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Field Trip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens

For a culminating event, my students will travel to the Birmingham Botanical gardens.
While at the botanical gardens they will learn about the different ways that American Indians
used plants in their daily life. They will participate in the Native American guided discovery.
The fieldtrip will mainly be focused on the southeastern American Indians, which is a portion of
what they will have been learning about in class. The guide will expand on the importance of
agriculture, particularly the three sisters (squash, corn and beans). This trip will allow students to
deepen their understanding of how American Indians met their needs. Following the trip,
students will complete a 3-2-1 chart and participate in a discussion to reflect on the experience.

Trip Objective: Students will extend their knowledge of American Indians by identifying how
they used plants in all aspects of daily life.

Botanical Gardens: Participants

May 2nd, 2016

Teacher(s): 1
Chaperone(s): 3
Students: 20

Botanical Gardens: FT Work Ticket

May 2nd, 2016

Botanical Gardens: FT Work Ticket

May 2nd, 2016

Botanical Gardens: FT Work Ticket

May 2nd, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Recently we have been studying how American Indians met their needs by using the
world around them. Coming up soon we have the opportunity to visit the Birmingham
Botanical Gardens to further our knowledge about American Indians. We will travel to the
Botanical gardens Monday, May 2nd, 2016. While at the Botanical Gardens we will learn more
about the ways that American Indians used plants to meet their needs. For more information
The buses will leave Trace Crossings Elementary School at 9am and return at 11am. Due
to the nature of the trip, you will need to follow you regular school routine for drop off and pick
up. Buses will transport students and chaperones too and from the Botanical Gardens. We are
asking for 3 adult chaperones for this fieldtrip. If you would like to accompany us on this trip
please let me know on the permission slip below.
The cost of the fieldtrip is $5.00 per students. If you will need assistance for the cost,
please contact me. Permission slips and payments are due Friday, April 22, 2016.
Abby Prutzman

I, ____________________, give permission for my child, ______________________,

to attend the field trip to the Botanical Gardens May 2nd, 2016.
Parent/ Guardian Signature ______________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Day time phone # ________________________________________
I am interested in chaperoning YES


(circle one)

Dear Chaperone,
I am so excited that you have chosen to join our class at the Botanical Gardens on May
2nd! As the chaperone you play a very important role. This experience for the children would not
be possible with you. I thank you in advance for your energy, patience and time on the day of the
trip. On May 2nd, you will need to arrive at the school by 8:30am. When you arrive at the school
please check in at the front desk and join us in the classroom as we go over last minute details
and then begin to load the bus. As a chaperone you will not need to pay a fee to attend to the
fieldtrip. However, I do ask that you bring your sell phone and A good attitude! We have plenty
of room on the bus for you to travel with us to the site. You may park your car in the main
parking lot at Trace Crossings Elementary School. Once we arrive at the site you will be
responsible for a group of five students.
I have attached a schedule for the day as well as the group lists. Than you for
volunteering your time to help our classroom. Please let me know if you have any questions or
concerns leading up to the fieldtrip.

Thank you,
Abby Prutzman

Botanical Garden Schedule

May 2nd, 2016




Go over rules and behavior expectations


Load bus in front of school


Depart from Trace Crossings Elementary School


Arrive at the Botanical Gardens; check in with guide


Begin guided exploration


Photo opportunity


Load bus and depart from Trace Crossings


Arrive at Trace Crossing


Reflect on fieldtrip; students will complete a 3-2-1 worksheet.


Resume regular class schedule

Teacher Contact Information:

Cell Phone: 205-789-5299

Botanical Gardens: Management Plan

May 2nd, 2016


The students will wear a black t-shirt.

The students will be given a nametag to wear for the entirety of the fieldtrip.

The students will be split into groups of five. Each group will have a chaperone in charge
of them.

The students will all sign the behavior contract.


There will be three chaperones.

The chaperones will receive a packet with the schedule, school contact information and
group lists.


The teacher will carry the supply backpack.

The teacher will take attendance of students when loading the bus, when beginning
fieldtrip, when ending fieldtrip/loading the bus, and when arriving back at the school.

The teacher will have a copy of the schedule.

Bus Driver

The bus driver will be given a packet with the schedule, school contact information and
group lists.

The bus driver will be invited to attend the fieldtrip and join a group.

Botanical Gardens: Safety Plan

May 2nd, 2016

The teacher will carry a safety backpack, containing:

o Fist aid kit
o Water
o Emergency contact information for all students
o Phone

Students will be instructed to go to the front office if separated from the group. The
students are to stay there until reunited with a chaperone. Each student will be wearing a
name tag with the teachers contact information on it.

The teacher will handle all necessary medical needs unless an emergency situation. In
that case, the teacher will call 911 and contact the parent/ guardian immediately

Botanical Gardens: Groups

May 2nd, 2016

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 3


Chaperone 1

Chaperone 2

Chaperone 3

Student 1

Student 6

Student 11

Student 16

Student 2

Student 7

Student 12

Student 17

Student 3

Student 8

Student 13

Student 18

Student 4

Student 9

Student 14

Student 19

Student 5

Student 10

Student 15

Student 20

Student Behavior Contract

On the bus

I will stay seated the entire time.

I will use a soft voice an talk only to those sitting near me.

At the Botanical Gardes

I will stay with my chaperone and group.

I will walk at all times.

I will respect the property and those that work there.

I will use my listenin ears and remain queit when my teacher, group leader or fieldtrip
guide is speaking.

I will wear my nametag at all times.


I promise to behave accordingly on my fieldtrip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Student Name
Student Signature

Name: _____________________

Things I Learned Today

Things I Found Interesting

Question I Still Have

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

We just had the greatest time on our fieldtrip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens! It
was the perfect culminating activity to wrap up our unit on American Indians. A special thanks
to those who accompanied us on the fieldtrip this time around! I want to encourage each of you
to discuss the fieldtrip with your students! They are full of knowledge about American Indians
and are just waiting to tell someone about it.

As always, thank you for your support! My classroom would not run as smoothly if not for your
Abby Prutzman

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