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Moderation Procedures

1. Teachers mark and grade the work of students in their own class, making judgements
against the criteria.
(Note, as another form of moderation, sometimes we mark the work of students NOT in our
class do this for block exam work. helps to check that work is being marked not based on
bias (positive or negative) but on the criteria
2. Once all marking is complete, all teachers in the cohort meet to moderate the work
3. Prior to moderation, teachers identify difficult scripts often borderline B/B- ; B-/C+ - any
that they SPECIFICALLY need moderating because they are a little unsure in matching the
qualities of the script to the criteria
4. Starting at the VHA or LA bracket, teachers share responses from their class for this bracket
5. All teachers swap and read each class student scripts and discuss the grade awarded
teachers either agree or disagree. If teachers disagree, we discuss the reasons why, looking
at the specific criteria to identify why a different judgement has been made.
6. We move through all standards, swapping and reading many scripts.
7. We establish the quality of work required at each Standard so that later we can look through
all our own student scripts and modify, readjust marking where required.
8. After moderation, we review our own grades awarded for each student, given the discussion
and adjustments made to results in the meeting. Where necessary, further adjustments are
made and comments added to the assignment.
9. Generally speaking, marks are returned to the classes on the same day (if all teachers see
their class on that day) once everyone has completed their review of student scripts.

The moderation procedure above was constructed based on discussion with the
supervisor to outline procedures that ensure quality measures are effective in providing
students with fair and accurate feedback and results.

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