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Delores Hollis

EDU 214
April 14, 20116
Music in You Reflection
I learned a lot about my Multiple Intelligence. After taking the test my results was not 100%.
Linguistic was 67%, Logical Mathematical 75%, Visual- Spatial 50%, Intrapersonal 88%,
Interpersonal 94%, Musical 94%, Bodily-Kinesthetic 100% and Naturalistic 100%. I have a few
areas that I have to work on to be effective in teaching students within the guide line of K-12.
I feel that the project is a very good projection for the students to get a handle on their Multiple
Intelligence for future education. The project can fit into the school curriculum because the
students can learn their intelligence by taking the test randomly to see if they have improved with
higher results. The test was great because I know what areas that I have to work on. The NETSS, is part of the U.S. Department of Education , to prepare the students for the future, using the
technology skills and tools that are standard in the school system.

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