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Tatro's Kindergarten Classroom Use Policy

In this classroom technology is a privilege not a right. Our school has
purchased technology devices to include in our classroom curriculum. It is
imperative that we treat each and every device as if it was our own. I will
monitor all students use of technology. This means in my classroom, I will
give instructions before students began. I will personal select websites and
apps we will be using. If you know of anyone breaking the policy, please
inform me.
1. We value people more than technology.
2. We follow technology policy rules or we lose our technology privileges
3. We break it we help play to replace it
4. All technology must be teacher approved
5. We ask for permission to print
6. We are careful around devices, this means no food or drinks and NO rough
and tumble play
7. Do not miss with computer settings or software
8. We follow instructions from teacher
I agree to follow Classroom Policy for Technology use.
Student: _________________________________________________________________
I have gone over this policy with my child.


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