Daily Pronunciation Exercises

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DAILY PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES, ‘Verb Endings (o} was, ees, we, aye, walled, (ested, and (ng) ling Important Vowels and Consonants 1) and on "St in isa” (Sin tit) ‘The tre ship sheep were shigped sore, (o) esd ay, nen Ben an en Sender snd ster thn rl snd te ther man, (6 frie, is, tee” and eh) fer nee, ne, tanks Oe Thuday Seth wile the ts ily ata = nti ea In ands “The loud tude ambled rely roa Lan yf "Lemon jello is yellow" Iv] and fk "P's very wet in West Vaneouve™ ‘The “Schwa” [3] ‘Unscented Yowels sounds may be ede othe shu Canada far-s-do;apartnent {para Bea ee you 1 ‘inves tenuifalaarient in Canada Fluency Tongue Twisters ee Piper ikea pck of piled pees. ‘Aeck of piled peppers Pt: Ppe ped Mets Pipe picked a peck of eked peppers, ‘Then whee te pek of pickles peppers Pete Fp ick? How much wood would weodtuck hue, a woodshark could hack wood? welche whats wodchickcold chk, Wa woodehuk could ue wood. ‘She sells son shelby the sen sore Stress, Rhythm and Intonation ve en king my boss. ‘The tp of he tongue she ap ofthe eth, ‘The lps, he tet, te of Be tongue IMPORTANT WORDS areLOUDER, SLOWER sndCLEARER Pausing and Linking "Meaning roms of won ace "ned" or “bund” ogi, wi. pases ats, ed consonants tink to flng ntl vows: "eran hou, ost agin it pes" ‘Twa vowels ink with a "wor "y": "goa", "so alone, doi, "end "ay as ‘The esto oo cnsonansis atop" ed ay" hep ig, nk ogee" enema combustion A tonguo wictris a pivaso, sentence or rhyme tha presontsdficufes when spoken because it contains smnlar sounds - Whiatle fr the title tft, for exampl. To get the ul elect of tongue wstr you shoul by to repeat it several es, 25 quickly pessba, without stumbling ‘rmigprenouncing. Tongue tists have lng been a papular form: of wordplay, particulary for Sschooichden, but hey also have a more serous ese = being Uso neloeson leaching and in the trestment of same speach defects. a Amid the mst and coldest toss, Wah slowest write and loudest bosets, He thrusts his ft against the posts Ail iss he ses the ghosts. ‘Are our oars 05k? Around the rugged rocks the regged rascal ran, 8 Betty and Bob brought back bue balloons tom the big bazaar, Betty botor buttor Brats breed tty Bots tought some but, “But!” ehe said, his butters itor, I bake tis iti eter, Il ake my bate iter. ‘But abit ef beta ate - “That woutd make my batter betes" So she bought abitof bute, Better than her biter butter, ‘Ad he baked itn her bate, ‘And ihe bater wes not biter. So'heas butler Bet Boter Bought «bt of beter bute. ‘A big black bug bit big black bear, made the big bleck bes bleed blood Ait bing bern Bia beter brother bite, ‘A the bir beter iter tthe bier biter back, ‘Ane the biter bien, ten, By tha beter bittonbitior, Sald:"Pma biter br bt, lack” Black bugs blo. “The blue tuebie lnk, The boottiack bought the black boot back. A box of biscuits, © batch of mixed biscuit, Brac big black bath buch broke. ce Can you imagine an imaginary menagea manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? Cedar shingles shouldbe shaved and save. ‘A cheep ship trip, ‘Chop shops stock chops, ‘comical econoniss ‘Cows graze in groves on grass which grows ingrooves in groves. isp eusts crackle cruneiy. “The crow few ove the river with lamp of raver. > ‘Dont pamper damp ses tramps tal camp under ramp lamps |Adazen double damask nner napkins Draw drowsy ducks and dakes, e Ee had exited it ‘The eptome of fomininty Fe Fettrogs thing past fest. ‘A fatthnush fa through hick fo, Flash messege! Fle fem fog to Fgh fast Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bead, Freshly ed fying fis, freshly red flesh Friendly Frank fips ne flapjack, s Get’ great grandma grew aghast at Gerte's grammes, Gir gargoyle, guy gergoyte. (Give me tho git of griptop cock: @ dip- drape, shipchape, tip-top sock Give Me. Snipes wits eife swipe, Good bled bad blood rect grapes. H How much wood would @ weodehuck chuck Ia wocdchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, 8 much a he coud, [And chuck as much weed 2s a woodehuck would Ia woodehek could chuck wood, 1 ‘ean bear to cee a bear Bear down upon a har. ‘when bare of hare sips the hare, Right thre | ery, "Forbeart™ ean think of sth tgs and of se hick things too. | corey recollect Rebeces MacGregor reckoning. Ha Hotertot taught a Hottntt tt To ake the tot could tote, CCught the Hotienton tot Be taught o say aught, or naught, Cr wt cught to be taught her? Into heot and to oot a Hotentot ot Be taht by her Hotentt utr, ‘ght the tutor get hat Ifthe Hottentt tt Hoot ang tot at ner Hotentot tutor? Hone doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor ne is doctxing doctors? Or does he doctor the corto the way the coctor who doctors doctors? I Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews? tim tthe phoasant pluckr, 1m the pheaeant pickers mate "im only picking pheasants ‘Cause the pheasant pucker’ late. Inchorme teing I need not your neces, hare needless to me; For kneading of noodles, "wore needless, you see; Burt é my neat kickers but need tobe need, [then should have need of your nests indeed rich votwat, | saw Esau Kissing Kat, I saw Esau, he saw me, and she saw | saw Esau | sit the sheet, the shes sit and onthe sited shoes Is this your sister's sith ze, si? oughta thought But the thought thought Was nt the thought ‘tnought thought K Knapsack straps. Kris Kringle earetuty crunched on candy canes. L ‘Alaute-cowned clown, ‘The Leh police dsmisseth us Lesser eather never weathered weter weather beter Ly ads ite Lety’s ent soup Listen to the lca! yoke! yee Lovely tema iriment, ” ‘Many an anemone sees an enemy anemone “The mine med 2 medicinal mixture, xed bso Mix, 65, Mie “Moose noshing much mush, ‘Mr, See owned a saw, [And Mr. Soar voned a secs Now Seis saw sawed Soars seesaw Before Soar saw See, ‘high made Soer sore Ha Soar soon See's saw Before Seo sawed Scar’ seesaw, See's saw woud not have sawed Soars soesam, So Gee's saw sawed Soars seesaw. Butitwas so to see Sear so sore jut beoauea See's saw eaves Boars seesaw My dame hath a lame tame crane, My dame hath crane thats sme, ‘The myth of iss Mutt, [Nine ne night nurses nursing eel. ° ‘The octve sae ogled the poker. Of al theft Lover fet, never fe a plee of fat rich fl sine that et ft, \Whon first fl that et hats fe. (daly te oso oi autos. (Once upon a barren moor ‘There dive a bea, seo @ boa. ‘The bear eould rot bear he boa. ‘The bosr thought the beara bor, Alas the bear could besrno more (Of tat bor that bored him onthe moor, ‘And go one me he bored the boar ~ “That boar wi bore the bear ne mre, (One-One was a racchorsa; ‘Two-Two was oe, 10. When One-One won one race, “Twe-Two won one, 00, On miles we find wo legs behind ‘And bo we find bare ‘Westend behind before we find ‘What those behind be fr. A Pact Lithograph. Popay Baboosk Petar Pier picked a neck of eked peppers, Did Peter Piper ick a peck of pickled poppars? IF Peter Pipe paced peck of pckled peppers, Where's the pack of pickled peppers Peter Piper rckea? Pick a partner and practice passing, fori you pass profionty,pertaps you'l play professional Plogue-beavng praia dogs, ‘A pleasant place to pace a peice is place where a places pleased to be placed Piesse pay prom Pope Situs Vis se tens. Preshrunk sik shits, Praty Kity Creighton had @catonbeten cat ‘The coton baton eat wae bite by aa. Tekin thal wae bien hada button for an eye, And bting ofthe burton made the cation bation ‘A proper cup of eotee om a proper copper cates pt @ Quik Kiss, ucker Kes. R Fee lether, yelow lester. etl, yellow tory. Raby Rughy's boer bought and brought her back some rubber baty-bugay bumpers, s ‘Sans son stocks shor spoted socks ‘Saar saw a shotsk sesh shop fu of shot sik sashes as the sunshine shore onthe side ofthe shots sash shop “The sawingost saw ever saw sow was the sew! saw saw in Arkansas. ‘Say tis sharply, say thie sweety ‘Say tls shorty, ay thie softy, Say his sbteen times in succession. ‘elfen shen, ‘Shetter fori sik scene sightsoors ‘She sols snashas on the soushoro. ‘The shols he elle ave seaenell, fm sue ‘She stead.on the baleony inexplleabiy minicking im hicuping, ané amicably weleoming him home. ‘She wes athiste strand sited thses through tise sive ‘Shredded Swiss cheese ‘Shy Shel says she shal sow shoots Sily Sal avy shooed seven sity shoep. ‘The seven sly sheep Sily Saly sooed Shiyshaled south, “These sheep shouldnt sleepin @ shack; Sheep shal slep ina shes Sinful Caesar sipped his sir, seized his knees, and sneezed “The sng stamer sank Sbish. Sieh, Ssh ‘Si sharp emt shaks. ‘5 shimmering shacks sharply stikng shins ‘ic sick sk sm sycamore saplings. Six slppary snl sd sony seaward Six stehy sucker sticks. ‘The seth sick soi’ seth shop's sik Six tvin-szrewed ste! stam euisrs. sku sat on a stump and thunk the stump stn, but the stump thank the skunk stunk, Sty Sam sups Sally’ sou. “The solders ehauld have shooters on their shoulders. Some shun sunshine, Strange strtegi eats ‘Stict strong stringy Stephon Stretch sicky snared si icky silky snakes, "Surely Sylvia swims hleked Sammy, suprised. “Someone should show Sy some stokes so she shall not snk" ‘Sure the ships shipshape si ‘Susan shineth shoes and socks ‘Socks and shoes shines Sussn ‘Sho ceases shining shoes and socks, For shoes and socks shock Susan, ‘swan swam over the ee. ‘Sin, swan, swim ‘Swen swam back again ‘Wel swum, swan! + ‘Thetbloke's back bike brake bock broke. Thieves seize sts ‘Thee fre tows, “Three gray geese in the groan grass grazing, Gray ware the goese and ereen was the ress. ‘Three twigs ined tight, Ti, te thi win mh, ‘A tro tna loved a she toad ‘Who ved up ina tee. He was a two toed tee toad Buts three-toe toad was she “The Wo-tond ee toad ried to win ‘Tha three-oed she-toad's heat, For tna twe-oed re toa loved the ground ‘That the thee-toed tee toed ro, But he two-oed ee toad red n vai, He couldnt please her whim, From her tee toad bower ‘with be three toed power “The ane toad vetoed him, ‘Arty rural fa o's mural ‘tutor whe footed thefts “Tod to uor we totes ott ‘Sad the of he or "teitharder te toot or To tute te tote to toot? wale tine ted tse twig “Tho two-wony-vo train tore through the tunnel u Unique New Yor v Vincent vowed vengence very vehement. w Wie stsly shall se the sunshine soon \Wirt nse annoys a nosy oyster? A noisy noise annoys a nolsy oyster. ‘nat time does the wristwatch strap shop sbut? When a ister asin wl ist hin & st, Forte visting & twist, ne thee tines il eniwt Butif one af the tines ofthe tt do unt, The tne that unto untictoth the it Which sich, Miss, th right switch for Ipswich, Miss? ‘Which ith wished which wickes wish? Which mistwatches ae Swiss wristwatches? While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows wth ‘warm washing water. Whistle for the thistle sir. white eraser? Right away, si y ‘Youve po need o ight eight-ight nag nigh tke tonight, Fora nighsights ight a sight ight, [And tonight's night that ight When right ight ke tonight ht, itis really not que rh Tolight ight-ghts with their sight ght (Ona ightright ike tonight

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