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1. 8 years ago, I __________ play the piano.

2. In 3 years I __________ drive.
3. __________ you hear the music right now?
4. I __________ swim.
5. __________ go to the party tomorrow?
6. She __________ finish the homework last night.
7. The singer __________ dance very well.
8. The teacher __________ see the books right now.
9. I __________ vote in the election next year.
10. I __________ hear you. Could you please speak louder?
11. The music teacher ___________ play the piano very well. She plays every class.
12. When I was a child, I ___________ run faster than I can run now.
13. After my classes, I ___________ speak English very well.
14. My brother ___________ drive a car. He does not have his license.
15. I didn't have much time last night, so I ___________ finish my homework.
16. She has to work tomorrow, so she ___________ come to the party.
17. ___________ you hear the music? It is very quiet.
18. He ___________ come to class yesterday because he had a doctor's appointment.
19. My boss ___________ meet with us tomorrow. He will be away all day.
20. This book is very small. I ___________ read the words on the page.
1. James and Sara were so sad because they

go to their brother's

wedding. They were too sick.

2. The students

understand the instructions for the test yesterday, so many

of them failed.
3. A: We have a big problem. What

we do? B: I don't know. Maybe we

ask our boss for help.

4. When Tina was a child, she

speak three languages: French, Arabic and

English. She rarely practiced French, so she

5. I'm sorry. I

hear you. Please speak more loudly.

6. My little brother

7. Excuse me.

speak it anymore.

play piano and guitar.

I ask you a question?

1) Complete each sentence by using the phrases from the box.
Rarely have - No sooner had -Under no circumstances are -Not only did - as did Under no circumstances will - Were you -Hardly had- Little did- Rarely have
1. __________________ we arrived at the hotel when there was a power cut.
2. __________________ members of staff to accept gratuities from clients.
3. __________________ Detective Dawson realize what she was to discover.
4. __________________ to pay full amount now, there would be a ten per cent
5. I supposed, __________________ most people, that I would be retiring at 60.
6. __________________ the doctors seen a more difficult case.
7. __________________ Jean win first prize but she was also offered a promotion.
8. __________________ late arrivals be admitted to the theater before the interval.
9. __________________ one missing child been found that another three disappeared.
10. __________________ so many employees taken sick leave at the same time.
2) Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. Jim promised that he would never/never would he tell anyone else.

2. Not until it was too late I remembered/did I remember to call Susan.

3. Hardly had we settled down in our seats than/when the lights went out.
4. Only after checking three times I was/was I certain of the answer.
5. At no time I was aware/was I aware of anything out of the ordinary.
6. Only Catherine and Sally passed/did they pass the final examination.
7. Only when Pete has arrived/has Pete arrived can we begin the program.
8. No sooner had it stopped raining then/when the sun came out.


1. If I had more time, I (come)__________ to your party yesterday.
2. Give the book to Jane if you (read)__________ it.
3. If you hadn't lost our flight tickets, we (be)__________ on our way to the Caribbean
4. If you (have)__________ dinner right now, I'll come back later.
5. If we (set)__________ off earlier, we wouldn't be in this traffic jam now.
6. What would you do if you (accuse)__________ of murder?
7. If I hadn't eaten that much, I (feel / not)__________ so sick now.
8. We would take another route if they (close / not)__________ the road.
9. She only (sing)__________ if she's in a good mood.
10. If she were sensible, she (ask / not )__________that question, by which she
offended him so much.

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