Week 6 Portfolio Reflection

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Was the lesson plan accurate?

This lesson plan which was implemented in

week 6 of 1st semester was fairly accurate as the lesson went through definitions,
reflections on own learning and why the topic is good and bad for students. Each
example given that was used incorporated the think/pair/share method so that
the students could understand different ways that other people worked out the
equations. Once shared, one person from each table drew up their equation on
the whiteboard so that the whole class could gain an even wider range of ideas
to work with.
Was the lesson plan appropriate? I think that this lesson was appropriate in
terms of the audience receiving the information to enhance the knowledge on
the algorithm topic. Personally, this gave an extended insight in to how different
types of learners can figure out equations differently to others. A lot of the
different methods adopted were ways that I would not have thought but overall it
was a very helpful lesson to help increase my knowledge and skills on this topic.
What could be done better? I think some things that could have been done
better were implementing more hands on learning activities such as MAB blocks,
number lines, charts so that not only a student could figure out the equation in
their head, but also show their findings physically using the different resources
that could have been provided. I think also working in table groups in which each
table has a different resource to figure out an equation would have been
effective. This could have been implemented by each table figuring out the
equation, and then all students go to each table group by group and get
explained to them the findings and how they got their answer. Although not
having access to enough resources to cater for the whole university class makes
it difficult, but with limited access it was a well-developed lesson.

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