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Flowerdale, April 2010

 There are some strong indicators supporting

the establishment of new organics producers,
◦ Health/well being is a major factor in markets
◦ Sustainability is gaining momentum
◦ Biological farming is the new farming system
 However
◦ The days of just growing and selling are over!
◦ Especially in an emerging sector like organics!
◦ Too many emerging agribusiness opportunities have failed from
being production driven (and not focused on the market)!
◦ New opportunities need to be built around the “whole supply chain”
What are Your Target Markets?

 Food Service and Specialty Stores

◦ big growth in franchises and chains
◦ big growth in health and wellbeing (organics,
functional, biodynamic)
 Regional/local markets
◦ growth in farmers markets, food trails, events,
tourist/visitor outlets
 Industrial
◦ more outsourcing of contract manufacturing for
other companies or under their brand
 Home delivery re-emerging
 E-commerce?
Grower Grower Grower

Packing, Value Adding

-Some of these steps
might not apply
- Some might be Manufacturing
- Some might be the Marketing
- Some might need
growers to collaborate Distribution
to make it happen

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