Bauernmalerei Floral Oil Lamp

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Floral Expressions

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!! Line up part 1 with part 2 on X !!

HB Hartland Blue
B Black

YO Yellow Ochre
CR Calico Red

W White
TB True Blue

PG Poetry Green
T Tafty

# 1 YO+ little B + bit CR

# 2 PG+ bit B

# 3 W+ little PG

# 4 CR+ little B

# 5 B+ YO+ little CR

BRUSHES: #3 and #5 round

Prime with your favorite tin preparation. Basecoat LAMP-BASE with 2 coats of HB. Apply one coat of varnish and let it dry over
night for a white wash.
With a sponge brush and a little water apply T to the base und wipe it off with a soft rag. When dry, speckle with thinned B.
LAMPSHADE - 3-4 coats with T. Inside the lampshade apply 2-3 coats with mix #5. Allow lampshade to dry at least 6 hours.
Add water or retarder to thin mix #1, apply the whole lampshade. Immediately after applying the paint use crashed newspaper
And dab along with gentle pressure until wetness is gone and pattern stays sharp.

Basecoat with PG, shade with mix #2. Begin outlining the shadow side. With brush #3 pull a few strokes into the leaves to
achieve a feathered look. Highlightuse mix #3. Brushstrokes are the same as the shadow side.

Basecoat with TB. On your palette max a little B into TB. With the darker blue paint mix shade from the center into the
petal while wet.
Again, on your palette mix W into TB and apply strokes from the top down- into the petal. Reinforce with a little lighter color.
( add a bit more W ) Outline with TB and W
CENTER- use mix #1- while wet add short C- hook with W and apply white dots around the center.

Apply two coats of CR. Immediately after the second coat use mix #4 for the center. Divide the rose petal like done with the
leaves. While wet use W and start to shade from the brown center downwards with long feathered strokes. Reinforce when
necessary. Apply with W very lightly feathered strokes onto the rose petals. Again apply over strokes with W for highlights.

Basecoat with YO. While wet pull a few brown strokes (mix #1) into the tulip to divide each petal. Shade with W from the top
down, about into the tulip. Apply highlight over strokes into wet paint.

Dark petal double load each petal, CR with mix #4
Light petal double load each petal, CR with W
Make a short swift C-hook and close the petal with a small D-stroke, pick up new paint for every petal.
Add white dots around the brown center. With brush #3 and paint mix #2 add space filling leaves and veins.

FINISHING: Apply two thin coats of oil based polyurethane varnish.

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