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Marcy Garcia

Ashely Marcum
UWRT 1101
March 21,2016
Midterm Course Reflection
Part One
I have practiced the concepts of the composing processes before this class in my 12th
grade honors English class. My teacher Mrs. Andrews made us create a writing process booklet
that showcase each of the pieces we need to compose an essay the strategies were drafting,
reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading and editing. This booklet helped me
create my senior project research paper and got me a good grade on it because it was well
structure. Honestly I do believe they are important because it helps a writer gather their thoughts
to successfully articulate their ideas depending on what type of piece of writing assignment they
are given. I believe all people who are in higher education should have these skills because
writing is a major part of your college years. Examples of this includes essay exams, essay
assignments and writing portfolios. The type of fields and career that should use the composing
processes skills are Medical, Law, and Business because they offer more opportunities for you to
write for example reports, portfolios and plans. The future instances I might need the skills of the
composing processes are in writing a report for a hospital since my career goal is to become a
hospital director.
Part Two

Not until this class I fully practiced some of these concepts of critical reading which has
helped me become a better reader that actually engages in what she has read. The one skill I still
need to work is reading to locate and evaluate primary and secondary research materials,
including journal articles and essays, books, scholarly and professionally established and
maintained databases or archives, and informal electronic networks and internet sources but with
the help of this class I feel like eventually we will get an assign reading to help me and my
classmates. So far in this class we have a lot of reading assignments that have covered the critical
reading skills. Yes, I believe they are important because its gives you the opportunity to explore
your ability to read and then assess the information that is important. The people who need to
have these skills are basically everyone because reading is essentially to life. Reading is
essentially to life because it determines your use of critical reading for inquiry, learning and
discovering. The types of field and careers that use the skills of critical reading are teachers,
psychiatrists, judges, epidemiologists and nurses. In future instances where I might need critical
reading skills is when reading clinical data. Also I would need these skills when reading medical
Part Three
My reflection letter to instructor based on my literacy project corresponds to my learning
about critical reflection. Based on the fourth bullet under the description of critical reflection
(Understand that reflection is a necessary part of learning, thinking, and communicating). I
reflected on what I learn which was how to properly use voice and vitality. I used my reflection
letter to help me think of how I achieved a revision goal which was to add more descriptive
details in my snapshot which include the oral literacy snapshot. Also I use the letter as form of

communication to my instructor so they could be aware of the revisions and doubts I had about
my literacy project.
My reader response on Amy Tan Mother Tongue corresponds to my learning of critical
reading. According to the first bullet under the description of critical reading (Use reading for
inquiry, learning and discovery). I read for Mother Tongue for inquiry by summarizing what the
article was about which was examining how Amy Tan a Chinese-American writer describes her
account of how her mothers broken English shaped her passion for falling in love with language
and the impact your life has from your family language background. What I learned is that a
parents language can be inspirational. Lastly I achieved discovery by identifying myself with
Amy Tan on the fact that I was once ashamed of my mother tongue but as I got older I learned to
embrace it and even praise it because it makes her unique.
The voice and vitality exercise I completed corresponds to my learning of rhetorical
knowledge. Due to the third bullet under the description of rhetorical knowledge (Develop the
flexibility that enables writers to shift voice, tone, formality, design, medium and layout
intentionally to accommodate varying situations and contexts). I made a change to my snapshot
of my favorite writing experience that shifted from a more serious tone to a more engaging tone
with my use of dialogue and I used storytelling to showcase my voice. I did this change in order
to accommodate to the varying situations and contexts of the overall snapshot and create a better
picture for my reader.
The assignment of the reviewer memo corresponds to my learning about composing
processes. Based on the first bullet under the description of composing processes (Develop
flexible strategies for drafting, reviewing, collaborating, revising, rewriting, rereading, and
editing). I used my draft of my literacy project to complete the reviewer memo it brought to my

attention the reviewing I needed to do on my grammar mistakes and how I need to collaborate
the ideas of my classmates Travis and Cody who pointed me into the direction of adding more
details. I revised and rewrote by changing the direction of my favorite writing experience
snapshot by adding storytelling. Lastly I reread and edit by taking out word or sentences that
didn't make sense in my essay.
The assignment of the progress of the remediation project process corresponds to my
learning and practice of knowledge of conventions. Based on the first bullet (Gain experience
negotiating variations in conventions by genre, from print-based compositions to multi-modal
compositions). I used my remediation project to make my literacy project which was a print
based into a genre composition of a Prezi which is a multimodal composition. The Prezi was
more entertaining and allow for me to create something more fun to present to my classmates
and instructor.
Part Four
Critical Reflection

Reader response to The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me by Sherman

Reader response to Scholarship Boy by Richard Rodriguez

Reader response to Disliking Books by Gerald Graff

Critical Reading

Summary and Response to Murray

Reverse outline of Brandts article

Rhetoric knowledge

Journal Entry About Multimodal Texts

Composing Processes

Literacy Project

Invention Draft
Knowledge of Conventions

Remediation Project

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