Assessment Data and Analysis

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There are two assessments for this unit that will be analyzed in this section: the pre-assessment and the summative post
assessment. The pre-assessment was scored out of a total of 24 points, based on their answers and ability to correctly use
various types of figurative language. The summative post assessment was scored out of a total of 24 based on their ability
to correctly use various forms of figurative language and poetry. See rubric on Assessment Tools tab for more
information. The first graph depicts the pre-assessment and post-assessment results by student, while the second graph
depicts the pre-assessment and post-assessment results by class.

Data Analysis
Pre-Assessment & Post-Assessment Results-By Student



A sample of 5 students from each class were taken to make a total of 20 students. Each students scores reflect both the
pre-assessment (red) and post-assessment (green). Since many students did not know answers on the pre-assessment they
were left blank, so they received no points for unanswered questions. Most students improved scores from the preassessment to the post-assessment. Some students remained the same. Students who were not able to use figurative
language on the pre-assessment because lack of understanding were able to use figurative language within their Poetry
Packet. Most students demonstrated a general knowledge of forms of poetry on their post-assessment although they could
not on the pre-assessment. It is evident that learning did occur within the unit. It could also be determined that the Poetry
Packet was a more accurate assessment of student learning because the demonstration of knowledge was deeper than in
the pre-assessment.
Pre-Assessment & Post-Assessment Results-By Class



Both the pre-assessment (red) and post-assessment (green) scores in each class were relatively aligned. Class 4 scored
higher on the pre-assessment than the other classes. Class 3 scored lower on the pre-assessment than the other classes but
not by much. It is evident that each class improved scores, however, it could be determined that the Poetry Packet was a
more accurate depiction of student knowledge because the learning being assessed was required to come from a deeper
demonstration of knowledge.
A strength of the assessment plan is that they are parallel. Although the modes of assessment are different, the
components being assessed are the same. However, the post-assessment did not directly assess general student attitude
about poetry while the pre-assessment did. There are some discrepancies between students who generally had low
motivation to complete the periodic assignments on time, therefore, their post-assessment grades were lower.

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