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Part o1 bel"9 successful - an lmJIO_l'tant part, ~ le 1,c_ :

Roosevelt Givens, CGmlllO P_lafDOII IICNllr
lcnowl~your~.kee,t111$fOOdnotHCD11 ........ ~ .


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-:,W_ T~ Jr~ $ G T ~ ~ bis single-side



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SfC G~~e,~:~~e~ffl i,i'~{tlt!(Qfj{JC9;-~lu~

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HJ=ILBRONN -' ~~ aass 1 1 ~

Givens. comrno ~
-~ w.-1ptio ~ - t ..
Battalion, Mth Field Artlllety hos betn'lriduc:t*9.lft1"' ~ '
7thCOl'J)S'Sergecil:ltMol'olesCM: .
,,:~ . ": '
The cllb. founded 111
1 , ~~ 0 5 , . . ~.:.
exceptional. ability II! l~shlp. ~ tl .flilmtd
aftff Puerto RICOft 3x-Ud A............ lladtr , ,
who, despite physlalt llmltatl!J11S onJ11 a_l!OO" gn11p of .
English, moljled on oul$tandlng squad out or mlllt.ts
received from other units for reflatlilltotton. . .~ :
SFC Givens Is the first 56tb Field Ai1fu.ry ~
NCO to tie selected for the ckb. To ~ 'ale bal,f to


pass two regional boards. and o pancjl el COmfflQll(I

Sergeants Moior, then be Interviewed by-Lleutenard

General Frederick Kroesen. 7th Corps ~mond!F,
who gave the final approval. .

SFC GIVfflS Is o 20-yeor veteran fnNft Greenwood. .
Miss. His mreer lflcludeS: ~ monlhl fflvee tocJnl 1n.'
Korea, 23 months In Germany 1 . - .this tour) ond.
four yeon In Vietnam. Among his owords ore: three.
Army Commendation Medal& Cone for the Sergeant
Moroles selection), and flve Bronze Stars. .
Hemme to A-:M<t In February, 1974 from Ft. Som
Houston.Tex.; at o time when- In his words - the A
Btrv commo platoon was "down about n for as you
can go." In Dec&mber,1974, his plot_. received 91
p&rcent on o BNIRI - tt,e highest -~
ever for
commo ln the 56th Brigade.
, . . .. ..


Perslti,ig.II awan18lt0:Martiil Marietta

Of._.. 1"- _,...the~
liftOSe ~

lnertl~ i1vkf. . ~e obtained during the termolnwith, the equip. ara11 prail,lde o s ignificant 10,. -al descent to 'derive position In
ment aboard Ill" ..ArmY ChlnoaJ( JINMN,lll.1n accuracy. This !IC formation for ~Ing the In h e l ~ for io._.lfude 1'11111 . . . . lmpr'Ovement . wlll pro- ertlol position of the reentry ve- WOS~fully CIDfflPleted In - vfde' lncrmsed innltQry effec. Ncle.
J . -.
JYSfeffl 11 now ""'
aioll'.ISf o ~ ipect. .
Pershing II takH full octvon
stolltCI In a wt,. pod en o con- ~tlftawtfs. . __ ._ . . toge of existing equipment bY.
ver'tld F.MII kt aircraft for ~ _
fl rn!Ssfle wntt,e \lflllzlng the present Pershl!XI 1
h i ~ tilgfi-oltltude t~ ~ ijke ffle 1~ on an In- A 'first and secondstoge motors
lechary tests. When ff!ls phase~- ertlolty .,iclad..~l~rv ~
completed 81 Or1oniio; ~ point ~ the,reentry vehicle .
Mortin Marietta Aerospace .-,
captive test progtam wut be ~
- ft will 'then pi"Dceec(- prime contractor for the Per
o,ntlnued ot the Army wtin. on
path to the termln- lhlnc, system, ond Goodyear
Sonds Mlssll4t Ronge In New -~ phoet, llllhere. ff1' o"weother Aerospace subc:ontrodor for the

. . rocl!lr fl octlvoted. The radar RADAG guidance equipment.

Pershing II 1s o modular Im- system will c:or,:elote. the returns Ttle Pershing .
Is manprovement to the currently de- from the target area with o pre- aged at Redstone .
' I, Afo.
plc,yed Pershing 1-A. Its terml stored refer ~ mQP of the bomo, by Col~
muel C.
nolly guided reentry vehicle wlll oreo. Seve,:al such C!Jrrel~lons Skemp, J,:.

Tile U.S. Army Missile Commond hos awarded Mortln Mori- first

etto Aero$pOCe $22 mllllon In

creased funding for the Pershing
11 missile system. Work on the
contract aintlnues tfle octvonc:e
development program begun
early lost year on the syslem's
radar correlotlon (RADAG> fff.
mlnal guidance system. , The
multl-yeor funding mlls for contlnued development and captive
flight tests of the guidance
equipment and, later, test fir
lngs of prototype ml~lles with
the terminal guidance.
Captive flight testing of the
guidance system Is already In
progress at Mortin Marietta's







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