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Michael Culp

H.S. 2990
Professor Diritsky
Personal Inventory
Part 2
As a child I was taught that knowledge is power. But Ive
recently learned that its only half the equation. My education
has given me the knowledge of the foundation of substance
abuse/addiction. It has help me to separate the facts from the
myths concerning AOD use/abuse. Through my education Ive
learned the disease of addiction and how it effects the not only
that individual, but the whole family. I learned how it is important
the meet the client where they are at. And process where they
are according to the stages of change, in order to know how to
proceed. Ive learned in class all the dynamics that go along with
running a proper group. I can go on and on about all the
knowledge Ive learned, but as I said, its only half the equation.
This is where the practicum site experience comes into play.
Applied knowledge is power. During my practicum experience I
have an opportunity to apply the knowledge that Ive learned in
the classroom. I have learned my strengths and weaknesses by
creating learning objectives and received feedback from your
supervisor. This is a unique learning opportunity I have embraced
the mistakes and the many things that you wont know. I ask

questions, observe, and take risks. By doing this it helped me

gain confidence in my abilities. I can remember the first time I
was asked to facilitate group by myself it was very intimidating
but the more times I did it, the easier it became. All so, I use to
take me forever to write group note which I different now.
Motivation Interviewing teaches to roll with resistance and now I
see how it feels. Through my practicum site Ive gained practical
experience, by applying methods and theories learned in classes.
The personal quality I possess that supports competency in
this field is a desire to help others. Ever since I was a child with
my family we were always help people through the church.
Before making the decision the pursuit a career in Human Service,
I was limited in the knowledge of helping. While at Tri-C Ive gain
the knowledge to be more effective and competent in this career
field. I understand the importance of building on my strengths
and learning from my weaknesses. From practical experience I
have gain a better insight in the treatment process from
screening to discharge. Through my practicum site Ive trained
under different treatment services; residential, dual diagnosis
residential, intensive and non-intensive outpatient clients. Group
facilitation using the Department of Ohio Correctional
rehabilitation approved curriculum. Proficient in using Motivation
Interviewing, Reality and Cognitive Behavior therapy. Dedicated
to the collaborative working relationship between everyone
involved with the client by attending weekly staffings.

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