The Giant (Mar 1968)

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NATO Sdence Advisor Visits 56th Group

Brigadier General
Charles Cantrell
Doctor Bing to
Schwaeb. Gmd.

Pershing 1-A
Passes lnitiallests
at White Sands,
ORLANDO, Fla. - The
initial firing of the Pershing
missle from its newly developed gr,ound support equipment wis successfully carried
out this month at the White
Sands Missile Range according to a Martin Marietta
The system., known u Pl-A,
Is being dveloped by the Orlando
Division of Martin Marietta
Corporation. A crew from the
huie defense contractor launched
the mlssllc under the category
of a "launch and developmental
flight test."
The operation was cordinated
by the Pershing Proj,ctManagcr's
Office of th Army Mlsslle
The Martin Marietta Corporation only recently annoucd the
completion of 1he first class of
U.S. Army students on the Pl-A
m issile system.
The closs of 15 students wa
one of 20 schedu,led for completion over the next 14 months.
Target date for deployment of
the new supl)Ort equipment hos
not been offtclolly announced.
When available, Pershing 1-A
will !urtherc. strengthen the
deterrent capability of NATO

Len lo rtclll, Doclor Bbir, General CanlreU, and Captain Stnco, dloc11U Ille complullleo of Ille Persblnr mlsalle system durtn1 IJ>elr recent \'bit lo Ille Ballen field lile.

forces by reducing reaction tlme
and increa~lng rP1i.1bi1ity ot tb,,.

Pershin, system.

MARCH 15, 1968

1181 Hosts NCO Party

Battery B, 4111 Battalion, 41st

Artillery, commanded by Captain
Joseph Siraco, was selected for
ttieir visit.
Colonel Powers escorted the
pair to the field site for briefings
on the system. After tbe briefings,
a tour of the site was conducted
by Captain Siraco. Various. ports
of the mlsslle syst<,m were
viewed by the visitors.
While the missile Itself was
beln11 surveyed, a horn sounded
and a Pcrshlni: was put throu11h
a countdown.
Such a countdow n is the norm al pollcy or the battery dur:ns
visits by dignitaries. A fter the
countdown, the group went to
the site mess hall for rolls and
coffee, prepared by Sergeant
First Class John Finch. battery
mess steward.
Both Doctor Bing and General
Cantrell stayed overni&ht in
Schwaebisch Gmuend, ond the
next day traveled to the special
ammunitions supply point of the
That afternoon they departed,
appearantly well pleased with
operations In the 56th Artillery

most recent of the 56th
Artillery Group senior NCO
parties was hosted last month
by the 1st Battalion, 81st
Artillery. Over 140 senior
NCOs and wives from
Schwaebisch Gmuend, Neckarsulm and host Wackernheim were present to fill the
Wackernheim EM Club to

Group Headquarters was: represented by Lieutenant Colonel

Milton L. Haskin. Executive Of
fleer, Sergeant Major and Mrs.
Thomas H. Palmer, and other
high ranking NCOs. Lieutenant
Colonel a nd Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Battalion Commander, und
Battalion Sergeant Major and
Mrs. Clyde Gillis were among
the guests from the 4th Battalion,
41st Artillery. Ser11eant Major
and Mrs. Bllly W. Fouse headed
the list of personnel from the 3rd
Battalion , 84th Artillery.

The club was elaborately decorated to keep In step with the

Fasching Season. Kudos are In
order for Staff Sergeant Clifford
West and other members of the
club system at Wnckcrnhel.m tor
an o utstanding display o! food.
Hors d'ouvers by the hundreds
were layed out on tables with a
paper replica of a Pershing Mis
slle in the background. The main
smorgasbord course consisted of
cold pressed turkey, ham or roast
beef, assorted cheese and German
Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs.
Walter C. Phillips Jr., Battalion
Commander, and Battalion Ser
geant Major and Mrs. Jobn H.
Layton wer~ present to welcome
the arriving guests. The 56th

Schw. Gmd. ACS Holds

First Awards Ceremony

OCS Recruiting

Obiectfves Set

Tile llnl Penblnc mlulle lo be launebed by lhe newly developed

ereclor-laun<ber durlnr re1earcb and development llrlnr 1.,.1, con
ducted Marca 5. Tb la11J1cb was from Hueco Range, Fort Bliss, Tex.,
Pershing- 1-A ll'OUlld support system starts Its liftoff from an improved
wltll Impact on While Sand Missile Ranre, N.M., and was performed
by tecbnlclau of Ille Orla.ndo Dlvldon of Martin Marietta CorPOrallon,
prime conlraclor lo the l1. S. Army tor the 400- mile-range, surfactto-surface ballistic syste m. Vehicle at ldt is the progr ammer/test station, mounted on lh M-656 truck developed by Ford Motor'.
Another of lbe 34-foot, needle-nosed Penblnr ml111los was successfully
laucbed Mardi a.

NO. 4

- The scientific advisor to
NATO visited the 56th Artillery Group recently for a
general orientation on the
Pershing missile system. The
high rankini;: civilian, Doctor
George F. Bing, is a member
of the United States European
Command. He was accompanied throughout his visit
by Brigadier General Charles
C. Cantrell, the USAREUR
Assistant Chief of Staff of
Operations for Artillery and
Special Weapons.

- The Department of the
Army has announced its new
recruiting objectives for its
Officer Candidate School.
As a part of thnt objective, the

56th Artillery Group has been

assigned a quota of one qualiftcd applicate per month !or the
r emainder or clcndar ycor 1968.
Those Interested in the OCS
prog ram should contact their unit
pn!-onncJ C>ffic~r. Pr(i<::cdun.s fnr
m:1ktng ;1pp!:cation C'lr OCS on
r m\t=--in,,rf


AR ;\~n.,m

- The Army Community
Service Center of Schwaebisch Gmuend has held its
first awards ceremoney since
its opening in May 1967.
District Community Service Officer, presented the ladies with
letters of appreciation for the
many hours they have contributed for the benefit of the community. Those receiving recognition were Mrs. John D. Vance,
Mrs. Rene E. De Russy. Mn. RIchard S. La Monica. Mrs. Thomas
H. Palmer, Mrs. Clyde B. Gillis,
Mrs. John R. Von Eschen, Mrs.
Curtis J. Kyle, and Mrs. John P.
Major Frederick L Nuffer Jr.,
Adjulanl for the 561h Artillery
Group. presented lrtlers or appoln1m~n1 to Mrs. Patrick W. Po
,,,,ers. Mrs. J ohn D. Vance. Mrs.
Clyd~ B. G1llls. Mrs. F.dward B .
Hard1:.on. Mrs. Curtis ,1. Kyle.
Mr;. J nmes R. Von Escher.. and
1'1.,.( ' " h..-i P R,,,.._

The Army Community Service

is a progr am t o satisfy the n eed

tor a centrally located. responsive

and professionally-based service
Lo assist the members or Army
communities to meet pe-rsonal and
family problems that are beyond
the scope of their own resou-es.
Army Community Service Centers provide the installation commander with an organized system
for bringing together all resources available to him for the r elic!
of problems having an adverse
effect upon the performance and
morale of his personnel.
Army Community Service volunteers are alleviating social
problems by putting int o operation the twin principles of collective effort and helphog people
to help themselves. Wherever
Army Community Service is
('stablished. stateside and over-

seas, It translates Into concrete

reol!zatlon the three parts of its
Iheme. "Self-Help. Service, and
Stability." which t.tre so e ssential

to the high morale of our soldiers

ond the well-being of their fa

1n e YJA.rr.r

Pa,e 3

Seven Promoted to CPT.

In Eleven Days at 4/41
- Seven promotions to captain with in e"Jeven days have
put the 4th Battalion, 41st
Artillery, high on the list of
7-11 combination winners.
February 20 was the promotion
date of Captain James Gibb,
Commo Platoon Leader for
Headquarters Battery. Captain
Gibb's wife, Barbara, assisted the
battalion commander, Lieutenant
Colonel William H. Goodwin, In
attaching the silver bars.
A double promotion ceremony
took place February 23 as Battalion Adjutant Captain Thomas
0. Hunter, Jr., and Alpha Battery Command,er Captain Robert
V. Haney bo th received the
cherished railroad tracks. Phylis
Hunter and Carol Haney aided

In the pinning of their husbands'

Next, Captain Ronald Vauehan,
Executive Officer of Service Battery, received his bars from wife
Sandy and the battalion commander, ln February 24th ceremonies.
February 25th was acaln a
doubleheader, as Captains Henry
L. Gaston and Samuel E. Durham,
assistant executive officers of
Service Battery, received their
bars from Colonel Goodwin.
A March I service saw Charlie
Ba\\ery's Executive Officer, Captain WIiliam C. Bllo, have bis
new rank attached by the battalion commandff.
The 7-11 promotion col ncidence
stemmed from the high achievment and the Inordinately similar
dales of promotion oll1ibiilty of
the new captal111.

Two EM At 1181 Receive

Warrants for Valentines
WACKERNHEIM - Valentines come in many shapes
and forms and with different
verses written on them, but
two for Staff Sergeant Edward Cullen, Delta Battery,
Isl Batalion, 81st Artillery,
and Specialist Fifth Class
Edward J. Hanzel of Service
Battery, were probably the
most welcom-e ever for these
two missllemen. Both men
recived Department of Army
orders dated 14 February
appointing th.em Warrant Officers.
Sergeant Cullen and Specialist Hanzel were called to
Battalion Headquarters for
the official reading of their
orders and Lieutenant Colonel Walter C. Phillips Jr.,
Battalion Commander, with
help from their wives pinned

the bars on each of the new

Warrant Officers.

"Pickle Barrd Ba ttery"

Ballery A. 4th Bat11.llon. tllt Artillery CPT Robert Haney
2. Btry A, 1181
7. Btr y D. l 81
CPT Ramsey
CPT Jarvi,
3. Btry A, 3,84
7, Bil')' C. ; ; t
!LT Orlofsky
CPT Cuuthen
4. Btry C, 1181
9. Btry C. 3 84
CPT Conley
CPT Cumlcek
5. Btry B. 4;41
10. Btry D, 4 41
CPT Slraco
CPT Lord
e. Btry 8, 3184
11. Btty B. 1 81
CPT Hendrickson
CPT While
"Fin tip-Warhead Down Battery"
Battery D, 3rd Ballallon. 84th Artillery
CPT Scanlon


3 Star Mess A.war,

3NI Bn, 841b Arly
SFC Cbuon
MHI Steward
Indicates tie

Sp4 Honored At 4/41

- Specialist 4 Robert C. Beck
of Service Battery, 4th Battalion, 41st Artillery, earned
top class honors and commendation from three colonels for his recent Service
School achievments.
A February graduate of the
U.S. Anny School, he achieved
gradings of 96 out of a possible
100 to lead the class In the Stock
Record Procedures Course.
Specialist Beck recleved letters
SEW WARRASTS - Former Staff Ser1eant Edward Cullen (center),
and Speelall1t 5 U ward J, H1.11.1el, are 1wol'1l In u Warrcal Officen
br Ueatenanl Colonel Waller C. PbllllPI Jr.. CO of 1111.

3/84 Specialist Receives Certificate

NECKARSULM Specialist 5 James C. Golding
has been presented a Certificate of Achievement here for
the fine job he has done as
Liaison Specialist and Legal
Clerk for his unit.
The cortltlca te was s!cned by
Colonel Patrick W. Powers and
read, ' 1 For superior performance
as Liaison Specialist and later as
Legal Clerk of Headquarters and
Headquarters Battery, 3rd Bat-

"' "'* *

4 Star Mess Awar,

1st Bn. 81st Arty
SFC Haines
MeS5 Steward

talion, 84th ArUllery during the

period 23 March 1967 until 23
February 1968. In these capacilles
Specialist Five Golding distinguished himself throuflh his a dministrative ability and professional competence In the performance of his d uties. Throu&h his
attention to detail, con;en!al
manner and willlngnesa to assist
others, he eame<I for himself the
respect and admiration ot superiors and subordinates alike. This
exemplary performance ~present., ou1111andin1 achievement

and renecu great credit upon

himself and the rnllltary ,ervlce."
"The Ox," as Goldln1 ls known
around the 3rd Battalion, 84th
Artillery, Is a previous Soldier of
th Quarter and recipient of the
Army Commendation Medal.

of commendation from the school

commandant, Colonel Jack Lane:
56th Artillery Group Commander,
Colonel Patrick Powers; and 4th
Battalion. 41st Artlllery Commander, Lieutenant Colonel WIiliam Goodwin.
Colonel Goodwin's letter read
!n part: ". .. Your 1horou;h
mastery ol Stock Record Procedures sln&:les you out a s a man
of utmost worth to Service Battery and to the battalion. "
Specialist Beck serves as a
Supply Specialist with Service

Battalion, 41st Artillery

Begorrah! Personnel of the

are sure an' invited to the
St. Patrick's Day "Shamrock Dance," March 17 at the Schwaebisch Gmuend Service Club.

Dress is semi-formal, and the bonny entertainment will t>e .enhanced

by live ban d music, with the affair t>e&inning at B p. m.
Entries tor the Schwaeblsch Gmuend "Wide World of Photography"
contest and exhibition must be turned in to the Service Club here no
later than March 19.
Photographs submitted murt be a minimum of 8xl0, In black-andwhite or color, and may be entered ln open-cate11ory fields.

SSG Gets $ 6,000

ACKERNHEIM - Battery 8, !st Battalion, 81st A rtiilery
For a 4 Year Re-Up W has
undergone a recent change of command. Before a
- A $ 6,000 reenlistment
bonus and a year's tour at the
station of his choice In the
United States - these are
the extra benefits of the
recent four year reenlistment of Staff Sergeant Larry
L. Sutton.
Special - ~
Electronics Dovice Repairman
- - \
for the 4th Bat- - J

battery formation, Captain James A. White, former Battalion

Liaison Of/leer, accepted the battery guidon as he assumed
command of Battery B from Captain Paul J. Mullek. Captain
Mullek, who returns to Fort Sill, Oklahoma in March, will
assume d.uties as Assistant S-1 Officer until his departure.
GMUEND - First Sergeant Robert P.
Bethea has assumed the duties of Alpha Battery's First
Sergeant position, here in the 4th Battalion, 41st ArtilJery.
The San Antonio, Texas, native replaced Sergeant First Class Michael
Hutchins as the battery's chief NCO.
Ser1eant Bethea's last assisnement was as First Sergeant or Service
Battory, 2nd Battalion, 79th Artillery, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

ECKARSULM - A "Battle of Bands" will take place

41:~t~;~ ~
- ~ N March 23 at 8:30 p. m. at the Neckarsulm Service Club. All

Specialist Go.ldlnr cheerfully accepts bls Certificate or Acllievment

from Lleutenanl Colonel Max G. Borton, Goldlnrs battalion commander. Tbe certlflcate wu olr,,t<I br Colonel Palrldc w. Powers,
commander ol l'bt 561b Arllllery Group.

maximum Variable Rennlist

factor of 4 and
has chosen the
new "Choice o( CONUS Assignment" program.
The new program, open to
personnel of grades E-1 through
E-6, guarantees a 12- month stabilized tour at the chosen CONUS
station lo rcenllsteos completing
a.n overseas tour of d uty.
Sergeant Sutton chose Fort Riley, Kansas, as his nexl duty station, and will be departing lor
that point hortly.

amateur bands of Artillery Kaserne are invited to enter the

The monthly roller skating tour to Stuttgart on March
24th, and a Playboy Advisor Panel March 28 round out this
month's activities.

GMUEND Vehicle and generator

maintenance awards at the 4th Battalion, 41st Artillery, for
the month of February, were won by personnel of Service
Specialist 4 Stephen Gabor, guidance and control repairman, operated the wi nning entry in the Bost Vehicle competition.
Specialist 5 Wayne Zenker, a senior electrical...devlce repairman,
displayed the hest generator.
Both men will rccelvo commendatory letters and 3-day posses for
their outstanding maintennce eff,,

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