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Michael Culp

H.S. 2990
Professor Diritsky
Roles and Skills
Determine the clients appropriateness for admission into the
program or referral if necessary
Determine the clients eligibility for admission or referral.
Adhere to all laws, regulations, and agency policies governing
alcohol and other drug abuse services.
Skills acquired for this role are:
You must have knowledge of State and Federal laws. You must have an
understanding of agency policies about admission. Understand the goal of
ensuring the safety of not only the clients but the staff as well. Clients who
have a history of violence or unreasonable risk of violent behavior along
with 1st or 2nd degree of murder, voluntary manslaughter, aggravated
vehicular homicide, arsonist, kidnapping, abduction, child stealing, rape,
sexual battery, felonious sexual penetration and offenses which the victim is
a child will be rejected but referred to another agency.
Active Listening skill by giving full attention to what other people are
saying, asking questions as in a professional and appropriate manner. Also
effectively listen for any situation that may need crisis intervention and have

the knowledge to do so. Knowledge of existing public and private payment

plans including treatment orientation and coverage options
Good Communication skills and professional conduct: These skills are
needed because during the screening process you will be talking to agencies
as well as correctional institutions looking for placement.
Complete the required documents for admission to the program
Obtain signed consents forms to protect client confidentiality and
Provide an overview of the client about the program operations.
Provide an overview to the client about the programs rules and client
obligation and rights.
Skills for this role:
Be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the policies and procedure of the
company. Familiar with the current responsibilities you are required to
perform as a member of the staff. For example, I have been trained in the
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) policy and aware of my responsibility.
I have demonstrated an attention to detail to ensure the intake paperwork is
properly filled out.
Demonstrating effective verbal and nonverbal communication.
Accurately identify what Stage of Change to client is in by eliciting
relevant information from the client using Motivational Interviewing.

Demonstrate empathy, respect, and genuineness.

Able to present relevant alcohol and other drug use/abuse and criminal
conduct free lifestyle information to the client through formal group
Maintain appropriate boundaries with clients as outlined in agency Code of
Ethics, Social Workers and Chemical Dependency Counselor Ethnical Code.
Recognizes antisocial thinking and behaviors addressing them immediately,
positively, and in a non-threatening manner.
Speaks positively about program, Agency and Colleagues. Displays
prosocial thinking and prosocial behavior. Demonstrates respect toward
clients and colleagues.

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