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Kim Hayward - School Library Media Portfolio t Reflection 1:2

1:2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher

Candidates implement the principles of effective teaching and learning that
contribute to an active, inquiry-based approach to learning. Candidates make use
of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools to design and develop
digital-age learning experiences and assessments in partnership with classroom
teachers and other educators. Candidates can document and communicate the
impact of collaborative instruction on student achievement.
ISTC 667 Instructional development
The capstone project for ISTC 667 Instructional development was designed to
address a need in the sixth grade social studies curriculum for increased instruction
in reading and interpreting graphs. This unit lesson was designed to teach
information skills by using the Pebble in the Pond approach, which is a problem
progression instructional strategy.
ISTC 789 Practicum & Portfolio in School Library Media
The artifact used to address this standard was co-planned with Ms. Minton, the
school librarian at Deerfield Elementary. It is a unit of instruction on research skills
using the Super3 research skills introduced in the second grade and progressing
through instruction in note taking, using multiple resources, citing sources, and
The artifacts included in this reflection address the standard by demonstrating
collaboration between educators at multiple levels and the use of multiple
instructional strategies and assessment tools. The units are for two different levels
of students, elementary and middle school and demonstrate an ability to design
effective lessons for each.
The ISTC 667 lesson created for targeted instruction with reading and interpreting
graphs addresses standard 1:3 by using the Pebble in the Pond instructional
strategy and involving the collaboration of other educators. This unit is designed as
a problem progression that begins with a pre-assessment and then procedures to
guided practice and then independent work. This unit teaches information skills
that are necessary for understanding informational text. Along the way,
collaboration occurs through the progression of the model. The learner analysis
piece of the unit is validated by a member check that uses the science teacher to
evaluate the analysis of the class profile that was designed for a class that we both
teach. If she agrees with the profile, it will be considered successful. Mentor
teachers and the social studies department chair will review the design before it is
implemented. Assessments occur prior to instruction during a pre-test and then at
the end of instruction with a post-test. In addition, formative assessment will take
place along the way by evaluating this skill for each of the unit assessments.

The ISTC 789 Research Unit on insects was designed in collaboration with my
mentor teacher, Ms. Minton. We examined the research standards for the county
for second grade students and developed a plan to implement that instruction. This
is an introductory unit for second grade and will be implemented in approximately
eight weeks. Students will learn what research is and the basic steps to beginning
the process. The Super 3 research skills will be taught over the course of two class
periods. Students will then receive a graphic organizer for taking notes and will be
introduced to PebbleGo as a way to find information about their research topic,
insects. Students will also use non-fiction texts from the library to add to their
notes. As students find information, they will be taught citation skills for research.
After finishing their research, students will reflect on their work by using a rubric to
critique themselves.
The creation of these artifacts gave me insight into the many different stakeholders
that could be used for collaborative work. Peer educators, as well as mentors and
content specialists are important resources to use when developing instruction.
Information skills can be taught in the context of every content area. The artifacts
cited above were created for social studies and science. It is important to
collaborate with content teachers to create meaningful lessons that integrate
information skills and content requirements.
The ISTC 667 unit lesson on reading and interpreting graphs would be best used in
an elementary environment or as remediation in a sixth grade curriculum. As a
librarian, I would use teacher pre-assessments to introduce teachers to various
types of software that could be used to target graph skills. Students would also be
able to create their own charts on-line with data collected about key topics in the
curriculum, such as developing versus developed nations.
The ISTC 789 research unit has not been implemented, but will be in the next few
weeks. It will take approximately 8 weeks, so data on effectiveness will not be
available until that time. Research is a county media standard that must be taught
beginning in the second grade. Collaboration on this project should yield good
results because Ms. Minton is familiar with the skills of the class that we will be
teaching and can assist me with how to best meet their needs.

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