Invention Exercise For Writer Marcy Garcia

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Marcy Garcia
UWRT 1101
Ashley Marcum
April 27,2016

Part one: 200-word reflection on Rhetorical Knowledge

Before this class I barely practiced a lot of rhetorical knowledge both in school and
outside of school because I didnt think it was important. The only assignment I can remember
that helped me practice rhetorical knowledge was a video talking about the importance of
knowing how to read for my 11th grade English class. Before this assignment I never had
recorded a video so I had to play around conventions, design, tone and structure. Yes, I believe
rhetorical knowledge is important because it allows you to analyze and compose different range
of texts that make you grow as a writer. I believe the people who need these skills are the
doctors, teachers, writers, and marketing executives. The types of careers that use these skills are
medical, teaching, and business. One of the future instances I might need this skill is when I
compose a web cam presentation for my job as a health educator I will use a range of
technologies to adapt to the audience I am targeting so I can properly share my content. Also
another instance is creating a flyer to promote the heart health in order to create the flyer I would
have to play around with mechanics, formality, design among other factors.
Part two: 200-word reflection on Critical Reflection
I would have to say before this class I never use critical reflection to help me articulate
my thought about my writing process and what I was doing correctly and incorrectly. Now
looking back, I wished my high school teachers would have assigned classwork that had to do

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with critical reflection because its so important to the concept of revision. Now in this class I like
to go back and mentally do a critical reflection on what I need to work at in order to achieve a
great paper. Today I do think critical reflection is important because it helps you with rhetorical
awareness that shows how reflection is essential for learning. I believe the people who need these
skills are health educators, authors, and investigators. In the future in my career as a community
health educator I will use critical reflection to determine if a health awareness event I hosted was
successful and assess my event based on what I can do to improve like communication skills.
Also I would use critical reflection in my future career by assessing how I use my writing
process to make plans for future wellness events. I also critical reflection is a good skill in my
future career because as health educator I have to critical reflect on other peoples health.
Part three: 200-word reflection on Knowledge of Conventions

I always used knowledge of conventions before this class because in high school my
English teachers always made me do assignments like writing research papers in which I had to
learn how to cite my sources. I would I have used knowledge of conventions before this class
because in high school my English teachers always made me do assignments like writing
research papers in which I had to learn how to cite my sources. I would practice citing my
sources in MLA format by documenting the fair use and copyright of my sources than structure
them in MLA format. Indeed, I believe knowledge of conventions are important because the
guide you in the right direction of the appropriate use of grammar, punctuation and spelling also
formatting. The people who would need these skills in their career would be teachers. In the
future I will use knowledge of conventions to help guide me when I am writing papers and letters
because they are a useful in the composing process.

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Part Four: 200-word reflection on each of the five SLOs

Rhetorical Knowledge
Before this class, the writing experiences that helped me understand this learning
outcome was making a video in my 11th grade English class about the importance of knowing
how to read. In this course one of the assignments that helped me learned this learning outcome
was my blog response to Amy Tan because I never written a blog response until this class. Also
the assignment of journal entry on multimodal text because I got to practice and learned what
multimodal projects were. Multimodal projects are when you take something from print based
and make it into something more 3d dimensional.
Critical Reading
Before this course, the writing experiences that helped me understand this learning
outcome are doing book reports for my high school English classes. By doing the book reports I
was expose into finding the rhetorical choices of the writer and analyzing the diverse texts they
wrote in. In this course the activities that helped me learned this learning outcome are the blog
and reader response to the following articles to The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and
Me by Sherman Alexie, Scholarship Boy by Richard Rodriguez, Disliking Books by Gerald
Graff. Other examples of assignments that have helped me learned this outcome are Summary
and Response to Murray and Reverse outline of Brandts article. Each of the activities in this
course targeted a specific diverse texts and writing out blog response helped us critically
examine the work of others.

Composing Processes

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Before this course, the writing experiences that helped me understand this learning
outcome are writing papers in my high school English class and making a booklet that had tips
for drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising and rewriting and rereading and editing. In this
course the activities that helped me learned this learning outcome were my literacy project,
invention draft, and genre analysis. The activities I done in this class made me learn more about
revising than anything else. Revising was big for me because in this course we did numerous of
peer reviews of each draft of each of the projects we had to complete in this course. The
feedback from the peer reviews made me learn to catch my mistakes on my papers.
Knowledge of Conventions
Before this course, the writing experience that helped me understand this learning
outcome was the transition of my research paper into a PowerPoint and then a Prezi. The
assignments in this course that helped me learned this learning outcome was my remediation
project because I learned so many new mechanics of building a Prezi. Building a Prezi for my
remediation project was a good experience because I learned to add audio so I had to learn how
to use an appropriate tone to narrated my project. I learned a lot of insightful things about
building a Prezi from my peers.
Critical Reflection
Before this course, I didnt have the writing experiences that helped me understand this
learning outcome. In high school I was more consider with other learning outcomes that focus on
the paper I am writing rather then reflecting on what I wrote about. In this course the activities
that helped me learned this learning outcome reviewer memo and letter to instructor. My
reviewer memo made me reflect what I did I felt unsecure about in my literacy snapshot essay so
my peers could help me target those insecurities. My letter to instructor helped me practice

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critical reflection because I had to use my rhetorical awareness to target my issues and provide
insight into what I believed I wasnt doing right.
Part 5: Portfolio Page Building
List as many things as possible that you learned in the course.
It might help to scan back over all your work one more time. Think about all the Parlors,
group work, daybook entries, discussion forums, etc.
Journal about Multimodal text

Narrow down from your list just ONE CONCEPT you learned that seems most important or
most meaningful.
Reviewer Memo
Voice and Vitality exercise
Second Draft Revised Genre Analysis
5 revision goals
Find at least 4 artifacts of your work that demonstrate or reveal you learning, writing about, or
practicing this concept.
Reviewer Memo
Voice and Vitality exercise
Second Draft Revised Genre Analysis
5 revision goals
What course learning outcomes can you draw connections to through these artifacts and/or this
Critical reflection
Remember that any one artifact or concept can connect to multiple course learning outcomes.
This is a potential page for your portfolio.

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