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A sk your local EMS or
Pharmacist today!

?The ?Vial of Lif e?program is

designed to provide
information to emergency
personnel when you can?t
speak for yourself. " (NMSU
Pre-Pharmacy Society, n.d.).



Al bert Einst ein Col l ege of Medicine. (2014,

Sept ember 30).Comprehensive St udy of Al l ergic
Deat hs in U.S. Finds Medicat ions are Main Cul prit .
Ret rieved f rom
ht t p:/ / www.einst news/ rel eases/ 1043/
comprehensive-st udy-of -al l ergic-deat hs-in-u-s
--f inds-medicat ions-are-main-cul prit /
Nat ional Exchange Cl ub. (n.d.) Vial of Lif e. Ret rieved
f rom
ht t ps:/ / www.nat ional exchangecl vial -of -l if e/
NMSU Pre-Pharmacy Societ y. (n.d.). New Mexico
St at e Universit y. Ret rieved f rom
ht t p:/ / pps/
Prosoco, S. (2010, May 4). NMSU pre-pharmacy
st udent project brings 'Lif e' t o Las Cruces
communit y. New Mexico State University- New
Center. Ret rieved f rom
newscent art icl es/ view/ 5114

It could save your


Vial of L .I.F.E
Who'sIt For
Vial of Life was created with the
intention to help the elderly and
people with medical conditions.
?While the Vial of Life project is
targeted at senior citizens, it can be
helpful for anyone with special
medical needs" (National Exchange
Club, n.d.). The vial helps EMS and
first responders understand
personal medical history,
medication allergies, and anything
else you would like them to know.

First Hand Story

Vial of Life can be used in
emergency situations and allows
the safest and most efficient
medical treatment to be
administered. Here is a story of a
first responder where Vial of Life
helped save an elderly man's life.
"When I asked for medical history
and medications the patient's wife
just gave me the vial", said Douglas
Hoffman, who is a volunteer first
responder . " The residents had the
Vial of Life filled out, and it was
very useful" (Prosoco, 2010).

L ifesaving Information For


How it Works
1. Fill out the medical information
form by answering all the
questions with current
2. Fold the form and place it in
either a plastic baggie or empty
medication vial.
3. Place one Vial of Life sticker
provided onto the bag or vial.
4. Decide if you want the information
in your home or car. For your
house, place the information on
the top shelf of your refrigerator.
For your car, place the information
in your glove box.
5. Place the second Vial of Life
sticker provided onto your front
door or on the bottom, right side
of the front windshield of your car.

Whereto Find it
There are many places where you
can get the vial, information sheet,
and stickers. Most fire stations,
police departments, senior citizen
centers, and hospitals can provide
the materials needed. The medical
information sheets can also be
printed out for free from If stickers are not
provided, print outs are available
and must be taped in place of the


Vial of Life is a nationally

recognized EMS program.
?EMS treats approximately
25-30 million patients per
year" (EMS Fast Facts, n.d.)
It speaks for you when you
can't speak for yourself.
Medication allergies are the
main cause for death by
anaphylaxis (Albert Einstien
College of Medicine, 2014).

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