The Giant (Nov 1974)

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Gen WeyClnd,


warm welcom,
'"';' .-
from 3rd/84tlt FA




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: ~ I Frecleridc c. Weyand, newly appointed c111et-of-stoff (right)

views. the rear llde .of a Pershing mlsslle 01 Coptoin Freucht Clfiftl

...., ~rlefs. (Ptlo1o by Po5kell ywrlght) _ .. .


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GeneraI Alexander M. Haig Jr., newly oppoinhld comtr1onder..n-dlief cif .' ~

EUCOM, praises Pershing erector-launcher operotw Pf'G Daniel,
Smith, and other members of the 2nd .Platoon, Delto Battery, 3-84111 oftll: '
'iewlng o simulated countdown by the Persllllll! ml1$lle ~ . '


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P.8 Cold Weather Training

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Friday. November 15, 1974





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l'he ~ s uauolly tak'e five

to . terr t'eQdlngs using either or

!!0th methods.
. .
When two theodolltes -cire ovall-


cible, .,..
con use "slmu1ta' MCMIS "obiervotlon". with both In
strvmems shooting the sun or
bown point-of.reference Cit the


''T-hls part Is si,mple, lf's the

other port that's hard;" said SP4

. "Actual obse<'votion gives a true
azimuth .a nd we then have to convert It Into o grid azimuth. We
hove to use logarithms and everyJhlng else." "We hove survey
computing forms to simplify the
mothemotlcol port of It," added
. At Grafenwoehr, ttle sur~ey
crews would go bock to the fleld
sites see tho! the aiming stokes


. Story by

-held set up hodl)'t been

before .T odlcol ~aluotlon.

One of the h!StS during the Tac

Evol would be astronomic obser-

vation. :
The month at Grafenwoehr is a
profltoble one tor battery and bottollon surveyors. According to
SAedallst 5 Ernest Stephens,
"This Is a good place to practice
whot .. lM! l~med. In school. We
don't get fhot chance bockat the
at other field training
"Some of these people haven't
done th1s kind of observation since
SChool." added SFC Crum.
"Without on accurate and tlmet y . survey," SFC Crum pointed
out, "we couldn't poss the Toe
Evol , or those missiles
~ldn't be ff red effectively."


curqte method- It's easy and fun,

nearest point-of-reference might blll H's got to be e xoct. FOi' In
be a quarter of a mile down the-, stance, In thl! hour-angle mefhod,
-. ~ time." "'11 fo lie exact to the
observoticin." second and Jn the altitude method,
SFC Crum went on ta explain, "Is temperature Is the most Important
the easiest, fastest, and most ac- ~ r . " .
Jong Involved process. sine, the


Demonstration-at Kleingartach,-~~

Chief .of Staff Visits Briiade

. .


,__..; _

story by Ronald Garrett : ,;

~where herecelved briefing from

KLEINGARTACH General, godler General ,MIiton
Key, each of the three commanders. on
Frederick C. Weyand, newly op- commander of the 56th Field Arfll the Pershing missile svstem and
pointed Army Chi~ o1 staff,. paid lery Brl~r Lleutenont j:Qlonel . ~ershlng's role In Europe - the.
o short visit to tile Klelngortach SOmuel J. Alfy, formes. ~mmond- mission of the Brigade, the Per
fleld site of the 3rd Battalion. 84th er of the 3-84th and Motor Corl E. shlng bottallon, ond the firing- bot
Field Artillery during his oriento- Clark, commander of Battery B, tery.
tlon and fact finding tour of Amer- which was occupying the fleld sit~
After" the lnltlal briefings, MAJ
Icon units In Europe.

-.of the time. .
Clark led tile way through a pourThe Chief of Stoff was met \IPOll " ' GEN Weyand and his party Ing rain to the pod area wtter.1! a
.hi~ arrival at Kleingartach by Sri- were escorted to the pod !'less hall demonstration hod been prepared.




------ ---- - - -- - -

While Captain John W. Freucht,

Jr., Btry B executive officer explained each step ot the procedure
starting with the fire mission signal, the 3rd Firing Platoon, Btry B
went .through a slmuloled countdown ancl erectlon.
The General then walked
througtit the pod living areas before leaving for the nel!t destino
tl~n on his European Itinerary.

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