads. « 7 suce JumaTs oe 8 ADDITION OF mamHONTCS ev 9 SHORT-DURATION HARYONTCS =. 100 SITE MEASENENTS ww 10.1 Harmonie Alara fndicacor «. 10.2 Automatic Mains Harmonic Analyser 10.3 Direction of Flow of Harmonie -« 10.4 Iapedance Messurenent «+ ‘AL GUIDE To MAEDA SIZES OF CONVERTOR SHSTALLATIONS ~ STAGE 20 es 42 TREATS OF A NUMBER OF HARIONTC SOURCES 43 CORPLUANCE WITH STAGE 2 AND STAGE 3 RECOMMENDATIONS. ae vexsuREET PRoceDURES 10 10 »B “ as a ENGINEERING LECOMENDATION 6.5/3. SySten Desiga end Developoesi Comiicree Sestenber 1816 SLASSIFTEATION 'c! se SLECTRICETY comer, CHIEF ENCIWEERS' conrenmice LIMITS FOR HARMONICS IN THE UE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY sysTBy 2 score oa ‘This Engineering Recommendation supersedes Engineering Recomendations 6.5/2 dnd Gull ubich are hereby cancelled. Iv provides guidance as co the limits of harmonic currents that nay be fed into the electricity supply syacer by Consumers supplied from lov ox higher voltage systens and to the Lites af Bemmonie voltage distortion caused thereby, but vtether of not ¢ proposed installation can be accepeed on he system vill rest vith the Boerd concerned. Other aspects of che counection of loads vith nomlinesr characteristics: such as voltage flicker and sabalance, ate discussed in the relevant Engineering Recommendations - for exanple Enginesring Recomendation P16 for Induction Fornaces. A frequent application of the harnonie current limits is to the connection of single and three-phase convertors or a.c. regulators, and Guidance Ls therefore given at co the sayimm sizer of these typer of equipaent Thac aay be connected £0 an electricity supply systen. Household or similar equipment provided vith electronic control devices ané complying with British Seandare’ $406 (European Seandard 50.006 7 CEELEC) III automatically comply with this Recomencation. 2 REFERENCES. ‘Tais Recomendation maker reference to the follouing document Bs 5406 The Limitation of Disturbances in Eleccriciey Supply Metvores Caused by Demeatic and’ Similar Appliances Equipped with Electronic Devices IEC Standard 146 Senicontueter Convertors Ee Standard (Zn draft) Electronic A.C."Reguletore snd Switches = Ragineering Recomendation P.16 : EHV and WY Supplies to Induction Pamaces ACE Report No. 15 + Harmonie Distortion Caused by Iaverter Equipment ECRC Report Ne. 2920 Ths Development of @ Harmonic Analyser 33 35 2.6 EERE Report So. 962 EERE Report So. 989 ‘A tamonie Pover Meter CRC Report Se. 960 1 A System for Messuring the Sout Yapedance 5f WV and LV Distribucion Networks et Various Frequencies EE (TR Branch) Publication Engineering Applications to Computers: Program Data. Sheets BC (HR Branch) Publication User's Guide co the Automatic Maine Harmonie Anslyser CCL Type C1574. DEFTarz10Ns Point of Comon Coupling (pce) The point of comon coupling with ocher consuners is the point in che pubiie supply network, electrically nearest co che ecesuner for vnon the new coensction if proposed, at hich athe: consumers’ loads ere, or may be, cosnecreds ‘The departure of 2 wavefore from sinusoidal shape, thar is caused by the adeicicn of one or nore harsonice to the fundamental Harmonic Voltage Diztorsion, Va ‘The me amplitude of 2 harmonic voltage, of order a, expressed as = percentage of the rus amplitude of che undamvatal- Harmonic Current Distorsion, Ty ‘The mas anptitude of a harmonic current, of order n, expressed a percentage of the fue amplitude of the funamsatal. ‘Total Harmonic Voleage Distortion, Vz, expressed at 2 percentage of ‘TES fonlsassest, aod eaicdlatee sitng che expressios Note: Generally, ir de aust Convertor Eeuipuent (Converzor) ‘an operating unit for sover conversion, comprising one or sort diode fof thyristor assemblies togecher vith convertor cranstormers, eesencisl Seitching cevicer ang other auxiliaries 3.7 Thyrietor 4.6, Pover Controller (4.0. Regulator 1A pover eleceronic equipaeat for che control or svitenine of s.c. pover using circuire vithovt forced commutation and vhere svitching, Bulticyele contre! or phase control ste included. - Jittone 3.6 ang 3.7, for Converter and AyC, Regulator, are f:ou ndard 146, "Sani-concuctor Convertsrs’y and Draft 120 stanserd, eccronie A.ce Regulacore and Seitehes", raspectively: 4 ceva ‘Tue sethod of approach enables che problem of acceptance of loads with son Uinear characteristics ro de desir wich in stages, according to the sive and type of equipment. The fizee stage concerns the analler types of equipacnt eulen are ia general use and states the mazimum sizes of convertor of auc. Fegulator geoerally acceptable for connection to the somal 0.415, 6.6 oF Liu" system(s), Ho consideration of systen details, other than the normal tonsideratioss which sppiy to all new londe, such 4¢°thernal rating of the Sireuie eo supply ehe load, ox voltage regulation, fe secessery. 4 che oquipnent size exceeds che Stage 1 Limite chen it chould be considered Gnder ‘Stage 2 The Stage 2 Limits comprise a table of merimm peraiteed Velce of harmonic currents that s consumer nay feed into the syeten at the poine of comon coupling, provided thet the existing valves of individual Reraonie and coral harmonic volrage distortion on she systen are vithin stated Mince. Finally, if the equipment cannot be accepted under Stage 2 linits because of its size or the existing levels of harsonic current and voltage, then Lr should be considered under Stage 3. This couprises a ouber of guide lines, including voltage sistortion values, vhich should be considered in conjunction with = Waoviedge of the characteristics of che load, che system and existing background Sistorsion Levels. S STAGE 1 uowrrs 5.1 Threen ee ‘The maximum sizes of individual convertor or a.c. replator equipzents that may be connected to any 0.615, 6.6 or 1! LV systan(s), without detailed consideration by the supply auchoricy of che harmonic currents produced, are seated in Table 1. mame MAEDA SIZES OF THDTVIDUAL CONVERTOR AND A.C. REGULATOR pquTmMEaTs ‘Supply System 3-Phase Converters ‘Phase A.C. Regulators Voitage (AY) ae Poine of Comoa | S-Puise | G-Puise [2-Pulse [6-Tuyeietor | 3-rayciecor/ Coupling eras" | “omy | am | deta) | Snide’ Gray 0.815 ® 2 ~ 14 10 6.6 and as 10 ase | 150 100 Aria Linit applies to L2-puise devices, and co combinations of &pul devices clvays operated as L2-pulse devices, employing cazeful control of phe firing angles and the duc. ripple £0 sitinise son-characteristic Remonics, ef 3rd, Sth and Tei. ngie phase’ electrical appliances equipped vith electronic devices for aupply ox control and intended for noueeholé or similar dbelications should somply with Sriniah Stanceré 5406 (European Standare EN 50.008). Single phase convertors oF a,c, regulators, which theoretically produce no even harwonice, and viieh are intended for industria] Eype equipment and battery charging should roe exceed 5 4a capacity 200450, 3.3 KIA at 15 OF G80'U.. The use of single phase convertors St are. faguiators, whieh do produce bech oat ane even harmonise, if Seprecares: ‘hen a muster of single phase equipments are installed by 2 consumer ‘xt one loestion, op attenpe shovle be made to connect thea so as to Eiignce the nor“inesr lead equeily Setveen she three phases. The spgregace effect ‘near loads az en installation vhere Shere: is nore than one nou-linesr load per phase should comply wich the sequirenente of Seage 2. Further information on the connection of Single phase lords is given in Engineering Recommendation P15. che use oF gu ments which produce 4 d.c, component in the a.c. ‘eprecated. STAGE 2 LIMITS ‘hosecphase Loads ‘The connection of equipuent whose size exceeds the Stage 1 Lisics my be agreed if (a) the consuner's coral installation does aot produce, at the pce, Surrenes (a any phase) in excess of chose iisced in Table 2, Ce) the exiscing voltage diecorcion at the point of common coupling Defore the connection of the sew load does not exceed 75% of the values in Table 3, and (q) the shortveizeute level iz not unduly ov For convenience of os Sorrent lisies of Tabie 2 in comms of equival sequiator 1 Tebies Al and A2 is the Appendix show “se je tonvercor and Suf+ Examples of che procedures thet nay be adopted in dealing vith = request by a-aev consumer for che connection of tor-linear load, or by on Listing consumer for che connection of aéditional non-iinear load, ere given in she Appeneix, Section Ad. use 2 PERMITTED HARMONIC CURRENTS FOR ANT ONE CONSUER A? FOLKT OF COMMON COUFLIRG DER stage 2 murs Supply Syecen laraonic Sunber and Current (h mas Voltage (i) = ee Be Poine ot emer fepap sy) repose ppp] ss pape] aes fee [a4 [22 [56 [12 joo [ofa ho [s fe] 5] 5] 5] «| © 6-5 and | nu fs| e} efole| efof| sfrf2 fel a] af ef fafa = beer epee e GP hPap [Pr] a] ws ale [islet al st | 3) a] al apa ol # + A solerance of 102 or 0.5 A (ohichever is the greater) ie peraissible, Te applies to got sore than two: harmoace. Single-phase Loade Marsonic~produciag single-phase loads in excess of Stage 1 Limits are deprecated because of the uobalance caused to the fundamental theee-phsse wolsages az vell az the ineressed penetrstion of unbaisaee’ sripien harmonies co ditferent voltage levels. If single-phase losds are snstelled, ehey thoulé conply with che voltage unbalance Linies of Engineering Recoomendacion P.16. Under unbalanced conditions che phese-co-neutral harmonic voltage levels, in per conc, nay differ videly frou the phase-to~ phase values. 7 stage 3 oars ‘hen a non-linear load does not comply with the Linite of Table 2 and/or vhen the voltage distortion at the points of common coupling already exceeds 75 per tone af the limits af Table 3, ft may still be possible tm connert, the toad Stter a detailed exmination of existing harnonic carrent and voltage conditions ad the conditions resulting from the nev loed- Information should first be obtained about existing bermonic voltage distortion fon the system to which the load is to be conmected., This maybe, obteined, from previous knovledge of the system or by a survey usiig the Automatic Mafia’ Habmonic Analyser referred to in Section 10, "Site Heasureneste”, or, af Squivalent device. The voltage distortion expected on the distribution network, rasulting fro « combination of the existing distortion and thar profuced by'the nev lead, should bevestinated end should not exceed, st any point on the Supply Auchoricy setyork, the values in Table 3. An example of the procedure that may be adopted ia eating vith « request for a connection shien comes vithin Stage 3, is given in Seetion A) of the Appendix. The values in Tebte 3 are only t0 be regarded az a guide to good practice Feducing che risks of damage ot aalfunctioning of thes consumers f SSoa'cs cquipoens or overloseing of a section of the network due co BABNONTC VOLTAGE DISTORTION LIMITS AT ANY FOTNT ON THE s¥STEN INCLUDING BACKGROUND LEVELS) Supply Syaren | Total Harmonic | Individual Harmonic Voltage Voltage (kv) st | Voueage Dissorsion (2) Point of onan | Distortion Y>(Z) Coupling 0.415 | 6.6 andar | z | 33 and 66 3 12 Ls tn considering the connection of plant having 2 132 KY point of comon coupling, Ee Soy be necessary to sakes harmonic penetration computer study. This snovid peraie the level of Sistortion throughout a network to be estimated, including the effects cf resonances, provided sufficient data are svellable oa systen and Ione" paranecers. The size and cost of plane Likely to be connected at this Soltage, an the potential area of distorcion, vill, in general, warrant this Sire detsiled analysis. The Lack of wound Wiis ay nake site recordings Giéticuic, out systen date should be aore readily swailable to perir analysis by Compucer studies (see che Electricity Council's "rsgineering Appiteations of Computers”) te ie expected shar che use of, the harmonic inpedarce oeter sentioned in. Section 10, "Site wessurenents", say help £0 suppl} ieferwstios about the Systen inpecance as seen from the point of comon Coupling of a consumer's on Linear load. @ ADDITION oF RaRWowTCs Tere is co simple rule for the addicion of varying harsonic currents produced Sy the equipment of @ sumber of consumers comnectec to che sane section of ehe Usteibetion neevork. "A research project is being conducted by the Electrical Research Association (ER) vith the object of formating « guide for che addition bf harwonie currente produced by tvo of nove sources. Pending the ouccone of Sh work, where @ tunber of harmonic producing losés are, oF are co be, Sonnected co the network, che procedure described in Section a2 of the Appencix ~ Treatment of a Masher of Harmonie Sources = aay be followed a5 Pioviding # reasonable guide. $— SHoRr-puRaTiOn saaMowtcs Devices such se thyristor-costrolied rolling mill drives msy produce short= — duration bursts sf currence as a sheet oF billec pessce through the rollers. ‘These bursts of current mey include transients sal algo batmouica. Suck shore~duration transients and haraonics are colersble provides the current Sursce cod related voltage distortions ate of an intesmietent mature, ef che burst duration doce aoe exceed 2 ceconds ane the interval becween burets is not less chan 30 seconds, The principal concern ie co prevent damage to other plant, sust as capacitors. Provided that che funcamencal voltage at the Setering point dovs not exceed che noainal system supply voltage plus 6 per cent, there should be as sak of damages The haracafe conditions Likely to prevail pose prebleas of seasurenent and quantitative anuiysis. fovever, che controlling factor is such Installations iz frequently sot che harmonic current conteat of the waveform ‘but the rapid voltage changes caused by the nature of the process. Tn order fo reduce these to en acceptable level, either che short-circuit level must be high, such as eo sake harmonic distortion & secondary consideration, oF © voltage fluctuation coapensator incorporating harsoaie fileering can be provided. 10 Sime wmasimmerrrs Measurenents should be carried out from time to tine to diagnose systen behaviour and to provide background information ao that consideration may be given to che connection of sev loads in accordance vith Stage 2 and 3 procedure Site macurmonce are also required before and after the connection of Large nes loads to verify compliance vieh the agreed levels of harmonic current production. Toseruments have been developed eo faciiieate thir work sad to Resist in maincaining # uniform incerprecation of chls Engineering Recommendation 10.1 Harmonie Alors Indicator 4A Harmonic Alara Indicator has bean developed (see Electricity Councit Research Centre (ECEC) Report Ne. 962) and uili give ap approximate indication of the total voltage distortion at any point on che system by neans of a coloured flag vaich soves across an opening. If the total voltage distortion exceeds 5 per cent, the f1a5 locks in the fully aisplayed position. This is m lov cost instrument that can b Sgavalled at points vhere high levels of distortion are suspected. Te'ney hesp to deternine where harmonic surveys are required and cleo to give verning of pointe at vhich it say 20 loager be porsible to sccept loads, in accordance vith Stage 2 Viaite, vithout a harmonic survey. 10.2 Automatic Meine Harmonic Ansiyser ‘4a {astrument has been developed (see ECRG Report io: R 920) under che direction of the Electricity Counes] and is aesagned to facilicace the carrying out of haraonic surveys. Ita use is described in che Electricity jarch Beznch) publication entitled "User's Guide to the Autonatic Hains Harmonic analyser, CCL Type C1S7A’. A aev version of tals instrument ia nov aval lable ‘This anglyser can be ured co mearure hamonie voltages as percencere: Of the Eundaneacel 50 Be valtage a: the cine of seasurenent, sr br ure GE a suitanie shunt, hemonle currence af perienvager of the fun6: 30 Hs current at the tine of measurenect. Ir gleo mearures pare Sf the hemonie relative to che fundamental. The ineeruent Vill Seasure sil she naroniez selected in the range ind to. 25th (or te 39th Ey'E'Spesia: vareion). iecan se cat to ceasure eaen hareonic for 5, 10 or 30 seconde sod co mske the selected sequence of harmonic Seatureneats continuourly, or at intervals of 1-5, 13, 30 oF 60 inetes The seasared quantities eve recorded on 2 puiisvia printer and, Eeguised, san be punched onto paper rape by a separace paper cope punch. Computer proprans are avitiable co snsiyee the pase tape ouzsur. Further decaiis of these insscumencs and of she paper cape cate analysis, Sen be obeaiaed fron the Teshnscal Research Branch of the Engineering Division, Electricity Council. sie Harmonic current and voltage sagnisudes frequenciy vary erratically, and Decasionally give rise to uncharacteristic high values: There ir sire the possibility of occasional spurious high velues being recorded by che Enseruuent; these readings shoslé be ignored, Ie Se Tecsamensed chat, over a 24 hour recording period, che Aighest ‘tree ras Feacings of = Ramonic be idenei#ied and, if they are not equal, the lovest one ie ihkes and compared vith she liit of the sane harmonic sunber in Table 2 A shorcer recording peciod aay be used if there is Justification for bellevise shae this Sill incidde a nunber of secasiens of soxizus harmonic current generation. Direction of Flow of Harmonics ‘the convention adopted in the supply industry concerning che connection Sf chyriscor/diode or other non-linear loads to the sysren is co Consider the direction of flow of naraonie curreat resulting from cheir Conpection as being fron che device ino the rource of supply. Hovever SOUS cvidene that when chere sve othe: goniinear loads connected to the systen the net harmonic current floving sr she nev connection at the point of conmon coupling will be dependent on the magnitude and phase angle of both she existing and sev haraccic currents and the abilicy Bethe new lead co absorb harmonica. “Thir ss) be an inportant Consideration if the installation includes pover factor correction Capacitors of a filter since either aay dray farmnic currents from che Supply syscen as vel! as from the nev non-linear load. ‘The direction of flow of che net harmonic current in the nev connection be determined ty else mearsramanee uring om inerrimant. developed. (dee ERE Report No, 985) for the purpose by the Eleczticeey Counc i. Sethe of this imstrumene can be cbesined frea che Technical Research Btanche Iepedance Measurenene A recurring problen, when considering che conection fhe. conversion of harmonic currents, injected into 2 their corresponding harmonic volsages, because the values of systen ispedance at barsonic frequencies are not know ¥ich confidence. A 10 survey 1a being sate of system hermonic impedance with 4 sechnieue (See ECRC Sepors so. R990) developed by ene Electricity Council, The heraonie impedance aeasurezent system comprises s variaele-isequency crrencrinjection unit and a0 autonatie harmonic analyser sodified to seasure the injected frequencies. Curent auplicede and phasevangie ar Bonicores vis ¢ systes curtent transformer snilet the voltage drop acrose the syaten iagedance is sonitores in amplitute and pase vie a syaces voltage transforaer. Vectorial division sives the system tapedaace at the injection Frequency n AbpLtcarr08 This Recomendation {n a0 vay overrides good engineering practice for Gstablishing fire supplies and acceptable reguistian, Te ia suggested chat in accepting harmonic produciag loads vithin che Limite of this Recommendation, the foiloviag approach shotld be adopeed:~ ALL euch inecallations larger chen 1 mW or Seyond the Limits of Stage 2 should ‘ave comisaloning seats carried our by che Electricity Board to determine! {prior to comfesioning ~ che magnitude of existing current Sad voltage beraonics in the aetvork. Ai fottowing commissioning - thee che agreed values of hemmonie Current and volcape distortion have nor been cnceeded. ‘The consumer should be advised to check: i that power factor correction capacitors art not being overloaded by excessive harmonic currest absorption, or overstressed by excessive peak voltise- Hi chat a haraful degree of series or parallel resonance is, not occurring. As there i mo guarantee that adherence to the recomended Linite of barnonic Suerent aod vottage Will prevent trouble exisiog, perticulerty when the Limiee = approached, and as it is prudent eo consider’ thet aysten changes will Soascine justify re-exanication, measurements should be carried out frou ime fo tine co disguose systen behaviour and equipaeat perforaesce. Tue use of the Baraonie Alara Todicator, Conswpers vith Feisting Wor-Linesr Load {to vii aa im (a) for both new and existing plant plus vik The relative phase displacement cf the haracaics produced by. the nev end existing plant. If this is not possible a'statenent of the categories into which the sections of the plane €211 according to Teble 43; siternatively 2 cable of mazimim Sarwonle currents for the compleve inreallation which the consumer undertakes not to exceed and vhien can be checked y rite wessuremets sing the Netomatie Maina Harmonie Analyser 43.3 Informacion Required by Consiners ‘The consumer azy require the folloving inforuacion: 4 The short~eizeuit level of the Bosrd'e system, as seen fron the pee for vincer sinimum generation conditions. Ef there is 2 lage variation in che thort-cireuit level betveen winter and sumer conditions due to che operation of local generation, it is advisable to use the summer siniaw plant condition. ii Detatte of che existing harnonic voltage distortion che pee. iii In Stage 3 cases, for 2 nev connection, the estimated ‘values of harsonic currents which ebe nev consumer may be alloved to produce ar the pect oF, vhere an existing ‘as seen from 4 pce will depend upon curvene floving, the resistence, indoctance ad capacitance of the syatea end its connected loeds. When considering the effects of harsonie currencs produced by # consumer it is seldom possible co obeain sufficient intorsation of the system and load Eharacceristics to carry out an accurate hermocic penetvation study. For the purpose of this Recomeniation, in che absence of more detailed w a At 132 kv, sufficient information shoulé be available co perair egricaies to be magi using coopurer proprans. Particuls? Sealing vich higher order and tvipien haraonice. represenced. ae ee nen considering an application by aa existing consumer co instal ecicional sonvtinear ised uncer the Seage 2 frocedure ie is necessary fo ertinace jointly with the consumer the harnonic currents thee che Sew loa! ney produce, without ehe combined existing tné new harmonic CKrrents excusing tne permicted valuer of Tatle 2+ Tz Sr then possible for the consumer ox nis aquipuent supplier co catinate the peraissibie harmonic characteristics of rhe nev pant. This estinace may be made in the fSlloving warmer, using the results of the sive peasureneats Dencionea In Sertion A3-1 (b) end deseribed in For each harmonic tees ; We nesrured values of harmonic current, (ten (b) of Section A3-1) 4, = she pemizced covet harmonic currert in sccordance vith Table 2 2, = she harmonic current chat could be azcepeed Under Stage 2 fron the ae load ky © factor from Teble A3 caking account of the consuer's existing and nev load ches, ‘The consumer can then de advised that che coubined operation of his ev and existing loed vill be acceptable provided that his total Eieatletion does ave produce lusmouie currents in enecas ef Zy (From quble 2) of which ie is estinaced chat I aay be produced by che nev [bed: Measurements should be nade curing coutiscioning co ascercain chat the velue Ip ie not exceeded. Using the above approuch ro calculate values for Tg vbich must not be exceeded, se is nade of the coincidence facter ky. Consequenti® chere E'S tinice probabiticy thet, che value of Ip will occasionally be exeseded (See Section 10.2, "hutomatic Maine Harmonic Angiyser” = ‘chen Searurenents are made to check the acrual values of the currence Deine produced, it is necessary to bear this possibility in mind, anc hence Svoid the expente of provicing renecial measures dictated by sbocrmal Consideration of en incre faecal lation: laze rvo types of problen under Stage 3, a8 indicated in Section (G) and (a), naaely the connection of s nev consumer or the fe in non-linear osd a2 an existing conuner's ‘he fact thet the sdeitionat load in be tinder Stage } saplies chet che Reraonic currents expected to be pr 5g considered Exceed the Table 2 recommended Linies or the voltage discortion ee. the in estinate of the effect of Ene adaitional load on the system should therefore be wade using the Gest available inforsstion and aechods of analysis taking account of the actual syates iapedance/frequency cheracceriatic. suftieiene inforaation aay not be available to permit of rigoroas Geleviations and the felloving approximate st of the values in Table 5. peide. Por each Asrmoic lec" w then, ‘Hovever chod fe suggested as = syeten voltage 2t peo in BY (ptaae £0 phase) ermonic sumber permitted harmonic voltage distortion fa fccordaace vith Table 5 Sections A3.1 (€), 43.1 (@) ane as seed harmonic voltage Sisterefon ~ heraonie voltage distorcion veich could be factor from Table 42 cakis nev load and existing distorcirg 10 Sround the pee. eed under Stage 3 due to tev load account of eyevem short-circuit level at ree i MA, see Section A3.3 (3) 43.6.1 Mee Consumer, Tiseely, the case of che connection of rev Stase. } when ie In order £0 convert che values of Vg into harmonic currents let 4g *|hageonie cursent sat could be'accepied Lf produced by the thea, “desired to estimate the permissible velust of, Bamonic currents. eee » ‘The consuner can then be advised chat the niv load ie acceprable, ‘vices enac it coes fox produce Faraonic currents in encees of the ceulcclaced vsluer of I and provided sist mesrureaenss are Bede after cousiseioning to thov that these values ate nov exe sed. 43.6.2 Existing Consimer In che second case, the conneccion of adéisions! aon-Linear load by aa cuisting conmuser, it ie tecessaty fo eetinice the harmonic currence that canbe aceepsed if produced by the coniination of new and exiseing ioads. First determine, as in Section 43.6, the herzonie voltage. aisroceton, Va, whieh could be accepted under Stage 3 due co. ene consumer's nex'load. For ehis pare of the calculation, the factor to be ‘usec from Table Ai is chat relating co the civersicy berveen che Es ky of Section 3.6. wr each harmonic tect = namonic current that could be accepted fron the combined new and existing load sarured value of existing harmonic current at pee (item (2) of Section a3.) ig = tamoalc current eae could be accepted, under Stage 3, from che nev load ky + cofneidence factor betveen che consumer's nav oad and Bis existing load = Table A3, where Vi, bas been determined as in A3.6 and, ok Gyet) ame ‘The coneumer can chon be advised that the conbined cperation of his sev and existing load vill be acceptable provided that his total Engtaliation does not produce haraonic currents in excess of this, value of Tc. He aay aise be advised that these values include harmonica Si values 1, attribucable £0 the tw lond. The agreeaent should be fo Limit the combined haraonie current production froa Ehe whole inszallacion to ehe valves of Tp and seacurements should bbe oade after comiscioning co ascertain that these values are not exceeded. Ip 4 similar nanner to the seasurements of Ip and Ip (see last paragraph of Section A 3.3) there is a finite probablilcy chat che calculated Walues of Zz vil occasionally be exceeded. ‘The sane caution should be exercised is th ‘The recording of voltage distortion and curvent hamenics at sn exis of at the position of ¢ future, pec should preferably be made vith Aucouatie Milas Harnonic Analyser. There aay be instances where thie Sulcable because of the very rapid burscs of hermocie current caused by other plane coasseted nest the pee. ‘The Automatic Maing Harmonic Analyser or equivslent instrument should be sonsested to aake recordings a follove!~ Measurement Foince | Poine of Common Coupling 4 Busbar or equivalent, for volzage Current traneformer in che supply | feeder of feeders to the consumer, for currents. Messuresent Duretion| Ar Least 24 boure, at a time of the week When the proposed plant vould be in operation. Systen conditions may very widely ducing @ week; tests showld be sede under vorer Condicions, (See Hotes 1 and 2 below). Measurenent Tine | 10 seconde per barmonic Measurement ery 15 wis Measured Harmonics | 2, 3, 6, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 18th current ahd Voltage. ‘(See Note 3'below) 1 A knoviedge of the method of operation of the nev and ‘cciscing plant and of existing voltage distortion levels may justify recording only during certain hours of the day. 2 Warnonic voltage distortion effects and resousnc conditions are usually most prosouaced af cimes of Li 3 Te hemmonic currents of voltages recorded may be sodified if taformation is available :o indicate vhich hharsonics may be significant. A trial run may assist telection of harmonics £0 be recorded. 2 eee a [ELAGKERAETER OPMATION as DEBCVATION oF Bye Velcage Fluctuations can be regarded az an envelope nodulecing the 50 He supply voltage wave, the ecvelope itself varying in a ninne? determined By the operation of connected loads. A sypicel modulated supply velcage for an &r- furnace ts shown in Figure Ai. “The envelope way be conccived ef a separate Fluctuating volcage vlch produces che subjective effect of flicker cn mused subjects. ‘The fickermeter developed by ECRC was designed co comply with IEC publication 165 wnich war peepered by an incernational group of experts, focludng UK neabers, under the auspices of the UIE (International Union for Electrobest). Tals fickeraecer (and simslacor) ts nov commercially available. Tee algoriche Ef designed co accurately podel the response of the laap, eye and bratn fo : Volzage fluctuations based on the flicker produced by «£0 vate sumgeten Eclanene Lasp as « result of these voltage fluctuations. Experience hae chown thas tov wsctage tungsten lanpe are ose likely 20 cause flicker annoyance prob The fliekernecor is designed to aonteor the supply voltage for perted of up te Sppronimacely one week ant giver ¢ continuous Clee series oucpue, chien fs © Hisure of {licker visibiiiey. This output 12 sealed such ches one pes onte presents marginal flicksr vieibilisy te 508 ef sbservess In order to convert this tine series flicker visibility into 4 value representing visual severiry, the taTs Pgz is used based on the analysis of 10 ninutes of tine series £ltckersecer data sutput. This conversion from 10 Bimutes of tine series data to Pyr de such that 4 Pye velue of 1 is cocained for any Fepeated step isturbance defined by the Limit cive given in BS 3406 (for Seleage changes less than 34 in aagnicude) ‘The conversion from tine sertes data to Pgp 1s « procedure vhich involves the classification of the 10 ainutes of cine caries data into a cumlative i Gistetbucion function. The values of 79,1, Py. ?3, fig, snd Psp are chen evaluaced which are the tine series output Levels hich are exceeded 0.18, 14, 38, 108" and 508 of the tine respectively as shove in Figure a2. Pz As then derived from the folloving formls Meo (0.0316 ¥9,1 + 0.0525 Py, + 0.0657 F3 +0. Fo + 0. P50) ‘The accuracy of chi forma ts improved by taking speothed values of the percentile points as follove: Eso ~ (Ps0 + Ps0 + F600/3 Pio = (e+ Pa + Fos Fis + F170/5 Fane tA RLS Gg Fao 98 tine constant incorporated in the fLickermeter circuit ‘The 0.3. second meme Gooshing is needed Gnsures thar Pp. ] castor change sorupriy snd no furth FIGURE Al RMS SUPPLY VOLTAGE TO AN ARG ~ FURNACE Nonina Sepiy Vtoge ens) FIGURE A2 CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION OF TIME SERIES OUTPUT EVALUATION OF PE 1Pio ss +P) Poy 100% %ot Somles Seeing . Pe ts & Linear quancicy vith respect te the magnitude of che voltage chinges which give rise co ic. Thus vhere gr iz known for a piece of quipeene at one system location and lt is reguised st encthers then SoFecdicane value te given ty? Yee," Tatg ® HBL Ge riurer 1 ene 2) : vhere "bo = magnitude of voltage chenges at location where Psto vas enreeet Toy = sagutsnde of the volcage changes ceused by the sane pile of apuipecnt et the lect tion share Fer te 1 Regeieed ‘Addition of Pee fron Several Sources here full date Ge avatlable, = simulation of che resultant volta changes pattern should be undertaken. there this i no! possible: then the folloving approxinete wethods my be used. ‘The general formule for the resulzane value of Pgc for n disturbance fourees is. Fee = VePae,) # Cee.) +.) 1 , ‘The value of m co use depends on the charactertetics of che sain 3 Fource of the fluctustion: j 2 = & Used only for che sumution of voltage changer due to are Furnaces specifically mun to avoid coincident welts 2 = 3 mite te used for none eypee of voleage changes sere che sisi SE cotnclagne veleage changes scourring ts teciie The vast % SiystecytSerSataneshe Shetty Seva slathtescees oui] EaLi"ESke" tale catagory ant fe thould be uana ohare’ chars 4 ‘Sty doube over the Sapattuie of the Fisk of eoinetcent seleage changes eccurting 2 = 2 Ths Se used vhere cotncidant stochastic noise ie 1ikely £0 cecur, eng colncisene melts on are furnaces. a = 1 the resulcans Pg¢ vill approach che value given by his when there 1s a very high ineldence of colncidene voltage changes. 12 a In cases where ic ts requized to assess the fluctuation effect of « source upon anecher installation fed faa another poine on the Sapely network, {= ts necessary to alley for the effect of the eleceieal Incerconneccion before cosbining che foe operate sources at thelr om pieces eteferene As given below for 2 are furs dn exazpl basbare! FIGURE A3 ‘FURNACE FURNACES" ‘The individual fluctuacion-voltage caused at Busbar A by Furnace A te simply based on « local fault level of 5000 MUA. Similecly, che individual fluessation-voltage caused az Basbar B by Furnace Bes based on a Local fault Level af €000 IA, Anceresced only sn Surber A. We In voleage fluctuation caused at Wo shall fiver assume that ve cheregore wish to assess the incr aby Furnace B. Lee us assume chat the values of Poe aeasuced for the two furnaces Ceused at Busbar A by Furnace A acting alone; Pech Caused at Busbar B by Furnace 8 acting alone: FocB The procedure is wo replace furnace B ty an “equivalent furnace a sultably reduced size placed st Ax shor, ‘Then the Pye measured at A by BI will be: Pocth = Peed 4 oR From 3] [Faste Tevel at a ~ Fault snes [een] =p pio PypA and PycBt aay chen be umnated as shown in Section A2.2 co give che cotal sifects as A The cotel at B can be sintlarly caleulaced. in. : Vey ts Were n= nunber of short term Pgg valine in the tine over vhich Piz is required Ivo hours (n+ 12) ts the tine over vhich Pg is noreelly evaluated. Note thar normally Py_ vill be measured using the flickerneter although calculation fs possible. (Sex Appendix B, Exaapie 2). ag 3 ROLLING MTEL oa 3 is proposed to connect a rolling mill equipped vith 2 Ward-Leonard ezive te supply point vhere the falioving volsage change. pattern ie Gxpecced to occur ef the point of comor coupling with ether FIGURE BI Ae a ficee step, acceptability is assessed in coms of Scage 2 From Figure &, a 20 svep change Ls acceptable every 210 secones Fron Figure 5, 4 0.5 second rasp has a mitiplication factor ef fore the minimum allovable tine bessoen changes ~ 220 x 0.04 152 Secones ‘The proposed {11 will produce, on average, only one voltage chan 30 seconds ao if Se just acceptable. @ o @ fan existing 11 HY supply point supplier 2 Large 900 Ki induecton = driving « cer ahreader, The customer nas requested che commeccion a fn adgtzfonei 1500 kW induction motor to drive an adzicional cor shveaser . Impedance 7.5 + 382 8 on 100 va. Sharactertaxtes of Existing Motor searcing : Direct on Line, 5.3 MYA at 0.3 pover factor once per day. Panning : co full load power change at 0.9 pover Tals 4s a sealed version of the existing 900 iY motor. Complex voltage chenges occur during running enused by che fluctuscing 2oudior- >) DE the driving motor so « filckerseter approach has to be used to Sssers the sever'ty of the flicker Litely te be caused, But flrst, Fegerdless of the flicker severtey, {t ir necessary fo check that sith normal system connections che voltage changes en starcing are wichin the Je ligic. This initial assecsnene is done by sealing che characceristice of the existing mocer, 20: che starting voltage change for che existing mocor {2 caleulaced: Voltage Change (8) = 2.3 (37.5 x 0.2 + 62 x 0.95) 100 = 298 In order co calculate the starting voltage change of the proposed arcor, the value Lf senled from che ealcvlated valve of she axisting fone: therefore Voleage Change (8) = 2.96 x 1500 = &.908 5. 300 7 Tals is unacceptable so the machine cannot be connected co the Skigeing supply without Selaxing the normal 30 Linte Woch some minor system rearrangements the point of comon coupling can bbe moved co the 11 KV busbar ofa two transformer 33/1 KY Substation, The normal system tapedance at chis busbar is 1.3 + $48.8 & on 100 WA, With ehis supply the proposed mocor's starting voltage change becomes Voltage Change (0) = 2.3 x 1500 x (1.3 x 0.2 + of.t x 0.95) 6a * “S00 = 280 2 ay tert test tere wD oy oy readings vere caken for the fotloving conditions Existing location with 900 # aoter not running (background) au) (2D. Extecing location with 900 i acter starting (411) Existing location vith 900 is! sotor operating noreally (Paci) (iy) 33/11 WW substation 11 RV busbar (background) (sce) Shoice of Sveten Inpedance to use in study The impedance given in (2) of 1.3 + {48.8 ¥ on 100 HVA ts vith both 33/11 KV transformers fn cfrcult, “An outage of one of che ‘ransforners vill increase the 1i LV busbar’ s dapedance to 2.5'4 48.6 ¥ en 100 MUA, i.e alaost tvice chat of the normal operating condition. Major trensforuer faults can take several co repait and consequently represent a risk of cauting extended running vith a high system fapedance, However, in this cases a3 operation of the ear shredders is nainly during the cay vhen there is sno elgnificant use of tungsten filamine Lighting te ves decides te ignore the outage situation and use she noeal operating syst impedance, Hovever, ie should be noved that under these oveage conditions the voltage step change on motor starting ie sbous 5.24. oth che existing mocor andthe propesed one vill operate independently of each ocher and so the general value, @ = 3, is used for the sunnavion of flicker effects. The to motort sre nor expected fo scart at exactly che game tine, to again, m= 3 can be used fer chi ‘Hiisker Effects. scarsiog ‘The following cen minute everisy values, Pgc, vere obtsined for the starting of the existing 900 kW aocet onthe existing supply (2 Table 2): Scacting (including background) Par Typical background readings Pag = 0 Scevting, 900 KH neces only, Pye | 20.507 OT 20.5 To transfer this value to the 21 KY busbar given in (d) necesssry to ceternine the ratio of voltage change me the evo decaztone 0.58 (rest (44) 3) Gaean value, cese (10) Exiscing location, starting voltage changes for existing rotor te 2'3i8 (eee (2D) sae A ky busbar starting voltage change vould be Voltage Change (8) = 33 (1.3 50.3 + 46.8 x 0.95) io “ase Therefore at she 11 KY busbar, on szarcing, the 900 Ki moter vould _ cause a severity of: 0.53 LSe = 0.28 (Peg 7) Table 2) Ears ‘The proposed 1500 LW moter Le a scsled version of the existing $00 ii one, so this Will cause « severity vaius of 0.28 5 1599 = 047 (Pye Table 2) CO Hicker Effects, Nome] Ruming (see table 2) To detersine the {Licker effects ef the 900 KW mater on ice ow 10 15 necessary co subcract the effeccs of background Gierarbancer (Lest 4) from the cosbined reading ‘of nator and Saskground (casts). ‘This resule gives the effects of the 900 ki moter only at che exiscing locasion, To eranclate the effects to che Ti iV busbar proposed in (4) it is necessary to sosle the severity veleer for Ehe ratio of the magnitude of the voitage changes a2 the ste locations.” As pover avings curing Tunning vecur at 0.9 power Factor thon Ene ratio ist Ratio - G.dx0.9 site xoun = 032 - GP3e 0.9 sei OMe) (3) Proposes : This is a scaled version of che 990 i motor so its Likely severity values are chose of the maller aotor melcipiled by (500/300) a (©) Sumasion of effeccs ar che 1] bv busher ‘The total severity 1s obtained by sunmating the background verity at che 11 KV busbar (test d) and that from the t¥o sotors. In addition, zo cover for he mocare starting af the Deginning of a day, the first severity value chould eieo include the starting severicy values of the two motors The Long term severity velue, Pig, Ss derived from che summated Paz values using the Formula’ in Appendix Als. 0) summazy (a) The staresng voltage change o: ‘opored 1500 Ki mocor at che IDKY busber of ene 33/11 kV subscation ef 2.60 is accepeabie: me. (&) The sransfer of che entering sever and the connection of the proposed 1500 kW moor eo this 11 EV busbar will lead Go the Eelloving flicker severity values: Pee CURTIN) 0.75 = Pe = 03 Soch of chese velues are within che 15 proposal is sezepeable ses of Table 1 and so this Bb. Eizeepan.22 w]e or Joo fo] 7 wo for [oe aw fafa ‘SNOT Wako TW chis example there vie a proposal co inecail chree 5 M6 sine vingers connected to « supply with # £00 HVA fault level at the piece. The profiie of the winder reactive pover levels ds given in Figure 52 belov. The question was hov the Operation of the three Minders togecher wizh sinilar bee rot (dencical cycle tines of ieproxiascely 60 seconds affected the Hitcher. FIGURE 82 war 30 ey EI 60 ‘Te (Se2s) The voltage changes are approxisately proportional to the reactive pover profile vith 4 MVAr equal to 1s volt change. it ia ssen from Figure 82 that raup vines greater chan spout 1 second have a smell effect compared co step changes of a siailar size. The flicker from fhe vinders Will therefore be predominately caused by the # MAL change at € seconds after sviceh on and co a lesser extent by che Sualler step reactive pover change of 2.5 MVAr st switch Off Thus, if there is only one wine winder the Pge (assuming chat che Inegter erep caveee + 18 voltage ahange nt th5 peint af commen coupling) for « sepetition rate of 60 seconds cen be derived from Figure &. voleage change 1 1.35e. Therefore for a 10 voltage change Foe = 0.5 2 oL- = 0.37 Fer land for a .63% voleage change Pot 70.37 x 0.63 = 0.23 The combined Pye for boch step changes = 3/378 «23 a (as Pee ds directly proportional to cht size of the volcage change: chen LE is easily calculated for osher pic c vith different volsage changes.) TE de te assued thet the operation of the winders is uncorrelaced _ the flicker effects From more shen one vinder can iso be bessned by applicetion of ene cube root lav, ive Ser 3 winders. Per = 3/G x.0.605) = 0.58. This ignotes the mare severe flicker wEEcR vould cosule’ from the coinctdrnce of steps fron cifferene Winders. Studies have shown that the coincidence of the step changes vould have te be closer chan 0.1 seconds so have « pronounced flicks effect. The frequency of two steps coinciding vithin 0.1 seconds With Ehres winders in operation having a cycie tine of sisty Feconds each 4p about one an hour and the coincidence of three winder scepe te shout once a forenighe. Ie As also interesting to note that if che steps do not occur vithin Say half co one second of each ocher then a flicker meter asseossene would give « result for Pgr based on wets frequency of cccurrence Fegardless of viwcher the seep changes are regular of rendos : Ie Se seen from this analysis chat che proposed winder installation voulé not be acceptable vich a Pye maxinun of 0.58 under stage 2 and & Stage } appreech would be necesesty. Another method co assess this probles Ss to use the “semory tine" technique of 6.2.2. Again the two ramp type changes have s wegiigible effece on flicker since boch rise (or fill) tines exceed 1 seesnd From Figure 4, che step change of 4 HVar at 6 seconds into the cycle aod with a magnitude of 18 would be allowed every 23 seconds for Pye Gf 0.5. The step change of 2.5 Mvar at 45 ceconts inte che cycle vith 2 nagnivude of 1s x 2-5/4 = 0.690 vould be allowed every 3 seconds ‘The focal "neaory time" is therefore 23 +5 ~ 26 seconde. For chres such machines vith a uean cycle ize of 63 seconds . che seaory tine will be 3x 28.~ G4 seconde. This Ss in excess of che 62 Seconds cycle tine and so the connectior of thers machines is not Sccepeable under Stage 2. D a ‘A nanufacturer wishes co inetall a spet welder load, This 1oed Consists of chree spot welders neving cycle sapeeision tine of 0.2, 1 anc 2.5 seconds respeccively. The elders give voltage crops of O13. O'4 ane 0125 volte respectively ee she picit ané have dvell cimes of 0:1,°0.2 ane 0.3 seconds. The veveforas ef the thee welders cre shou in Figure 22 The severity value of each velder on {t= own could be evalusted using Figure 4, as shown in Erasple 3, and then sunnated using the techniques of Appendix A. Hovever, as voltage changes ere occurring fe less than .1 second intervals the risk of co-incteene voleage changes is very high and it ts not cleat which value ef ta" covuse in the sumstion formula, It ts much beeter in this case to use che Elickermeter simulacor prograa to evaluate all three welders working Eogether ‘The waveform analysed azsused maximum co-incfdence of volcage changes and had a severity value Poe = 1.46, A slightly lover value would be Obtained f the voltage chinger vere noc exsctly co-inelJent (ainimun ree our 0° % vour ono? % our ono» % FleuRE 83 200 25 TIME (SECS) 30 sue 20 28 TIME (S828) to 28 TME (SECS) 10 2 TME (SECS) 0 30 2.2 The worked examples conceined in this sccion desonscrate hov the ayston data concainea in Appendie D ay be used to caleviare & voltage arop ox alternacely the maxizun curzent for a particular load connected to the Lv. eyeten, ‘CALCILATION OF SYSTRE IMProANCES ‘The maxima permicstble load can be caleuleced dixectly froa the date in Appendix bas shown in Example 3. 240 Volts Eauipment Care aust be caken when assessing the Sapedance seen by the Ioad in, this case. Az current vill Flow in 2-phases of the hy systea, an impedance aust be inserted for the "return" path as Vell ez the "go" path as show in Example 6. The hv tapedance daca given in Appendix D re based on @ lv system voltage of 415 voles snd thir must Corrected £0 4 240 vole systea as shovn in Example & No correction is needed for the cransformer data given in Appendix D Stace ehis Vill already be im the corrert syecen voltage The Iv path must also include an inpedence for the *return* neucral path as well ae the "go" phase pach. Ths impedance of his netural pach fs Usually caken az the game ai she "go" phase path. However, because the neutral ix concentric in CHE cables, che equivalent neutral Sapedance {z signifisancly different from that of = phase conduecor. Table DA(b) gives an “equfvalent for neutral Conductor" impedance for the common GHE cables. 480 Voles Loads ‘The ascesenent of iupedance 1s subject 20 simtlar corrections to thet of 240 volts loads vith regard to "go" and "return paths as shown in Eeample 7. ‘The bv tepedance must be corrected to « 480 volts system as shovm in Example 7 ‘The above are exesplified in tabular form (Table cl). 3. system corraction for | tzansterser |corzection for BV. Syecen | Iapodance | L.v. Syste ‘impeaanee ‘To Use ispecance dephaze (0) ineis © None spices fea bo 0‘ system x cquoyias)? | sepa cot and [20 4G) ‘Go and in dis. vRetura" shecurat gystea end | patho peas HOV systen | Fequized * Feautred x (480/15)? | singie-phase | sco" ane Fete comand | Seize in | checurn™ shesurn® 450-V syscem | pathe | N patks mate | etcea | | Fegutrea xaos? | singte-pase | sco" and eG Siig Scart | Seca | erect Bo apie | pees nas Bote Pegutzes x (240/625)? Single-phase | "Go" and baa oeet | eet “feewent ee he = ae Fl ef Ge) Beste transformer Cf with Links Sertogt for um pen x (2407415)? ‘Single-phase | *co* anc oot and 2eize in | “Recume tRecurn® 200 V'syscen | pethe Fequized + When C.N.E, Iv cables are involved, for she cotcencric ‘*retumn” neutral Conductor use the ‘apedancer given in Table DEG) "Equivalent for neuttal conductor" 36 a Fars (a) | Faule level at prizery substacion 150 m4 (©) | Primary substation co efetribution substation 3000 metzes 185 an? 1b ww cable (alunintum condueren) (2) | Disertbucton substation eransforner 21 000/433¥ 500 KA poine of common coupling 1 @ | Disertbusfon subsestion co che 500 mercer 165 mn? AVERORN Tv, cable | Souree to 1L KY busbar of primary subscatton | Ceppendix D: Table D1) Equivalent | Equivatent Resistance | Reaccance ‘ohas) (ches) | | 2 Kv eabie { Uopedis'S: taste 22 o.oorss | o.coen2 | transformer 1 aaa ee eT eee | ea a toon | (oss | Acune 4 losé pover factor cf 0.3 lag, the voltage drop per ampere of load ‘orrenc will be (0.3 + 0.0873) + (0.954 ¥ 0.0555) = 0.0262 + Peale lor | Prinary substation to Gisteibution substation evel ar privary substation | 100 ava ee eesrcreaa 2800 aeeres 70 ma? Li kv overhead Line (cop eenductors) point of common coupling (e) | discriberton substation Reise, 11 000/250 15 uvA eraneforner (© | meretneton abcaston oo he 10) netzes 70 aa? ouirhesd Line (copper conductor) asy | sgutvalens| Resistance (ohse) Source to busber 415.v | adjustmene| 240 ¥ 2a v Equivalent! Factor For| tquivalenc| Equivalent Resctance | “Voieage »| Resizeance comme) | (2407415)2| Cones) of primary | i | | | Gppensix bs table Diy | ; | | ‘eer pach 9 | coms | goss ° 0.00053 sfecuin path o | eons eos | 8 | Sloane: | 12 Ww 2ine j-— i ' i : | Glopendiz d: Tabte 0) - | seo paek 9.9000 | 0.00087 | x0.33 i 9.00013 | o.0002 | | *feeuba path oroone | olooes? | 48:38 | Sloeaid | Slooots | transformer 7 - f+ fonts | ones | Cippendix Bs tebte 06> | i 7 I H ! 2 LV. overhead 1ine (Gippendise B! Table D4) teen pach, | 9.0258 Pecan" path 0:0258 Assune a load pover faecor of 0.3 currene vill be (0.3 * 0.11 = 0.08 = 0.2% 0.0288 o-ozas the voltage drop per ampere of starting 70) + (0.984 ¥ 0,205) votes 81 + 0.296 66 volte per ape oe (a) | Fests lever az prinary substacion | 200 wv t (>) | tetnery substation 22 1000 metres 100 an! Gireribution substation ACRV overhead Line Dissrtburion substacion tive0/soov 25 ia (2) | Discribucton substation to the 200 metses 70 an? point ef connen coupling COFSAG cable. 7 | sisv | csv | xcjestmene| csv | soy Eouivelene! Equivalenc| fector'of'| rquivalene| Eoutveten |fesiscance! Reaceance | Voicage ,| Resistance| Reactence (ohms) "| Cohan)” | cesoredane| *CSkaay"*| “Sean oe pean i ! Gipgenaix bs Tabie 92) epee © e000 i xase | 0 | 0.0013 [festa paem 8 Ge | TE | 8) Boba Ta ws aise : = I Cingendix b: Table 96) ie "cone 0.00059 | x3.26 | 0.00056 | 0.00078 | Ecuene Sioee2 S.e0083 | iiae | Glomas j olo00%8 ‘Transformer t | | Gnppendix: Table BE) sf + Loa | o.aes : I Lv. cable | | {iopendtn’s: tabie Daca) SER 1 52duu3 | 0.00705 = | e.cus | o.oor0s Eecafat patae paen| Oca | Looms 2 | erst | coenes TOTAL 7 T 0.32272 | 0.38328 Assume # load power factor of 0.3 che voltage drop per ampere of lead current wll be! (0.3 © 0.323) + (0.956 * 0.383) volts = 0.0962 + 0.3654 = 0.462 volte per ampere of Load i oe nm ba pit pi.2 pia pan 3.2 03.3 bet bez = Sources of Systen Date concained in Tete Lu, ovrnsrap umes Restarance values are at 20°C derived from BS 125 (1970) and B5 215 (1370); 0 be Reactance {+ given for a 35 1320 type of conecruction vith 3 feet 6 Anch conductor spacing. Novever, che values ase sufficcestiy accurate in this context for 2 feet 6 inch specing 2 1390 tinge, Lighe Lines to EST Standard 43-10 and hesvy Lines’ce ESI Seanaare 63-20. Jue sransformer ratio used for referring values to a 415 v cysten vas 110007033 or 6600/39 Resistance values are at 20°C. Equivalent star reactances are derivee from the following: (a) CE Spectfteation €2 (2955) (BEB specitteacton 6 (1960) (©) Engineering Recommendation ¢67 (1970). ‘The transformer ratio used for referring values to 4 415 v system «1 110007433 er 6600/433- Lv. OVERHEAD LINES Resistance values are at 20°C derived from 25 125 (1970) and BS 215 (4370), Reactance values are given for « BEB Specification U1 (1962) construction with 12 {neh sonduccor spacing and are equivarcnt ster Feaceances for & 3-phest For this application, hese values are still sufficiently accurate for lines vith? incs conductor Speciag. When carrying single-phase loads and for single-phase Lines, the Feactance varies depending on the spacing of the conductors’ in ase Novever, for the application of moter stacting ealculscions thes: . phase values are considered sufficiently accuface castes Resistance valu are at 20% Equivalent star reactances vere derived fro the fellouing: (2) CE Specification c2 (1985) (b) BEB spect #Sceston c6 1950) (=) Engineering Reconmendacion ¢67 (1870) (2) EST standard 09-8 (a) EST Seandard 09-9 “biscricable* Sapedances were derived from sanufaesurers' date. Neutral charactertstics of "CONSACY end CUAVEFORKY were dixived from onafacturers! data. ‘TRANSFORNERS, An] values have been referred co the nominal secondary voltages of 133, "S00 er 250 ex appropria Impedances ere chose applicable co eypieal eransforaecs vintch comply SIEh BEB Speciftcacton T1 (1958) at nominal tap. Although losses are fo longer specified im ESI Standard 35-1 (1970) mansfaccurers have Lictle scope to deviate significantly from the losses of 23 Specification T1 (1958) and the given valuer are consideree surficiently accurate to also apply to thet ‘The iapedances given for Suvire transformers are measured values of typical unite, ae peur may coy samc a9 eT I on panaiiopa on 6 eee ele et ara a et a ee ane 230 I ° i 0.00073 7 ° sae | 30. ° 0.0038 2 ° | o.oors ee Size aapersal ~ Ciagh?) Restscance Per Phase Conductor (ohas/1009 5) Merle = (ent) Conductor Material ‘(ohas/1000 8) Imerial 0.0225 0.0019 0.0032 0.00018 0.08 0.0011 0.0018 0.00016 0.06 0.00072 0.0012 0.00015 ot 0.00043 0.0072 0.00016 ous 0.00023— 0.20068 0.00013 on 0.00022 0.00036 0.00013 ozs. 0.00018 0.00028 0.00012, 0.3 9.00016 0.00024 0.00012 oe 0.00011, 0.00018 0.00012 os 0.000086 0.00018 0.00012 Meets 8s 0.00082 0.00080 0.00018 130 0.00018 0.00032 0.00013, us 0.00015 0.00025 0.00012 20 0.00012 0.00039 0.00012 300 0.000083 0.00016 0.00032 “a aU Be ee contin tae Sy Yapertal = (tosh?) Phase consugser Metric - (aa) Conductor Material (ehms/1000 a) come: | datas Fepeian o.0ees nase ae — 0.08 [com | ome | ceo — 1} .p0ss | o conan oa coe me | aa oss o.oo | oma j—o.c0036 [ 0.00082 s.so0 on | “= ma acoso | 0.0008 oe | 0.0000 | o.c0066 0.00083 | om coos o.stoas 0.00033 ! Os 0.00026 0.00040 0.00032, | ula 2s 0008s oman sonar sso nose ment se ws 0.0048 o.teont o.o03s | 240 0.00023 0.c0086 0.00036 a | size 2 (neh? copper Equivalent) Restecance per Reactance per mat Phase Congucesr | Phase Conductor (ehas/1000 =} | "(onmes1000 12 (0.017) Cedaism Copper 0.0027 0.00067 16 (0.015) copper .001s, 0.00066 132 (0.08) copper .000 || o,00063 50 (0.078) coppe F805 | .onnse 70 (0.1) Copper [| %-9000, 00087 | 200 (0.15) copper oueona7 | o.o0855 50 (0.08) AL. Alley i —~ oon | o.o0ese i 1 25 (0.025) AcsR 0.0017 | e.00067 | 40 (0.08) acs oon =| o,00062 | | 50 coves) acse yj e-ancee | o,co061 200 (0.2) acs 0.00042 0.00059 150 (0.15) Aes 0.00028 0.00052 175 (0.175) Acs 0.00026 0.00051 200 (0.2) acsR 0.00022 0.00051 as size m2 (tach? copper Equivalent) Resistance per Phase Gonduttor Reactance pe Phaze Conductor Consesiooo s)" | "tckaaADo0'SS 12 (0.017) cadatun Comper 0075 cons xe (0.028) copper 0083 o.oo | 22 c.08) copper 0.0023 o.0017 { 50 (0.075) copper o.oos | one | 20D caper rc 100 (0.28) copper | 8.0007 o.0ois $0.0) m0. alloy 0.0008, o.o0is 25 (0.025) ACSR. | 0.0007 1 0.0029 | i 20 (0.08) nese | cose» oo 300 (0.1) Acs o.00:2 cone 150 (0.18) Acs 0007s oon 17s (0.175) aceR .cc0e7 core Ses joes a amen Resistance Reactance fee tha peo Passe | seve azine aww (ores) eras) 3 0.030 0.362 single phase » ois 0.206 aevire in 3 ons 0.146 20-9 558: 6 0.108 ons a vost 0.0848 ase 0870 0.0920 30 0.0266 0.0496 so 0.0270 0.0487 Single-phase 35 0.0839 0.0909 Sewize in, | 38 0.0393 0513 HOW 100 o.016s 0255 syeten | : [sinete-phare | 25 0.2 0.365 Sewire in 1 30 0.209 0.195 ago | 200 0.0465 0.102 syscen 3 0.208 0.766 0 0.0876 o.14e 100 oon 0.0810 200 o.oist 0.0406 aephase 300 0.00888 0.0281 mais ¥ as 0.00901 0.0268 Syeven and 00 0.0508 oon 209 750 0.00212 o.ous | systen 200 0.00281 actor | 1000 o.o0a19 = | 0.00863 Transforeer with Links axrenged for 2owire ouzpur. VERED Lv capes AImperéal +" (ingh?) ) Resistance Per Phse conductor (ohms /1010 3) size ferret ore Reactance Pex Phaze Conducts eerie © (os Conductor hacertat ‘hes 10085) copper ‘saint Innezted | oozes | aes aoe 0.088 | 0.0 | 0.702 Las o.o77 ' 0.08 abe 0.767 j 90738 | = 1 brs ease | ores outs | eee on | 0.0700 [os , ons one? o.0ses | 03 0.0320 ose 0.0878 | O48 | eos ous 0.0678 | os | 0.0558 0.092 0.0667 | seams i “6 | aas La 0.0805 0.673 10 0.0790 3 0.52 o.t68 o.ons 70 0.268 oss o.ono ss 39s 0.0 0.0700 0 1 ess o.zs3 0.0880 ; 1s 1 o.oo: ose 0.0860 i +300 0.0602 0.100 i 0.0670 = ae | ie | See 300 0.100 [e005 | 0.0728 0.0725 Sabah OE | Sit 2 momen | CS, | Soe | 50 (0.08) - o.sa2 0.297 | a0 (0.15) ” | 0.183 0.260 = 50. 10. 1. Bs 12s Bs 215 as 1320 ESI Scendard 09-1 : EST Seandare 09-9 : ESI Standard 35-1 EST Seandard 43-10 : ESE Standard 43-20 CE Speciticacton c2 (1955) BEB Specification 66 (1960): BEB specification U1 (1962) BEB Specification 7.1 (1958) Spectftcaston for Haré-drevn Copper and ~ Copperscadsiun conductors for Overneee Pouer Transaisston Purposes: Spectticacion for Aluainiue Conductors and Alusinium Conductors, Steel Felnforced, for Overhead Pover ‘Teananission High Voltage Overhead Lines on Food Poles for Line Voltages up to and including AL kV with Conductors Hot Exceeding. 0.05 sq im. (withdrawn Hovenber 1977) Inpregnated Paper Ineulaced 6090/1000 V Gable vith Three Solid Aluniniua Phase Conductors and Alusiniun Sheath/Meuesel Conductor (CONSAC) Polymeric Insulated, Combined Neutral/Earth (CHE) Cables wich Solld ‘Alutiniua Phase Conductors snd Concentric ‘Aluminium Vire Wavefora Houeral/Eareh Conductor. Distribute 2000 ia) ‘Transformers (fron 16 WA to 21 kv Single Circuit Overhead Lines of Light Cona:ruecion on Yood Poles (eitndrava November 1988) 11 HV and 53 KV Single Cireuts overhead Lines of Heavy Construction on Food Poles. (Withdravn Hovenber 1968) Impregnaces Paper Tasulaced solid Type Lead or Laud Alloy sheathed Pover Cables Eee Voltages up 0 an including 22 40 (iehdrave 1973) Impreguaces Paper Ineulated Sols4 Type Lead or Loud Alloy sheathed Pover Cables inaving Alusiniun Conductors for Voltages up to and including 27 WV. (Withdrava 1975). Medium and Lov Voltage Overhead Lines on Wood Poles. (Witharavm June 1978) Teansformess from 5 KVA co 2000 KYA for Bien Seardara 15 ¥ and 240 V Systens. (ichdzave 1973) 3 B ra 6 rr s 2 a 2 m 2s % UIE (1986) Disturbances Flicker Hessurenene end Evslustion. Vorking Croup UIE (1988) Disturbances Connecticn of Fluccusting Leads Working croup ree 725 asst) Considerations on reference Lapedances Sor use in decerstning the eisccrvence characteristics of household end similar electrical equtpaent Tec 868 (1985) 2 Flickermetar Funet{onal and Design Specifiesrions. ec 555 1982) 2 Disturbances tn cupply cystems caused by Cin hres pares) household applisnces and sinter cquipmens, ceneiec Ex 60.555 Equivalent t0 TEC 553. sz, 5506 (1968) Equivalent to BN 60.555. Disturbances in Gn chree pares) supply syscens caused by housenole appliances end similar eguipeens The Electricity council Report AcE 7 1983, Supply to Welding Plant (Assoctated wi ER ES) The Hlectvicity Counetl Repoit AGE & (196i) Supply co Collier Windere and Rolling Mille’ (Assoetaced vith ER PE) ‘The Hlectricity Council Repore ACE 26" (1970) 1 Supply co Are Furnaces (Associsced with 7/2) The Electrietey Council Report AGE 48 (1577) + EHV on HV Supplies to Inductfon Furnaces (Assoctazed with & P16) ‘The Hlecerietey Council Report ace 58° (1977) 1: Report on Compensators for Are Furnaces (associates vith ER 7/2) The Elecerietty Council Report eur Limtes for Voltage Fluctuations Caused by (im preparation) Industrial, Commercial and Doaestic Bguipaent in che We ‘The Elecericity Counett Engineering Recommendation ? 1/2 ‘Supply co are Furnaces 30 REFERENCES (conse) ‘Tho Elecerietey Counett Engineering Reseanenaation ? Suppty to Colliery Winders and Rol ails ‘he Electricity council Engineering Recomeensation 29 Supply te Welding Plant The Electricity Gounetl Engineering Recoanendation F 13/1 Elecertc Motors - Scarting Conditions ‘The Fleceriesey Coune!1 Engineering Reconnendation P 16 PERV or HV Supplies ro Induction Furnaces Note: Te volcage fluctuation Limits in Engineering Recommendations 77/2, PB. PS, PLI/1 and PLS are superseded by this dscument,” The remaining Sackground snfornation may be of interest 2B: ‘oes equtpaene ously with Stage 2 linite MES eoeooe ggane \ 4 dseivetuagy changes ob the wiece, M9 ee Lacs — rs —_—_ an che voleage changes be reduced by ms equipment modification? a uct Does equipment comply vith Stage 2 assuning fap OP eta eye vol ebge changer? i Dose equipnens comply wich Scage 2 shen corer seeeseed by eimilation oF caleclacion * Measure background flicker and add co the accrer diseurbance eauzee by che equipment — feubyect co Doce sousl estinated flicker severity Tevlew £2 ‘comply with Stage 3? complaints 1 arise) ~ Idencify most significant volcage changes. ——— YES ------ ASSESS AT Stace 208 2 Gan frequency of voltage changes be reduced or Tap type changes substiruced EATS for steps? Can systes impedance at the piese. be reduced? i Previous practice has chown that cereein relatively suall setore stercing Girect-on-line can be connected without consicerscion of ‘Hicker effects. These are detailed beloy (2) Motors which aze {ntended co be exacted very frequently, Le a= eer chan one minute invervale? NonaaL, LAO JRarINc ECERESSED IN TERMS OF EITHER: mre ooreer isror 08) eva) Single-phase 240 V 0.37 Lo 1.50 3.0 S-phase 615 ¥ 2.25 4.0 (®) ALL eher aotors with an Iv potnt of comon coupling not covered By (a) oF Ce) ORAL, RINATTNG lraric expRESSED IN TERYS OF EXTHER rere oorror reror (8) eva) Single-phase 240 V 0.78 7 Single-phase 480 V 3.00 as S-phase 615 v 4.50 6.0 ae (©) 3.phase aocers vith the point of commen coupling ar che Iv busbar of a hv/lv substation where the interval Setvecn scares iy 10) Binucer oF longs ‘TRANSFomeEa RATING NORMAL OUTPUT RATING Ck) ce) 200 22.5 300/315 30:0 300) 45.0 750/800 30.0 1000 75:0 ‘2.PUASE MOTORS SIT STAR-DELTA STARTING Voere star-delte starring is employed actors of up to 1.5 tines the sizes given in tables (a), (b) and (e) my be accepeee vishour Consideration of fs From time to cine, cases arise (ueuslly in connection with continuous ‘oter is only started at ineervals of several fonchs. "In these cases of “very infrequent starting” it may be possible for a Board to agree to voltage depression in excess of 38, (aking accoune of the associated starting equipaent), subject to Special conditions. These-special consitions could inciuce. (1) Restriction of starting to ciaes vhen eysten connections are perma. G0 Resertetton of starting co cercain hours (for example 0100-0700 SSure)‘to sisiase she ultaliieet of siscartance te ner, usconers." in tis chew care should oe eaken'es use che ource ipedance appopeisce co she starting house” 3- (At4) Ltateon with Board Concrol Engineer prior co starcing. (iv) tu coccatn canes constderacton may have co be given £0 {shibiting tap changer operation, {In no case should the voltage depression et the point of common, ‘coupling on rearting exceed 68. Another category of wocor vhere special consideration may be verranced — is grein drying lascellations, Here socore vill usually only be started over a Listced period of the year, generally vien there it no Lighting load on the systen. Additionally, a very Linived munber of consuaers may experience the full volt drop st the p.c.c. These and Finilar cases require the exercise of Judgenent but e voit arop of 3. te 42 RECOMENDED sh household cocking appliances vith racing: exceading 2 ki lip te and including 4.5 Ki should be regerded ar suieable for connection provided thee (a) they present a restaeive load: (b) che characteristics of load and evitching race lie below dhe carve im Figure ADI; ee (e) they conform in other respects to iS 5406; (4) the supply is othervise sutcable The definition of an appliance for the purpose of BS S406 2: sopLisnee one appliance may have several separately controlled circuits. Each circuit is considered as a single applimce if it is intended to be ised independencly, provides that the cocerels are not synchronizes co seitch at the sane inscant, ocher than vbere (2) his cccuse at rando, (42) this occurs through the use of a tinesvitch, (ALL) the synchronisation ie arranged te svitch one load off at she sane tine az another is svitehed 30. Several elzeutts intended to be used ntependently may be controlled by automatic synchronised switching, provided that che combined load door noe produce voltage fluctustions exceeding the liaiss given in Fig 1 of 35. sa06. ‘The Acsoctation of Kamufacturers of Dossstic Electrical Appliances (iwEa) "are avare of chir Recomensetion In applying Figure ADL, vhere the evivching rate of concrols ts gubject to production colerances, az the vorst seccing not more than St of the concrols may have svieching rates exceeding che sppropriace point on the Lintt curve. Uhere eolerances do not apply, for inscance Sigital devices, the curve shall be fegreded as an upper limit. The Evizening rate is the total muaber of changes occurring in one 1-0 when assessed against the reference impedance Of BS S406 snd assuring that the stores is svitehed on and off once ina ten minute period: compliance vith ehis Iinit being Sssessed by means of 2 flickernecer, fiickermeter simlacsr ee by dn appropriate analytical scthod. A tolerance in the value of Pg: of up to 54 is permissible in accordance with TEC 868 2 Each instantaneous shover unis vith a rsting in excees of 7.2 let should have the folloving notice incerpersted in the installation Snesructions "As this ‘2 a high pover unie it ¢ essential to contact your Ekteusietey Beard to snsure thet the elecerietey supply iy adequane for the purpose. Note: (a) The requtrenence for azaged svitching under icons 1(a) and L(e) do noe apply in reepece ef any emergency arrangements for svicching off the shower nder abnormal conditions (b) Fover ratings quoted are subject co the nomal wanfacturing > Bs gus 3 felerance in BS 2656.

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