Scope and Sequence - Tws Student Teaching

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Scope and Sequence





a. Needs throughout the life span
b. Changing needs
Banking Skills
a. Financial Institutions
i. Checking account
ii. Savings account
iii. Certificate of Deposit
iv. Money market deposit account
v. Savings bond
b. Account options and management
c. Debit/credit cards
d. Electronic transactions
College readiness
a. How to choose the college for you
i. Understanding how to use Naviance
b. How to pay for college
i. Scholarships
1. Getting good grades
2. Writing good applications
ii. Grants
iii. Student loans
c. What to expect the first year
Saving and Investments
a. Types
i. Include 401K, IRA, Mutual Funds-other job related investment options
ii. Stocks and Bonds-how to choose and use
b. Risk/reward relationship
Financial planning resources
a. Financial institutions and organizations

Friday April 15
(Day 1)

Content Covered

Students will take a pre-assessment of

their knowledge about bank accounts,
saving and investing. Then they will read
an article (literacy) and put together a
matching activity about different banking
types. Then in groups they will research
more in depth (literacy & technology)
about a specific assigned account type and
present it to the class.
Monday April 18 We will review the savings activity the

Teaching Methods
Pre-assessment, Collaborative
learning, Group work,
Computer research,

Alternative assessment with

(Day 2)

students did the day before and they will

get scenarios about different saving goals
and have to determine which bank account
would be the best type for their needs.
Then students will work in groups to
create vocab posters which they will then
go around to and create their own vocab
sheets. Then we will do a tossing game to
help them determine their risk personality.
Tuesday April 19 The school career and college counselor
(Day 3)
will come in and give a lesson on
preparing for college. Students will learn
how to use Naviance (technology) to help
them figure which college might be best
for them, how to pay for college, what
they can do now to prepare for paying for
college, and what they can expect the first
year of college.
Wednesday April All students are required to attend the
Career XPO hosted by the school. The
school has different activities for them to
Thursday April We will start off the class with a
compound interest simulation that will last
(Day 4)
the whole class. The students will have
money that increases every 20 minutes
depending on how much money they still
have. Students will be able to spend their
money on a class store. While the
simulation is happening I will be lecturing
about investment types while the students
take notes. At the end of the lecture the
students will complete a worksheet about
compounding interest, the rule of 72, and
the difference in low-risk investments and
high-risk investments (numeracy).
Friday April 22
On the last day of the unit we will review
(Day 5)
the information about banking types,
saving, and investing with a Kahoot
(technology). Then the students will have
some time to study on their own before
taking the post-assessment. After a short
break, the students will take the post-

the scenarios, Class

discussion, group work, selfled notes, Game/simulation

Lecture, Demonstration,
Class discussion, Computer

Lecture, Teacher-led notes,
Individual work

Summarizing, Reviewing,
Post-assessment, Partner

assessment, then they will work on a

roommate agreement.

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