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Delores Hollis

EDU 214
April 13, 2016
Artifact: Mayberry RFD Newspaper
I learned how to publish a Newspaper story and publish the story for the town of Mayberry to
I am the editor of the Mayberry Newspaper. I wanted to publish stories that was fun for the town.
I started by opening up my power point to use the symbols, format and text box. I wanted to put
images into the stories, so I used a few and copied them and went to the story and paste. I found
some interesting images and I used a few that I thought would stand out. I went to canvas and
read a few stories that would make the newspaper, I copied and paste to power point. I made a
four page slide to show who the student is and their article.
Andy, Opie and Barney decided to go fishing at the lake. The town invited everyone to the
Mayberry RFD picnic. In the picture there was not many town people because it was a small
town with a population of 100. There was the Mayor (Stoner), sheriff (Andy), deputy sheriff
(Barney) Aunt (Bea), the barber (Floyd), The mechanic (Gomer) the son of Andy (Opie) the town
drunk (Otis). These were the main characters of the town.
The NETS-S is the standards that are used for K-12 that is published for the students to learn and
prepare themselves for technology now and the future. The students are able to learn the standard
power point and how to use images to insert a picture into a story. The tools are the standard of
NET-S , Department of Education for the kids to learn effectively by using the their skills and
knowledge to become familiar with technology and computers.

This project can be used in the classroom to show the students that this can be fun and a great
learning tools on searching the web for information.

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