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B.ILO.S. FINAL REPORT No, 1671 ITEM No. 9 ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IN GERMANY ‘This report is issued with the warning that, if the subject matter should be protected by British Parents or Patent applications, this publication cannot be held to give any protection ageinst action for infringement, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE LONDON—H.M, STATIONERY OFFICE 681. AIS Five Shillings net BIOS 8.0. Code No, $1-6275-71 MICROSCOPY IN nw a 3 BT 681. hi3 bogus Stet aad Table of Contents, 1. Introduction. 2, Scope of Report and Origin of Information. 5. Siemens and Helske. Berlin, Spandau. 4, AEG, 5. Manfred von ardenne. 6, Location of Instruments. 7. Personalia. Investigations isto Work done during Wax Years, 8. Current and Pature Work. 8. Conclusions. 10, Acknowledgenent. 41, Bibldogrephy (4) Chronological Index. ii) Subject Index. iii) Author Index. » DPF 10 10 iz ko 4g a INTRODUCTION. Electron microscopy was practised on quite a large scale in Germany during the War. The Siemens Halske orgenisation itself manufactured over 40 High resolution type instruments, and one High Voltage (200 xV) type for use in its own "Guest" research institute. The A.3,G. organisation manufactured some six, while Manfred von Ardenne also constructed two with his group of workers in Berlin, A very large amount of work of a parellel type to that being done in the U.S.a. and, later, in Great Britain was going on all through the war, though of course came slowly to a stanistill owing to increasing shortages and disorganisation during 1944 and 1945. Now, only three microscopes are in service; one at GBttingen, one at Heidelberg, ani one at Mosbach (A.E.G.)- One other microscope of lesser importance was made at Aachen though little used. A Yoke lens type of microscope was developed by By Kinder in the A,E.G, Laboratories. 26 SOOPE OF RRPORT AND ORIGIN OF INFORMATION. This report sets out merely to direct the researcher to. the right sources of information. It would be futile to attempt even to sumarize all the work and workers on this subject. Nor is this necessary for the number of fields of research is so great and varied end the enquirer hes usually a specialised interest. More- over clmost all the work was published. The information contained in this report wes derived from the following sources. (a), team number 2474. (b) B.I.0.S. provisional end brief investigation reports, (c) answers to written questionnaires sent out to German workers. (a) Visits to England of German Scientists. 3. SISMENS AND HALSKE. Berlin, Spandau. 9/98 Under tne technical direction of 3rnst Ruska this organisation manufactured over 40 instruments. Full details of the apparatus 09/4 228 ad have been published (vide various references under 3. Ruska). The instruction booklet gublished by Siewens, containing many ghoto- Braphs, together with a translation eni circuit diagram, is available at Institute of Physics Library. iotes on a critical Giscussion on the 100 kV microscoge held at the admiralty between Dr. Gabor (i. 1H.) Tete olitan Vickers) and B. Ruska is also available at thé above library. It is entitled Report on meeting with #, Ruska to discuss Siemens Slectron icroscope", 4 shorter description occurs in FlaT Final Report Wo. 769 (U.3.4.). erience has confirmed thet tie microscope when groper! maintained is capable of a resolution of something better than 50 aU. 18 4.0, was claimed es the vest figure obtained at, 40,000 megnifications. The instrument is rooust, though the vacuum systea is rather erudely laid out und mercury pumps are used. the seals on the colum consist of ground cone joints, enabling frequent Cleaning of the column to be quite simply carried out. ‘he beam current density is high, ani the final picture brighter by comparison with the ReC.a. microscope. The efficient electron gun has a bias potential applied to the catnode shield. jachine ing is very good, and tie apseratus altogether is designed for simplicity of maintenance. Stabilisation of line voltage is provided for, and the high voltage 1s protuced by L.F, trans- former and oil imsersed rectifiers in a neat separate unit. Tne price of the 100 kV microscope (complete installation) was 96,000 E.Ruska is still in Berlin, ani is endeavouring to continue design work on the microscope, Siemens ani Halske was completely dismantled, sowever, and it is extremely unlikely that any more machines will be made. Facilities my not be available for mny yeers. B.von Borries is also still working, and should be visiting this country for a time early in 1943 to assist in getting the Siemens instruments here into the best order. The following Siemens instrumente are working in Englani. The individual quoted was in churgze of the instrument in Jamary, 1947, (1) bledical Research Souncil, Mount Vernon, Hampstead. One of later type of 400 kV instruments, in fivst class condition. (Dr. 4.5. MacFarlane). he (2) Metropolitan Vickers Research Laboratory, Westwood, Brooklands Rd., Sale, Chesiire. This also was a later type, and is in good working onler., It had had to be alteced in order to improve alignment of lenses. (ir, aine, now with 4.4.1.). (3) National Piysical Laboratory, Teddington, Miudlesex. an earlier type, but of good performance. In full working order. (Supt. Ketallurgy Division). (4) Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory. A later type machine in first class runing onder (Dr. ¥.3.Coslett). (5) King's Gollege, London, an early type, formerly in Siemens Halske Research Institute, Berlin, dvacuated by R.acil.C. to National sedicel Research Institute, liampstead, and subsequent- ly disposed of by tue War Office to Kin:'s College. lot now complete, and not working. (Prof, Randell, Physics Dept.). (6) Chemical Defence Xesearcn Station, (Ministry of Supply), Forten, Hants. Incomplete and not working, (H.L.Green). 4. 09 /3A3 This organisation made an electrostatic microscope. Full details can be obtained from the literature (vide 3riche, Scherzer, Recknagel, Hahl, Kinder) end a sumurised description of the instrument appears in FlaT Final report No. 765 ( a complete account of work up to 1945 is contained in tne interesting illustrated book "“Zehn dahre Blektronentikroskopie", Resolation of the instrument was claimed to be 50 A.U., at 10,000 magnifications. The research laboratory and equipment was evacuated in Séptember 1943 to SchUnoerg (G8rlitz, Silesia), and egain in Feb- ruary 1945 to Helmbrechts, Beyern, During this move mich equipment wes lost in transit. The laboratory wes yet again soved, and its adress is now Shddeutsches leboratorien, sosbach (iirtemberg) wnere Dr. Brache and some of nis colleagues are working. 3. yon ARDHN expr of kB own team of high grade technicians at his private laboratories at Berlin, Lichterfelde. He built two microscopes, a 60 kV and a 200 kV model, and used both electro~ magnetic and electrostatic focussing. He was successful in devising useful accessories for facilitating examination of special objects, or in carrying out examinations under special conditions. 411 his work was fully publicised, but most sources indicate thet his best cleims regarding performance of his instrument were exaggerated. In 1943 he prectically ceased work on electron microscopy. and became concerned with work on high energy particle accelerators. 6. LOCATION OF INSTRUMENTS This is given in as complete a form as possible in the following table. The Germans did a considerable amount of evacuation of equiment, and in the early militery occupation further unrecorded movement took place. It cannot therefore be guaranteed that particular instruments have not been duplicated. BeE1 (a) ‘Siemens and yalske type — Original Place Institution a Berlin, Spandau ‘Siemens Berlin, Dahlen KW.I, Silikat rorsch. Berlin, Dahlen KWL Frankfurt University Freiburg ‘University oBetingen miversity Reldelberg university Heidelberg RWI. Stresburg University ‘thbingen University - Inst. Hygiene stuttgart KUT, fOr Metaliforschung Munich ‘Tech. Hochschule Henbure Stewarte Insel Reims (Greifswald) Reichforschungsanstalt Bitterfeld ‘1.6. Farben Wolfen 1.G. Farben Leverkusen 1.6, Farben WOchst Frankfurt 1G. Farben Essen (wulfrst) Krupps: ‘Siegen Gelsmeiler Eisennerke Gaain, Bavaria Prive lab. ‘TABLE_1._(contd.) Original place Institution EEE Beycische 1 Or. Morell (Hitler's paysician) Sechsemburg Frenkenburg Webrnacht Hedicin Inst. Kiel Milehwirtschart Inst. ffir Biology Wien Not known, Ttely, Rone Inst. di Sanits Publica ‘Sweden Upsala university, Dr. svedburg (b) be Eee Berlin Robert Koch Inst. Berlin Dehlen KW.1. silikat Forschung ‘Travelling to Dresden at end of war ALE.G. Hof. (Bev) Ochstadt (Frankfurt) berlin 7 PERSONALIA. Investigations into work done during wear years. Practically all the work done in Germany of any interest was published in the usual journals, and the min value of this report, therefore, lies in the bibliograrhy, which has been carefully compiled from all eveileble sources. It will be seen that the "N* section of the bibliography lists work known to have been submitted for publication, but which had not appeared by January, 19h7. Special contect was made with a number of workers, however, and tables II and III list these, in order that if necessary further enquiries may be made of the investigators concerned. TABLE Workers contacted on B. 38. Tip No. 2h (Messrs. LJ. Sayer, C/o D.P.R., Admira2ty, London, F.W, Cuckew lete N.P.L. nom chester Beattie Research Inst., Fulham Rd., London, S.W, and HE, Haine late Metrepelitan Vickers, Row A.E.t. Lab., Aldermeston court, Nr. Reading. Nene Location Past held and/ar type of work a cy Brilche Suddeutsches Lab., Mosbach. In charge of Electron Microscope Research for A.£.G. ‘Scherzer Suddeutsches Lab., Mosbach. (now Electron Optics eapert in U.3.A.) Seliger ——Suddeutsches Lab., rostach. Metallographer. Late chief coworker of rpbi. Rang Suddeutsches Lab., Mosbach. Technical Assistant - TABLE 11 (conzd. Wane Location Post held and/or type of work. weber Tubingen, Keplerst. 11 Worked with von ardenne Friedrich Tubingen Worked with von Ardennes Freksa Keusche K.Wel Heldenburg Medical prysicl ste Fricke Techs Hochsch. Stuttgart Inorganic Chemist. X-ray and Metal Specialist. Richter Techs Kochsch. Stuttgcrt Work with Glocker. Metallography. Rogowski Techs Hochschule, Aachen Physicist. The above workers, and otierswere subsequently communicated with by letter, and asked to write a short account of their work on clectrm microscopy, mentioning any which they had been unable to get published at the end of the war. Replies were received as shewn in table III and copies oi’ all these accounts are available at tae Institute of Physics Library, This compilation was carried out by L.J.Sayer, (adadirel ty). TABLE 111 Name Nature of Reply to Questionnaire, Te nee eee eee ee mee Kinder an account of his work with Yous lens microscope. Abstracts of unpublished papers (1) on Fresnel diffraction in electron microscope images (2) on StereoeLectron microscope and (3) bean danage to crystalline objects. Hoh 4 full report of ail nis work, which is v.ry important, 1s elven, with an account of the A.E.c. microscope. Details of Ais metallo~ grachic techniques are described In detail. sitel A Very complete account of Electron microscopy of colloids, in Enelish. Actually the account deals with much more thon colloids en fs in fact a resume of al] aspects of electron mi-roscopy with very many references Slocher A short account of Glocher snd Richter's work at Stuttgert on metallo~ grepnte work, using a Slenen's microscope, and Mehl's technique, whereby the lacquer seplica 1s stripped electrolit ically. Pont, A short account of recent unpublished work by x8nig on chonges in organic specinens whilst in th. electron beat, and on a replica process for biological objects. He lists work still in hand et GBttingen. Xertius Ursule A general bibliograpty of electron microscopy. Martius was employed as essistant at K.W.l. Berlin Dahlen. Rudiger. An account of epplicstion of Mahl's replica method to fron end steel specinenss Also a description 0: microscopy of steel by condensation of Al. {lm on to the steel and stripping. Pawlek, (ishl's chief co-worker)+ An account of unpublished work on precipitation processes of Peryllium bronze, and a description of aplication of Nehl's methods TABLE LIL (Contd: Name Nature of Reply to Questionneire a Jakob SchweckendLeck He Ruska, ©. Ruska, Kir cher. Fricke Rogowskt an abstract of unpublished work on leptospira, in witch it is claimed an entirely new form has been observed by using the Electron Mi roscopee Flagelle are reported. Another paver 1s ccntemplated on Morphology of syphilis Spirochetess Account of Laboratory and Siemens microscope, snd of bis work on snokess A list of published and unpublished work 1s givens The followire are shewn as works not yet submitted for publicstion:= (1) Effect of sublimste (Sublivates or corrosive subs?) on Bacteria and Viruses. (2) Statistical investigations on length of Tobecco Hosaic Viruse (3) Proof of identity of particles observed fn Zit. with Diologicaily active bacteriophage. (4) Morphology of Seiffert!'s micro-organi ste (5) change in type of virus, particularly ehenge of foot and mouth virus from desmotropi¢ to nesrotropic strain. (6) articte tor book (Virus in Virus Researcht. arch ~ Doerr, Basle) "Zs Kicroscopy (7) Handbook of Electron microscopy (Ruska, Ruska snd von Borries)« (8) Morphology of subcellular entities - Medizinische Hikromorphologys Account of Slemens organisation. Report on meeting at Adniralty between Ruska, Gabor, Hoine ad Sayer. For description of syecinen techniques (and work done at TaeFarven, Leverkusen). See Flnol Report 1487 List of published works. jc.ount of electron microscope built in Technische Hochschule, sachene > The following could either not be contacted on the B.I.0.S. Trip, or did not reply to the questionnaire:- Ke@esdy (K.W.I., Silicats Forschung; 3erlin Dahlem, evacuated by Germans to Fladungen). Reivedanz (worked with von Ardenne). Picht Glaser ‘Prague University) Boersch (Wenm University). It was decided not to visit Mahl, who retired frou work after losing all his family in an air raid, but he replied fully to the letter subsequently sent to him Finally four Germans have been brought to this country for full interrogation, They are:- E. Ruska. H. Ruska. B. Kinder B. von Borries. It has not been possible to bring over Boersche, as had been hoped. Administretional difficulties became too great. The Ruskeg, Xinder and von Borries all worked for @ pariod at National Institute for Medical Research, and all were interrogated at a meeting in London by S. Smilea (National Institute of Medical Research), M.E.Haire (Metropolitan Vickers), representative of National Physical Laboratory, and L.J.Sayer, Admiralty. They also met other British workers by request. 8. CURRENT AND FUTURS WORK. With only two Siemens machines fully working and bearing in mind the conditions existing, it is unlikely that any interesting results will be obtained in Germany for some time, At G8ttingen, however, Prof. Fohl and K8nig are working on the following subjects:~ action of Sulpbenamides and Penicillin on Gonococei. Influence of metel~sols on T.B. Bacillus. Microscopy of cancer tissues with replica process. analysis of polar bodies of Diphtheria, 7.5,Bacillus and B. Enteritis. 10+ It is believes that fae Ruskas and von Borries ere writing a comprehensive book on electron microscopy. . Ruska is still working in Berlin, though no practical work can be done there owing to the complete stripsing of his workshops. At Heidelberg Dr. Keusche is in change of a Siemens microscope end is doing some work with it. 4 third sicroscope, complete, is in Krupps works, Leverkusen. It is not in use end awaits a general decision as to disposal of the Research epyaretus of the Krupps Laboratories. The use of the electron microscope yielded no new funde~ nentel knowledge of importance. Tre standard of technique and knowledge of the best of the Gernen workers was very High. von Ardenne, lishi and the Ruska brothers deserve special note, and it will be noticed that the best work was done at the three institutes where vorkers of differing specialities combined in a team - viz, with von Ardenne, at the Siemens research institute, and at the A.3.¢, laboratories. ‘there Was no cooperation between these three groups, which appear to heve worked competitively. Von arienne was cutstending in practical use of the instrusent, E, iuska for theoreticel design of Zlectro=mgnetic instrunent, H, Ruska in biological especially virus revesrch, keh] in metellogrepiy all inportant work has been published in the usucl Journals. abstracts of the rest, and tne names and recent adiresses of workers are available. The Honor: eoretary, Zlectron Microscopy Sub Group, institute of Physics, London, will be pleased to give any assistance, nu following in translating the considerable nusber Letters, Gocanentc, avetrects, ctc,, is gratefully acknowledged: of su Leboratony, Cambridge. ae Dr. Gs Robinow, Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge. The burden of compiling the bibliography was considerably lightened by their assistance. ai. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The bibliography which follows is in three parts. the first is a chronological survey of published work, the names for each year eing in alphabetical order. At tne end is a List of work known to heve been submitted for publication. Complets accuracy is not guaranteed, as many of the entries were g Prom manuscripts of unknown origin. The second part (subject Liberally cross indexed but m: t= BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GERMAN LITERATURE ON ELECTRON HICROSCOPY, ELECTRON DIFFRACTION AND RELATED SUBJECTS, 1939°1945 (1) Ghronotogl cal Index. BB AUTEOR: ‘TITLE (JOURNAL VOL. PAGE. 1+ von Antenne Die Ketlechnittaethode, ein eg mur Herstqiiung ZS. 8 ‘von Mikrotomschnitten mit weniger als 10°? mam. Wisgensch. Starke fir elexcronen-wlkroskopische Zwect Mikroskopie (The wedge-section enthod: 9 means of prepar- ing microtome sections of under 10°3 mm. thick for electron microscopy) 2. von Ardenne Intensitatsfragen und AuflBsungevermBgen des ws. 120 Toh Elextronenm{kroskops. Phys. (intensity questions and the Resolving Power of the Electron Microscope). Je von ardenne Zur Leistungsfohiekelt des Elektronen- Naturwiss. = 2785, Schsttenmfkroskopes und uber ein Rontgenstreh= Jen=Schattennikroskop. (the Performsnce of the Electron Shadow Mice end on an X-ray Shadowaice) he Yon ardenne Bemerkungen aur Gr8sse des chromatischen 2s. 130-257 Feblers beim Elektronenaikroskop Phys. (Renarks on the Magnitude of the Chromatic Errors of the Electron Microscope) . Se Yon Ardenne Einkristell-Leuchtschimms und Ubermikroskopie. 2S. a 26 (Single crystal fluorescent screens for tech Phys. Electron Microscopy). 6. yon Ardenne Uber die Méglichkelt der Untersuchung lebender 28+ 2 27 Substenz mit Elektronennlkroskopen. TechePhy se {on the possibility of studying Living material fn the Electron Microscope) J. von ardenne Uber eine elektrostatische Hochspannungsiinse Naturniss, © 2761, | Karger Brennweites (an electrostatic high voltage lens of short foral length.) 8. von ardenne Zur orésse des Offnungsfehlers bei Elektronen- ZS. 2 (289 mfkroskop. tech Ptyse (the magnitude of tie Sphericcl Error in the Electron Microscope.) 9. von Ardenne Das AuflBsungsverugen photogrephischer Schichten ZS~ nu 379 fur Elektronenstrahlunes Pryse (The resolution of photogrsphic emulsions for Electrons.) 10. Yon ardenne Uber eine Ionensinde grosser Scharge 2S. 20 3k (a very sensitive ton-probe) Bechephys. 114 Bode sd Die Entsehung von Rbntgenstrehlen beim Betrieb 25. a 1? sisde Bratnscher, Rohren ait Anodenspennung. techePhys. (The produetion of X-rays in Cathode rey tubes). 124 Boersch —-Schattenufkroskop, tin neues Ubernikroskop Waturtd ss. 27 utB {Shadow Microscope, a nen Electron Microscope). “136 Be the 15. 16. 17 18. 1% 20. at 25. 28. 5 AUTHOR TITLE SCURNAL, Vol. PAGE Boersch —«dDas_Blektronen-Schettemmikroskops zs. 2 UG (The Electron shadow Microscope) TechsPhyse von Borries Versuche, Rechnungen und Ergebnisse zur Frage 25. 2 25 des auflBsunzsvermbgens beim Udermikroscop. ‘Tech.Prys. (Experiments, Celculetions and Results on the Resolving Porer di the Electron Microcope). von Borries Efgenscheften der Whermiirokopischen abbildung. —Naturniss, = 27281 & Ruska Ee (Properties of the Electronetiicroscope) von Bérries Ein Ubermikroskop far Forschungs~institute, Neturwiss, © 27511 & Rusk E, (Electron Microscope for the Research Institute) von Borries Aufbau und Selstung des Slemens-tbermiiroscops. 4S Wiss. 6 ONT & Ruska Ee (Construction and Performance of th: Siemens iikroskople Electron Microseope) Brtche & © bermfkroskop in der Bakter tology. Neturwiss, 27 8 Heagen (Electron Microscope in Bacteriology) Eitel {Electron Microscopy and Cevent) Naturwiss. 27807 Eitel vbermtirostopische Untersuchungen and Toneminer= -Eer-Dtsch. 29165 miler & aliens keran. Radezewsk1 (Electron Microscope investigetion of clay Ges. minerals). Frank & Blaustruktur der Vogelfeder. Naturwiss, 27 229 Ruska H. (Electron Microscope Researches on Floor of Bird Feathers). Friess & Staub und Rauch in Ubermikrosiop Gasmstic 11 1 valier (Dust and Smoke in the Electron Microscope) Kaugche fe Sichtbarnachung von pflenzlichem Virus in Woturwiss, 27 2% Pfankuch —_Ubermficroskop. & Ruska He (Plant viruses in the Electron Microscope) Keusche & Die S$ ichtbermechung der Adsorption ven }\-tale Koll. eat Ruska H. —-kollofden em Eineisskbrper. 1. Die Reaktion B. Kolloides Gold-Tabammosaikyirus. (Observation of ebsopption of metal colloids by protein subst-nces. (I, ‘The reaction of colloidal gold with Tobacco Mosaic Virus) Kousche & Die Struktur der "Kristellinen aggregete™ des Biochem. 303221 Ruska i. Tebaknosafkvirusprote ins. B (the Structure of the "Crystel ageregatest of Tobscco-mosaie Vir us Proteins.) Mehl jufnemen mit dem elektrones-Uberniimoskop. Neturwiss, 27417 (photogra-hs with the £. mi:roscope) Mand Elekrostet. Elektr-titkroskop hehrer aufles. ws. 2 6 (Electrostatic E-microscope of higher ‘TechaPhys. Resolution). valier Des Ubermikroskop in der Medizin Medizin 35 10h (ihe Eemicroscope In Medicine) waintk Nesslinger Uber Achronasfe von Elextronen-Linsen JeBAAES. 6 8 (on the Achronatisn of Electron lenses.) Forsch. nthe REF: AUTHCR TITLE SBMA, VOL. PAGE D. ste Uber die diffuse Strew-< gchneller AnnePrys. 35 7 Electronen bei flektronen~Interfereng sufnahmen. {On the Diffuse Scectering of fast Electrons in Electron Interference Photography) Bie Piekarski & — Uberfkroskopisne Derstel lung von Bakterten= Wocene 18 33 Ruska He geisselen scurite (Edec:ron microscope investigation of Bactertal Plagel2a) Piekarski @ Ubermikroscopische Untersuchungen an Bakterien arch rr) D2 Ruska Ee unter besonderer Bertcksicht.igung der Mikrobiol sogengmnten Nucleoide {Es microscope Investigation of bectertel nuctes) S3e Radezewski Zur hydratation des Trikelelunsilixars. Notumiss 27807 Maller é (nyaration of Tricelciunsiiicstes). Eitel Bh dor sdo= Netuwiss 27838 35s Radczenskt —-Ubermikroskopische Untersuchung der Hydration Zement 2 BS Meller & der Kalkes. Eitel (Esmmicroscope & searches on the Hydration of Line). 36e Recknagel Slektronenlinse nt Soufzeiterschetnungen. J-BsARG- 6 B (Electron lenses involving Forsch fuska Be Neuere Ergebnisse der berstkroskople Forsch. 6 Om (Recent results of Es-microscopy)« usfortsehr. 3B. Ruska He ubermfic-oskop {sche Darstel: ung organisher archafe ze 613 Struktur von Orfssenberefcn der Zeble DiS expe mm Ultrevirus. Zelforschy (Structural detail of particles of ordes: of size of cells wviruses). ieuska He Ubermikroskopi sche Untersuchungstechnik Naturwiss 27 287 (Esa croscope Investig:tian technique) kr He" Ubermixroskopische Bllder zu strukturgroblem. —_Zoolog. 12 a (Electron microscony and the problem of angieger st uctire). Ute Ruska He Die Bedeutung der Ubermikroskopie flr die Virus- Archef vde 1 155 ‘von Borvies forschunge (The significance of the E~micro- ges. Tus Ruska E. scove in Virus Research). forsch. bk. Wolpers & — Strukturuntersuchungen aur Blutgerinnune, yin. 1% «077 Ruska He (investigations on the stiveture of Slood Wochenser. end Congulst! ont. anit pe 1. Von ardenne — Ubermtkroskoptes (Book, puble Soringer, Berlin.} 2. von Ardenne —-Ergetnisse einer neuen EleXtronen~sber~ Neturwiss = 113 mikroskop~anioge. (Res Its with a new universal E. Microscope). 5 REF: AUTHOR TILE ‘JCURNAL, YOu. PAGE. f+ Yon ardemne Uber ein Universal-Elektronenmikroskop fur B 115, 33 Hellfeld-Dunkelfeld und Stereobild-Betrieb. Phys. (a Universal EM. for Light and Dark field end for stereo-operations) 4. von ardenne, Stereo-Ubermikroskopie mit den Universal-Elek- Naturwiss. 28 ae tronenufkroskops (Stereo My. with the Universal E, Microscope). 5. von Ardennes analyse ces Feinbaus stark und sehr stark 2s 2 1h belichteter Broasilberkorner mit dem Universal~ —angewsndte- EleKtronennikroskap » (BeHiicroscope analysis Photographic of ag EF grains, strongly illuminated with Light). 6. von Ardennes Abbildung feinster Einzeltetichen, insbesondere 23+ Aol 87 1 Yon Molekulen, mit den Universal~Elektronenmik- Phys.Chete rosop. (Ee Bicroscopy of very fine particles , & espectally of molecules). 7. von ardenne. Versuche zir Abbildung des Mulund Klouensenche- Naturwiss, 28 531 Virus mit den Universel~Zlektronenniiroskop. (ictempts to observe the Foot and Mouth disease Virus with the E.ticroscope). 8. von Ardenne. Der Objektreger—vibrator, ein neues Hiifsgerst Kole 9518 der Uvenikroskople und’ ikroskopte. (The ws. objectrholder vibrator, 8 new accessory for microscopy and electron microscopy). 9. von Ardenne. Uber das agftreten von Schworzungstnlen ber Be 16 736 der clektronennfkrosxoptschen abbildung Phys. Kei stelliner Lanmellen. (On the occurrence of dark lines in the E, microscope exauination of crystalline platess) 40. von Ardennes Elektronen-Ubernikroskopie ein Nechtbergebiet -»Telegr 2 Om der Pernsehtechtik, (Esticroscopy, a related — Fernsorechs feldto Televiston technique )s Punk usFero Tech, TPT. 1. von ardenne. Die Kellschalttmethede, ein Weg zur Henstellung ZB, ov at von Objextschichten mit weniger als 10> made Wissensch. Starke fur elektronenntkroskopische.Zneckes Mikroskopiee (the wedge-section Method for preparing objects Jess than 1 mtcren thick). 12. Yon Ardenney Untersuchungen von Kstalysatoren mit dem angenandte, 53 103 x Beischers Universal-Elek-tronenmikroskop. (Studies of chen. Catalysts with the Universal Bt.) 13. von ardenne Untersuchung des Feinbeues hochnolekulerer Stoffe ZS. 45 465 &Felscher. mit dem universal-Elektronermikroskop. Physechens 1. Mittetlung: Der Aufbau von Polyoxymethylen- kristallen. (Studies of the fine structure of igh moelcular substances with the Dts I: The structure of Polvoxyethylene crystols.) tue yon Ardenné Untersuchung von Metalloxyd=Rauchen mit den a. 46 270 EBeischer, Universal-Elektronenmikroskop. Elektrochezs (etal oxide snokes). REP: AUTHOR TITLE SOURNAL VOL. PASE 15e Yon ardenne % Untersuchung des Feinbaues hochmole~ Kautsomk. 16 35 Bel scher. lalarer Stoffe mit dew Universal- Elektronensiiroskop. 2. Mitvefiumg: Zur Morphologie von Keutschuk und Buna. (Morphology of Rubber & Buna). 16. von ardenne, untersuchungen f@ dnster Frék tionen von Bere de a 8 Endell & Hofmann Sentoniten und Tonoeden wit dem Universal= Dtsch. Elekcronennfkroskop. (Studies of the Keram,Gese finest fractions of Bentonite and clay earths with the Universal Electronmicre- scope. 17» von Ardenne & Uber eine Vorrichtung sum Bohren feinster = ZB. © 2 Retbedente Locher in Metellfoliens (An apparatus for — Instrumen~ boring very fine holes in metal roils}. ‘tenkundes 18. Boersche Electron diffraction patterns & troubles IS. 116 4B due to electrostatic charging of Phys. insulating objects. 194 Boerschs Elektronen-Schattenmfkroskop. (Electron Bs AES. 7 a Shodow: Microscope) Forschg. ‘We Boersche Fresneltsche Beugungserschetnungen im Neturniss, © 28 7It Ueberntiroskop. (Fresnel Diffraction Phenomena in the Super Microscope). Bie Boer'schs Fresnel'sche Elextronenbewgungs (Fresnel Naturniss. = 28709 Electron Diffrection). 22. Boersche Problem der Bildentstehung. (Problem of JBLAEG. 7 a Inaged+ Forschige 23, von Rorries. Sublichtufkroskop{sche Aufloesungen bel der ZS. Physe = 116370 Abbildung von Oberflsechen ia Uebermik~ Tosop. (Subtcroscopic Resolution in the observation of surfaces in the Super Microscope )« 2he von Borris. Reflection electron Kicroscory for 2S. Physe 11670 investigation of surfacess 25. von Borrfess mtwicktung und Ergebnisse der Elektronen- Glasers he mMticoskoples (Development ani achievements Anne 179 of the E, Microscopes 26. von Forries & Ubermikrosiopische Bestimmung der Form und Koll.7S 9 12 Kausches GrSssenverteilung von Gold Rolloiden. (Measurement of reguletly shaped colloidal particles and resolution.) 21. von Borries, A desk type (horizontal) Ee Microscopes Noturmiss 28 350s Ruske E5, Krum & Millers 28. Yon Borries & Interference effects in {mages in the Electron Ereebedy = 19257 Ey Ruska microscope, end explanation due to lattice exack’ distortion by beastie Naturaiss AUTHOR “1 TITLE JOURNAL, 29. von Borries & Der Einfluss. von Elextroneninterterenzen Heturwi ss. Es RUske suf die abbildung von Kristellen in Ubersiiroskop. (Chenges in brightness of Images of crystals due to interference effects 3. von Borries & Der Einfluss der Strablspennimg aut des Bild. 25. E. Ruskas Ubermikroscopische Bild. (effect of mode Phys. voltage on the fuages Bright and dark feld pictures with voltages betmeen 38 end 90 KV.) Ble von Borrles & Die Technik des Slenens-Ubernikroscops 1940 Siemens Ruska £. Heft 6 (The Tecrnology of the Senens Super ZS. Meroseope) 32. von Forries & Metallographische Untersuchungen mit den Wiss. Rutenann vbermirosxop an Stabl, Guseisen und Messing Ver ff. (werkstot f sanderh) Stenens, Be von Borries # Rusks Ee von Forries & fuske By von Bor ries & Ruska 8. von Eorries & Ruska Be Bricte Breche er@che preche & cele Dosse etallogrankic investigation of Steel, Cest Iron and 8rass with the EsMicro scope). Entwtoklung un¢ Einsatz eines neuen Deut. Forschungsuerfehrens, Die Elecktronen Teche ikroskop durchstrehlter objekte und inre Anwendung in der Technike (Blectron \eroscopy by transmission and its applicettons In technology). Neue Wege der Miroskopie. (New methods in Vierdan~ Meroscopy) « resplane Hochleistunssozillograpien mit abgeschmolzner Arch. f. Erounscher R@hre (High performance oscillo~ Elektrotech. greph with sealed on electron gun}. uber die Beurtetlune und der objecktiven Vergleich der Messle istung von Kathoden- strahlen oziliographen. (Measurement and acsessuent of perforvance of cathode ray oscl !lographs) « 19 Jahre zlektronenmikroskopie bef aEG.(10 AEG. years of Electron Microscopy by AEG.) Mittles 10 Jahre Ghtnicilung. (19 years development) JB.AEG. Forsch. Verwendung clektrische und aagnetische “elder T.PLTs (Use of Electrostatic and Magnetic. Fields). wepolsysten als Ziel rein elckr. abbildune- JR.AEC. sgertte. (Two Fole System ss aim of Pure Forsch. Electronic Ina.e Devices). EAnschleusung von Obsekt und Platte TB.AEG. (Inzertion of Object and Plate). Forsch. Elektronenstrehl Mikroskopie (Electron Beam Umschau, Microscopy) « Vou: 28 née 19 ah a Book hh PAQE. 228 We 50k. 106 161 “18+ AHR, ne JOURNAL vou: PAGE Dosse ‘Theoretische und experimuntelle Untersuchungen 2S. Physe 115, 530 fiber Elektronenstrahter. (Theoretical ant Emericental Investigation with Electron Seas) hls Etted (Portland 2.1 ent und the Dehydration of Lime) —Zement. 28 3 4s. sited & Crontnortlontte Investigetions with an Gotthard !feroscone)» (Particle size by combined stereor Seople end photogrametric method). Nacurwiss, 28 BT de Ibeh & Uber die steveophotograumetrische Dickennessung Neturwiss, 28 367 botthard tleinster Kri stelle nach wbermikorskopischen Aufnamrien, {tel iitlicr (Selfcroscopy of Clays and Clay Minerals) Natur ss 28 3u cdeaewskt Fibel Wer (Recrystelliza tion under che Electron ben of — Zentre 1940 8 % sadsuewsi axorshovs clctun Ccx donate). Btettiner A ooe Eltel & cur Kunnzeichnimg des Toninerals. Montmorillonit Netuyiss 28 7 Radea-wski Im @b.mizroskepischen Bllde. (Character Isetion of Pontuorillenite in Electron mlerogr’ ahs). Die Answertung Qbermiiroskopische bilder zur 23 NS Bestimmung der Komverteilung von Tonerde. (the det.riination of particle disribution in clays). Bt, Shel & Die Destiomnne wirksaner Oberfi8cren yon chen.ds 13 ee SGOSTEPIMS Tontelichen mit dew bbard pis: ‘op. (Use of Erde. Invegrstion nlcroscope stage In 24 lero scopy of cleys and clay minerals). Sa. Frihbrodt & Untersuchungen Qber tepienstrukturen unter archeP. W WT aha besonder Berticks! chtigung der Pakterfennembran Mikrebiol und der fapsel. (Investigation of the Bacterial womarone snd capsile) 53. Slaser. Uber ein von spb&rischer Ab:rration frefes Magnet z5.Phys. 16 19 feld. (A Magnetic Field free fran Spherical aberretion). Sleser pio F rbabureichung bel Electronen] insen is.phys. 11656 cole Sprnnungsfestigkett der Electronenuetelle fer die JP.ABG. 7 Linse dee cb mf roskops. (Voltage Stability of Forsch. the Slectrode letel for the Electroststic Hicroscope senses). pneterg «UD. mafvrokop uit _elektrostat L'nsen. Elektro~ a 773 Mervscope with Slestrastetic lenses). tech, 25. 57. fusemann & Versuche gur sichtbcmmachung von Glycogennole~ Journs 156 1 Auska E ktlen, (Attempt to observe rlycogen molecules) prekteChenle 5é, fusemann Die Sicitbarmachun= von rolekMlen ces p- Naterwiss 28 53h Ruske He Jodbenzoylelycens. (Observetion of molecules of pelodo.denzoylglycogens)« 596 Jakob & Untersuchungen afc dem E.Kykroskop an elnheit?ich 66/67 666 Loofnenn ——zusoanengesctzen Bodenmincralendtw{ Invest igat {ons of Noturcl Nin-rels of uniform conposition aid | Prauzer= Jess than 2p thick with the Electron Elcroscove) nahrung “+ Ee REP: AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL = VOLE PAGE 60. Jakob & Mahl. Strukturdars:ellung bei Bakterien insbeSe krche Zell~ 2h 7 Die kapseldsrstellung be1 anaerobien. Forsch. (capale Formation of anaerobese) 61. Jalmd & Mah) Ubermikroskop in der Bakteriologie insbes far J.B REC. 7 n . Veruche der Kapseldarstellung. (E.Hicroscope Forachs in Bacterfology.) (Uber den Mechanismus der Gold-sol reaktion & 12 deim Protein des Tebakaosalk und Kartoffel= X-Virus). (Mechanism of Gold Sol reaction of Protein of Tobecco Mosaic and Potato X Viruses) 63. Kausche Untersuchungen um Problen der bologischen re cherakteristerung phytopahogoner Virus proteine ges.Virus Cinvesti gation of the problen of Biological Porsche identification of plent pathogenic proveins (viruses)). : Ergebnisse und Probleme der experimentelle Virus Ber.deeut. 58 © 200 forschting bei Pflanzen (mit Sbermikrokopischen — Boten, Ges. ‘Avforaiusn). (Plant virus Tesearch with Electron mcrographs)« 652 Keusche & Uber dem Nachmeis von Molextlender Chloroplarten Natureiss, 28 = 303 Ruska Be viruskrankes pflanzen {On Uie denonstration of structure of chloroplasts of virus infected plant cells). 66, Kauschs & Zur Frage der Chlomplasternstruktur Neturwiss, 26 303 Ruske fe {stmeture of Chloroplast) 67. Kinder Ubernikroskopie mit Lehren Spannungen (Es Zs. Tech, 9 21 mferoweope with higher voltagess) Physe 68. Kinder & Neue magnetigche Linsen Mleiner Brenn wicke. © JB.AEG. 7 23 pendzich (New magnetic lenses with stelle focal lengths) Forsch. @9e Koch & Lehmann Ubermikrskopische Untersuchungen von Wissen 5 9 geglaetteten Alusinium Oberflachen (E.ticroscope schft. Investigation of Polished Aluninium Surfaces). 1. Leake & Yergleichende mikroskopische und Bhermikroskop- Kline 19217 Rusks He ische Beobactungen an den Erregern der Woohschr, ‘Tuberkulose (Comparison of optical and Es Microscope observations on the cause of 7.3.) Tie Hand Das elektrost:tische Elektronen-Ubermikroskop Kol 28. ” 105 ‘und Anwendung in der Kolloid-chemie. (The Electrostati¢ Electron Microscope and application to Colloid Chenistry)+ Te Mehh Das elektrostische Ubernikroskop, (Blectrostatic JB-AEG. 7 43 Heroscope) + Forsche Toe Mab MetaIuméliche Untersuchungen. (Metallurgical 23.Techs 2 7 Investigations). Flys. Tie Mob orientierungsbestinmng v. Alutiniim Einzeliris- Metall. 131082 talien auf Ubermikroskopischen Weges wirkschtt. {orientation determination of Aluminium Single Crystals by means of E.tiicroscopes Be ea stereoskopische aufnehmen Naturmiss, 28 26h (stereoscopic Photography) + RF? AUTHOR TITLE SOURNAL Voi PAGE 76 Mahl ‘Ubermikroskop Eletronenbilder von durchstrahlten ‘ZSangen 2 8 objekten und far Netalloberflachen. (Super Photographie: Microscope Electron Images of Objects by trens~ mission, end of metel surfaces). Tr Wabi ubermiiroskop in Noltofdcheme una retallurgie. JB.aeG. 7 87 (Electron=Microscope in Collofd chenistry and Forsch, Metallurgy) 78 Mehl & Ein plastisches abdrwekverfahren zur Qbermikro- Metall= 7 ‘LB Dering pischen Untersuchungen von Metaloberflachen. wirtsche (Plastic Replica Process for E=microsccpy of metals)» 79 Meldau Feinstaube im sublichmikrokopischen Geblet. VereTeche 4 103 Gestaltanalyse und Veilouf der trockenen aufbere tung. (Fine dusts. Analysis of shape and details of their preparstions 80 Menke Untersuchungen uber den Fetabau des Protoplasmas uit 25.Proto~ B 115, dem Universal E.mikroskop. (The fine structure of plesna, protoplesm by the Eemicroscope}. 81 Middel & E.microscopy of Bentonites. Wissensch = 1945, 3h ‘Reichmann Veroff Siemens Werkstoffe Sonderherl. 82 OWDentel & Elektronen-mikroskop und Beugung hochdisperser Newrmiss 28 628 Redezenski © tiineralien au denselbe PrAperate (E-ni croscopy by highly dispersed mineralse) 83 Pfankuch & — Isotierung und Abermfkro skopische abbiidung eines Naturwiss 28 6 keusche Bexterfophagen (Isolation and Eamicroscopy of Bacter fophages- ) 84 Ransaaer Entwicklung des Ubernikroskops (Developnend of SB .AEG. 7 1 ‘the Super ifcroscopes) Forsch 85 Recknagel Peter von Elextronenlinsen, (Fal lts of do- 7 15, Electronic Sensess) 86 Recknagel —sphaerfsche Aberration bel elektrone.optische zs.Prys. 117 a Abbildung. (Sphirical aberration in Electron Tnage Formation) 87 Ruska Ee Die Aufnetme von Electronenbeugungschagramen Wiss.vVeroff 19 we Im Ubermikro: op (Werkstoff sonderh) (The Stemens: phow grachy of Electron Diffraction Dlacrems in the Super Microscope) 88 Auske Ee —_Lefstung und Konstenz der -tronversorgungslegen Elektech. 64 989 fr hochaufl¥sende Eleck tronemikroskope zs. (Performance and stabliity of current supply unit dn th. high resolution electron microscopes! 69 Ruska E. ‘Uber nevere Ergebnisse bel der S{chtbarmachung Natura 70 28, und Abbiiding klefnster Gegenstande (New results Yolk on alcroscopy of very sll objects). 90 Ruska E, & Uber Fortschritte bel der Abbildung elektronen= as.Prys 116 6 strahl er oberflachen. (PF gress in observetion of slectron 1 rrdiaced surfaces) -21- REF: AUTHOR TIT JOURNAL. VOL: PAGE. 1. Ruska He Bedentung und Ergebnisse der Ubermikvoskopte Siemens 2 228 (Interpretation and % sults of the E.ulorescope) 25. 92. Puske Re Onderaoekingssethoden en Resukteten der Super- Nederland. 7 179 microscopie. (Expericontel cethods ond results Ti fdschrift, in Esmicroscepy) + VeNetLuUrke undies + Ruska #. Uber Scrukturen von Zellulosefasern (Strvetire Koll ZS. 92 276 of cellulose Fibres). Puske #e Die Sichtbermachung cer bakterfophagenLyse 1m Netnwiss. 28 u5, Ubermxrpskop (Observation of Lysis by chage)+ Buske He & Die Ubermfirosiopte als Untersuchungsverfehran lin. 8 ay Franbredt. — (_anferoscopy as a research technique). Woonschs. Ruske §. & Ubemfkrostopische Untersuchungen Wber den Koil-zs. 83 153 Kretschner Abeau von Zellulosefasern. (Structure of cellulose fibres). 7. husk Re Zur struktur des Liquor fibring (structure of Line 19 wolpers fibrin from ceretrospins) fluid.) Wochschrs 98. Zahn. Versiche gur Ybermiroskopie der Kole (Ee= Melitand = 21 5056 Microscopy expert ments on wool). Textil ber. 1344 te Von Ardeane Zur Restinn ng des auflosungsvermogens von Physthel. a2 R Blextronenmikroskopen. (Determination of the 25. Puselving Fower of the 2!) 2, Von Ardenne Elektronen-Ubernfxroskop mit yahlgwéise Us.Physe 117 S15 einsc altbarer Elektronensonde 2ur Kerstellung von Elektronenbeugungsd!agranmen best iurmter kleiner Bezirke des Geischtsfeldes. (EM. mith aux{lfary Electron Frobe for producing electron diffraction ¢legrens of selected suall areas of the feld of view) 3s von j2zdenne. uber eine 21 ktronennikroskopische Untersuchung ZSsangeme 5 13 der Struktur reflexnindernder Schfchten und uber Phot. dle Ecmessing solcher Schichten. (an SM, Investigation of the structure of enti halo ffllms, end the measurenents of such emulstons. vor qrdenne. Zur Prufung von kurzbrenneitigen Slektronenlins —Z5.Phys. 117 62 sen. (The testing of short foais electron Lenses) enne Uber ein 200 ky-Uni versal -Elektronenmikroskop sit objektabschattungsvorrichtung. (A 290 KV Universelem, with attachnent for protecting the objects) Se vor u7 g Elektronen-Ubemficrosiopl lebender Substanze Neturmiss, 29 say (By. of Living matter). 3. veh avdenne Erganzung 2u cen arbeiten Zur Prufung von kurs — ZS.Plys 118 BBs brennweiten Electronent.nser. und Uber eln 290 EY Universal-flettroasnitirosiop mit Objektab~ sebattungsvorrichtung. (Corr ction to Peners 36 end 37). REP: RUTHOR TITLE JCGANAL VOL: PAGS Bs von Ardenne Srhtezungs-Ubernlareskopie mit_dom universal Koll.2s. 97 257 Elektronenmikrostop. (Ey. with o hested object). von ardenne Uber Versuche zur Sichtbernachung molekularer Neturwiss 29 780 Reuhickeften en gegen die Gittenbenen gencigt Yerlaufenden Kr! Btallkanten tm, Universal-Elek~ tronenaikroskop. (attempts to observe roughe ness on crystal edges Inclined to tne lartice plane se 10. von ardenne & Elektronennfirostopische Darstellung des KUinswocte 20 753 aveustin. Lepraerregers (tycobacterium Leprac}. enscnrsite (2h. Observation of the Causative agent of Leprosy (tycobacteriu: Leprae)) 11s von ardenne & Die Auskefnung der Snoren von Bacillus vulgstus Naturwiss 29 53 Friedrichy nach vorheriger abtildung 1m 210 k¥-Universal- Fresks. Elextrovenmiiroskop. (The Development of the Spores of Bac. after previous observation in the 290 ke Ere) 12+ von Ardenne, clekcronemifiroskoplsche Untersuchung der Archiv fe 2 8 Friedrich ’ Practpitinreaktion von 7 abshnosaikvirus mit degesemte Freksa £ Kaninchenanciserun. (Bi, Investigation of Virusforsche Schramte the Prect pitin-reaction of Tobacco Mosele : Virus with Rabbit anti-sertn) 13. von & Slektronenstiroskoptsche und r8ntgenographische 25.Physs 118 Bi Hofwenn. Untersuchungen uber dle Sorcktur von Russen. (Elektron nicrographs and radiographs of soot) the von ardenne Elektronenstisroskop!sche Untersuchung des Koll.zS. a ee 2 Weber ‘uskelelmelsskorpers Hyosine (B+ invest fgetton of the Muscle rrotein, Myosin.) 15. Selscher. E. Microscope invest igatiois in Colloid Koll.28. 96 Wer chemi sury. 16. Bennek, Sudiger, Metallogranhtscne Untersuchungen von stabil arch.f. 5 a3 Stablein £ mit den Settikroskop. Efsenhutten Volk. wigens 17. von Bo-ries Surface investigations with the E.Xteroscope Stable u. 64 re Elsen. 18. von Borries. Tafeln cur bequenen Berechnung angepasster TPT » 236 ablenxplatten {n Eremschen Ahrens (Tubles for rapid calculation of modified plates in esthode rey (tubes?) 19. von Borries abb{1duns feinbearbeiteter technischer Oberfl& — W-D sl. 8 2? & Janzen chen Uderntkroskop. (Dewonstrat:on of highly ZS. polished structure of surfoces)« Brtiche Zur Entwicilung der Elektronen-vebermlireskople 2S.Ver DT 85 23 nit Electrostatiscne Linsen. (Development of Inge ‘the Elektron Super Microscope withES Lenses). Be Dosse Zur Ansmessung des Felder magnetischer Electronen- 2i-Physe 117 ur Linsen. (Form of ragnetic ffelds of electron lenses). “+ REF: AUTHOR TTL JOURNAL = VOL: PAGE 22. Bosse Uber optische kenngr@ssen starker Elektronen= -ZS.Physs 117,722 Linsen (Optical constants of strong electron Lenses) 23. Posse Engangung 2ur arbeit iS.Phys. 118 35 wuber opt ische kemngrdsser starker Elektronen- Linsen isse & Uber die Intensitatsverteflung in Electronen~ —PhyseZS. 2389) Schelling. stahl querschnitten. (Intensity distribution 4n Electron Beans). 25, Posse Strenge Serechnung magnetischer finsen mit zs.Phys. 117 BG ungymetriscer Feldform nach Hos ito Te(27ay’ (strict celculotion of magnetic lenses with fields of The form e.seeeee) Eitel Des Ubernikroskop als Instrument T¥r quantitative Book We Messungen in der Silikatforschung. (EeMicro~ (de Gruyter) scope In quantitative neasurenent of Silicates) 27. Endell £. Microscopy of Bentonites. Keran. is 23 Rundsch. 286 Franz, Bean danage to svecinenss Kolwzs. 97 Wallner, & schlebold. 29. Pricke, Eine gleichzettige réntgenographische und Zs.Plys. B50 13 Schoen & -—-eektronenmikroskopische Verfolgung der therm- Chee Sctrbder. schen Usnmandlungsrethe Fe0OH. (Simultaneous Ieray and Esmicroscopic study of Thermal ‘Transitions of Fe0oH) Glaser Strenge Serechnung magnetischer Linsen der Feld- ‘2s.Phys. 117 285 form = He Tetz7e}? (cadculacion of magnetic lenses of the form . Bi. de Gruyter Das Ubermf croskop alls Forschungsnittel. Book. (cditea by) (Symposium of reports delivered st inception of Siemens H. research labs.) Re Hees & (Use of stricturdess supporting film of Aluainium ‘KolleZS. 95 26 Kehler instead of collodion) 3B. mdm so" wo OT 3h. Heering Russ~tmtersuchungen mit dem Ubermikroskop. Kaub- 7 & YeGizysid (Soot Investigations). senuk. & Kirsecks 35e Wennederg. _Elektronenmiiroskop, Ubermfkroskop und Hetal~ Stehhu. 61769 forsching. (Electron Hicroscopes, Super Hiere~ Elsen scopes and Metal Research). 3. Hotmenn Die struktur der Kolloide ces feinkristallinen ‘Koli.Zs. od 201 Ragoss & Kohlenstoffes (The structure of colloidal carbon) sinkel. 2h REF: RUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL, WoL: PAGE 31. Jakob TunorAsciteszelten, (Tour cells from Kin, a 19 Ascites fluid), Wochensch, 38. Kausche — Wesen und Letstung der Ubermikrescopie ft Nechricht- 21 ut Struktur und Virusforschung. (Nature and endkatt fede usefulness of E.Microscope for Virus research) Deut.Pflazen 2+ Kausche — Beobschtungen Sber Sohall~ und Ultra-schellein= Naturiss. 29 573 Pfankuch & wirlamgen an Protein des Tabeknosaicvirus. Ruska He (Effect of sonic and ultrasonic ratiation of Tobacco mosalc virus}. ko, Kinter JochLinsen = Ubermiroskop. antWendungen in der Koll.8. 95226 Kolloidchemle. (Yoke lens microscope applicstion in colloid chenistry). At. Kinder {Yoke=2ens Microscope. Baiting Cathodes. Neturwiss. 30 531 Resolving Payer of Microscope). 42, Kinder & — Bepbactungen an Magnesiumoxydkri stallens WeTech = 2 at Brtche (observation of Magnesium Gride Crystals) PRY se 4S. Koch (Heaserenent of gold hydrosol particles by w.elek 47717 Esmferoscope and other methods). erochen. he Kuhns Uberuikroskopische Untersuchungen an Asbessteud archef. 1973 und asbestlungen. (asbestos dust and lime, Gewerbe paths ‘assues affected therentth) usGewerdehyee 45s Lenbke ——Ubermikrokopische Untersuchungen on Bakterten. Book - 3 Esmicroscope Investigations on Bacteria) (de Cruyter) 46. Mend Oxyuische Oberfimchenfiime. (Oxide Surface Films) Korrosin 17 1 a.Metallscratz. UT. Nebl_—=“Plastische Abdruckwerfahren bei oberflechen. 2s (Plastic Replicas of surfaces) WB. Mak «=—=—sewe Ergebnisse out metalluret schem Gebiet B (vew Resutts in the Field of Ketallurgy) ig. Maha Elektronenstrahischaden be! Zellulosefasern 96 7 (Electron Ream Dm ege to Cellulose Fibres) Yehl -sMetieLLiundifche, Metalichem, und bakterfolog!sche Dscheme «2279 Untersuchingens” (Metallurgical, Hetel Chenistry Fabrik and Bacterfological Invest get fons) Ste Mahl Aluniniumaetzstrukturen = (Etched Aluminium Zentralbl, = = Structures). Mineral abt 52, Mahi Neshweds von metalitschga Ausschetaingen (Proof Metatl= 583 of formation of Metsilic Precipitates). wirtschtt. 55. Meldan —aufgaben des Uermikroskops fn Staubforschung Book - 2 Verot ¢,Staub. She Meldsa, Zur Kenntais des Luftplanktons "Staub" ho MT Meldeu & Zur Morphologie oxydsublinate 1 asebleke AT 5 ‘Telchniler Mictefling. (The structure Sublimste. ist Fart}. tine Lead Oxide —trochea 25° REP: AUTHOR TITLE JORNAL Vib: PAGE 56. Helden & Zur Morphologie fethster Bleloxydsubl inate zs.Elektro- 47 191 TelchiAlier 2 Mittetlung. chems Ste Melden & Zor Morphologie feinster Blefoxydsubl inate seElektroe 47 630 Telemm@lier 3 nlvtellung. chen. 58. Meldau& ur Morphologie feinster Beloxydsubl inate Z3.5lektro~ U7 Telenmmiler 4 (und lisste) rettellune. chen kadezensk1 (Ageing of Silica liycrosols observed by Ee Kol.2s. 96 1 & Richter —-Mieresoopy and Ea-dif fraction) Reusener 10 Johre Elektronensitkreskopte (10 years of Book - - Electron Microscony). {pubheSpringer) « 61. Recknagel —ElektronengerBte. (Electronic Apparatus). Book - - (pub} springer). Recknagel Theorfe des Electronenmlkrcskops fir celbstrshler. 7 689 (Theory of the Onision £.-microscope} 63. Rietm Ergebnisse und Aussichten der Ubermfiroskopte Booice A a im Phytonethologie und Botanik. (Results and (de Gruyter) pepsvectdens of Es!‘icroscopy in Botsny.) Riedel & ubermlroxopische Sestinmng der Tellchenzableines Koll.iS. 96 86 Ruske He Sols ber dessen serodispersen Zustand. (Use of Electrost tic Germ sedenentotor In the preperation of aero=sols for Es-mt croscopy) 65. Ruska E, (Device for rapid changing of Magnification and — KollsZS. 7 27 for changeover to Electron Diffraction). 66. Ruska E. & (Ein Uberalicoskon Unit 200 kV Strehi.sponnung Koll 625. 95 a malier A 20 KV E,-mlere scope)» 67. Ruska E.& Uber Fortschritte bel der Abbildung elektronen- 28.Physe 116 66 waller bestrahle Oberfitchens (Recent edvances in swace microscopy). Ruske ke Fragen der Yirusforsching (Problem dn virus Porsches 17363 research). Forsch. Ruske He Obfektwel, Objektvorderettung und Deutung Book A» 88 des Bildes’ in der vberutxroskopte. (choice {publede cruyter). and preparation of raverlals and interpretation of the results). Uber crenafrogen aus den Geblet der Struktur~ Deut sted. 67 Bt Torscrung und tilxrobiologie. Woehenseh-. Seobseungen tber geformte stort wechsel= WSeEeM+ 123289 produkte bel chronbactertum prociglosum. uslnfekt ion {Parci culate Metabolic products of Bret prodigh osu}. 72. fusks He Uber den Einpluss ketusch¥dtgender oder keine SoEHugee 123 28 abtStender Nassnahmen auf die “aktertenstruktur 1 Mitteflung = Teveraturetnwlrkungen (Structurel crenges in Decterte after bactertostatie and bacterfocidal treatment. I. Effect of temperature}. Te RuskE Ke Uber ein neues, bel der baktertophngen Lyse euf- Naturmiss, 29 67 trekendes Formelemtnt (Cn s nvm particle observed during lysis of *hage infected bacteria). hee: WTR TIME SCURRAL Vol: PAGE The Rotherann (Energy Leases of electrons passing through —Naturwiss 29,298 the object In the Ewwicroscope) 7S. Soimleder —-Belspdele ftir dle Anwenduns des Ubermtkroskops Book a auf chenisch technische Fragen. (Examples of ( Gruyter}. apelication of E.¥. in chenical technolo’) Schram & De Pracipitinrenktion des Tebsimosetkvirus mit Piystolog. 270 233 Freksa eninchen und Schewinantiserun. (Precipi= Chen tation reaction of Tobacco Mosaic Virus with Rabbit end Pig antisera). Tre Sisdeck Medizinische Forschung und Ubermtiroskopte Book 1, 3 (Medical Research ond Electron Microscspy). (publede Gruyter) 7B. wlpers Die Biuttplmttchen bet Thronboxytopentens Deutated, 67515 sodplistelets in Thronbocytop-nia) Wochenschr. 796 Woipers ur Pelnceruktur der Erythroxytenmenbran (Fine Neturwiss, ey st.ucture of plasma uenbrane of erythrocytes) 80. Zann Ubermlisroskovtsche aufnaknen von {oollerten MeL Text id= 305 Spindelgellen der Schofwelle. (Eamfcrographs ber of {soleted spindle cells from sheeps' heir) Das Ubermikrostops als Forschungsnittel (de Gruyter, Berlin, 19411) asl te Yon Ardenne Weitere Entwicklungsarbeinten an Universal-Se Phystkal, = US Mikroskop. (Aurther develoments of the zs. Universal B. Mlcroscope)« 25 von Ardeme —_Reektfonskenvier-bermiroskopie mit. dem wS.Phys. Be 6 Universal-E.tilroskop. (Reaction charber chen. Ee Nleroscope) Be Yon arden-es Zur abb{ldungstrenz vo nahle der auflbsings- 100 206 Brenze Liegenden Objektantiauren bet Licht= Btivoskoo und Electromemitroskop. (Accuracy of reproduction of detail near the resolution Limit, In optical eno electron microscopes) « te Yon ardenne, Das Sthnelzen der Hnkerminerslien ALP end 25 33 & Endel, ALG; sowle der Fraktion <3. einiger Fort- — Zenent Landzenent Linker im Erhitzungs-Ubermikrosxope (The fusion of clinker minerals Alcs and Alecy ad the fraction of sone Portland cements Delow 3u. , an the High Te-perature E. Microscope). Se Yon ardenne —-Nachneis der Ubereinstinuung des Licht= Bele wh 236 & Kircher mikroskopischen OberfLichendildes, einer Netaule Fyarons1iumprobe mit. der electronénmi kro- jandes Sxople ches qufnatmen Mevollkunde Liner AbdruckTolté des gielchen Odjektausschnictes. (Proof of the asreeient between Light and alectron replica micrograshs of the surface of a hydronslium svecinen}. 6» Yon Ardenne —Feinstrehi~dlextrononbeugung an Universcly. 9 32 Seniedold £ Mikroskop. (Fine besn electron diffraction Gunther with the Universal £. tiLoroseoze). REF: AUTHOR TIT JOURNAL, VOL: PACE Je amold #, c&tz. ZneeUntersuchungen, (2nO~Invest {gat fons) xeut~ ew OB schuk. 8. Beischer. Device for studying chentcel react fon of Zs.Phys. B52 6 the object willst in the £. Microscope chen 9. Bennek,Rudiger Metallographisehe Untersuchungen mit den techs 5 8 Stablein & Volk Elektronennikroskop. (Metallographic wittel] Invest Igot fons with the Eatie) srupp Forsche 10. Boerscn. Interference phenomena with crystalline ZS.PhyS. 118 706 objects. Lattice Distortions Ve Boerseh. Die Verbesserung des auflBsungsvermogens im ZS.Tech. 2 129 enisstonselektronenmikroskop nit elektro- = Phys stetisches Mnsene (Iaprovement in : resolving power of emission e. microscope. Effect of aperture end achievement of T-p. of 100 amgstromnita. } 12_ Boerschs Aufbeld & anwendungnBglichkett liner Elek- Phystkely = 43515 Uronenoptischen Anordnung. (Construction 25+ and Possibilities of en electrostatic & microscope with resolving power of & A-U.) 13» von Borries. Ueber die Intensitatsverheltnisse an Uber> —Physikel. =» WB 190 mikroskop. I: Die Schnarzung photograph- ZS. Sscher Platten durch Elektronenstrahlen. (on Intensity conditions the Super Hicro= scope 1. The dleckening of Photographic Plates by Electrons). 1h. von Borries. Ueber die Intensitatsverhaltnisse am Uber~ ZS. Angews & de mikroskep. II, Vergrosserungst absgkeit, Photogramie Kornigke1t und Auflésuncsvermogen elektfonen- geschnerzter photcgrophischer Plattens (On Intensity conditions tn the Super Microscope. It Magnification Grain and Resolution limit of Photographic Plates emosed to Electrons) 15+ von Borries Ueber die Intensitatsverhaltnisse an Uber- 23. Phys. 119498 mixrvskop. III. Elsnung und Bapfindlich- keltsgrenzen photographischer Platten fir ebermikreskaptache autaetnen. (On Intensioy Conditions at the Super Microscope. sensitivity linits of 8 for Guper Nlereecepe 16, Breene. Aufltaingsgrense des MAsstonsatxroskons. Kol 28. wo | 192 (Resolntion Limits of the Brlssion Mfsrascope) Brfiche rf Iacncrubermikreskopie neck den VernedsDe 2 no (Surface examine» Phys» Gas. Eolficro scope) 3) Rosse 2 Maller dep Emission ne of Ezission REP: AUTHOR TIT JOURMAL VoL. PAGE 19. Duffek & Ubermikroskop. OberflAchensbb. von Netslien APR 6 B Mehl. nach dem Abdruckverfahren ohne Beschidicung Bieenhutt= der Probenoberfidchs. (Electron Microscopy of ‘enmesen. Surfaces of Metals using the Replica Method without damge to the Specimen surface). 20. eitel & Measurenent of colloidal particles by Stereoscopic 2S.Phys. ne 7b Gotthardt —& Photogrammatic methods. 21, Bum, Blektronenopt, Unters. A.Malarta-Sporozotten und Dtsch. oh Jakob & Leichmanis donovanie 1. (Electron weroscope ‘Tropea- oBlz investigation of Helaria-sporozoides end Leich- med. Z manta donoront 1). 22. pmel, Elektronenoptische Untersuchungen en Nalarie~ Dtsch. we 5B Biz & Sporozoiten 1]. (Electron optical Invettigations tropen- Jakob. ‘of the melaria-sporozoides 11) med. 2. 23. Peitknecht zur wenntnis der sole mit dibttchenférmigen Koll. aol 2 signer, Tetichen, Uder kolloides Nickelhydroxyd 2. Berger {Platelets Sols Colloidal N1(0H)2 ) Qe Fischer ubermtkroskopisches Bild enodischer Oxydfilme auf Korrosion = 182 & Kurt, Aluminiue und ihres Wachstums. (Electron u.yetelisch. tlerographs of anodic Acid Films on Aluminium end its Growtn). 25. Gleser Uber elektronenoptische abbildung bel gestirter 28. Prys. 1 2 Rotations symmetria. (E. Micrographs of stereo- Isomers). 2%. onder Destraction of zine black specimen by the beam © K011428, 98 (287 mann & whilst in the E. Microscope. mul 27. Hass. Untersuchungen fiber den Aufbau eufged&apfter WoL. 7s 100230 Denpfschichten mittels Ubernikroskop und Elextronen= Interferenzen, (Investigations on the structure of evaporated layers by weans of the E+ wleroscope and Electron Interference). 28. Hennederg —-Begriffe und Bezelchaungen der Elektronenoptik. ATLL ee - oe & Bricne {Principles and Description of Electron Optics) —_138.Dez. 1942 JoB3L=S 29. Minderer —Experinantalle Untersuchungen uber das AUfBsuNe2- 75 phys, ug 397 verngen Yon Leuchtschirmen. (Fluorescknt screens) 30. Jakob Untersuchungen uber die Strukture der Tuno~ zs.tenreb> 5212 esciteszelle ... ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der —sforsch. Zelle. (Investigations on the Structure of Tor aseitus Cells ~ a contribution to the Morshology of Celis. ) Bhs. Jakob Anmendung des Elektronennfkroskop in der Zel]- —Eurepaische == - forschung. (Applications of the E.Microscope to —-Studfenmsppe cell research). que) 32. Jakob Anmending des Elektronenmlkroskop in der Bakter- Loc. Cit. - - fologie und Yirusforscnung. (Application of BM. Wo Beotertology and Virus research). — RES: A THOR TITLE JOURNAL VOL: PAGE 33. Junge Zor petiologie der rotea Blututrpenchen. I iin a1 97 Veranderungen durch elnfach physixolische Wochenschr. Elowtrkungen. (Pathology of xed blood cells under influence of physical en.nges). Bie Sunes Regenerationserschetnungen an Erythroayten. Naturmiss 72 (Regeneration phenomena in Ergthrocytes). 35 + Kinder Batsstons-Ubermiinoskopie ‘it megnetischen Linsen, Naturwiss 30 591 (Bulsston-icroscopy with Mage tie Lenses). Me Kinder ‘Yoke Lens Microscope and some applications to Rol 95 3G Colloid chentstry. Ble Aivcner Interference Picnoaene Jn th: 24 Microscope amder 138 (5) Phys. 38. Xottmann Morpholosische Sefurde aus taches vierges von archive nn RB Collkulturen (Morphology of "plaques in fedegese cultures of phage infected BactsColl.) Virusforse Be maa. Ein Versuch ue Gulsstonsmikroskopie mit elektros —ZS.Teche = 23117 stat. Linsen, (Eni ssion tilew scopy with Electro~ Phys. static Lenses) lee Mad Qberflachenuderatkroskople nach den Abdruckver= — VerhadwDe © 23 Tenren. (Discussion of Assn. of German Phystoists PhyseGes. on Impression repiice n.thod of electron microscopy of surfaces). bite Mande ‘Therml sche erzengte oxydf {ine del akuminiuns Koll.zs. 100219 (themelly deposited ax ide fim on Aluinium). rand. Ubermikroskop, Obert Mchendarsta2lung mit den Waturmiss 307 abdruckverfahren. (Super Micras cope observations of Surfaces ty "Replica? Methods). We Mahle & — Ubermfkr. Unters. en AleLeglerungens (Electron Bef Metal- 3% 2% Parkek. wierescope Investigations on Al. Alloys)« unde lie Mahl & —— Ubermfiyr, Unters. an Stahl 1, (Electron archefeElsen= 16 219 Pawlek. — Mteroscope Investigations of unc)ioyes Steels) bubtenwesens 'Se Mehl — aetzfiguren an al-Kristallfalchen I. (Etching wsePws. 51319 Stranski, Pa terns on AlCrystal Surfaces ~ 1). chee U6. Mehl & —— Avtattguren an Al-Kristalloberflache Il. BsePiys. 52257 Stransid _(Guching Patterns on Al Crystal Surteces - 11). Chems Ly Mecklenburg. Elektrostet. SnlsetoneUbermliroskope wsePhys. 1200 (Electrostatic Gi.isston Microscope). 2 18. Meldau & — Uberwlkreskop{sche #eobachtungen an schwinggenshlenen + Telohntller Kohlen-stkcuben verschiedenen Inkohlungssredese (Cosh dust 7} waller Die ausnessung dor Trete ubemkro siopischer Rolls. 99 6 Objekte. (The Measuren-nt of thickness of Super Micrasoopts Objects}. 50. Miller ——adbildung dir Uberfleche cclmelzender tetalle mit 25sWisse 5B 122 Elektronenmlkroskop. (Pictures of surfaces of Mike velting Ketals). atITHOR TITLE SoU NAL VOL: Page, Sty Weller & Der Fetnbau der 7est-Dtetonee Pleurosigaa Returwiss 30 55 Posewsldt. ——angulatun WaSmte nach Beobachtungen und ‘Stereoskopischen Aufnatmen im Ubernficoskop. (the fine structure of Dietom Pleurosigaa Angulstan W.St, from Observetions and Sterco- scopic Photographs with the Super Microscope) 526 Ravsauer. Elektronensiineskopie. (Electron Hl crescopy) Book (springer) - 53. Aensauer, Elektronenstrahl-Oszilographie (Slectron Bean — JB.AEG. 8 129 Sréche ws osctilograahy). Forschg. stewiele Rensauer, Geonetrische Elektronenoptike (Geometric Euroaeische = + Brace uy Electron o-ties). Studtemappe Mahle (gla) 55 Reckmagel, Theor fe der Elektronenntiroscops ter BAB. 9 1 Selbststrahler. (Theory of the Electron Forscng. Nicroscopes Shission)« 56. Rudiger Uber die Efgnung von Beryllium fur Ubermikro= = Neturwiss 30 - skopische Versuch, (The sultebility of Berylliua for eleccron microscopy - its superior- ity over Al. for replicas of steel surfaces.) 57* Ruthenann Energy losses af electrons passing through the Naturwiss 30145 object. 5B husks & Device for rapid changeover of magnifteation Kolleis. = = 10 ead for change to electron diftraction of specimens 59+ Ruska B Beitrag cur SbermfkroskopIschen Abbildung bei Kol.Zs. 100 212 beheren Drucken. (Contribution to Electron. Microscopie Observetions at Higher Pressures). 6. Ruska Uber die Linsen hochauflBserder Ele:tronen= ArcheEleke 3 U3t nikroskope. (On the Lenses of the Hich Resolution trontechn. Electron Microscope) 61, Ruska ke Worshologi sche Befunde bet der bakterfopnagen — archefade 2 3US lysee (Norphology of Bacteriophage Lysis Arche —ges.Virusfor. ges. Virusforschung.) 624 RUSKA ite Elektronennixroskopie durenstranlter Objektes Janrbeds 1942 201 (E.tideroscopy) « auslendsantes, deDeDozent 63. Sommer Z. De Bberm{kroskopischen Reobachtungen tn Aluniniim 99 52 ‘Mefgeatzten Aliminiut und Tydronal fume (The Berle Super Mleroscople Observation of Deeply etched Aluniniua end fydronalium). Ghe Senter, Ubermikrokopische Bobactungen an TefgeBtztem ZS.Mettal= 34 229 Alunindsn und Hydronal iu. (Deep etched unde sluninfun end Hydronal tum). 65 Woerutkroskopiscie Untersuchungen an Marvensit — ArchWef de 16 2B in verschiedenen Anlass-taifen. (Martensite Etsentuztenwesen investiget ions) « 66. Tiselius ® — Uberm{kroskopische Seobachtungen an Pollo= Naturwiss. 30 728 Cara nyelitus-Virus-prperaten. (Pollonfyelitis virus) 68. vessel, 69e Nolpers & kawtecan 70. Wolpers Te Zahne 31+ TITLE Die M¥glichkedten ubermikroskopischer struktur~ aufkiaren en Fasern I, IX, HT (analysis of fibre structure). Ubermikroskopische Beobachtungen an Twberkallbas {1ien von typhus humenus. (Human tuberclebact111) 2ur frege der Erythraytenmambran (Red blood celis menbrane) Sur elektronenophischen Darstellung der Malaria testiana. (Helaria plesnodiun} Ubermtkrokep sche Aufnshmen von tsolieten Splokelzellen der Schofurolle I1. (Isoleted spindle cells from sheeps* wool, 11) SOURNAL © VOL: PAGE. Uellind — 23 Apre 158 Textii- May 211 berichte dune 261 t8.tuber- 68 2 bulose 6 ant bulose Xin. a 101g Wochenschr. Mell, 23 ApretSt Temil, - Se 16 von Ardenne 2. von ardenne 3a von ardenne 4e Yon Ardenne & Bel scher 5. von ardenne & Endell, Ge Yon ardenney Endell & Lehnone. Te Betscher. 8. Beischers 9. Boerschs 10. Boersch. 13 Elektronennikrokinematrographie mit den Universal Elektronenmiktoskops (Electron-micro-cinenato~ grapry with the Universal Bie zur Eignung bindenittelarmer Photoschichten in der Elektronen-Ubermiiroskopie, (On the suitability of photoemulsions weak in binder material far E.Mcroscopy) + Neuere Entwicklungserbeiten am Elektronen-Uber- mikroskop. (New developments in the E.Microscope) aur elektronenmtiroskopischen abbildung feiner Reakt fonseschichten ext Met: Moxydrmuchkristellen. (the &. observation of fine reaction films on netal-oride crystals). Das Sintern von Tonmineralien und von Schl&mne stoffen nat@rlicher Formsande im :rhitzungs-Uber- nikroskop. (The Sintering of Ciay minerals snd of the mui-fraction of natural moulding sand, in Une Elgh Terpereture E.ticroscope)- Das Sintern keremfscher Rohstoffe tm Erhitzung2- Vbermfxroskop. (The Sintering of Cersme Raw meteriels in the High Temp. E.Microscope). Further investigations in Colloid chemistry using th: £, mlcroscope. Further fnvestigetions in Colloid Chemistry using the Ey microscope. Fresnel diffraction at the image edges. Presnel diffraction at the tmage edgese ws.Phys. 120 BT Phys. 124 1 TeleFerns- 3% 83 prech. Funk. und Fernsch= Tech. TFT Koll.zs. 102127 zs. ea 6 Giese (1943) ere. Se ee Elektrom chem. Physixel, Wy z ws. Physikel. lb = 202 B REF: AUTEOR 11, Boersch 12. Bonet- 13s von Borries ihe Breche 158 Brttche 16. Dosse & Mierdel. 17. Bitel & Kedesdy. 18. Eitel, & Radezewskt 199 Endell & von andeme, 20. Endell & von Ardennes 21. Edel, Zinzen TITLE JOURNAL VOL? Secondary images in the Ee Microscope wS.Phys. 121 La mesure des dimensfons du virus vacctnal. Yon de - dtapres 1a microgrephie electronique. iMinst. (Determination of sizes of vaccinal virus ty Alfred E.tticrographa) Fournier Le sapermtcroscope. Frincipes Fondanenteux et 2 Resultats dans les Recherghes. (Principles of Estiiroscope and results of researches). “appereflle de Mesure et de Controle" craus ‘gegeben Vom Comité General d*Organisstion des Industres Hechaniques. Elektronenmlkroskop fr die Oberflachenprefung. der Bet= 22 (an E.Microscope for Surfece Testing). rieb. ‘am Entstehen des Elextronemikroskops. Phystkel (Development of E.Microscope) « a Der elektrische strom in Hochvaluum und in SeHirgel 1943 Gasene Einfuhrung in die physikalischen Leipzig. June Grundlagen. (Electric discharge in high Vacuum and gases. Physicel principles and introduction) + Dehydration of Brucite to Periclase under the ADhandlung 1943/ electron bean. Preuss. 45 Aked.Wiss Maths. Neturwekl. Portisl detydration of halloyette to uetecfora —locecit. —1945/ ‘by the electron beam. 45 Veranschauliching des Sinterns und Schnelzens Glastech. 21 von Glasgenengen, Soda und Sodaschacken tm Ber. Erhitzungs-Ubermikroskop. (Demnstrat ion of sintering end fusion of class mixes, soda ond sodersieg in the High Temperature E-Hicroscope) Veranschaulichung des Sinterns und Schrelzens Yon Koll.28- 104 Keranischen Rohstoffen, Glasgenengen, Schlacken we Kohlenaschen im Erhitaunge-Ubermilcreskop. (Demonstration of sintering and fusion of ceranic ren nateriels, glass mixes, slag (slack) and ashes in the High Temp. Esiitcroscope)« Uber das Sintern und Schnelzen von Kohlenaschen Feuerungs= 31 & von ardenne im Erhitzungs-Ubermikroskop sowle die Bedeutung tech, der Schlacken-viskos! tat f&r die Sclmelzkamer= Teucrungs (The sintering and Tuston of ash in the High temp. £.M., and the importance of the slag viscosity for the firing of the fuston chatber). 22. Frans, Uber den norphologischen autbeu der Bekterten- Neturwiss. 31 Bebiebold us vellilose. (Morphology of Bacterial cellulose). Weygand Be Ubermliroskopische Beltr8ge mr Morphologie GoBsboe 3 seniel der Cellulose (Morphology of Cellulose}. & Wallner —Forsehunsberlehte der Zellwolle und kunsts- seide = Rings. PAGE 7h6 5 185 6 176 33 3 121 223 B 350 1th REF: AUTHOR TLE jo Fricke & Dimenstonender Prinbr und Selancarselichen ZS. 2 yt Weitbrecht. bed einigen Kriscallinen E8sen (111) Redroxyden. Anorgets (Dimensions 0: Prinary & Secondary 9 rticles ALigetiz ine in sone cryst. Furrictydroxides, showing hens micrographs). 2%. Gard. Uberniknessoptsche Beobactungen an gereinigten Lin. 35 Poliomyelitis ~ Viruspriparaken (Purified police Wochenschr. myelitis preparetionse) II £in Beitreg zur Frage der Epidemtologle der kinderishaung. (Spldentolesy of Pol focyelte te) 2%e Garde Uberaiireskoptscie Seobactungen an gereini-ten — arclil¥e 3 i Poltomelitis = “irusprapsraten (Purified polle- f.d.ged ayelitis prepsrations). II] Ein Vergle!ch virus mil den physikelisei~chemischen Versuchsegeb- forse niscen (hysieel chemical exderimnts = comer ison vi th}. cards Yorgledchende shystkalisch+chemische und ther archiy, 17 1 inisreskopische studien an gereinigten Poliamyelitis f.chemt, Viruspragaraten. (Physical chem{sal methods and Ninsrcloate Exectron Microscope studtes of pure Foliowyslitis) & deolege. 28. Gleser. Bildenstenung un¢ aufldsungsvermbcen der Elektronen= U5. 121-647 mikrosiops vom stancpunkt der Wellenmechanike Phys. (Electron optics fron wave mechanics standpoint). Glaser & — Strenge Berichnun: der elektronenoptischen aber- archive 37 BLT Lenmel B, rationskurven eines typischen Nagnetfeldes. (Strict Sletrotechs theory of aberrations of e typical negnetie field) BD. cele Oberf1kchen-Mikrosko=1e vor, Glas und Keremtke 2s 8 (surface E.Mfcrescopy of glass anc ceramics). Phys. oplz Uberstkrosiopi sche PAnstrukturen an Giesbruch- — 25.Physe 120 73 (Glass cleavage surfaces). Re cols Die Glasob.rfl&ce fm Elektronen-Ubermi:roskop. Glostechns 21 128 (S.Miervscopr of gl-ss surfaces) Pere 33. tscter, uxperinntelle Untersuchungen aur Prete den 2S.Piyse 116 Oh Rane wel lennechan{schen Theorle der Peldelectronen= enission. (Experimental investigations to test the wave mechaniccl conception of Electron emission) « She Kinder Magnesiumoxydkristalle {m Elektronenn! kroskop. Naturwiss 31 19 & (Magnesium oxide crystals in the EyM:.roscope) 591 35. Kinder ue Peinbau Sci:iLlernder Sehm-tterl ingsschuppen. Blolzen= 63 268 Sutffert. (Fine structure of irridescent butterfly wings) tralbl. 36. Kossele Interference phenomena tn orystsobjects. Neturwiss. 31 323 Explanation by co-operation of slightly differcnt angles of the electron beens in the snall range of radfation asertur-s acting on the Lettice planes ("Dynamic Interference®). Ble Levedita Aspect et dimensions des corps eleventaires Monographies = 1 veccinaux et des corpuscles normaux en lumtere de 1'institut electronique. (Vaccinia and other virus particles Alfred Fournfer size of.) Parise AUTHOR HTL SOURKAL VOL: PAGE Levadit! Le Tr.pneka pallidum en clorescopte electronigne - 7 (Sypailis spirsidete 1n E.Hfcroscope) Fournier Partes. Mebl Ubemibcrosiopic nach den abervekverfahrens Wetall- 22 9 (Replice processes for falicroscopy) « wirtschstt. 400 ahd Die Vbermtkrosk»afsche Prefung von Lelchwetall 23. 25 12 und Stail. (Inspectinn of Ight metals and aluniniuns Bt. Math. & ——ObePfIAchon aedizIntscablologischer ObJektes Koll.28. 105 3B Krause (Surfaces of Medlco~foloieal objects). 42. ¥ent-w. Das Elektronensilerelmtiroskop, ein neuer Uder= 2S.teche 24 B Pendzich —mlkroskop. (The Ewirrorsufcoscope ~ a now PIYSe Ee Mb roscope)e LBs Mann & aluninium bel Kristellfiguren~ataungs (Etehing — Naturwiss, 31 cry Stronskf. of crystal-figires in Aluminium). ‘ie Mand us Bur Prage der Blockstruktur von Cadmiumein= 2S.Netell- 35 au7 Stranski. kristellen. (Th question of the Dlockstructure Kunde. of cadaim crystals.) 4S, Mec.tonburg. Uber das elertrostatisch: Salsstonsmikroskope — Z6ePHYSe 1220 a (the electrostatic emfssion elec ron microscope = description of opties & cathode ~ achlevenent of 100 4.0. resolving power) « 6. ler Das avfldsungsvemnbgen des Fridelektronen= w.Phys. 12 270 rliroskops. (Resolving power of magnetic Ber microscope) « U7. Neubner We Toxikologie der Sulfonamide. (Toxicology of Deuts 6 5 Sulphtmnon ide). Hed Wochenschr. 4B. Ragoss, Die Grephitierung von Thormax-Russ. (Grephite) Koll.zSs. 105118 Hthanh & : Holst lige Recknagel _anf18aingsvermBgen des Elektronenniiroskops (AP Naturwiss. 31 360 Selbststrenler. (iesolution of the enlasion m microscope). 50. Riedel Ein ele:trischer kernfaller aur Gewinnung Bber- Koll.23. 103 228 praparste. Ste Riedel @ — Esticroscopy of aerosolse Kolwzs, 25 103 Ruska ~. 52. RUSka E. Zur Entstehung der Stume um Ubermfkrostapisch —Koll.ZS. 1053 angebildete Partikel und thre Veranderung mit der opti schen Einstellung. (On the formation of edges in super Mi-roscope Inages of Particles ax their change with Ovtical Adfustant). 5Be (Ruska Es Physikelische Gedi kengBnge aur Ubermtkroskople JB.deAusland - 54 und die Entwicklung des Ger&tes bis zum praktischen Einsatz. (Physical trend of thougot suntes der ‘cut «Dozen in rec'd to Sup r Kicroscope, and the Deveuopwent tenschart, of the apparatus tn the Practical Installation.) REF: AUTHOR She Ruska He Der Erreger der sinalen KinderLShmunge (The Umschan, 47216 cause of spinal Infentile paralysis). 55+ Ruska H. Die Erweiterung des mikroskopischen Schens und © Jbed.Aus- 1943 65 ihre anssiriang ait Morphologie, folloid~ Landaantes forschung und Mikrobiologie. [Increasing the der deute Tange of Microscopie Viston and its effect on Dozentenachafte Morphology, Colloidal Research & Microbiology). 56. Ruska He —Ubermikroskopische Untersuchungen an Asbeststaub Arch.Gewer- 11 575 und Asbestlungen. (Super Microscopie Investi- bepathologie gation of asbestos dust and asbestos-lungs). und Gewerbe~ hygenies 57+ Ruska He Uber das Virus der Varicellen und des Zoster. Xin. we 703 (Chicken Pox and Shingles). Wechr. 58s Rusks He Versuch einer Ordnung der Viruserten, Archef ad. 2 bBo (Tentative classification of Viruses). ges.-Virus~ forschung 59. Ruska He Ziele und arfolge der Ubermikroskopie in der Scientia a 16 Redizinischen Forschng. (Aims and results of Ee Microscopy in Medical research). 6. Ruska He Ergebnisse der Baktertophegenforschung und thre Ergeb BS uy Deutung nach morphologi schen Befunden. Hygiene, (tphage research). Bake Imminit~ . Sesforsund exp. Therapies G1e Ruska He Uber Form, Gr@ssenverteflung und Struktur einiger Zbl.Bakter- 150 311 & Keusche, Virus-Elenenterktrpers (On the fora, size, Ologie,Pare- distribution end structure of Virus Elementary —sitankinde Bodies). und Infextions- kerankhestene 62, Ruttmann, wWeltere metallorgraphische Untersuchungen mit dem arch.tisen- 16 469 Biesecke Ubermlkrosop en Stahl nach dem Schraeglichtver= shR ttenmesen. eWolff. febren. (Burther Metallographic Investigations with the Super Microscope on steel by the Oblique Tlumingtion Methode) 63. Schmidt —Gaydation von Metalipulvern bei Sbermikreskopischen Koll 2 15 Untersuchungen. (Oxidation phenomena tn metallic ZS. powders) « Ge Semmler~ — Ubermikroskopische Oberfl8chenabblidung ciniger Metall 22 3 iter Legiermgstypen nach den Lackabdruckvertahren. — Wirtsch. (Surface replicas of elloys). WisseTech. 65« Semmler- = Nethodes et resultates de 1a microscopie Revue de 40 3 Alter. electronique appliqués a la retallohgraphle. Metaliurgies (Methods end results of application of E.titcroscope ‘tw Metallography). 66. Strung Ke Beitrag zum Pyroleisitproblem. Maturmiss = 31 69. 67. TrochP. — Ubermfkrokopische Beobactungen an Tuberkelbagillen ZS.Hygeu. 12h «513 nach Einniriang von "Peteosthor® (Effect of Infeiktion- *Peteosthor* on Morphology of Tubercle Bacil11) skrank. REF? AUTHOR TIME JOURNAL VOL! PAGE 68. Vonkennel, Gasenalytische und elektronoptisohe Untersuch- Deutmed 69129 Kimig &’ ungen zur Wiriamgewelse der Sulfanilanide. Woed- Lenbie (Metabolic, Phystologl cal and E.Microscope enscher, observations of effect of sulphanilemide on Bocterta) @~ wolpers Kollagenquestreifung und Grundeubstanz eh, (Collagen fibres, strietion of}. 7. Zshne ‘Ubermikroskopische Aufnetmen von Isolierten Wells ah 157 Schuppenzellen der Schafwolle. (Isolated scale Text ilber. cells of sheep wool). 4 Mictellung zur Udermiimoskopie der Wolles told 1 Yon ardenne Uber ein news Universal Elektronenmikroskop mit Koll.ZS. 108 195 2. von Ardenne Je Yon ardenne Ended & Zinzen. lg Boersch. Se Yon Borries von Borries & Glaser 7+ von Borries & Ruske E, 8, Ever & Ruska He 9+ Glaser 10. GBlz & Gerlon Ty blz & Kolbe Hochspannungsmagnet = Objektive und hersb= gesetater thernischer Objektbilastunge (A new Eanicroseope with diminished heating effect of eam)» {Description of a Disphragn inserted above the —Koll.Z5. 108 grecizen Co minimize the Heating Effect of the Beane] (The Sintering of Ceramic Raw Materieis in the Sprechs. 77 Heating BMicroscope).. Fresnel Diffraction in the Esenicroscope images Koll.Z8. 106 Uber ginstige Entwickiungsverfahren und Gren= ZS.Phys, 122 zaiflbsungsvermogen photographischer Platten far bermikroskopische aufnatmens 4 Hite flung. Uber die IntensitgrauerbAltni sse in Ubermiiro- skop. (Investigation of the useful lintt of resolving power for imaging snail particles having in mind the effect of contrast conditions of image and grein size of the photographic plate). (Celeulations of the increase in tenperature Koll.zs, 196 of specimens in the Eesmicroscope due to the electron beams) Neue Beftrage mr Entwicklungsgeschichte der Physe28. 5. Elektronennikroskopie und der Ubermikroskople (Hew contribution to history of E.licroscopy) ber den Feinbeu der Fleckfieber = Rickettsien ZS.f-Hyg- 125 (Fine structure of Typhus rickettsine). Bildenstetung und Aufl8sungsvermSgen des Elektronen= ZS. 121 mikroskops von Stendpuni& der Well ennechan ik. Phys. (Inege formation md linit of Resolution of the E.-nfcroscope from the Wave Mechanical Standpdint ). Feinbau der Kfeselschelen bei zentralischen Diaten Hedwigta. 81 (Fine structure of the Shells of Centered Diatans) Ble:tronennikrostopi sche Di eteomeenstudien Bersde 6 (study of Diatons) ar.Bos.Ges. 195 167 123 3th 483 ar 283 ot 3 REF: AUTHOR TITLE JOURNAL V2 12. Haardick —_Elektronenm{:rostoptscne Sestimmune der Noturwiss, 32 Keusche _Konzentrat{on von Tabaknosalkvirus~kSsugnen. & Ruska He (Concentration of solutions of Tobacco mosaic virus). 13. Hofmann & Uber die Faktiven Stelien® bel der katalyse Natirmiss, 3 Wpers activated foct in catalysts) the Jung & Uber Reticulosyten (Reticulocysess) Kin, 23 asen. Wochenschr. 15. Kinder Das Jochlinsen Konbinations-Rbermikroskop fir USsPhys. 122 Durchstrehlung-und Selbststranlungsaufnahnen( 1) (Yok: Lens Esemieroscopes for Entssion and ‘ransmisston). 16. Kinder Des JochLinsen kombinations-eemixroskop f8r —ZS.Physe 122 Durchstrahlung-und S:1bst strani un gseufnamwien( 11) (Yoxe Lens Eemicroscopes for Entsston and ‘Trensui sation). Ye Letber- ——-Uberm{kroskoptsche Untersuchungen zur Wirkung- Deut. 70 nefster. welse von Ofbezol zur hanolytische Staphylokokten. Mod. (Effect of ofbazol on haenodyticstriptococe). | Wochenschr. 18. Magerstedt. Ein Aeltreg mr Morpholog!e der Syphilispirochates archivef, 125 (torphology of syphilis spirochete). Darmutolo: te eSypit lia 19. MahLe Erzeugung und ablosung von Dennen Scaichtens (Breduct ton end stripping of thin filns). 20. Mahl & oftnungsfehler von Elektrostatischen Elektronen= 2S.Physe Recknagel. Linsen. (Aberrations of Es static lenses). 216 mailer Eferiehtung 2ur genauen 2xponierung Ubermtkre= —Kol628. 109 skonisehe Aufnehnen. (Exposure meter for Ee microscope}. 22, Ponimann & Uber das Verhalten hi solosischer Suspensionen Koll. 199 Wolpers. im Ultraschal]feld. (Effect of (itresonic radiation on tissue cells). 23. Reiss (Heating Effect of Esbeem on Esaicroscope Kole. 109 apecinens). 2h. Ruska Ee Zur Entwicklung der Uberaikroskopie und Wer Kol ZS. 107 die Beziehungen zur Kolloidforsciungs. (Develop~ nent of E.tficroscopy ana relations to colloid science). 25+ Ruska E. Uber den Bleu und die Benessung magnotischer = aren 3B Polschuhlinsen fer hochauf18sende Elektronen- —_Elektrotech. nlxroskop. (On the Construct fon end the Weasurenent of Magnet ic Lenses for High Resolution Eemicroscopes)« 26+ Ruska H. Uber die Elomentarkbrper des Virus der Eronchop= Klin. 23 Reuconic der Manse (dlemenvary bodies of Wochenschr. Bronchopneuzonia Virus in the Mouse). 27- Semler Vergleich zwischen cem Rtekstrohl = und den wMetal= 36 alter Raut abdruciverfehren thr Where ikroskopiache unde oberfitcnenabbildung. {Comparison between reflection md replica method. for s rfoce microscony)« PAGE, 26 115, 192 565 125 102, 121 115 AUTHOR TITLE § 28. Wolvers ur eleksronenmlarqcoptsche Darsvellung AGURKAL VOL: King 23169 elestischer Geyyebd clenente. (Blestie Fibres wochenschr. of body tissues), 29. Wolpers Ausspruche zim aufsatz von Fekreuse. Dle Dem — DewtaNeds 7D 532 Stellung von geweben wit dan Elekcronensaber- Wochenschr mtkroskop. (7 iscussion on Kraise's paper on study of Body tissues}. Hs Wolpers, Die nuerssreifung der kollegemn Pindegaurebeti- —Virehows 2 292 brille. (colaglon fibres). archive 345, aie, Jy Dbnges & Uber ‘few, Zusersenensetzung und struktur des Zsaanorg. 253 2 Fricke. Antinongzfnnobers und uber die OberfiMchenergie Chen. ‘Von anofphen Ant igontriself id. (Composition structure of antinonyeinnabar and the surface energy of SboS3). 2 Mehle ——-Dfe_elektronen-mikroskop Untersuchungen v. Naturwtss. 21 262 Oberfiucnen. (Electron microscoxy of surfaces). 3s Weitbrecht Uber teflchengrésse Stbrstruktup und Sekunde Beanore. 253 9 us Frickes Struktur des A103 und seiner ausgangstortes hens (Perticle size, tévtice distortion, and secondary structure of Alg03 and its parent’ substances}. Print _or to de Published ine TRE aha pubes ae yject_Inciexe) Ys cbig & Uber das AuflBsunzsvemdgen des Elektron nike as Pechnagel. roskops. (Resolving poner of the Electron nicroscope) « 2. Hunger, Ubermfikrosi‘opi sche Unterty@chungen zur kl&rung, Metallforsen. Povlex’& der auschelduncs vorg&nge in Zerylltus, Eronze, Seeliger. (Electron Me investigation of precipitation process in Se. Sronze). 3s Hunger & Uber das Prageabdruckverfahren (on the Replics US. Techs Seelizer. Process). Phy se 4e Jakob. ber aie Morphologie Patosenerkulturleptospiren Naturwiss, (orphology of pathogenic cultures of Leptospira) Se Jakob Uber die Morphology der leptospire canicola (torphology of leptospira canicola)+ 6s Jaks Uber den Fefmbeu der Schuspen von culiziden (Anopheles, Aedes, Culex). (Fine structure of scales of mosquitas). Je Jakob. “Uber ute Absorption Yon Hetali-Kolloiden bel Medizin Kling Jabrbuex. der 2006 28,KolL Forsch. Rakterien (Absorption of uietel colloids by bacteria. 8. Jakob & — Feinstrektur des Schuppenkleisten pathogener Mcken Zoo-Jahrbucke Burel, (Ridges on scales of patinogentc nosquitct). “ REP: AVTKOR TIT JOURNAL VOL: PAGE — Oe Qe Jekob& Uber die Einmirkang kolloidaler-etalle aut Koll.28. Yan. Balterfene {The action of metallic colloids on decteria). 10+ Kinder & Fresnelsche Bengung im licht und Elektronenkikre- 25.Phys. Recknagel skopies. (Fresnel Diffraction in Electron end ‘ght microscopes). ‘le Konig. ——-Verendermg organischer Priperate tm Elektronen- Ber.d.GBttingen. nikroskop. (Changes 1n organic specimens in Akademie der the mlerescope). Wiss. 12s Hnig. ‘in Elextronenmikroskopisches Abdruckverfahren Ber sd.Eittingen. ftir biologische Objects. (Replica process for Akademie der diological objects). Wiss. 13+ Mehl @ —Oberfl&chen pollerter Stenisalziristalle offnungs~ ZS.Phys. Reether. fener, von elektrostat ischen Elektronenlinsen. (surfaces of polished rocksalt). We Mehl & Of fnungsfebler von elektrostetischen Elextronen~ Recimagel. linsen. (Spherical aberration of Electrostatic lenses). 15+ Ruska He — Morphologische Beziehungen zmischen f]trierbaren 25.Naturforsh. & Poppee —Hikroorgenismen td groben Virusarten. (Morpho= logical relation between macro. and micro. viruses). 165 Ruska He — Elektronenntiroskoptscte Untersuchungen zur % Poppes Morphologie der Selffertschen Mikroorgeni suen und des Erregers der Lungenseuche des Rindess Eamlcroscope investigations of pleuropneunonta Like organisms). 17s Ruska He Die Erforschung des Feinbaus der lebenten Naterie Universities. Bit den Elexcronenufiroskop. (Structure of Living matter). 18s Ruska He Uber die Bindung des Subinats an Bekterien und Arch.fe Virus. (On the absorption of sublinates by exp.Paths bacteria md viruses). 19+ Ruska He Der Einflub der Zersch&umung out Tabekmosatk = —‘Kollazs. Virusl8sungen. (Influence of forthtng on Tobacco mosaie Virus solutions). 20. Ruske He Zur Frage der Potenzierung von Bakterfophagen- —_Kol.Z3. Usungen dureh ZerschBusen. (Question of Potency of frothed phage solution) « 25. Ruska we Die orbbe von fyphusbsktertophagen nech der Fil- _¥olz5, & C.kuske- trationsendpnkt bestimung und nach dem elektronen- Menge mikroskopischen Bild. (Conparison of size of phage particle by filtration and EeHicroscopy). 22. Ruska He & Die Entatehung von Tropiswustnderungen ox Belsplel der Archetade Ruste Usb Ldung des dermotropen zum neurotropen Maul - und geseVirus- Henze Hauenseuche-Virus. (Cause of change froa forsche dermotropisa to neurotropisn in Foot and Youth Diseases! (2) oho First two figures of each group refer to year, second two to reference number. Eege Wh02 mems 19/4 reference No. 2. Absorption of colloids by bacteria Aberration, theory for electron Lens Achronst ist of electron lenses ‘Aero-sols Alloys, aluniniun beryllium bronze swface replicas of Aleminiua, alloys anodic’ acid flims carbides Alcs ALFCs, fusion of crystals orystal surfaces crystels, orientation of deeply etched etched structures oxides oxide, thermally deposited supporting f fins supporting films superiority of Be surfaces, polished Anserodes, Capsule, formation of anodic acla flins (qtuminiun) ‘Antichalo films, photographic Antimony cinnabar (antimony trisulphide) Antiserum, pig rabbit ‘Aperture in emission electron microscope Asbestos, dust in lungs Ascites cells Aspect detail Bacillus Coli, *phage infected ‘tubercle Bacteria, absorption of colloids absorption of sublinetes changes in structure with Texperature effect of sulphentlanides nembrane and capsule metabolic products of prodigiosus Bacterial nucle! Bacteriology, (see sls f2agelle) prodiviston Bactertopheges frothing of solutions Beam damage Bentonites Beryllium bronze alloys superiority to Aluminiun Binder in photographic metertals Bird feather, bloom on Bhackening of photogrephic plates Blood, coagulation of Blood’ cells Body tissues, Krause's paver on Botany Bress Brightness, changes due to interfersace Bracite Eung, norpholcey of Butterfly wings Noteans in’print or to be published. Wyo 4502 NT NB 3929 bizo wih weg AIG4 4351 Lah bebh Ww 4364 42h3 L26h deel dao 1089 L072 LOTh W2hS LANG 3H3 L347 AOSLEKE WEhS L343 ho72 Lo7y ku? 425 Ueb6 426), W3h3 4365 Ai5t 45 als eke 1263 W264 babs 4503 dais high Wnze 4256 108 4080 doak, 4105 4504 475 4112 176 bent abd 4137 beso 1203 4238 4070 4268 4367 NT Ne wie hz 4368 1052 a7 32 we 4061 Gini bis bese 171 4083 LOO L173 4238 4261 N20 Net N20. 4i27 4148 Whos Wes 4016 4081 L126 a 1258 430: Bet aie sal 4178 4179 We3h W235 4269 129 W163, 4038 4922 La? 1015 4335 Cadnfim crystals Crichm cartonete, reerystallsation of Capsule, ancerebés, fomation of Cerbides, aluminium, fusion of Cerbon, colloidat Cast {Pon Cetelysts, catalysis cathode ray oscfllographs Cetkode ray osefllogrsphs, X-reys in Cells ascites Blood plant cell researen Cells, spindle, sheep wad tissue, effect of ultrasonic radistions tunour fron Ascites flute eellulose Cellulose fibres, bean davege to stricture of cenent portland Ceramics, sintering of surfate, electron microscopy cerebrospinal fluid, fibrin Chemical reactions walie in electron microscope Chersteal vecanology Chemistry of metel chloroplasts Chromatic errors Clays end minerals Clays end minerels with integration microscone stage Clays end minerals, sintering, see sintering Cleys, particle distribation in Cleavage surfaces of zlass Clinker minerals, fusion of Coal dust Sollagion fibres Colloids end colloidel particles absorption by bacteria carbon contrast condit tons Crystals aluminium cadniua roughness of edges ferric hydroxide magnesium oxide crystal objects, electron diffraction of Crystals polyoxmettylene Crystal, surfaces, aluminium Crystalline plates and the occurrence of dark Lines. Dawage by bean Dark field Jibuntnetion Dark lines in exaninetion of crystalline plates De=ply etched Abuain ius Delyeration of Frucite Dehyaration of Kelloysite Desk Type E. Me roscope Destrustion of zine bicck Detall aspect Disphraga to mininize heat ng effect Diatons hog Ubas B11 1035 4036 Bu 4250 4136 4x78 4179 1233 hes 4269 3823 1063 LOL 4065 4163 4666 B38 lest 4180 L274 dee 4136 4230 ime Atk 4293 1096 4323 By dob Leok 1306 4320 bho3 430 297 dens A175 BI 3h B49, 1165 L066 Bok 3920 L008 4017 40l9 L048 150 1369 4926 L071 WOT? 4115 4136 Lilo 4159 4220 4223 4236 4350 4355 buel Ghee W502 NT ¥9 4136 05 4069 L072 W7h U2bS hab L343 LAT G2 Line bsek 4139 Woah aio 113 4069 Laks LAKE b3h 1008 4127 W148 WLO6 4h23 Yoo, 4009 425 LEG W264 4343 L363 any Le 1027 126 4203 ye. 4251 Wt Lbs Diatons centred Pleurosigna anguletun Diffraction aging of silica nydrosols {electron} Fresned Fresnel, In £. ond 1fght microscopes Tine be&m with the Universal 2.1. photogrepty of Tayi change over to selected sual] areas scattering Dispersed matertals Distortion, Lattice Distribution of particles in clay Dusts asbestos coel metal, oxidation pehnonena bynauic interference Elastic fibres in body tissues Electric di schorge in high vecua Electrode metal, voltage stebility of Etectron beatiy intensity and resolving poner Intensity di strfbution oscillography Electron diffraction of crystal objects Electron emission from weve mechanical standpoint Electron images Electron interference photography Ele ctroh leng, aberrations of caleulatiohs electrostatic magnetic transit tine Electron microcinenatography Electron microscope, 250 KV type achievements shenie al reactions in development effect of bear on specimen electrostetic emission erection of agnetic magnetic desk type magnetic infgh temperature type Regnevic high voltage type Slemens magnetic, construction and performance. Stenens universal 200 KY Yoke lens type Yoke lens applied to colloidal chenistry methods and results nirror type photogrephs with wroperties of Teaction chanber related to television high pressure in research institute for resolution of shidow type stab§lity of current supply Sereoscople operstion of ‘echnique ae 410 254 458 22% $20 beet tet 4309 L510 1360 thik NtO wi 1206 087 W166 to2 Be ee 4210 L504 me 4079 Li53 4154 b2h8 4356 4363 4356 whe 4363 4336 kB 436 1055 3302 302 teh 4253 4210 4318 1333 DE 4087 2823, 14329 Lz NI Hier’ urge W123 Wae5 4130 4420 4055 1056 Nb pe 410k 4235 4260 has 33. i 4166 4925, 1208 408 W119 4201 4303 4515 4127 Wot Wkoe Whe NI Lo7t eye Wiz dage Lett L216 W218 4235 123) Leu? 1255 WLS 3% 252 wor 4959 503 1027 4204 L067, 4166 3917 loz) lo W105 u167 BAWO LAbt L236 WAS Wh16 Lalo 1236 loge 7928 3h 3326 a5 ine i210 = 1 f214 Lar6 W218 43k6 4349 3903 3913 1019 4088 4003 4003 L075, BR Electron microscony of cerante surfaces of glass in medical research by ref lect ton as a research technimue ten years of ‘transmission, in technology of very snoll objects Electron optics from wave nechanical standpoint Electron Probe jectronic apparatus Electrostatic charging of Insulating objects Electrostctic lens Electrostatic lens high velbage type ELectrosttte flelds Electrostatic germ sedimentator Baission microscopes, resolving power Bulsions photograpnic resolution of Energy losses Epidentology of polyouyelitis Deetion of electron micrescope E:rors, chronstic Etcned’ structures of aluminium Evaporated Leyers and interference methods Exposure meter for the electron microscope Feces imoging Ferric hycroxide crystcls. Ferric hydroxide, primary and secondary perticles Fibres, cellulose, bean dazage to cellulose, structure of coll agion’ elastic in body tissues structure Fibrin of Cerebrosvinal fluid Fields, electrostatic Films, anodic acid antivnelo oxide production and stripping of support ng, aluninius Fine beem diffraction with the universal electron microscope Fine holes, boring of Fine structure of high molecular substances Flagelle Fluorescent screens Fluorescent screens, single crystal Foot end mouth disease Formation of edges on particles Fusion chenber, firing of, Fusion of clinker minerals Fresnel electron diffraction oe 4330 4350 4332 4359 to2k 1:27 4095 4359 1038 60 4033 4089 1228 25h 1.318 L353 4318 4335 3510 4102 hier tore 40 56 4055 3207 07 low Ate 4214 216 We2i8 13k9 3509 bath 4365 4257 4225 4056 Bok delS L246 1263 Lab 4243 igeT Aes 4163 ‘432k 432k akg 4093 W096 1368 Wo 1128 4093 4096 L267 4097 1039 uaa 4103 15 biatg Wash Wise b206 LOT 113 31 OS 1229 3905 1007 122 352 4321 4204 3930 4021 4210 4309 4310 biol N10 diffraction in electron and light ulcroscopes N10 Germ sedinentetor, electrostatic Glass, cleavage surfaces of electron microscopy of sintering and fusion of mixes Glyoagens Gold hydrosol perticles Gold-sol, reaction of proteins of Tobecco Mosaic Virus Grain of photographic plates Graphite 416y Ls 4350 332 4319 4320 4057 4058 a3 p62 bard beth We15 LOS GBB Haemolytic streptococcus, effect of olbazol Ralloysite, dehydration Heated object Heating effect on specimens Heating effect minimized by diaphragns igh oleculer substances, fine structure of High resolution megnetie électron lens High temperature electron microscope Wieh tenpereture sintering High voltage electron lens Hydration of Line Aydration of tricalcium Silicates ydronal tun deeply etched wydresols, silica Tilumination of dark feds oblique of silver bromide grains Image, effect of voltage on Light and dark tleld Images, electron sectndary: formation problem sharpness of edges, Imaging feces Infantile paralysis (spinal) See also Pollonyel ives Insertion of object and plate Ingulated objects, electrostatic charging of Integration microscope stage used with clay Intensity of electron beam Interference, cause of changes in brightness dynanic effects due to Lattice distortion methods for evaporated layers phenomena Interpretation of results Investigation of Zinc Oxide Ton probe Iron, Case Kartoffel - x, protein of Kreuse, paper’on body tissues Lattice distortion. interference effects Layers, evaporated Lead oxide sublin-te Leictmanta donovanic Lens, achromatisa of Lens, electron, electrostatic nigh volt age tyne Lens electron magnetic, high resolution of smaller focal Length testing of short focus dn emission electron microscope Leprosy, causative agent. Leptospira, canicola, spirochetes Light field {1tuminstion in relation to dark field {11uninatton. Light metals Line hydration of Living meterial ole A? 4318 4108 4LO6 L235 GOR 4013 4260 4h25 20h 4305 4306 4319 4320 4324 BO? BS 3333 3034 4205 4263 4159 4903 4362 thos 4903 1030 4076 A311 Agi 40g 122 4352 4163 35h Prey 41s 40lB 3902 neg 436 1028 1227 4928 1029 4210 L257 W928 Le10 A503 4928 4227 W155 4156 4157 A158 mse Magnesium oxide crystals 4159 4554 Mognetie fields 1038 Jenses, In the emission electron microscope 235 » high resolution 4260 ues of sualler focal lengths 1068 testing of short focus 4104, Magnification, rapid changing of 1165 4258 Malaria plesnod fun 1270 sporozoides: liz2t be22 Mortensite steel 4265 Materfals, dispersed 1062 Living 306 Ui06 Hedical research, results of electron microscopy in 4359 Medicine with the electron microscone 328 4002 4359 Med ico=biological objects 431 Hetel chemistry (see also under the metal) 4135 4150 dusts, oxidation sienomtena 4383 oxides 4308 snokes Jou, precipitates Wns Metals, Mgit u3lo uelting surfaces of asp Netatlography 4135 4365, Metallurgical investigetions 1032 L073 bO7? LiL7 bag "ieroblology 4170 4355 Microcinenatograsty, electron 4301 Microtome sections (wedge) 307 lon Minerals, naturel i059 Minerals and clay 3920 8005 LOW? LOli9 Mirror type elec ren microscope hae Molecules ‘4006 MontmoriLionite tous Merpholoey of Buna 1015 cellulose 4323 pathogenic leptospira spirochetes N15 rubber 4015 viruses M5 Mosquitos, scales of W658 Muscle protein nail Mycobacterium Lepree isto Mele} bacterial Re Object, choice of 461 damage by beam wie? heated 4408 bolder vibrator 4008 insertion of toh protection of L105 thickness of Bs Oblique {11uminat ton Cptles, electron 4228 Lash 318 4333 from wave Hechenical Standgoint 4318 4333 Orientation of luminiun crystals doTe Lor W347 Oseillographs, cathode ray 3911 4035 Loxe Oscillograghy, electron bean 4253 Oxides aluminiun halt 4sou ) themasliy deposited tak lead, sublimate 4IS5 4156 4157 4158 metallic Oth b30k L363 * smokes oy surface f ims LAbS aby © thermally deposited h2kt zinc, investigations 107 thermally deposited tak ‘Oxidation phenomena, of metal dusts 4363 Particles, colloidal, resolution of aistribution in clay tine gold hytrosol Prinary and secondary, of Ferric tytroxide size photogrammetric metnod virus vaccina Pathogenic nosquitoes, scales of, Periclase Phage infection of Bactilus coll Photogrammetric method of varticle size Photographic ager effect of Light grein and resolution Photographic agent, quality and sensitivity antishalo fins’ ~-weak n-Dinder materials, Dinders in lates, blackening of insertion of 1n microscope grain of Photography of diffraction electron interference with the electron microscope Pig anti=serun on Tobacco Nosafc virus Plant cells Plourostgnia Angul: tum, digtons Pleuropneumonie and similar organ!sns Plyosin Pole, system of two Polished rocksalt, Polished surfaces, alu:intun Polyoxyactaylene crystals Polyoryelitis virus Portland cevent srecipitatis, metallic Precipitin reaction of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Pressure, higher, in the electron microscone Probe, electron Prodiviston, bacterfological Properties of the electron microscope Protection of object Lok 4213 bark 4215 los, 087 1087 926 Ane W175 28235 W63 Lo6h L065 L163 L666 ep ni6 any tol NIB. 4069 to13 4266 4325 4326 L327 L35h Yaok Wd tse Atta 4175, 8259 2910 b102 iin BS 4195, Protein of Ksrtoffel X ang Tobacco Mosaic Virus O62 muscle Protoplasn structures Rebbit = anti-serum Rapid changing of magnification Reaction chanber of electron microscope Recrystellisation of calcium corbonates Reflection electron sicroscory reducing films (anti-hslo fi1ms) Replica processes eplica orccesses for preperation of biological objects specinen areperation Reszarch, cell Resolution Limit ‘by Wave Mechanicel Theory Resolution of colloids) particles ‘ef photographic exulsions of surfaces Resolving power of bean Resolution of emission microscope Ret iculocytes: Rocksalt, poLished Surfaces of Roughness of crystal edges Rubler, morphology of unk 1083 4182 4175, 4166 L258 ut0e LLG doa We? 103, ‘on U6 W205 Here kalo Lake 433% 4364 We? NB Nt wiz NB B38 le51 1206 W2i6 Uhog pee 2 las 21h Whos one Fai Lio 4346 kik LoS 21 dart L216 1208 U39 ua m3, 4109 1015 Send, sincering of Sealé cells from sieep's wool Scales of mosquitoes Scattering, diffuse Screeas flhorescent. Secondary electron inages Sediment ator for gems Sensitivity of photographic plates Shedow electron picrescoze Xeray microscope Siemens electron microscope and Halske Ausserch Lab, Reports Silica Hydrosols Silicates, measurement of, Silicates, tricalcium, tydration of Single crystal fluroescent screens Sintering, of ashes eeraalés ‘and fusion of glass mixes DMgh teuperature of send of sles Siae of porticles Slag viscosity of sode smoke » Metar oxide Soot Specimens, effect of nect on, Specimen preparotion ‘comparison betwoen reilectiin and replica nevhods production and stripping of thin films replica process for biological objects wedge section method Spindle cells fron sheep's wool Sprfochetes, leptospira canicole pathogenic leptespire, syphilis Spore developments Sporozoides, malarte Stereotsoners Stereoscopic operation of electron microscope Stereosconle operation of electron microscope for diatoms Stereoscopic op.ration of electron microscope for determining partieke size steed Steel, martensite Stripping of films Btructure of cellulose fibrec Structural changes of bacteria with temperature Structure of high nolvculor substances protoplasa Sub}instes, absorption by bacteria Sulphonanides, toxicology of Sulphanileide, effect on bacterda Supporting fins, aluniniut Surface fins, oxide Surfaces of aluniniun crystals polished Sirfeces, cerauic glass invest igat ton Surface microscory. The replica processes of polished rock .alt replicas of alloys ~up 4305, 4570, 6 18 3850 3805 1229 aan 16, werk Less, 3305 5915 bo19 503 2317 4030 Lost 4x67 W105 fi 4159 B16 B35 2934 3905 4320 321 4506 4320 Whos i319 520 4305 14306 4319 4320 L321 4308 4319 4320 4ouS 4220 4504 amt 4319 B22 Loh 401k otk W113 43h LhOG 123 5901 4014 4169 4350 Lhi9 bhe7 4e7 A139 m2 1 1011 180 L27t 16 NS: 4338 bat kant ‘ha2i been i225, 4003 hook 4075 4220 L250 Loks 4250 4OK5 4220 4032 43t0 4362 4265 a9 4093 196 4368 AIBt A32 ales 4069 Laks heh6 4343 4069 4330 4339 Ue 4a17 4167 be17 bee M3 4361 Surfaces, resolution of, testing Stability of current supply for the electron microscope Syphilis spirochetes *eleviston related to tiie Ee microscope ‘Temperature inerease of objects Testing of surfaces Thermal transit ions Thermally deposited oxide surface filns Thickness of objects Mssues body, creuse's paper on? Tissue, cells, effect of ultrasonic radiotion Tobacco wosal? virus Yoxtcology of sukphonant des ‘Trensit tine of electron lens ‘Tricelcium Silicates, hydration of Tubercle bacillus Tumour cells from ascites fut Two pole system Typhes rickettsia, fine structure of Wtrasontes, effect om cell tissues Universal £, microscope, {ine bem diffraction Virus bodtes ebleken pox, slineles effect of ultrasonics on Tobacco Hosale elementary D dies of mous broncho pneumonia of foot end nouris disease norphology of plant, polycnyelttis potato X tobacco nosate research vaccinia size of perticles Viruses absorption of sublinates classification of foot and wouth disease particle size Viscosity of Sod= stee in high temperature 2K, Wave mechanical theory of resolution limit Wedge mforoton: sect:ons Wool, sheep's, spindle ce!ls tron stale celLs Xereys in cathode ray osctllography Xeray shadow xicroscope Yoke lens,£. microscope aiplied to colloidal : chemistry type Electron Microscope, Zine black, destruction of oxide, investigation of themmally deposited, invest igetion of Auae 357 ASS? 4139 A26 ogy 122 m 5 3823 WOES LOK IDES 1066 ioe 3924 3525 lose b139 L175 Lht2 Me Jab 4138 4168 L232 Agi2 4337 4337 ni6 4358 4007 x22 4337 u22t A) 409 3901 Lo11 i380 4271 4370 Bit 2003 313 ory 41ko 4236 41b0 Ail 4236 bbIS 4b16 4226 1207 baht taht. (3) author Index. Author, Yon ardenne arnold Asen Augustin ‘Bel seher Bennek Berger Bade Boersch PonetsHaury von Berries Britche Dering Denges Dosse Duftek Eitel mel Engel. eyer Feitknecht Fischer Frank Frenz Freksa Prick Fre ss Fruhbrodt_ Gerd Garlow Gtayskt Glaser Glede oblz Gotthardt ootz de Gruyter ‘cundermann Gunther Hesgen Hagrdick Hoefer Hess Heering Henneberg Rinderer Yotnenn Holst dbper Hunger dusemann Jakob Janzen Jung Kausche Kedesdy Kehler Kai " 12,13 thet7 let 18 19,20 3r5 2 18 25-25 12615 18-22 27% aks wi) lays bbe 16 57,58 59-61 26 62-6 83 1b 10 15 6 7 28 114,76 BE at By 13,36 19 8,9 RD 21,22 wee 33,38 19h 1-6 19-21 47,8 ot 12 13 wets 16 17,18 16 19-28 22 23 eer 28, 29 Sa a 7 10 69 10,11 12 13 13 wh 2,3 789° author 1238 igo 1281 reed 1943, 19h wes | gy kinder 67,68 flo-l2 | 35,26 | 335 | 15,16 1 Kirener 3 ” s 0 fironer ® Kirsecke a | Koctschner Koch 6 43 Kolbe " | XOnig V4yt2 Kossel 6 , ottmenn 3% xrause a Kretschmer 96 cum 27 ! ‘Kuba ly | ots 26 Kurz 2h Lame 29 Lenmana & 6 Liebernaster 7 Leabke p 45 & Levadiet 57,38 Lootmenn 59 Mogerstedt 8 yah ager [pias co, [use | ap sous | oy | 3,20 2 21% 1 5h ji Heclenburg t a us 4 Heldan 79 53-58 A | Menke 30 Mierdel 6 Middel, cu aller 20 2 [27 LB UT 5 6,67 gest 18 | 4S 2 28 3 30 5 Nesslinger 23 Neubner a Me x» otDaniel 82. Pasenaldt 5t Penlex U3, 23 Pendz ich 68 tz Prenicuch 23 83 B Plekerskt 31,32 Pokaan: a Poppe 15416 Redecensit 20 3 548 a9 | 59 18 5 Raether ¥ 4B 13 Regosa a Ranssver 8h & 525i . Recknegel 36 8,06 | |6t,62 | & 49 20 110 Reidedans 7 a | 2 164 50,51 63 6 8 2 Rudiger u 9,58 . 5 Ruska Be wse17 bt fape31 23+] x67 | Seo | 52,55 | TyByes Buske He 21 225 191-97 65, | 39,64 6B-| 61,62 | 51 Ske61) 8 12 26 eee 31,52 37165 70 52 | 73 ! fa’ 57558 | i i } é ; I I I } i | | ; : i “51 21,22 Sehetoid Schelling Sonmiede= Scimige Sohgn Senraza Schrider, Schusterius Seliger Semler Senuler=alcer

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