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Teacher: Sarah Banes



School: Mountain View High School

Grade Level: 10
Content Area: Pre- AP English
Title: Argumentative Writing Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Lesson #: 2 of 3

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

10.3.3d Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
10.1.1b Select organizational patterns and structures and choose precise vocabulary and
rhetorical devices
Inquiry Questions:
How does an author use ethos, pathos and logos to formulate an effective argument?
Students will understand that ethos, pathos and logos are techniques used to persuade an audience.
Evidence Outcomes:
I am able to identify ethos, pathos and logos in a famous speech.
Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:
Identifying ethos, pathos and logos in the Pearl Harbor Speech by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name
Approx. Time
Anticipatory Set

Ethos, Pathos, Logos Argumentative Writing

40 minutes

Students analyzed the setting, tone, audience and purpose in Pearl Harbor Speech by Fra
the day before.
Instructor will review day before material by asking questions and students sharing out.






Reminders (this is a classroom norm)

Review from day before
Notes: Ethos, Pathos and Logos
Introduce practice activity with Pearl Harbor Speech by FDR and graphic organi
Do first couple together as a class.
Students have rest of class to finish
Go over answers end of class

Going over students answers at the end of class and the So What of the lesson.

Powerpoint, graphic organizer

To modify, instead of three examples each, students who need modifications can do one ex

Student ability to identify ethos, pathos and logos in a persuasive speech.

As a summative assessment, students will be asked to form their own arguments about a to
pathos and logos to argue their position.

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