Unit 5

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Supportive colleges
Promotional opportunities
Time of
Flexible working hours
Exercise A
1.- take indutrial action
2.- empowerment
3.- red tape
5.- remuneration
6.-fringe benefits
7.-severance payment
Execise B
a satisfied
b dissatisfied
c satisfaction
a Motivating
b demotivated
c motivation
a frustration
b frustrating
c frustrated
a unrecognized
b recognition
c recognized

Exercise C
discuss these questions

1. what do you find satisfying and frustrating about your work or

In my opinion the satisfying in my job is when I do a job really well
done and I really appreciate my bosses and frustrating in my
studies is when all the projects, exams, presentations and other
outstanding things that have to be done in one week or a few

2. How true do you think these statements are?

a. there is no such thing as company loyalty there days
I think there is still loyalty in business if companies really care
about employees
b. Only successful people can have a good work life balance
I really think there are all kinds of people and because there
successful people who do not have adequate balance in their lives
c. job satisfaction is about personality, not external factors
the satisfaction comes first from inside to prove to the outside
d. job satisfaction inreases with age
is not necessarily, many people tend to have their greatest
success when they are young as in the case of athletes
e. improvements in technology lead to greater job satisfaction
They help us to our needs and improve our lives
f. job sharing and job rotation are not good for motivation
I think it's a good idea to improve motivation as there are very
long hours they need breaks
g. people who work from home tend to work harder than people who
I think everyone determines how hard it have to be your job,
working at home only gives the possibility of more flexible hours

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