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Running Head

Prism Part III

Jaime Hoonsan
College of Southern Nevada
Professor Theri Wyckoff


Prism Part III

Mikayla is a four year old girl who is enrolled in a local prekindergarten class. I began
observing Mikayla at the beginning of September 2015, and have observed her for a minimum of
one hour each week since that time. Mikayla is the only child of her biological parents who are
married. According to the article The Many Kinds of Family Structures in Our Communities,
this means that the family structure that Mikayla is part of is called a nuclear family (Sonoma
County Office of Education, n.d.).
According to the article Ancestry of U.S. Population by Rank Mikaylas familys
French heritage places them in ninth place according to population rankings (
2015). Mikaylas mother has earned her bachelors degree in secondary education, and her
father earned his high school diploma. According to the article More Education Means More
Money Mikaylas mother probably earns more money than her father (, 2011).
The family seems to function very well on their income. Mikaylas mother teaches middle school
at a very popular local charter school. Her father owns his own business and works from home.
According to the article How the Creative Class is Dividing U.S. Cities the type of jobs that
Mikaylas parents work cause her familys socioeconomic status to be the creative
class(Washington Post, 2015). The family attends church regularly at a non-denominational
church. According to the article Americas Changing Religious Landscape Mikaylas family is
part of the 25.4% of Americans who consider themselves to be Evangelical Christians (Pew
Research Center, 2015). According to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, Mikayla has needs from
each area of the hierarchy being met, and should be on track headed toward self-actualization.
(Snowman, 2013, pg. 252). Upon closer observation, she is missing components of nurturing, a
sense of belonging and there are some hurdles that she may need to overcome.


Physical / General
Mikayla turned four years old in March of 2015. According to the article The Average
Height and Weight by Age (Livestrong, 2013) the average height and weight for a female child
is 40 inches tall and 34 pounds. Mikayla weighs in at 43 pounds and is 41 inches tall. Mikayla
seems to be somewhat larger than the average child. Mikaylas parents are on the smaller side
height wise, and both have a few extra pounds of weight on their bodies. The fact that her growth
is above average for her age indicates that Mikaylas parents have the ability to provide for her
physiological needs, and her safety needs as defined in Snowman pg. 252.
According to Snowman, Preschool children are very active, have good control of their
bodies, and enjoy activity (Snowman, 2013, p. 49). Mikayla is very energetic and seems to
enjoy being spirited as evidenced by the smile and laughter she displays during physical
activities. Her expressions of joy also indicate that Mikayla is having most of her needs for
belongingness and love met (Snowman, 2013, p. 252).
According to the article Child Development Guide (1993) a preschooler is often
bossy, often tests people to see who can be controlled. Mikayla exhibits these tendencies in her
emotions and consequent behavior. Mikayla is bossy; she tells other people what to do and is
frequently very demanding to those who interact with her. She tests limits on a daily basis.
According to Snowman, children are aware of and to some extent can regulate their emotions
(Snowman, 2013, p. 51). Young Mikayla is a master at controlling the majority of her emotions.
The exception to this statement is when she experiences the emotion of anger. She does not
exhibit the typical emotional meltdowns that are common in children her age. Instead, Mikayla


tends to keep her emotions bottled inside until she is angry, then acts out in anger. These episodes
of anger tend to be subjective but usually occur in response to thinking that an adult believes she
is not being honest, or when she has harmed another child physically. Based on my observations
of Mikayla and interpretation of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, there is a component of
Mikaylas need for belongingness and love that is not being met (Snowman, 2013, p.252).
Intellectual / Cognitive
According to Piaget, children Gradually acquire the ability to conserve and decenter, but
are not capable of operations or mentally reversing actions (Snowman, 2013, p. 25). This is
evident in Mikaylas use of bathroom language to her teacher. Mikayla wanted her teachers
attention, so she used a foul word. She was unable to understand the fact that using inappropriate
language to get the attention of her teacher would get her into trouble. My contention is that
Piaget would say that Mikayla is developing normally through the preoperational stage. After
much consideration, it has become my belief that there are parts of Maslows Hierarchy that are
not being met for Mikayla. It is possible that these unmet needs may be in the safety,
belongingness and love, and esteem categories (Snowman, 2013, p.252).
During my observation, I witnessed Mikayla draw a self-portrait on which she wrote
her name. I was unable to tell if Mikayla actually understood what the letters in her name meant,
or if Mikayla had been taught the letters using the empirical approach or the theoretical approach
(Snowman, 2013, p. 35-36). According to Vygotsky, Mikayla would benefit greatly if her teacher
put into use teaching practices such as the zone of proximal learning, and scaffolding. Both of
these practices involve identifying where a child is cognitively and guiding her toward what can
be accomplished with assistance (Snowman, 2013, p.36). It is my opinion that Vygotsky would
find her fascinating. She is a classic example of a child who is trying to understand differences in


societal expectations, and how to fit into these expectations. Her behavior is due to being unsure
of what is expected at home, church, school, and her grandparents house. Mikayla fits into
Vygotskys definitions perfectly. My assertion is that Maslow would agree with this thought.
Based on my observations, Mikayla is working through her daily experiences, developing
schema that will further help her process where she fits into the world. The development of the
schemes associated with safety, belongingness and love and esteem are all intertwined for
Mikayla (Snowman, 2013, p. 252).
According to the creative ability component of Sternbergs triarchic theory of
intelligence, Mikaylas actions might also be a result of inventing, discovering, imagining, and
supposing (Snowman, 2013, p. 74). Mikayla consistently tests boundaries with the people
around her. Mikayla is extremely creative in art, writing and with her language. Since she is so
creative in these other areas, it is possible that Mikayla is being creative intellectually as well.
These types of actions would mirror Sternbergs theory. Based on Maslows Hierarchy, it is my
opinion that a component of her need for safety, specifically the component of nurturance is
lacking, and that Mikayla is testing boundaries in an effort to get people to reach out to and help
get her needs for nurturance met (Snowman, 2013, p. 252).
According to Gardners multiple intelligences theory, it is suggested that Mikayla thrives
in two intelligences at this point in her life. Mikayla is a master of her own body. Her ability to
use the playground, dress herself, and draw with ease places her in the bodily-kinesthetic
intelligence. This indicates that the majority of her physical needs have been met. As previously
discussed, Mikayla is also very skilled at controlling her emotions. She will not show emotions
to just anyone. Since I have developed a relationship with her, she does show emotion to me,
however it is difficult for me to discern if she is operating in Gardners interpersonal intelligence


or intrapersonal intelligence. It is possible that she is alternating between the two intelligences as
well (Snowman, 2013, p. 75). Mikayla excels in areas where she is comfortable, with the bodilykinesthetic intelligence being one of her stronger areas. It is therefore my contention that there
are components of Maslows theory that are being met in Mikaylas life which are enabling her
to thrive in certain areas, while missing components are causing Mikayla to struggle in other
areas (Snowman, 2013, p. 252). I believe that virtually all of her needs are being met, minus the
need of nurturance. This is not to say that Mikayla is not being nurtured at all, just that her
actions are letting us know that she needs more nurturance than what she is receiving at this time.
Social/ Psychosocial
I observed Mikaylas use of foul language in an attempt to see what type of reaction she
would get from the adults around her. According to Erickson, The ability to participate in many
physical activities and to use language sets the stage for initiative, which adds to autonomy the
quality of undertaking, planning, and attacking a task for the sake of being on the move
(Snowman, 2013, p. 18). It is my inclination that Mikaylas planned use of language is helping to
increase her sense of autonomy. I believe that Erickson would say that Mikayla is successfully
moving through this stage. Mikaylas use of shocking language may also be additional indicators
that her need for safety, nurturance, and her need for belongingness and love are going unmet
(Snowman, 2013, p. 252).
According to Marcia, there are four styles or statuses for handling the psychosocial task
of establishing a sense of identity (Snowman, 2013, p. 20-21). At the age of four, Mikayla is at
the very beginning of the process of establishing her identity. This is a process that will continue
for many years or decades. If Mikaylas attitudes and behaviors continue on their current path, it
is possible that she could develop identity diffusion. Marcias theory holds more weight when


viewed in correlation with Maslows theory. If Maslows Hierarchy of Needs holds true for
Mikayla, and she continues to lack in the areas of safety, belongingness and love and esteem,
Mikayla may develop identity diffusion (Snowman, 2013, p. 20-21, 252).
According to Piaget, a young childs lack of decentration affects moral reasoning
(Snowman, 2013, p. 40). This is evident in Mikaylas use of language and her incessantly
pointing out shortcomings in the behaviors of other children while completely ignoring her own
behavioral shortcomings. I believe that Piaget would say that Mikayla is developing normally
and as she continues to have more experiences, she will develop the decentration needed to aid in
her moral development. It is my contention that as Mikayla further develops through Piagets
stages that she will use additionally acquired schemas to further establish and solidify Maslows
Hierarchy pyramid (Snowman, 2013, p. 252).
According to Kohlberg, moral reasoning proceeds through fixed stages and moral
development can be accelerated through instruction (Snowman, 2013, p. 41). I believe that
Kohlberg would say that the fact that Mikayla participates in Bible lessons, and talks about God
every day should aid her as she develops through the multifaceted stages of moral development.
It is my contention that Mikaylas participation in Church activities will further help her
development in Maslows areas of safety and belongingness (Snowman, 2013, p.252).
Gilligan would say that Mikaylas action of pointing out others misbehaviors while
ignoring her own, indicate a desire for independence and that she has gone through a process of
detachment, and she views herself as being equal with adults (Snowman, 2013, p. 43). This


idea of feeling detached further supports my thinking that Mikayla is lacking in the safety or
nurturance area of Maslows Hierarchy (Snowman, 2013, p.252)
I believe that Noddings would state that Mikaylas actions and attitudes toward the
behavior of other children such as looking out for and pointing out faults in others while ignoring
her own, indicate that she is operating from the idea that there is a human desire for goodness,
which she called moral attitude (Snowman, 2013, p.44). This desire for goodness or moral
attitude further indicates that there are a great number of processes at work in Mikayla in
Maslows areas of safety, belongingness and love, and respect (Snowman, 2013, p.252).
Mikayla has her basic needs such as food, water, and a home met by her parents. Mikayla
has other needs that are being met by her preschool and her Church. Although Mikaylas basic
needs are being met, she exhibits some characteristics that are cause for alarm to the adults
around her. When taking Maslows Hierarchy of Needs into consideration, it appears that
although not all of her needs are being met, Mikayla has enough needs being met that she is able
to move from one area of the Hierarchy into the next, higher functioning level. With appropriate
intervention, Mikayla has an excellent chance of reaching the self-actualization level of the
Hierarchy to function at the highest level possible. Based on my observations of Mikayla over
the last few months, I make the following recommendations:
Physical/ General
To further support her physical development, I recommend that Mikaylas parents
continue to provide her with optimal nutrition and housing. I recommend that they take her to the
park to allow her the opportunity to have outdoor playtime in addition to the outdoor time that


she receives during prekindergarten. Another benefit for Mikayla might be to enroll her in some
type of team sport. This would also allow Mikayla the opportunity to expand in her psychosocial
development. I recommend that Mikaylas teachers look for opportunities to extend her learning
in the physical domain. They should implement planned outdoor physical activities into their
daily curriculum, and participate in these activities with their class.
Mikaylas mother recently suffered a 2nd trimester miscarriage. The whole family took
the loss very hard. Mikaylas parents modeled sound emotional maturity during this time. They
showed her that it is acceptable to feel sad and to cry and to talk about her feelings. Her parents
should continue to model sound emotional maturity. Those who work with Mikayla need to
incorporate activities, and take advantage of teachable moments that will help to support her
social/emotional development. These activities and moments might include talking about
Mikaylas feelings, her beliefs and her attitudes, and explanations of appropriate beliefs and
attitudes. I recommend that each of her parents, teachers and anyone else who is in Mikaylas
close inner circle work together in a team effort to provide Mikayla the nurturance that her potty
language, seeking of negative attention, and malicious actions toward her classmates indicate
that she is craving.
To support Mikayla in this area I recommend that her parents take her to the library and
allow her to check out books. They should read together at home each day. Mikayla would also
benefit from her parents providing her with new experiences, and enjoying those experiences
together. To further Mikaylas intellectual and cognitive development at school, her teachers



should also provide Mikayla with a multitude of new experiences, perhaps many of these
experiences should involve sensory aspects at which point the teachers could include a class
discussion about the childrens senses. Activities such as this would help to provide Mikayla in
other areas such as physical, emotional, and social/psychosocial.
I feel that Mikayla would benefit from an enhanced sense of autonomy. To actualize this,
Mikaylas parents should take her on frequent grocery shopping trips and allow her to help with
the shopping. Her parents might also teach her how to tie her own shoes and allow her to pick
out her own clothing each day. Mikaylas teachers should encourage Mikayla to put her own
sheets on her cot at naptime, tolerate only positive banter during center play time, and engage
only in positive interactions which will provide for optimal social learning for Mikayla. This
might mean a cool down period before redirecting Mikayla for the teachers and parents
whenever the need arises for redirection. A cool down period would also help to ensure that no
further damage is done to Mikaylas tender emotional state, and to help Mikayla reduce the
emotional wall that she has erected by not allowing others to see her emotion.
To support her moral development, Mikaylas parents should continue to take her to a
church that will help to instill the values that they would like to see instilled in their child. They
should engage in conversations with Mikayla about right and wrong. As Mikayla grows older,
activities such as the girl scouts or team sports will further benefit her. Mikaylas teachers should
provide appropriate guidance whenever a moral issue arises, and support Mikaylas intellectual
and cognitive growth as Mikayla navigates the preoperational stage of development.



Badger, E. (2014, September 29). Mapped: How the creative class is dividing U.S. cities. The
Washington Post. Retrieved from:
Infoplease. (2015, October) Ancestry of U.S. Population by Rank. Retrieved from:
Livestrong. (2013, n.d.). The Average Height and Weight by Age. Retrieved from:
More Education Means More Money. (2011, n.d.) Retrieved from:
Snowman, Jack & McCowan, Rick. (2013). Ed Psych. A Student Tested, Faculty Approved
Approach to Learning. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
Sonoma County Office of Education ( N.d.). The Many Kinds of Family Structures in Our
Communities. Retrieved from:
The Pew Research Center. Americas Changing Religious Landscape. (2015, May 12).
Retrieved from:



Washington State Online Foster Class. (1993, n.d.). Child Development Guide Retrieved from:

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