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Victoria Saucedo

RWS 33355
May 5, 2016
Consultant Report Reflective Essay
From this consultant report, I think that I have learned several things that have made me
an overall better writer. For instance, I learned the importance of specifically addressing my
audience and writing to them in a way that accurately expressed the three aspects of ethos,
pathos, and logos. You want to be sure that your message is coming across your targeted
audience and that they are aware you have tailored your message to them accordingly. Not only
must you be well organized and credible to your readers, but you must also learn to write with
emotional appeal in order to attract their attention and convict something even stronger than their
minds, their heart. It is quite an art to effectively combine all these three aspects without ignoring
or overpowering one of them. In this way, a good balance was also a key element that I tried to
incorporate in my individual report.
Overall. I think that I very well accomplished the goal of my consultant report: to
promote the best practices of communication in the Human Resource related communities of the
workplace and classroom environments. I believe I adequately and efficiently provided enough
details and information to illustrate how written communication served as the best practice in the
professional workplace whereas in person communication served best regarding the classroom
environments. I also believe that I successfully informed my audience that the report was meant
to not only aid students like myself in learning how to communicate effectively when upon
entering the workplace environment. In addition, I also think this report was clear in how it could
help already established managers in the workplace better their current communication practices.

I did not just summarize my findings, but I also gave helpful guidelines and real life examples of
the contrast and similarities of communication between the two different environments with
supporting reasons and explanations behind each. I believe I also did my best in balancing a
proper amount of ethos, pathos, and logos in my culmination of credibility, emotional appeal,
and organization. For these reasons, I see my writing process as having overall enabled the
construction and execution of my consultant report.
In this consultant report, I made the most changes in drafts than in the previous major
assignments. First, there were a few grammatical and spelling issues that I need to address
regarding word choice and sentence structure. Then, I moved on to revising on how I addressed
my audience of Human Resource managers. In comments, it was suggested that I be more clear
in how I spoke to these members, so I made it a point to be more specific in who I was talking to
throughout my draft. For example, I changed a few words like you and instead added Human
Resource managers in order to be crystal clear. I also added a few sentences and parts to further
explain how this information was helpful and effective to HR managers, students, or professors.
For these reasons, I think that this revision process was very effective in fixing some errors that
will now help my audience and readers correctly and wholly understand the purpose of this
report in bettering their communication skills as HR managers.
In the end, I truly learned a lot from this consultant report, as I did from the other major
assignments. I learned myself on how to communicate while I am still studying to become an HR
manager, but I also learned what to expect from the communication styles I should use upon
entering the professional workplace. From the beginning of this assignment, I truly wanted to see
the differences between what I am experiencing now in the classroom and what I will experience

later in my future workplace community. In the end, I did learn exactly how these compare and
contrast which left me to feel satisfied in prepared in how I should face the path ahead of me.

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