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Olivia Bloom

Debra Jizi
UWRT 1102
19 February 2016
Double Entry Journal
Citation: Lyubomirsky, Sonja. "How Happy Are You and Why?" Pursuing Happiness. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martin's, 2016. 179-196. Print.
Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Have you ever known someone who is

Yes, I thought I was a genuinely happy

deeply and genuinely happy? (pg. 179)

person until I met one of my best friends in

middle school. She is such a happy person
no matter what life throws at her. She is also
someone I look up to because of her faith in
God. All the Christians I know are always
genuinely happy, I feel like happiness and
faith work together.

Angela (pg. 180)

In her story she looks at the good in things

that she has in the moment. I you look back
on the terrible things that happened to you
they are only going to make you bitter and
sad. I feel like the only way to be happy when
youve gone through things like she has is to
look forward.

Randy (pg. 181)

In his story he had some terrible things that

happened to him when he was younger. He

knows that if he just keeps looking forward he

can still be happy. He knows to look at the
good in things because if you only focus on
the bad things in a situation it is going to be
bad nothing good will come out of it.
Shannon (pgs.181-182)

I understand where Shannon is coming from,

because it makes sense; if you were so
happy as a little kid you never were taught
how to get through tough situations.

If youre not happy today, then you wont be

I find this a little off. Just because Im going

happy tomorrow unless you take things into

through it right now. I am not happy in

your own hands and take action. (pg. 185)

college, I cannot wait to get out to start my life

and be happy. I think it all depends on the
situation at hand. I know that to get where I
want to be I need to be in college, but I
absolutely despise it, but I know once I get
out I will be happy with my life just because I
cant wait to start my career as a fashion
buyer. Im trying to take action to be happy
but it is very difficult when you are doing
something you dislike doing.

the first step you should take toward

Wow. I guess I needed to hear that because

reaching greater lasting happiness is to put

all I can think about is how much I hate

those things aside in your mind for now.

school and its not helping.

(pg. 186)

your genetically predisposition for

I disagree with this. I dont think that our

happiness (or unhappiness) accounts for 50

happiness is 50 percent of a set point in our

percent of the differences between you and

lives. I think it fluctuates, theres no way

everyone else. (pg. 186)

someone is either happy or unhappy because

of a 50 percent of the set point.

Helen and Audrey (pgs. 187-188)

I dont understand how 2 identical twins have

the same happiness level even though they
both have 2 completely different situations. I
feel like there are more factors in play here,
then them having the same level of happiness
just because they are twins.

So, although you may be made temporarily

I feel like this is true. When it talked about it

ecstatic or miserable by what comes to

being a genetic thing where your set point is, I

pass, it seems that you cant help eventually

dont think that is true. I honestly think how

returning to your set point. (pg. 190)

your life is when you are little and learning

things is how you get that set point of
happiness. I do agree with this quote because
you cant stay ecstatic or miserable forever,
you have to come down or up from whatever
happened. It might something good or bad to
look back on but nothing would happen that
can keep you that way forever.

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