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nugnes I ours

Schw.Gmuend Military
Better Support
Promised for
Local Commissary
- Major General John S.
Hughes of Communications
Zone Europe toured the military facllities in the Scbwaebisch Gmuend area this



FEBRUARY 23, 1968

CFC Underway-Asking for

Fair Share Contribution
The second Department of
Defense Overseas Combined
Federal Campaign Is under
way. Featuring the slogan,
"Pledge Your Fair Share,"
the campaign will collect
funds for eight International
Service Agencies, 12 National
Health Agencies and the
American Red Cross. Closing
date of the drive is March 31.
"There ii yet no end ln 1ilht
in our struuie acalnst proverty,
disease and human suffering",
President Johnson has aald.
"There are millions of people in
our voluntary health and welfare
organizations. Th...., organiutions are the partnen of each of
us In our effort to ftght illness,
hunger and de1palr, and to open
new avenues. of hope and opportunity.
"The Ame rican Red Cross, the

National Health Acencles and the

International Service Agencies,
all volunteer-led and supported,
are brln1lng help and hope where
there was none before."
"Once a year throu1h the Combined Federal Campai1n these
voluntary acencles solicit contributions from Federal employees
and members of the Armed Forcu. ThroUlh the combined cam
paign we have the opportunity,
which comes in a free society,
to show on an individual basis
our compaHlon and concern for
others. The combined drive saves
time and expense and through its
payroll deduction feature makes
pou lble a 1enerous &ift."
What contributors give 11 their
affair. However, they will receive
a fair share voluntary giving
cuJde whldl su111e1t1 an anower
to the question. Further, they
may desicnate portions of their
gift for croups or agencies of
their choice.

FRG Pershing Commander

Looks at U.S. Counterpart
Colonel Richard Frodl,
Commanding Officer of the
First Wing (FRG) made a
recent visit to the US Army
Pershing Missile System.
As commander of the First
Win&, Colonel Frod.1 it the headman In the German Perthlnc missile pro1ram.
The Colonel and hia stat! arr!-

ved at the field site of Battery A,

4th Battalion. 41st Artillery where
they were briefed by Colonel
Patrick Powers, 58th Group Commander.
A battery level brieftnc was
conducted by First Lieutenant Robert V. Haney, Alpha Battery
After the brleftncs the Colonel
was given a tour of the site and
later lundl
served in the
field site mess hall.


&Don, Colo11el Powen (left) ud llaJor Ge11eral B111bes dlu.... tile

local mllltarJ' facWUea ID tile Oroap co-an.den office. ColoMI Powen 11 l1L1tallati011 CoGrdl11alor for lhe 8diwaeblldl Oma. . """ u
well u Groap Commander.

NCO Academy
&raduates Four
BAD TOELZ- Four members of the 56th Artillery
Group were graduates of the
Seventh United States Army
NCO Academy this month.
Leading the list was Specialist t; Gary L. Morgan of
the 3rd Battalion, 84th Artillery. Specialist Morgan
was winner of the General
Douglas MacArthur Award
for Distinguished Leadership. Other members of the
class from the battalion were
Sergeant William L. Sutherland and Specialist 4 Phillip
H. Gass.
~presentln& the 4th Battalion,
41st Artillery was Specia!Jat 4 Robert H. Martin.
Seraeant David E. Huelsman
of the ht Battalion, 81st Artillery
rounded O\lt the II'OUP H each
Penhing unit craduated at least
one candidate.
Gue1t speaker for the ceremonies was Major ~neral Roderick
Wetherill, Commanding General

Colonel Fro<II (lefl) ud Colene! Powen, 1tancllq In lronl ol Pera,lulle, pay Ultl al1enllo11 ie Ille U,ltl 1DOwfall wlti<il aeeompalll.e d them. lllro.....l lltelt 1. ., of the Ptnlti111 8.eld alle.

Thll vlllt followe cloa~y that

of Major ~neral Rowney earlier
In the month.
~neral Huchea wu primarily
Interested In the military and
civilian activities whlc:h support
the Schwaebi&eh Gmuend Community. One 1uc:b actlvLty waa the
commiuary which be
durlftl the morning. He noted the
shortace of several shelf Items
and Informed local commanders
that ttmedlal action wowd be
taken to provide better support
to commissary patrons In the
Hl1 to\lr hl1hll1hted the lnttt1t
bein& taken to Improve the
activities and facilities for American Forces personnel and their
dependent,. Durin1 a follow-on
meet1n1 with Group representativ.. ~neral H\l,hes reaUirmed
COMZ's Intention to up,rade
S\lpport lacllitles. Durinc this
,econd meet1n1 he also O\ltl!ned
requiremnto lo be undertaken
by COMZ units to rupport the
Group wide maintenance pro..
Other points of interest to General Hushes were the library
faclllties, dependent housing area,
and the Schwaebl1ch Gmuend
Maintenance Plant.

of the 24th Infantry Division.

The General presented Specialist Mor11.n with the MacArthur
Award, an electric shaver.
General Wetherill advised the
men that they must "Get the Job
done, but don't do It yourseU. Get
across the Idea that yo,..r men
work with you, not ror you, and
assume only disaster and
prepare a1ainst It."

cwa .robJI Bewlell (lofl) ud Serreanl Pini Clu1 WaHer Murry cll1play
U.e 5411h AnlllerJ' Groap Material lteacllneu Award, rod 8.&I', Mr.
Hu11lelt ud 8erseanl M11rr7 are memben of the 561b Groap Main
lenance lmpedlo11 T -.

56th Group Establishes

Material Readiness Award
Special - A new award has
been created within the 56th
Artillery Group. The Material Readiness Award wi.Jl
be presented to the battery
within the group having the
best maintenance results. A
Material Readiness Flag will
be presented at the end of
each quarter to the winning
battery. A Best Maintenance
. plaque will be awarded
annually to the battery judged to be best for a year.
Outlines for the competition

are 1et forth in the new 56th Artlllery Group Re,ulatl,on 572-2,
Accordln& to the re1ul1 tlon,
each attadled battalion will select it's beat maintenance battery.
The cho1en battery wlll represent
It' parent unit Ln the sroup level,
The batteries will then be Inspected by the Group Main
tenance Inspection Team. Catecorles to be checked Include prope~ utiliption ot eqwpment,
adequacy and effectiveness of
the maintenance program, and the
operational readiness of the
The inspections will be cond\lted on an un1Mo\lnced basi1.


GMUEND - The Schwaebisch Gmuend
OUicers' Club at Bismarck Kaserne will hold a " Family

Buffet" F ebruary 25th, from 5:30 p .m. until 7:30 p .m ., for

members and their families.
Piano entertainment wlll accompany the buUet, nd the
COllt is $1.75 for adults and $1.00 for Children.

ACKERNHEIM - Mr. Frank M . Donahoo hellcopkr

pilot for the 1st Battalion, 81st Artillery, has been promoted to the rank of CW4.
He w11 aummoned to the oftlce of BattAllon Commander Ueuten.ant
Colonel Waller C. Philipa Jr., where the commander and M',.;.
pinned the CW4 bara on the amWna aviator.

SP6 Codera Nominated As

USAREUR Aviation Soldier
M orns
. H Codera,
Clalist 6
Headquarters Battery, 1st
Battalion, 81st Artillery, was
recently recommended for the
Outstanding USAREUR Aviation Soldier of the Year
Award forcaJenderyear 1967.
Specialist Codera wu rocommended tor thh awud baaed on
his outstandlnc service u a crew
chief on one of this unlt's CH-34
hellcopten . Jolnln& the battalion
In Aua111t UIM, Speclallat Coder

conducted h.imaeJt In an
exemplary manner and bu malntalned an extremel7 professional
approach to bJJ duUes durln& bJJ
entire period of service. Hla crew
on the CH-34 ls conslstanUy the
copter receives rattncs well above
the battalion averaae for both
maintenance and safety lnapectlons.
1n addltlon to his rq:ula r job
as crew chief, Codera hu also
served as technical Inspector and
Avia Uon S.ctlon Chief.

eleven man IJ1lduating clan con

cernlnr the importance of keepln1

accurate maintenance recordl. He
also ur1ed each of \he craduates
to apply the knowledge Ibey had
learned to practical ,..., on their
The honor atudent of the 40

SP4 McDonough
Named f ebruary
Soldier at 4141st
- The 4th Battalion , 41st Artillery "Soldier of the Month"
award for February w as w on
by Specialist 4 Richard F.
McDonough, Jr. of H eadquarters Battery.
The U 7ear
old resident of
State Coll.eae,
ls an lntelllcence Assistant
In the battalion
luves for the
Academy at Bad Toel.z on the
25th of this month.
Specialist McDonouch competed a1ain1t representative, from
the othu batteries before \he battalion board February 15. They
were Judced on appearance. conduct, and knowledce and understandln1 of military procedures.
lndlcallve of h la desire for 100d
performance is .his current 1trln1

of five aelectlona u Colonel'a Orderly on 1\18rd duty. Speclallat

MeDonouah states: "Good performance ls onl:, an exten1lon of
one's prtd In his .ability, and H
aential In an7 activity, military or


Pace 3


Maj.Taylor Holds Retreat At 4/41st

- Comnand Retreat services
we~ held here February
15th, u B.ttalion Executive
Officer Major William Taylor
presided over a batt&lion
parade, and ceremonies honoring the achievements of
personnel of the 4th Battalion, 41st Artillery.
The 7th U. s. Army Support
Command Band ot Stuttaart opened Ille procram with honors to
tbe llal prior lo the recocnttlon
of personnel achievements.
Major Taylor presented a 7th
Anny certificate of achievement
Stat! S.raeant Joae M. Albelo for
hla outatandtnc aervlce I I the battalion, Property Book NCO, and

then pve commendatlo,.. and

pa IS lo Februa1"7 "Soldier
of lhe Monlh" Speelallat 4 RI
chud F . llfcDonouah.
Honor craduatea of the Army
Recordl Syatmi
CO\&l'MI were nut to be recocnlzed. u Sl)ed&Uat 4 Mlcboel J.
llannln1, Private
Ftnt Clue


Patrick W. Powers presenkd
Sergeant Flrst Class Guillermo

hour TAERS coune wu Seraeant

Tom J . Slebrandt, commo dild of
Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, Slst
Artillery, with an overall raUns
of 95 percent. The aecond honor
student wa, SpeclaU1t 4 Jan
Schull%. Headquarters Battery,
with 1 93.2 and Specialist 4 Robert Metscer, Bravo Ba~ry.
came In third with 90.5.
The 40 hour oou.rae, conducted
at the EducaUon ~nter at leMt
one week each quarter, is de
slaned to acquaint the students
with the purpose of records In the
AnQy. They also learn about the
preperaUon of NQ>rdl alon, with
manasement UR of recordl and
dispoaiUon of them. A total of 22
dll'lerent maintenance record, are
studllld dw1na the week l<>nc

Students Try for Honors

In Shape Essay Contest
and seniors in 33 U .S. dependents schools In Europe
are competing for the title of
American winner in the
SHAPE International Essay
The easa7 topic, "NATO and
Its Role ln the WQtem World,"
unannounced unUl after achoo! on
the a!ternoon of February 13, was
aent to each of the ochools In a
sealed envelope. Students were
then elven one and a half hours
lo prepare their mt.rla.
Ont winner will be seleeted
from each depenMnll Jd>ool by
a committee of 3 lo 5 members of
the communlty chOMn by the
1chool principal. The wlnnlnl
entry from ea<b ochool wW be
sent before February 2e to a at the Dl.rectorat.e, U. S.
School, European
Area, whl<b wW aelect Ille American winner.
The American winner will be
&Mounccd April I , He will Join
other winners from the NATO
countries of Canada, Great Britain, the NetherlandJ, Germany,
Greece, Turkey. and Bt lslum for
a, experue-pald boll
da7 ln ~l&lwn, April 17-23.
There the:, will visit NATO and
SHAPE Headquarters u well
aa other place, of Interest.
Each ochool winner wlll receive

WWard M. Gaines, and Private

Andres B. Adorable wue preaeni.d with certlllcate1 of t.ralnlna

for their academic efforts.

Alpha Battery was judged the

bNt appearlna unit In lhe sub-

,equent pau-ln-revlew which

terminated the retreat cettmoDlu.

3184th Mess Wins Award


CPT Kosonen Addresses

TEARS Grads At 1181st
WACKERNHEIM - Captain Richard H. K osonen,
Assistant Battalion S-3 Officer, was guest speaker at the
graduation ceremony of The
Army Equipment Record
System course at the Wakkemheim Education Cenkr.
Captain Kosonen spoke lo the

_......... .

a certi.fkate sJ1ned by General

Lyrnan L . Lemnlt2er. Supreme
Allied Commander, Europe, and


The ce>ntest ls held to stimulate student and parent interest

In NATO and to help them understand America's role ln the

Mess Steward, and the 3rd

Battalion, 84th Artillery Mess
StaU with the Four Star Mess
Award for the m onth of January in ceremonies held
here this month.
In order to receive 1he Four
Star Plaque, the mess hall had
to receive from 98 to JOO percent
on the ,eth Artillery Group ln1pectlon. The Consolidated Meaa
Hall has received a three atar
ratin& (94 to 117 percent) for the
put ten monthJ.
In hia comment& du.rlna the
Colonel Powen
commended Ser1eant Chacon and
hi, Ital'! for their hard work and
dedication, both neceaucy in1redlenll for wlnnlna this outatandlng award.

1e.., . of Ule nine orlatnal memben or lbe lat Battalion. H at An!Uery

wbo lla-.e been ..tlb lbe orpnlsatloa ahtee lb lnfano1 In 11153 set lo
1ellltt tor a plctare. Sllown llere In front of battalion lleadqu&r1er1
are (L-K) 8PC C:,raa II. Conell, 1180 Geor1e I. Matber, 880 lleod
Tllomu, 880 Junior L. Golden, SFC Rrman Flurry, Sl'C Ira Slran11
and 8FC Danld L. Medina. Nol ollown In Ille plclue are CW 3 caetano
CaPorale &Dd 180 Robert I. Poun11.

Nine Pioneers Still Serving


does a battalion have within

its ranks a man who has been
with the organization since
Its infancy. The 1st Battalion,
81st Artillery is Indeed fortunate in this respect. It has
not one but nine men that
have been with the battalion
since it became the third
Pershing Misslle Battalion In
the United States Anny on
Saturday,, October 26, 1963.
The nine men can well remem
ber the historic daya In 11163 when
otllcen, non-convnlasloned
offlcen and selected enlisted perJOnnel were attendtna the Pershthe

1n1 Missile Coum at lhe Guided

Mlulle Dep1rtment, US Army
Artillery and Mlulle School. Fort
Sill, Oklahoma. Since that Ume,
the7 have oerved undeT three
Commandln& Ofllcen, LTC R. Harris, LTC Richard S. Fye,
a.nd the present Commanding Offtcer, LTC Walter C. Phillips, Jr.
The nine men repr-ntln1
45 :,ears of oervlce with the lit
Battalion. 81st ArtWery are CW 3
G1etano Caporale, Service Battery; ISO Robert J. Pokorn1. C
B1ttery; SFC C:,r111 E. Gossett,
B Batter:,; SFC Ira Strance, A
Battery; SFC Daniel L. Medina,
B Battery; SFC Herman Flurry,
C Battery; SSG J\ll\Jor L Gol
den, 0 BaUery; SSC Ge<>rse L.
Mather and SSG Reed Thomu,
Headquamn Battt1"7.

Sgt. Kawakami Is Top Troop

W ACKERNHElM - Actinii Sergea nt (E-4) Edward
K . Kawakami, Delta Battery,
was chosen as t h e 1st Battalion, 81 st Artillery's "Soldier of the Quarter" and
represented the battalion in
the 56th Arttllery Group's
firs t "Soldier of the Quarter
Award" cnmn!'t,itlnn

The battalion .election board.

con1istina of Seraeant Major John
H. Layton and First Sergeants of
each battery, aelected Serceant
Kawakami for his outstandlnC
military bearln& and kn<>wledJe
of his oca,patlonal 1peclllt)'.
Serceant Kawakami received
twenty-five dollar savings bond
ind a three day pau for belnC
<h03en the battllon'1 ouutandlnc
..,..1,0..... ,.., t1\ ,, .. . .......

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