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go in, get in
She opened the door of the car and got in. (into the car). I waited outside the house.
I didn't go in.
Ona je otvorila vrata auta i ula (u auto). ekao sam izvan kue. Nisam ulazio.
get out
The car sttoped and she got out. (out of the car).
Auto se zaustavio i ona je izala.
get on
The bus arrived and I got on. Get on this bus!
Autobus je doao i ja sam uao. Popni se na ovaj autobus!
get off
1. Does he know where to get off the train?
Da li zna gde treba da sie sa voza?
2. The thief got off with only a month in jail.
Lopov se provukao (proao) sa samo mesec dana zatvora.
look out
I went to the window and looked out.
Priao sam prozoru i gledao napolje.
get up
I usually get up early. (get out of bed)
Obuno ustajem rano
get away (otii, pobei, napustiti)
The thief got away from the prison.
Lopov je pobegao iz zatvora.
get on with (slagati se sa nekim, dobri odnosi)

Are you getting on with your mother-in-law?

Da li se slae sa svekrvom ?

get over (oporaviti se, prevazii)

I just got over the flu and now my sister has it. Taman sam savladao prehladu, a
sada je moja sestra ima
The company will have to close if it can't get over the new regulations. Kompanija
e morati da se zatvori u koliko ne ispuni nove propise.
get along (poi za rukom, slagati se, uspeti)
How are you getting alone with your oiano lessons? Kako ti idu asovi klavira?
He and his sister get along very vell.On i njegova sestra dobro se slau.
switch on / switch off ( upaliti, ugasiti )
I switched on the television, and switched off the light.
Upalio sam televizor i ugasio svetlo.
turn over
Turn over and look at the next page.
Okrenite i pogledajte sledeu stranu.
turn on/ turn off (lights, machines, taps)
Upaliti, ugasiti. It was dark so I turned on the light.
Bio je mrak pa sam upalio svetlo.
turn over
Turn over and look at the next page.
Okrenite i pogledajte sledeu stranu.
put on
It was cold so I put on my coat(or I put my coat on). Here's your coat. Put it on.
Bilo je hladno pa sam obukao kaput. Evo vaseg kaputa, obucite ga.
take off
I am going to take off my shoes.(or to take my shoes off)

Skinuu cipele.
pick up / put down (pokupiti, podii /spustiti odloiti)
Those are my keys on the floor. Can you pick them up for me? I stopped reading
and put my book down.
Ovo su moji kljuevi na podu. Moe li da uh podigne? / Prestao sam da itam i
odloio sam knjigu.
bring back/ take back/ give back/ put back (vratiti)
You can take my umbrella, but please bring it back.
Moe uzeti moj kiobran, ali te molim da ga vrati.
I took my sweater back to the shop, it was too small for me. Vratio sam demper u
radnju jer je bio suvie mali.
I'v got Diane's keys. I must give them back to her. Naao sam Dajanine kljueve,
moram ih joj dati nazad.
I read the letter and then put it back in the envelope. Proitao sam pismo i zatim ga
vratio u kovertu.
go after someone (pratiti nekog, follow)
My brother tried to go after the thief in his car. Moj brat je pokuao da prati lopova
svojim kolima.
go out (izlazak u provod, 2. izai iz mode)
We are going out for a dinner tonight.Izlazimo na veeru veeras.
Short desses have gone out of fashion. Kratke haljine su izale iz mode.
go off, went off (1. eksplodirati, opaliti 2. pokvariti se)
The bomb went off, the gun went off. Bomba je eksplodirala, puka je opalila.
Milk goes off quickly, so put it in the fridge. Mleko se brzo kvari, stavi ga u
give in (predati, uruiti, 2.popustiti)
When you finish your dictations, give them in. Kad zavrite diktate, predajte ih.
She always gives in to his requests. Ona uvek poputa pred njegovim zahtevima.
give up (ustupiti, rtvovati, predati)
A girl gave me up a sit in the bus. Jedna devojka mi je ustupila mesto u autobusu.
You should give up drinking. Trebalo bi da ostavi pie.

The doctors have given him up. Doktori su digli ruke od njega.
put down (zapisati, zabeleiti)
Put down your name and your address! Zapii svoje ime i adresu ovde!
put off (odloiti)
Put off a visit or performance. Odloiti posetu ili predstavu.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Ne ostavljaj za sutra ono to
moe da uradi danas.
put aside (ostaviti na stranu)
Every month I put aside some money. Svakog meseca ostavljam neto novca na
put on weight (ugojiti se, nabaciti kilograme)
put an end to (okonati, prestati)
You must put an end to your quarrel, children! Morate da prestanete sa tom svaom
put up (primiti nekog na stan, smestiti se)
When I am in London, my sister usually puts me up
The hotel was very expensive, but had to put up for the night. Hotel je bio vrlo
skup ali smo morali tamo da odsednemo jednu no.
pull down (sruiti, 2. oslabiti zdravstveno)
The old house has been pulled down. Stara kua je sruena.
A few days ago I had an attack of fever and it pulled me down. Pre nekoliko dana
imao sam napad groznice i to me je upropastilo.
pull in (priterati kola u kraj)
She pulled in for a minute to let the old lady go out. Priterala je kola da starica
pull out (izvaditi, izvui)
I have a bad toothache. The doctor will pull the tooth out. Imam teku zubobolju,
doktor e mi izvaditi zub.
pull up (zaustaviti)
He pulled up his car outside the theatre. Zaustavio je kola pred pozoritem.

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