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Planning for an Accessible Event Style Sheet Guide

Page Format
Size: Letter (8.5 x 11)
orientation: Tall
margins: Normal
headers (content, page #, rules, etc.)
footers (content, page #, rules, etc.)
numbering (front matter, body)
rules (painted lines that act as dividers)
columns (number, width of each)
gutter placement and width
graphic placement and width
colors (screens, text, graphics, none)
document title: Calibri, 16 pt, Bold, black
heading 1: Calibri, 14 pt, Bold, black
heading 2 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
heading 3 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
captions (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
menu items, as represented in the text (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
key strokes, as represented in the text (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
spacing (leading, kerning)
cautions/ warnings (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
hints (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
lists: Times, 12 pt, Bulleted, black
footnotes/ endnotes (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
abbreviations to use after first reference
acronyms to use after first reference: ADA
capitalization (any non-standard uses must be specified)
hyphenation: On
in-text definitions (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
quotation marks (straight or smart quotes)
spelling: U.S. English
steps: Bullets
active or passive voice: Active
imperative voice?
second person direct address of reader? Yes
parallelisms (noun phrases or verb phrases in lists)
gender references (acceptable pronouns): They, Their

Figures & Tables

captions (numbers & titles)
size & placement
textual references to figures & tables (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
units of measure (inches, centimeters, picas, points, etc.)
decimals aligned (tab setting)
typography & punctuation of elements such as lists, headings, titles (none, periods,
commas, font, case)

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