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Rwaru, l're1en1eu 11 n1ru1 111erne

- Under threatening skies
and with temperatures in the
low fifties, a Command Retreat and awards ceremony
was held re<:ently on the
Hardt parade field under the
close scurnity of many local
German Gmuenders.


A, 3/84 Wins
Readiness Flag

A, 3rd Battalion, 84th Artillery won the 56th Artillery
Group Quarterly Material
ReadinessAward recently because of the high state of
Individual awards were the
highllg1lt of the day with eleven VOL.2
readiness of the l;lattery's
MAY 31, 1968
N0.9 equipment
men being h ooo~ and congratuand the comptelated by Colonel Milton L. Haskln
ness of its maintenance
and Lieutenant Colonel William
operations. During the Group
H . Goodwin.
The Seventh Anny Support Battery l't'SJ)Octively. Both men
CMMI the Shop Operations
Command Band ass19led the prowere scored at 100 percent
gram with their Ulual llne dis- three day pau ai,ned by Colonel
play of precision marcbln& and Goodwin.
scored 94 percent and 86 permusic as they opened the forA Certlllcate of Training proI
malities with honors to the lla1. ficiency was presented to Pri
cent respectively.
The flret three Individuals to vate F!ret Class James L. Werra today, the Group Comman- they lifted an ancient balli1ta out
Becauae of S.ttery A's fine
of the excavations and proceeded per!onnance, the Battalion was
be decorated were the recleplents of Battery C for completin& the
of the covetled Bron.te Star Me- Army FAucation Center as honor der, Colonel Patrick W. Po- to brush of! the centuries of dirt awarded poos<ss!on of the Group
dal presented :!or meritorious ser- gr,aduate.
Material Readln... Fla,g. The lla1
wers, established a Group and grime."
vice while asslcned to the Re
"As I aot closer to watch I was presented to the Battalion
Laat to be honored in the cere- motto by proclaiming "From noticed that there was a bron.te at ceremonies in front o.f the Batpubllc of Vietnam. They are M
follow: Sergeant First Class Ray- mony was Colonel Goodwin who this date on, the 56th Ar- plate down near the base of the talion Headquarters. Two men of
mond Shupe of Battery C, 41h received the First Oak Leaf Cluold war mach.lne. While one of the Battery A raised the !Jar on a
Battalion, 41st Artillery, Staff tter to the Army Commend tion tillery Group motto will be archioloc:!st.s cleaned off the last
Sergeant David Beuley of Head Medal for hit perfonnance of 'quick, reliable, accu.r ate' or bits of mud, I was amazed at the
quartera Battery, 4th Battalion, duty wh!!e usll:ned to the Army
of the lmcriptlon: "Quie'QRA'." The Colonel went on clarity
tus, Rellabus, Accuratus."
to say that this motto was a
"The Historian oontlnued, visproper expression of the man- ably excited; "It then strudt me
a.s a wonderful tribute to a
ner in which the Group had machine
of war, used to hurl
to accomplish its mission.
mlsilet - which were tarae rodu,

New Group Motto: QRA

Serreanl Finl Clau Raymond Shupe of Bead,iunen Batter,, Ub

Battalion, 4111 Artillery receives concntalalloas on lib Bn,ns Star
from Lieutenant Colonel Goodwin. Oilier award reclep!enll lo Sbupe's.
rtrllt are Staff Ser reant David 1kule1, Staff &er1eanl IUD Garcia,
anti Chief Warrant Z RlebaNI Lanomlca.
41st Artillery, and Ser1eant Juan
D. Garcia of Battery C, 4th Battalion, 41st Artillery.
Three members of Headquarters, 56th Group were olso decorated, and recelved their medals and aw:ards from Colonel
Haskln. Chief Warrant O!Mcer 2
Richard Lamonica was awarded
the twenty-third throu&h the
twenty-sixth Oak Leaf Clusters
to the Air Medal for f\ighlls over
enemy territory, while assl,ned to
Vietnam. Major Alton E. Foster,
was awarded the Army Commendation Medal :!or bis per!onnance
of duty while asal,ned to Fort
Brau, N. C. as Commandln1
Officer of a tralnln1 unll Also
honored by Colonel Haskin waa
Sergeant First Class William N.
Elijah who received the Army
Commendation Medal for his performance ot duty wh!!e aulrned
to .Fort Hood Texas.
A Certltlca.te of Achievement
was presented to Spec!allst Michael P. Shok of Service Battery,
4th Battalion. 41st Artillery for
his performance of duty while
as$1,ned to Fort T!!den, New
In recognition of out,standing
achievement in the Anny Savincs
Bond Pros.r am, Battery C, 4th
Battalion, Ust Artillery was
awarded two USAREUR and Seventh Army Savings Awards
which were accepted by Battery
Clerk, ~peclaUst 5 Canney Gross.
The BaltaUon "Soldier of the
Month" awards for the months of
April and May 1968 were received by Specialist Melvin T. Chavis ol Battery A and Spec!al!st
Jimmy Burke of Headquarters

General Staff School,
Leavenworth, Kanaaa.
The awards presentation closed
with the Baltallon pass-in-review.
The asaiAltant S-3 officer, Captain James T. McC&ndlO'II, then
a,nnounced lhat Battery C apparently not sat!.slled with !ts many
Individual awards, also won the
"Bett Appeartnr Unit and March!n, Battery" !n the formation.

"We are probably In the h!11hest

state of alert of any nuclear strike
force In Eu.rope and the motto
expresses the way we want ouz
missiles fired." He directed that
"QRA" be used whenever appropr1ate with the designation of the
Group, especially In conJuncUon
with the crest. A patch to be worn
by all members ot the or1anlzation
ls In the offing and It may combine
the motto with the Pershing
mlu!Je and numbered dest1nal!on.
Perhaps the most !nterest!nr
aspect of the new motto is its
origin. Accordln& to the Group
Hl1tortan, there ha, been an effort
underway for some time to develop a suitable motto. Several
Umeworn expressions such as
"Persh!nc Sir!" and "FHtest with
the Mostest" were eventually
discarded. He ex,pla!ned that several weeks aro an old Roman fort
waa discovered in a potato patch
Just south of Lorch, which la near
Schwaeblsch Gmuend. Lorch marks
one of the local limits of the
territory defended by the Romans
a1a!nst the Germanic tribet, the
Swabint and the Frnc!.scans.
"The excavation of the old fort
caused all sorts of excitement from
Hohenstaufen to Heldelber1," he
Hid. "The universities and the
Romanpb!Jes all sent represen
tatives to witness the removal. of
the artifacts. It was about this
time that I 101 wind of the d!gc!ngs and went out to see for

Growing With Pershing

Would you like to participate in the further development of Pershing, or train
others to operate the equipment? The first Pershing 1-A
equipment has arrived at
Fort Sill. Already the Pershing Division, Guided Missile Department, US Army
Artillery and Miasile School
is training personnel on the
Tremendous opportunlt!es for
Individual advancement now ..xlst
in Pershing. The tactical units will
be larger, and the School at Fort
SI!! must ,row in proportion to
train more men. This mearu
increased promotion opportunity
for you. For example, at the
Artl!!ery and Missile &chool the
majority ot TD authorizations are
E-6 and hl1her. Your reenlistment
counselor has infonna Uon on
vacancies existing in the School.

GMO ls especlal)y Interested ln

you If you have had field exper!

ence with Penh!n,.
The Perahlng Division has Ion&
been recocnlz.ed as one of the
finest Instructional elements in the
School It ls proud to produce the
beat tnined Penhln1 speclallstl
In the lust practical time. Tba ls
not an easy task. but one which is
rewarded by the unique satisfaction of succeas!uUy teachln1 others.
To those who accept the challence,
the rewards can be many, At the
school you will receive intensive
tra!nin& on various aspects of the
mis.silo system, such as the computer and the new hydraulic
mechanism of the E-L. You will
be an expert on Pershing equlpment - a reco1nized authority in
your field. Your Ideas will be
welcomed and acted upon. The
Pershin1 Divisions offers a challen,ln1 Job and recornltlon of
your ability.
II you're interested in becoming
an instructor, contact your reenlistment NCO for deta!IJ.

then - at the enemy to the east. thu down in my notebook,
I threaded my way throu1h the
crowd and sped back to Gmuend.
Puttln1 this event down on a DD
95, I took It to the Serreant Major.
He immediately recognized the
significance of the find and rushed
into the office of the executive
officer with the result.s that you
heard today. Of oourse, trantlatin&
the Latin into English was not
easy, but we mana1ed. The entire
staff wa, lmpre11ed by the tie-In
of mission between the old Roman
balllsta and the Pershing missile.
It seemed to be 1uch a remarkable
similarity after 2,000 yeua."

So QRA lt was, QR.A It !1, and

QRA it will be in the years to
come I The 56th Artillery Group
now has an ancient 1notto for Ill
modem mlsllon.

TIie 58th Anlllel'J' Group Material Recllne11 Flac 1oe1 up ID

fn,nt of Headqurten, 3NI Baltallon, Htll Arllllery, a lribute to
Ille aoeompllobmenll or Battel'J' A
or Ille Nib.
specially constructed ti agpole as
a fonnation of Battery A per-

SOMel looked on.

During that tame ceremony,

CW2 FAward N. Bell, Battery

Maintenance Tec:hnJclan., was pro..
moted to his p-ent renk by
Lieutenant Colonel Max: G. Horton, the Battalion Commander.

1/81 Initiates NCO Training

1st Battalion, 81st Artillery's
Training Course began on
Monday, May 20 with an
introduction by Major Roscoe
A. Swann Jr., Acting Battalion Commander.
Major Swann welcomed the 49
noncommissioned officers to the
llrst course of Instruction. He explained that the course was orl
cinated !rom the ~8th Artillery
Group to assist NCOs throuchout
the command.
The 20 hour block of lnatructlon at McCully Baracks wlll In-

elude, Clean!n1 and Characteristics of the M-14 Rifle, Vehicle Operator Maintenance and
Loe Book Entries, IAadenh!p
Principles and Traits, M!J!tary
Courtesy, Dlsmotmted Drill, In
terior Guard Duty, Personal
Aflalra and POV Rec!stratlon and
Trantfer of Ownership. At the
conclusion of the 20 hour course
of instruction, a written test will
be given to each of the studenta.
The Noncommissioned Oftlcers
Traln!n, Course will be a continuous program at the battaUon.
Each ol the batter!et wl!! continue to send a quota of men to
each clou until all of the NCOs
have attended.

Crawford New CO at B, 3/84

NECKARSULM - First after two years with the b ttaLieutenant John A. Crawford l!on in Gennany.
First Lieutenant Crawford has
assumed command of Battery been
In the 3rd Battalion, 84th
C, 3rd Battalion, 84th Ar- Artillery for more than one year.
tillery on May 15 in cere- He previously wu aSS'igned to
Battery B where he 'Served as
monies .at Artillery Kaserne, Finne
Platoon Leader and later
Neckarsulm. Lieutenant Colo- u Executive Oftlcer.
Crawford fs the third
nel Horton presented Lieuteof "Charging Charnant Crawford with the commander
lie" whose last name begins with
Battery guideon alter recei- "C". Ma jor (then Captain ) John F.
ving it from Captain John C. Crater was the original ComIn 1964 and 1965. Does
Cumicek, the former com- mander
that sound Uke a lot of ''C's" mander.
uk the First Sergeant. he doesen't
Captain Cum!cek is row.ting to
CONUS ln June for seperation

seem to think so. His name Is

Sergeant F irst Class Calvin B.

.-a1e I

G-AVVeek Success at1,81st

In Effect
HEIDELBERG - Applications for privatley owned
vehicle registrations are not
being processed unless the
new one dollar fee is inclosed.
8peclallal 4 TOl'l"J' B. Tanldey,
motor medlanlc for Bead41cau1en
Battery, 56111 ArUllery Group, pays
ll&lle allentlon lo lbe G I a 12 I '
pbolosnpher u he ion about hb
work on a Group vehicle. Keepln1
Ille battery veblclea al a conatanl
hl1h stale of readlnesa ii Jul one
of Ille man:, behind the ocena
upeclt ln Penhln1 Headciaarten.

In accordance with a new regulation effective Aprll J, 1968,

applications for annual renewal of registration are not complete "'~thout a checl< or money
order !or one dollar. Nearly ~O
applications are returi>ed by the
USAREUR Prnvost Marshal each
day because they do n ot comply
with the new rellulalion.

Beautification Contest Held at 3/84 th

Artillery Kaserne, home of
the 3rd Battalion, 84th Artillery is one of the most
USAREUR. Its gleaming
shaded cobblestone streets,
colorful rosebeds, and imposing buildings combine to
make the kaserne a real
showplace. Inside the buildings very attractive offices,
dayrooms and billets have
been fashioned. However
until a week or so ago there
was one area that needed
more attention and beautification - the dingy basements in the troop billits.
To provide ,omo lncen\lve to
the basements, a conte,t was
established to pick out the best
basement and the best section
room in a basement. The men of
tho batteries worked Joni and
hard to improve the basements.
Section rooms were cleaned out
and fixed up, hallways were
cleaned out nd fixed up, hall

ways were cleaned and painted,

lights repaired,
To kHp the competltlve sprlt
high, lucrative prizes were offored
to the winners. The judging was
held on May 11 for appearance,
fire safely and orlglnallly. Ju.dges
wuo: Lieutenant Colonel Horton,
Commander: Major
Proietto, Executive Officer and
Sergeant Major Whitley.
After a close competition Headquarters Battery Basement and
the Firing Platoon Headquarters
Office of Battery A were chosen
as the winning entries.
For their hard work the men
of Headquarters and H,ead
qu.irters Battery were awal'ded
a training holiday, a week's v.ecaUon from revielle formation and
a grant of 835 to the Unit Fund.
The men who worked to make
Office best were awarded 3-day
passes and a total cash awar,d of
SIS. The se ction room wak c;lven
a ,peclal plaque commeratlnc the
The overall result of this contest is a yet more b eautiful kaaeme.

schedule of social and athletic
events between the officers
and enlisted men of McCully
Barracks, and the Germans
of the Bingen district highlighted the conduct of German-American
Week. The relationship between the Americans and local nationals of this district
are on a friendly basis the
year around, but for this
particular week they get
together a little more frequently.
German-American Week this
year beaan with a reception held
in the Rotwelnsaal (old-town-hall)
fn Ingilheim-Sud with the Americans being represented by Lieutenant ColA>nel Walter C. Phillips
Jr., Battalion Commander, 1st
Battalion, 81st ArtU!ery, and
several offkiers of the battalion.
The Lord Mayor of Inaelheim and
other dl&nitarles of nolchborlnc
communities represented the Germans.
The ronowtna day, the battalion
sponsored an evening of dancln1
for the German and American
youth. Over JOO young,ters gathered al the Franklin House in
Maln1 to soclalizc.
During the remainder of the
week, approximately 120 soldiers
were lliven a half-day holiday
from their reaular duties at McCully Barracks to visit the neighborinll communllles on tours.
The first tour, included a group
of soldiers vlslt1n1 the Bezlrks
Wlnserceno$Sensdlaft Nelder winerey in In&elhelm. All of the
visi ting Americans were wel-

KP Duty Returns to 4/41

of the present workers, it was
not llkely to help bring in m ore
workers to alleviate the labor
proble ms. Another factor in the
decision of the workers to quit
wao the re- opening of more fa.
varable jobs ln the Schwaeblsch
Gmuend area. This, of course,
drew more workers from the mess
hall and creatly Increased the
work load of the remaining 1ew.
It ls regretable that efforts to
retain the eivman workers were
unsuccessful. However, hope still
remains as effort., continue to
find a permanent solution to the
problem. In the meantime, the
soldiers of this kaserne can be
thankful !or the few month of
lreedom from this duty.

A ,ecurity guard for the tlrin&

area, Speciallst Klltzman was inspected whlle on hb post by Colonel Powers who was making an
Inspection of the field site. Accompanied by First Lieutenant
Leonard G. TC!lta, commanding
officer of Battery D. Colonel Powers quizzed Specialist Klitzfan about his duties and specific action to be taken If someone
were to attempt to damage the
Klltzman's answers
were prompt and correct assuring to Colonel Powers that he
knew what actions to take and
would not hesitate to do so.
Later that day durln1 the crl
tique of the Inspection and vi
sit, Colonel Powers called for Prl

The necesaity of thl1 action

was bro1>ght upon by the loss of
the civilian KP's who had previously taken care o! this chore. serving their mandatory
notice of quiting 14 days before,
the civilian KP's left on their

on accord.
The apparent reason for their
walkout was the extreme labor
shortage existing in the mess
hall. ln an interview with Staff
Sergeant John W, Throckmorton,
the Battalion Mes.s Steward, it was
found that the mess hall working force had less than half the
number of KP's needed to operate a mess hall the size of our's.
Great efforts were made to
gather the required number of



Gmuend, Goepplngen, and even

Throckmorton asked for prospec
tive KP's to m.o ve to Sdlwaebisch
Gmuond to work. Unfortunatrly
oil udvances and effor t, met
with no success.
Hiiher wages were not offered

to the KP's as it was beUeved

that even if this did hold omo

Specialist Gets First Buck

New Warrant at 1/81

Sergeant LaRue E. Hill, former Section Chief of Charlie
Battery, 1st Battalion, 81st
Artillery, walked into battalion headquarters recently
and a few minutes later,
Warrant Officer LaRue E.
Hill presented Specialist
Fifth Class Paul Brundage
with a dollar bill for being
the first enlisted man to
salute him.

Ueutenant Colonel Walter C.

Phillips Jr., Balalllon Commander,
and WO Hill's wife, Dorothy, had
the honor of piMinll on the new
Warrant Officer bars. He was appointed In the MOS of 214EO,
Mi.,sile Maintenance Warrant Of
WO Hill Is a ten year veteran
of the Army. He entered the ser
vice at Fort Dix, New Jeniey in
April 1958. He served with A
Battery, 2nd Battalion. 44th Ar
tlllery, Fort Sill, Oklahoma prior
to his arrival ln USAREUR in
February 1966 as a member of
lhe ht Battalion, 81st Artillery.

The last tour consisted of 36

enlisted men spending an en

joyable afternoon tourlna the Bezlrks-WI nzergono$Senschaft winery
at Oau-Algesheim. Again the
American personnel were treated
like royalty as the Burcermelstcr
welcomed them to the town and
went along on the tour with the
During the week, twelve bow-

WJNERY TOUR - A croup o! soldfen from the 1st Battalion, 11st

Artillery take a look al winery al Gau-Al1eshelm durlnr German American Week. J\fler the lour everyone bad a 1,..le of lb.e products
made lhere.
hours for a tour of the brandy
distillery in Bingen. Each of the
visiting Americans was presented
a souvenir of the products made

Klitzman Promoted on Spot by Colonel Powers

his outstanding knowledge
and performance, William C.
Klitzman was promoted unexpectedly to Specialist 4
May 21 at the Delta Battery,
3rd Batalion, 84th Artillery
field site by Colonel Patrick
W. Powers, :!6th Artillery
Group commander.

- Eight months of exempt
duty from Kitchen Police
were broken on the third
Sunday of this month at
Hardt Kaserne, home of the
4th Battalion, 41st Artillery
and 56th Artillery Group
Headquarters. On this day
the soldiers of Hardt Kaserne
once again began their relentless, daily attack on dirty
Pots, pans, and dishes in the
Consolidated Mess Hall.

corned to lngelhelm by the Lord

Moyor at the town hall before a
tour o! the winery was made.
Everbody had a wonderful time.
The followi"i afternoon two
lours were spansored by the
German.. One group of men from
Mccully Barracks left at 1300
hours for a tour of the Winzergenossensdla!t-Ober in Incelheim
while another group left at 1330

vale Kli1zman and promoted him

on the spot to Specialist 4.

F1nl Llecatenanl Tesla present

KUlunan with bl, new SpeclaU.l t
paid> al the Battery D field site,
the resa,11 of his lnstanlalneous
The next day after the shock
had worn off, First Lieutenant
Tester presented Specialist Klltz
man with ills "eaalu ' ' and con-llratulated him for his outstanding achievement.

ling teams, six German and six

American, competed in both German and American style bowUng.
All participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have In several
Instances, acheduled additional
Starting simultaneously at McCully Barracks was a German
soccer game betwHn the Hassia
team from Bingen and the Fontana
team from Finthen and softball
games between the b atteries. A
large crowd ot both Germans and
Americans watched the hard
fought soccer contest with the
Bingen team comin1 out on top.
At the same time Headquarters
Battery outsluued Service Battery for a 7-2 softball decision.
The American four-man 440
relay team outdistanced their
German opponents l>y a larae
mar1ln to take the relays. A five
man German team ran an exhibition mile run to the delight of
the crowd,
At the conclusion of the sports
activl\les, trophies were presented
to the contestants of tlte different
sports. The soccer trophy was
presented to the team captain of
the winning Bin1cn team, who
responded with a loud cheer for
the Americans. The winning American team In the 440 relays and
lhelr German opponents received
Individual trophies. Other individual trophies were preM!nted to
the exhibition winners. The German-American WHk softball
championship trophy was won by
the Headquarters Battery Team.
Still to be presented is the is
the German-American week trophy to the wlnnln1 bowling team.
Refreshment stands were set
up in the sports area with both
Germans and Americans enjoying
hotdogs, hamburgers and cold refreshments.

CHWAEBISCH GMUEND - There will be an officer's
coffee call at 2:30 on June 13 at Schwaebisch Gmuend
Service Club; there will also be one for the NCO wives at the
same hour on June 20. Interested. Join us!lll
GMUEND - "Swing with Snoopy", thats
the theme of the Schwaebisch Gmuend Service Club for the
month of June. And swing you will with a roaring 20's dance
on June 8, and trips to Heidelberg, Dinkelsbuhl and Tubingen
on June 2, 16 and 19 respectively. There is also a swing tour
on June 22, plus various other activities in everything from
postwide softball on June 15, to Mercedes racing on film on
June 5. For further infonntion visit your Service Club.

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