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Zacharii Currie

Argumentative Writing Annotated Bibliography

Basturkmen, Helen, and Janet von Randow. "Guiding The Reader (Or Not) To Re-Create
Coherence: Observations On Postgraduate Student Writing In An Academic
Argumentative Writing Task." Journal Of English For Academic Purposes 16.(2014): 1422. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
This article explores the importance of cohesion and coherence in both argumentative
writing and writing in general. Basturkmen and Randow explain why it is difficult for learners to
understand how to write coherently and why teachers have trouble explaining why a document
lacks coherence. We also learn how and why textual organization is used to construct a coherent
text. The authors also discuss advanced writing aspects like textual meta-discourse (how we refer
to our own thinking) and rhetorical relations (description of how two segments of discourse are
logically connected to one another) and why it is important that students understand these
concepts. Coherent writing is completely vital in making our claim persuasive in argumentative
writing. We can use this article to help students understand the necessity of cohesion in an
argument. This article can also improve an educators ability to teach a student to recognize
coherent writing so that he may utilize coherence to make his argument persuasive.
Higdon, Michael J. "The Thesis Sentence." Tennessee Bar Journal 51.12 (2015): 26-29.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
This article explores how legal writers attempt to write a thesis statement that
encompasses an accurate summary of the main point of their research. We learn different ways to
approach writing a thesis statement and the purpose and importance of making this statement as
persuasive as we can. Higdon describes how legal writers utilize argumentative writing to its
fullest extent, and emphasizes how important thesis writing was to him and his peers in law
school. It is enlightening to know that emphasis we put on writing a thesis can translate
professionally into legal work. We can easily apply this knowledge to teaching argumentative

Zacharii Currie

writing while both demonstrating a specific professional utilization of argumentative writing and
inspiring students to explore professional applications of different writing styles.
Malpique, Anabela, and Ana Margarida Veiga-Simo. "Argumentative Writing By Junior High
School Students: Discourse Knowledge And Writing Performance / Escritura
Argumentativa En Alumnos De Secundaria: Conocimiento Sobre El Discurso Y
Rendimiento En La Escritura." Infancia Y Aprendizaje 39.1 (2016): 150-186. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
This study examines the writing of junior high school students (ages 13-15.) It focuses
on their knowledge of the process of argumentative writing. The author explains how students
were allowed to compose an argumentative text and had to respond to questions to determine
both their knowledge of writing in general and their knowledge of argumentative writing
specifically. The article also explores the aspects of writing that these students focused on and
what components of writing they struggled to grasp. We see that students focus on opinion
writing and text composing in general while ignoring the importance of using evidence to
support their arguments. This article is helpful in measuring the general academic writing level
of middle school students. The application of this article is beneficial in helping students focus
the direction of their writing. This article is also instructional about the importance of providing
evidence in our argumentative writing.

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