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Free Speakers


The Opening (One week organising time)

The chairperson starts by assigning people to the Proposition, the Opposition and to the Free
Speakers. Then the motion is introduced.
Each team will be assigned a group to prepare for the debate. (If there are any issues with your
position notify the chairperson as soon as possible so they can make the necessary changes.)
The group will be open for one week and will close the day before the debate group opens. During
this time the team can share ideas and post materials of use or interest in order to help each other
to write their arguments. Each group is private and the others will not see what you post.
The chairperson then after one week closes the team groups and opens the debate group. This is
visible to all members and the time limits and procedure for each stage are the following:
The Main Arguments (2 day time limit to complete)
The chairperson invites each of the members in turn to speak, alternating between the Proposition
and the Opposition. The proposition starts.
Only the first and second speaker of each side speak at this time. Speed and punctuality is
necessary. (The main arguments should be pre-prepared.)
Each of the main speakers puts forward their arguments to support their side of the debate. Each
speaker has a 150 word limit to give their arguments and a 100 word limit to respond any of the
arguments points. They may disagree with the other team or ask them a question in their
The Main Speakers may also post a maximum of one image or a video clip (max two minutes)
to support their arguments.
The Free Speakers (2 day time limit to complete)
At this point the chairperson opens the floor to the free speakers who have a 200 word limit to
give respond to the debate thus far.
They must give their own opinion and ask a question for the teams to clarify later. (The teams must
note down any relevant points to respond to.)
The Closing Speakers (1 day time limit)
Now the chairperson invites the 3rd speakers in each group have their turn. The Opposition starts.
They have a 200 word limit to summarise the main points of their team (50 - 100 words) and
respond to any points made by the free speakers (100 words).
The Vote (1 day time limit)
At the end of the motion the audience must then vote for the Opposition or the Proposition . A pole
will be set up to do so

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