2 Amended Style Sheet

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Joseph Saragosa

Amended Style Sheet for Project #2

Justin Orders, Evan Siler and Malcolm Harris
Cover Sheet
Times New Roman pt. 14
Main Document
Main Heading: Times New Roman Bold pt. 14
Second Heading: Times New Roman Bold Underline pt. 12
Third Heading: Times New Roman Bold pt. 12
Basal Text: Times New Roman pt. 12
Emphasis: Times New Roman Italics pt. 12
Bulleted for nonordered; numbered for ordered
Information listed in MLA style.
Begin each listed item in the same way and maintain
parallel structure throughout
Use periods for completed sentences
Basic Copyediting
( Document should be approached as a professional report:
1 Language used should be understood by the intended
audience. Leave out some articles, pronouns, and
some verbs if clarity is unaffected
( Voice, Mood, Tense, Point of View:
( Past-tense Voice
( Imperative mood
( First person point of view
( Intext Terms:
J. Murrey Atkins Library
Use when introducing the study and interface
Use when referring to the group of people who were tested and
gave feedback to the interface/testing
Write numbers from zero through ten as words, and write
numbers above ten as numerals
Document: Final Report
OCLC: Online Computer Library Center (made the
UNCC: The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
World Cat: A product of OCLC, the online catalog being

Joseph Saragosa

Report Overview Executive Summary ( 1 page)

A brief overview of the study, including:
( The goal of the study (interface improvements)
( Primary role of the service analyzed in the study (to fix the
beta before it becomes alpha.
( Who conducted the study (group members of Dr. Gregory
Wickliffs ENGL-4181 class)
( Methodologies used (task performance testing and
( Number of participants and the demographic they
represent (Five students at UNCC)
( Study revealtiziations (potential areas of improvement)
( The reports includes introduction to project, problems
discovered and suggested solutions
( The study revealed there were multiple problems that
almost every tester faced that we the group members felt
were significant enough to change or bring to the attention of
( Background ( 1 page)
( Identify audience (OCLC, ENGL 4183 class, students and
Rachael Winterling
( Identify products uses (online library resource)
( Define methodologies (created test for users to complete
and monitored their performance through video that was
analyzed for patterns/problems)
( List the predetermined questions/tasks used during the
1. Search for a book related to a class in your major that you are currently taking.
A. Is this book available in the Atkins Library at this time?
B. Create a citation, in any format, for this book.
b. Find an eBook for Hunger Games Catching Fire.
A. Is this available for download?
b. What floor is the book Curious George by H.A. Ray located on?
A. Is it available for checkout?
B. If not, when is it due back?
B. Find a copy of the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo written in French.
A. Where is the closest place to get this book that is NOT Atkins
b. Locate a peer reviewed copy of The Scam by Hochstein R.A.
A. Are you able to view the entire text?

( Duration of the methodology (30 minute sessions)
( How the methodology was captured (UNCC screen

Joseph Saragosa
( Include job duties of the individuals running the
methodology (roles were rotated between note-taker and
Recruitment (12 paragraphs)
( Testers were selected based on their availability to be tested
and needed to be UNCC students who needed to use the
( Testers were bought a meal/drink on campus
( Five participants in the study
( Information about incentives, if any.
Participant Demographics (1 Paragraph)
Define the participant demographics (UNCC
students/upperclassmen/varying majors and expertise with
the interface)
Findings are based on what the facilitator/observer identified through
the sessions. Depending on the methodology the findings can include:
needs analysis, the processes taken per individual task, a description
of the success rate, ease of completion, errors, and participant
( Include visuals to show the findings
( Detailed description of the sessions (stepbystep)
( Include images to support recommendations
Conclusion ( 23 Paragraphs)
( Summary of findings
What the study uncovered
Overall recommendations
( Inquiry of future studies
( How the recommendations developed
( List of recommendations including the suggestion and
improvements it would bring
( Secondary documentation can be included

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