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Olivia Bloom

Professor Debra Jizi

UWRT 1102
10 February 2016
Double Entry Journal
Joshanlop, Mohen, and Dan Weijers. "Aversion to Happiness Across Cultures." Pursuing
Happiness. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2016. 267-279. Print.
Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Our research has shown us that many

Well of course it happens to happy people, it

people are averse to happiness because

happen to sad people too. You cant not want

bad things, such as unhappiness, suffering,

to be happy just because you dont want to

and death, tend to happen to happy people. risk being sad later on down the road.
(pg. 268)
happiness can be frightening if you

Are you really happy if you are waiting for the

believe that when I feel happy I am always

bad things to come? If you are truly happy

waiting for something bad to happen (pg.

you will look for the good in things when bad


things do happen.

In traditional Christianity, if happinessis

First off if they are a true Christian they

not accompanied by salvation and grace, it

should know you arent going to be happy all

might draw a true Christian away from God,

the time, there are trials and things you are

something which could be greatly feared.

going to go through that probably wont bring


happiness to you. In the end it might because

it all leads to something great but just
because you dont have happiness in

something you are doing for God doesnt

make one turn away from God. I honestly
dont understand what they are trying to say
here. I mean maybe a person who doesnt try
to live their life for God, but a TRUE Christian
will know better.
happiness is worthy of aversion because

How can being unhappy make someone

it can make someone less creative. (pg.

more creative? I thought you would be more


creative the more happier you are, because if

you are unhappy why would you want to be

Happy people are also seen as being

I can see how someone can be distracted

distracted from God, making them morally

from God because they are happy but like I

and spiritually deficient (pg. 271)

said above a true Christian will know to thank

God for the happiness they are having.

In contrast, sad people are often defined as

Can happy people not be just as serious and

serious and deep. (pg. 271)

deep as well?

expressing happiness or outwardly

Why cant people be happy for the people

displaying success can arouse envy.. (pg.

that are happy, why do they need to be


envious that should make them want to strive

to be happier. So basically people dont want
to show their happiness because they dont
want to make others jealous? So then we are
just going to live in a dull sad world?

some people fear happiness because

So people dont want to be happy because

they think it will make them selfish and

they would rather be sad and unhappy so

insensitive to the needs of others (pg.

they wont be making other people feel bad


about themselves? I honestly dont

understand where this book got its tests
because being happy should bring joy to
others as well, I think being happy makes
other people happy.

I understand that sometimes people dont want to try to be happy because they dont want to
risk hurting others and dont want to seem selfish. I think it is interesting that people would think
that other peoples feelings matter most to them then their own. If I really believe this statement
then I would notice that maybe people do care how others feel more than themselves, which is
strange because everyone nowadays seem self-absorbed. This could be true if they are talking
about sometimes, in some situations, but not all the time in day to day activities that make you
happy. Its hard to agree with something that says we dont deserve to be happy because we
think it will make other people unhappy but in my experience if you are happy and dont rub in
other peoples faces then it could make other people happy as well.

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