UNIT 03 P34 Paul Newman

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Extra Readi ng Co mpre he nsio n Q ue stio ns

(Unit 3, page 34)
Co mpre hen si on Que stio n s
A. Answer the questions, according to information in the article.
1. What award reflects Newmans success as a philanthropist?

2. Why did Newman agree to put a picture of himself on his salad dressing label?

3. What kind of organizations did Newman make contributions to?

4. How much has Newmans Own, Inc. contributed to charities since 1982? (Write the amount in numerals.)

5. How do the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps help children with life-threatening illnesses?

6. How much do children need to pay to attend the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps?

7. What did Newman think about generosity?

Critical Thi n ki ng Q uesti on s

B. In your own words, explain what the quotes mean.
1. What did Newman mean by Those who are most lucky should hold their hands out to those who arent?

2. What did Newman mean by Im not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be
a little like the farmer who puts back into the soil what he takes out?

Summit 1 , Sec ond Edi tio n

Copyright 2012 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Unit 3

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