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A. Every day, Americans unknowingly indulge in foods that are
labeled as natural. What we dont know is how the food is
actually being created.
B. The FDA is genetically modifying foods without the knowledge of
the general public.
C. Not only are GMOs not well researched and lack regulation but
also have negative effects on our environment.


A. View point of the opposition
1. Modifying some foods increases nutritional value
B. Supporting Argument
1. GE foods can increase mineral or vitamin content
2. GMOs help fight worldwide malnutrition (Mandel).
3. Vitamin enriched rice is helping reduce global vitamin A
deficiencies. (Mandel).
C. Analysis
1. To summarize, supporters of GE believe that GMOs are
beneficial to human health.
D. Thesis
1. Some might believe that GMOs are beneficial to human
life but modifying organisms are under researched, lack
regulation and have negative effects on our environment.


Main Point #1: Lack of Research

A. Main Point
1. More research needs to be done on GMOs in order to
determine whether they have negative impacts on
B. Supporting Evidence
1. GMOs are not yet proven safe for human consumptions
2. There hasnt been a single long-term human health
feeding study conducted on GMOs (GMKnow).
3. Monsanto, a major company that uses GMOs, claims on
their website that they dont need to do any human
clinical trials, not even for cancer (GMKnow).
4. The FDA doesnt do any testing on GE foods, and doesnt
require any independent tests dont by companies

5. Some scientists hypothesize that GMOs could be the

cause of food allergies, but no test have been done to
disprove this theory (Caldwell).
C. Analysis
1. It is clear that something must be done in order to learn
more about GMOs.
D. Closing Sentence
1. More research needs to be done in order to determine
whether humans are being affected by these GE foods,
and how to prevent these negative affects from


Main Point #2: Lack of Regulation

A. Main Point
1. There should be more regulations on GMOs put in place
by the FDA.
B. Supporting Evidence
1. Currently, there is no strict definition of what constitutes
as a natural food (Caldwell). This word is used as a
marketing strategy.
2. Companies are not required to let customers know when
a product contains GMOs (Caldwell).
3. Most customers are completely unaware they are even
consuming GMOs because it is not stated on the food
labels (GMKnow).
4. Over 60 countries including European countries, Russia,
Australia and China have some restrictions on GMOs.
5. As stated by the FDA, It is difficult to define a food
product that is natural because the food had probably
been processed and is no longer a product of the Earth
C. Analysis
1. Based on this research, it is apparent that regulations
need to be made in order to inform the public on what
they are consuming.
D. Closing Sentence
1. Overall, the public is being blinded by their lack of
knowledge because the FDA is not installing proper
regulations and letting customers know when an item
contains GMOs.
Main Point #3: Negative Environmental Affects
A. Main Point

1. Although GMOs may seem like they may be benefitting

crop growth, they have many negative effects on the
B. Supporting Evidence
1. These GMO crops are engineered to tolerate certain types
of pesticides (Green America).
2. Increased herbicide and pesticide resistance is creating
superweeds and superbugs (GMOinside).
3. Stronger doses of chemicals are used as methods of
fighting off these weeds and bugs (Caldwell).
4. The greater the chemicals used on the crops, the more
pollution contaminates Earths water and air (GMOinside).
5. Organic farms are being contaminated through pollen
drift from neighboring GM fields (Green America).
6. Biotech companies are suing companies using genetic
mutation if their fields are contaminated with the tainted
seeds (GMOinside).
C. Analysis
1. There are many aspects of the environment that are
effected my foods produced with GE.
D. Conclusion
1. It is clear that companies using genetic mutation pose a
threat not only to organic foods but also the environment
as a whole.

A. Thesis
1. Although GMOs may seem to be beneficial to human life,
the process of genetically engineering organisms lacks
research, has no regulation and also has negative effects
on our environment.
B. State Impact
1. Overall, GMOs have a negative impact on many aspects
of human life
C. Final Thought
1. Something must be done in order to inform the public
about the foods we are consuming and how the negative
environmental affects could potentially change our

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