Oraciones Condicionales: P Rimer Condiciona L

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Primer condicional:

este tipo de oraciones se utiliza para expresar algo que

siempre es verdad o muy probable en el presente o futuro.


If you eat too much sugar, youll have to visit the dentist.

If you are late again, your boss wont be happy.

If it rains, we wont have to water the plants.

Well still catch the train if we leave now.

La estructura del primer condicional es:

If + frase en presente simple + frase en futuro

Segundo condicional:

se utiliza para expresar condiciones que son

improbables o imposibles en el presente o futuro.


If I were you, I would change jobs.

If she arrived soon, we could go to the cinema.

If they knew that, they would be very upset.

I would go home if I didnt have so much to do.

La estructura del segundo condicional es:

If + frase en pasado simple + frase en condicional simple

(would/could/might + infinitivo)

Tercer condicional:

estas oraciones expresan condiciones irreales en el

pasado, es decir, condiciones que podran haberse dado pero no se dieron.


If I had known that, I would have told you immediately.

If the weather had been nice, we would have gone for a walk.

I wouldnt have gone to the theatre if I had known that the play was so boring.

If you had been here earlier, you would have met Maria.

La estructura del tercer condicional es:

If + frase pasado perfecto (had + participio) + condicional compuesto

(would/could/might have + infinitivo)

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