Teach Like A Champion

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Lindsey Hancock

Teach Like a Champion Strategy Reflection Journal

Technique # 4 Format Matters
Description: Format is a very important concept when teaching. Students need to
understand the importance of grammatical format as well as audible format.
Students need to learn to be good writers and know how to communicate with one
another as well as adults through good writing skills. If students do not have good
writing skills, it will be very hard to communicate with authority when they are older
and have a real job. Audible format is also very necessary to teach because
students need to speak and sound intelligent and education when presenting
themselves to others as well as authority. Teaching students these basic
communication skills can help them when they are applying for a job or dealing with
any type of authority or peer in the future.
Observation/Implementation: I am in a 5th grade class at Irondale Community
School. Even though she is a math and science teacher, she puts a strong emphasis
on making sure her students are able to write using the correct grammar and
speaking using the correct syntax. Students will sometimes add an extra word when
communicating or use the wrong endings when speaking, and Mrs. Reid will correct
them on the spot. She wants them to become well-spoken individuals, so she will do
everything she can to help them with their grammar when speaking. Sometimes
their peers will even correct them if they add an extra word or say something that
doesnt make sense. She will sometimes repeat their sentence back to them in the
form of a question, and the student will automatically correct their phrasing before
continuing with the conversation.

Technique #14 Board=Paper

Description The Board=Paper strategy is very important in helping student learn
how to properly take notes and prepare them for later grades. Students need to
learn to properly take notes from the board or overhead projector to their notetaking guides or journals. Students should start by copying all the words that
teachers display on the board, but as they grow older, they are able to copy down
only the key words needed to retain the information that was discussed during the
lecture in class.
Observation/Implementation This strategy one that my teacher constantly uses to
help her prepare her students for middle school. I am in a 5 th grade classroom at
Irondale Community School and my students have math and science journals where
they take notes on different topics discussed in class. I have used their math journal
to help them write down new notes for a new major concept. They use their math

Lindsey Hancock
journals as their textbook to help assist them in any practice problems they may
have to solve. Mrs. Reid makes sure to highlight the main ideas over and over when
teaching her students the material and having them copy down the new
information. They really enjoy this method of learning because the students are
able to go back and refer to the notes they took without asking multiple questions
about the topic they are discussing.
Technique #3 Stretch It
Description This strategy is a one that can help stretch the students thinking
beyond just the right answer. Most of the time teachers will just answer the
questions with Yes or Good job! We as the teachers need to challenge our
students to push beyond just the right answer and ask them to think deeper. One
way to do this is to ask Why? and How? to really ensure that the students know
why that is the right answer. By asking a student to explain their answer, it is asking
them to stretch their knowledge and making sure they are really understanding the
information rather than just memorizing and repeating back information.
Observation/Implementation One way I have observed this strategy in the
classroom has been during math lessons. Mrs. Reid will always challenge her
students to take it one step further and think about how they found that answer.
Every morning, the students come in and do their morning work, which is math
problems. After they complete it, they go over the answers as a whole class.
Students will be asked to give an answer to the problem and explain why they used
that method of solving that problem. This strategy can work both ways with either
getting the right or wrong answer. If the student is right, it will allow them to
understand why it is right. If the answer is wrong, most of the time they will catch
their mistake in the explaining the why process and then will correct their answer.

Technique # 25 Wait Time

Description: Wait time is an excellent strategy for a champion teacher. This basically
says that once a teacher asks a question, he or she will wait a few seconds and
have the students think about their answer before saying it out loud. This is a great
strategy to get everyone to participate. Most of the time, teachers will call on the
students who raise their hand first, but wait time gives everyone an opportunity to
think about their answer before one is blurted out. This section also talked about
narrated wait time. Some examples of this would include: Im waiting for more
hands, Id like to see at least fifteen hands before we hear an answer, etc.
Observations/Implementation: I have practiced this strategy multiple times when I
teaching my lessons. I would address the whole class and then ask them questions.

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Most of the time, my 5th graders would not blurt out the answer and they would wait
to be called on. I would make sure to allow enough time for each student to come
up with an answer on their own and then be able to share it with the whole class.
My teacher at Irondale Community School has done a great job of using this
strategy throughout the day. She makes an effort to call upon different students and
not have the same child answer every single question. She holds them to a high
standard and expects them to not speak until they are called upon.

Technique #30 Tight Transitions
Description The tight transition strategy is one that is very useful in a highly
effective classroom. Students are held to a very high standard to make sure they
can be the most productive that they can be throughout the day. Having tight and
short transitions will allow for more learning time in the classroom. Teachers need to
take advantage of the time they have in the classroom. The most important
resource in the classroom is time and teachers should use this effectively. Moving
materials are also affected during transition time. Students have to carry different
materials between classrooms and teachers need to master this at the beginning of
the year to maximize time learning in the classroom.
Observation/Implementation Mrs. Reids 5th grade class has mastered the tight
transitions in the classroom. They are on a very tight schedule to maximize their
learning time. Each day they have 3 designated restroom breaks so that way the
students dont have to get up in the middle of teaching time to disrupt the class.
They are also 5th grade so they are able to move quicker to and from their specials
or from class to class. The 5th grade classes at Irondale Community School change
classes in the afternoon. They make sure to pack up their things before lunch so
that way they are able to move quickly and efficiently to the other classroom when
they return for lunch. I like the way Mrs. Reid established classroom transitions at
the beginning of the year so that way her students will have maximum learning

Technique # 29 Do Now
Description This strategy is used during the morning time for students to have an
assignment right as they enter the classroom. This gives the students an
opportunity to be hard at work before the teacher even enters the classroom
teaching new material or reviewing old material. This strategy is also very useful in
older grades because students are more independent and able to complete morning

Lindsey Hancock
work on their own. The Do Now requires consistency and preparation on the
teachers part. Most of the time it is the same thing every day but it doesnt have to
be. Having consistency when entering the classroom can help students get into a
routine and know what to do.
Observation/Implementation I have seen this strategy being used in my classroom
at Irondale Community School. Upon entering the classroom, the students get out
their morning/daily work pages of math. Students immediately get to work after
unpacking their materials. They have a packet that my teacher hands out weekly for
them to keep in their binders. Students are required to keep up with their packet
throughout the week. After they complete their morning work, Mrs. Reid will go over
the worksheet to make sure they get the correct answers.

Technique #37 What to Do
Description This strategy is one to remember with all students. Students need to be
given explicit instruction on what to do and when to do it. Most of the time students
will get in trouble if they are sitting around doing nothing because they dont know
what they are suppose to be doing. A good teacher will provide instructions of what
they should be doing rather than telling them what they should not be doing when
they are just sitting around staring off into space. When teachers make a critical
distinction between defiance and incompetence, this will have a pervasive effect on
the classroom culture and the relationship between her and her students.
Instructions must be specific, concrete, sequential and observable.
Observation/Implementation Mrs. Reid does a great job at providing her students
with explicit instruction each day in her classroom. During the morning time, she
requires them to complete the 4 to 5 math problems in their daily work and then
has another option in a folder at the front for the students to complete after they
are finished. She has set up these rule and guidelines of what to do in the classroom
a the beginning of the year to ensure that each student can get the best education
that he or she can possibly have in the amount of time they have at school.
Because they are in 5th grade, she holds the to a very high standard and provides
specific, concrete, sequential instruction that she is able to observe throughout the
classroom daily.

Technique #36 100 Percent

Lindsey Hancock
Description This strategy holds all of the students to a very high standard. It is
expecting all 100 percent of them to meet the rules and regulations of the
classroom. By expecting all of her student in the classroom to meet these
requirements the teacher is establishing her authority in the classroom from the
beginning. Using this strategy in the classroom can help establish a positive
atmosphere in the classroom as well. If students are following directions, they will
learn what they need to and have a good classroom experience. The teacher needs
to have all authority in the classroom, and once she is respected and holds students
to that high standard, students will have the best experience possible.
Observation/Implementation Following directions is not an option in Mrs. Reids
classroom. They have a system in place to hold students accountable for their
behavior. They have a red folder that follows the class around to specials and any
other activities around the school. Students can receive checks if they are talking
out of turn or not following directions as told. If the student receives 4 checks
throughout the week, they will be in detention on Friday. If they follow the rules set
in place, they will be able to participate in Fun Friday. This system allows not only
the classroom teacher to have all authority but also any teacher that they visit to
have the authority as well. Students respond well to this system and know what
rules and procedures to follow when they are in the classroom as well as with
another teacher at a special.

Technique #23 Call and Response
Description Call and Response is probably one of the most common strategies that
teachers use in their classrooms. This is when a teacher will call out a question and
the whole class will respond in unison with the answer. There are many different
examples of how this strategy can be used in the classroom effectively. There are
five levels of call and response and they include: repeat, report, reinforce, review,
and solve. These are all very different ways to make sure the class is on the same
page. Some steps are very simple, like just repeating what the teacher said, but
some require more thinking, like reviewing all they have learned on a particular
subject or what they have learned the past few days.
Observation/Implementation During morning work check time, Mrs. Reid allows the
class to call out the right answer sometimes when she asks a question. She will
have a student who called out that answer go further into detail about how they
came to that conclusion. Another way this strategy is used in the classroom would
be when she splits them into groups and has them answer different questions and
the group will answer in unison because they have worked on the problem together.
Then she will have one student explain their answer. Sometimes she will also have

Lindsey Hancock
them relate the information they are learning in one subject back to another subject
or even something they have learned recently.

Technique #31 Binder Control

Description Binder control is a very important method for keeping the students and
the classroom organized. Teachers use this method when keeping the students
worksheets and notes for each subject area in either a folder or binder. Sometimes
these binders are color coded or numbered to help students know which is which. If
a teacher numbers their worksheets or notes pages, this can help students know if
they are missing a page or math problem. This can also be used for their folders to
take to and from school. Most of the time teachers label their folder pockets to
either keep at home or bring back to school. This can help the parents keep their
student organized as well as the teacher.
Observation/Implementation Each of the students in Mrs. Reids 5th grade class has
a binder that they share between the two teachers when they switch for Language
Arts and Social Studies. They also have a composition notebook for each of the
subject areas. These notebooks are organized by a table of contents at the front of
each book letting the students know where their notes are located in the notebook. I
think Mrs. Reid has a great system of using these composition notebooks because
she says they use them not only as a note-taking guide but also a reference when
completing practice problems on their own. Most of the time the textbook can
explain concepts in a more difficult way for students to understand them, so Mrs.
Reid likes for her students to have a reference that can help them when working on
practice problem or they can use this notebook as a study tool. I would love to use
this tool in my classroom one day. I think it works really well for the students and
allows them to have all of their notes in one spot.

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