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Spare Parts - Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journals (RRJs) are an informal space for you to explore the readings as well as your own reading
process. The first step to writing an RRJ is to read carefully, taking notes on the text as you go. RRJs should include the

A brief summary of the chapters (5-8 sentences) including major events, characters, and important information
about setting (place and time).

type your summary in the box: The chapter starts telling that the kids meet at the robotics closet to discuss how they are
going to build the ROV and what materials they are going to use. Materials that came into the discussion were machined
metal, glass syntactic flotation foam and polyvinyl chloride, with the last one being chosen over the other two. The next
chapter talks about how Lorenzo was bullied at school and went into the brink of being expelled of school, but the principal
gave him a second opportunity to stay, otherwise, Lorenzo would have probably join a gang. The next chapter talks about
the ROVs third task: The robots would have to locate the barrel, insert a probe into a half-inch pipe, and extract a fivehundred-millimeter sample, all while hovering underwater. The next brief section is about Lorenzos family receiving a
letter saying that they were going to lose the house because they supposedly havent paid the mortgage, although
Lorenzos mom said she has been but didnt have the receipts to prove it. The next part tells about how they assembled
the ROV. Last chapter talks about what happened on the Arizona regionals in Veterans Memorial Coliseum where the
ROV competition took place. At the end they ended up in the middle position of their division (thirty-ninth out of seventythree teams).


Your response to the reading (5-8 sentences) including your opinions about and reaction to the assigned
chapters. This section is a place to think deeply about the book and the emotions and complex ideas it brings up for

type your response in the box I think the reading this week was very nice because finally the boys assembled their ROV
and went to compete. My favorite part was when Lorenzo was given a second chance in school, I thought the principal
was very kindhearted and did the right thing. Im glad the boys managed to solve the problems their ROV presented when
they were in the competition and never gave up. Also what made me sad was the small chapter where Lorenzos family
received a letter saying they were going to lose the house because they havent pay the mortgage yet. For some reason it
made me think why humble low income people have to pass through this hardships, life is not fair. Furthermore, another
thing that I liked in this chapter was how Fredi was willing to help Lorenzo with his problem of bullying, I think hes being
empathetic and very kind. There are still nice people in the world.


2 discussion questions. These should be openended questions that could lead to an interesting conversation, not
factbased yes or no questions.

Type your discussion questions in the box

Why do you think Fredi is helping Lorenzo with his bullying issues?
What do you think about Lorenzos family situation of being at the risk of losing their home?


An explanation of your reading process. How did this weeks reading go for you? Discuss specific sections that
made you confused or questions that you have about the text. Point out strategies that helped you overcome
challenges in your reading. Choose one or two of the following prompts to develop your ideas:
While I was reading,
I felt confused when so I
I was distracted by but then I
I started to think aboutbecause
The time went quickly because
I figured outby
I finally understood
I remembered that earlier in the book
I was reminded of

Type your reading process here This week while I was reading I underlined important events and descriptions, specially
specifications about the ROV the boys built. When I read about Lorenzo being bullied at school, I was reminded of times
when I was bullied in school too, there will always be that mean heartless person that will try to hurt you in any way.
Luckily high school is over and now I have a better life in PCC. When I didnt understand how the ROV was assembled, I
did a sketch of how I imagined the ROV looked like according to the descriptions on the book. In addition, I was on an
online dictionary so when I encountered a word I didnt understand I would just search for it on the internet.

5. 3-5 significant words from this particular readingwords that you feel are important to understand the text, or
that you have decided to learn to develop your academic vocabulary. Define the words you choose and explain
why you chose them.

Type the words that you found significant here with your explanations

juggernaut: a huge powerful object or thing

The new battleship is a juggernaut.

affix: to stick or attach something into something else

Can you affix this piece of metal into the lower part of the machine?

snapped: to act or move with quick or abrupt motions of the body

The burglars snapped when they heard the police car coming.

walloped: to strike with a vigorous blow

The fighter walloped his opponent making him unconscious.

You will receive complete credit on every RRJ (20 points) by thoughtfully completing the steps as described above, looking
at the rubric to check completeness, and by turning your RRJ in on time. The RRJs are a space for you to think through
the readings without having to worry too much about grammar, organization, and the other requirements of more formal
writing assignments. However, do follow basic rules such as capitalizing I and using appropriate language.

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