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Kim Hayward - School Library Media Portfolio Reflection 3.

3:1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior

Candidates identify and provide support for diverse student information needs. Candidates model
multiple strategies for students, other teachers, and administrators to locate, evaluate, and ethically use
information for specific purposes. Candidates collaborate with students, other teachers, and
administrators to efficiently access, interpret, and communicate information.
ISTC 789 Practicum & Portfolio in School Library Media
A lesson plan created to teach the Super 3 research process to a group of second grade classes. It was
intended to teach a process that is useful for accessing important information for any task, but will be
used specifically for an upcoming research project.
ISTC 789 Practicum & Portfolio in School Library Media
The media website on Deerfield Elementary Schools Edline page needed updating so I took on that
project. Included in the website are links to databases and information on how to cite sources. These
links can be used by students, parents, teachers, and administrators to access information and learn the
ethical way to cite sources.
The artifacts included in this reflection represent examples of lessons and projects that provide students
and additional stakeholders with strategies for learning and a variety of databases and websites that will
enhance learning through multiple modes and encourage and teach the ethical use of information.
The ISTC 789 lesson to teach the Super 3 research process is relevant to this standard because it relies on
using an approved process for finding and using information that can be differentiated to meet the needs
of a variety of student strengths and weaknesses. Ms. Minton and I collaborated on a set of lessons that
will be used to teach the research process. She shared with me The Super 3 book for educators so that I
could become acquainted with the process. We then decided on how to present the information to her
varied classes. The highest class reads well and could follow instructions in a written format with less
modeling. Her lowest class has many non-readers who need to have more modeling and scaffolding as
well as non-print directions. The other three average classes will have a lesson that falls in the middle of
the two described above.
The ISTC 789 website project is relevant to this standard because it is being created to provide a wide
variety of resources to students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Each grade level will have its own
page with available library resources, as well as databases and websites that will provide information to
the school community. The databases and websites will be approved by the county and all copyright laws
will be followed. In addition, citation sources will be made available on the website so that the school
community will be able to ethically use resources.

The creation of these artifacts provided me with the opportunity to create differentiated lessons for the
varied needs of the second grade classes at Deerfield Elementary School under the guidance of the school
library media specialist. I am certified in secondary education, so it is important to my practices to be
able to create lessons at an elementary level and to consider the needs of non-readers. In addition, the
website will provide me with a wide variety of ways to bring information resources to the school
community as a whole, and individual stakeholders as well.
The lesson plan has been implemented with the high level class and will be implemented with the lower
level and average classes in the coming weeks. The lesson went well and it was clear that these students
remembered the process from the previous year and were able to grasp the concept easily. They were
able to actively participate in the discussion, asked good questions, and made good connections. They
were assessed through a pairs matching activity where they put the steps for each process under the
proper heading. They were successful. In the future, I would use less modeling and go straight into the
lesson when I see that they understand the concept.
The website project is in progress. I am collecting database URLs and websites through a tool called
Symbaloo that was recommended to me by Ms. Minton. I have discussed with her the features that she
would like to have on the website and have accessed the available books for different subjects through
Alexandria. I am in the process of creating a survey for teachers about what they would like to see on the
website so that it can be of service to them. I have also spoken to the media specialist at Edgewood
Middle School to gather ideas and answers to my questions, as well as accessed the media webpages of
other schools in Harford County to gather information and ideas. It is my hope that this website will be of
great use to the school community.

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